234. Telegram 3312 From the Mission in Geneva to the Department of State1 2
Geneva, August 4, 1971, 1545Z
- CCD Co-Chairmen Meeting re Tabling of Draft BW Convention
- (A) State 137470; (B) USNATO 3217
- 1.
- Begin summary: US and Soviet Co-Chairmen reached agreement August 4 on text of draft convention prohibiting development, production and stockpiling of biological weapons (BW) and on procedures for tabling this draft at CCD plenary August 5. End summary.
- 2.
- At Co-Chairmen meeting Aug 4, requested by US Del after receipt reftel B, Leonard (US) informed Roshchin (USSR) that we were prepared to accept five changes in [Page 2] text of draft BW convention proposed by Sovs July 21 with deletion of article “the” before the word “resolutions” in preambular para 10 of English text (see para 6 reftel a). Roshchin agreed to this modification.
- 3.
- Leonard told Roshchin that while US allies did not object to our tabling draft on which we had agreed with Sovs, our allies might wish to suggest some amendments or changes in this draft during discussions of it in the CCD.
- 4.
- Roshchin pointed out several minor, non-substantive discrepancies in US and Russian text which Leonard agreed, at Roshchin’s request, to correct (these are identified in septel containing full text). Co-Chairmen agreed that during next stage in negotiations US and Sovs would further review English and Russian texts in order achieve best possible accord in languages.
- 5.
- On procedure, Co-Chairmen agreed to table identical but separate texts of draft BW convention at CCD plenary meeting morning Aug 5. Sovs and their allies will co-sponsor one text (CCD/337) with original in Russian. US will sponsor separate text (CCD/338) with original in English. Co-Chairmen also agreed to provide Non-aligned dels with advance copies afternoon Aug 1 (we have provided US allies morning Aug 4 with advance copy of text that will be tabled).
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–1973, DEF 18–3 Switz (GE). Confidential; Immediate. It was repeated to USNATO, Moscow, USUN, USDel SALT V, London, The Hague, Ottawa, Paris, Rome, and Tokyo.↩
- The telegram reported that the U.S. and Soviet Co-Chairmen had reached agreement on the text of the draft Biological Weapons Convention.↩