220. National Security Council Under Secretaries Committee Decision Memorandum 58A1 2
- The Deputy Secretary of Defense
- The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- The Director of Central Intelligence
- The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- The Assistant Director, Office of Management and Budget, Mr. James Schlesinger
- The Director, Office of Science and Technology
- The Director, United States Information Agency
- The Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- Annual Review of United States Chemical Warfare and Biological Research Programs
The President has noted the report of the Under Secretaries Committee’s annual review of U.S. chemical, warfare and biological research programs as directed by National Security Decision Memoranda 35, 44, and 78.
The President has directed that the Department of Defense request the study by the National Academy of Sciences, regarding the ecological and physiological effects of the use of herbicides in Vietnam, give due consideration to the questions of restoration and future use of the sprayed areas and possible steps to minimize further deterioration.
[Page 2]In addition, the President has requested that the Under Secretaries Committee’s report on the defensive biological programs be forwarded to him by August 15, 1971.