204. Telegram 129723 From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union1 2

Following sent action SecState from Geneva 10 Aug 70:
Geneva 2718


  • CCD—Soviet Views on CBW
Summary: We have recently received some significant indications of possible forthcoming shift in Soviet attitude toward negotiation of separate biological weapons prohibitions (as opposed to present insistence on one comprehensive treaty for chemical and biological weapons). One of these indications is remark by Roshchin in informal CCD meeting on August 5 that Sovs were studying Moroccan proposal re CBW treaty. (Moroccans have proposed that BW prohibitions would come into force immediately after conclusion of CBW treaty but CW obligations only later after verification provisions worked out.) This has been commented upon to us by knowledgeable Polish diplomat as probably foreshadowing [Page 2] significant shift. However, we have also received extremely confidential comments from sov dep rep to effect that Sovs may already be preparing for shift. Sensitivity of these remarks has led us to give this cable Exdis classification. We continue think Sovs may well be considering shifting position for next year’s negotiations at CCD though we cannot preclude possibility that Sovs will even approach US with new proposal before termination of CCD this summer. End summary
Following long informal luncheon between staff level officers of US and Sov dels on Aug 3, Neidle (US) expressed to Tcheprov (Sov Dep Rep) hope that Sovs would begin soon to study seriously policy considerations thai might permit them to negotiate a BW convention. Tcheprov, making sure he was not being overheard by other Sov deloffs, said “you already have it”. Neidle asked how we might then encourage Sovs to actually make shift in their position and asked specifically if it would be helpful for US Del to make formal statement at Co-Chairman level explaining serious policy reasons for making progress on BW. Tcheprov said this would be good idea and suggested we make such a statement privately to Sovs to Co-Chairmen meeting at end of conference (end August or first week of Sept). Tcheprov added that “I will do my best.”
Zybylski, Polish Deputy Rep to CCD, approached Amb Leonard (US) Aug 6 to inquire whether USDel had noted significant remark made by Roshchin (USSR) at end of his intervention in informal CCD meeting Aug 5. Leonard responded that he had noted Roshchin’s references to proposals of Sweden, Yugoslavia, and particularly to Moroccan idea of a CBW convention whose provisions would be suspended until effective verification measures could be agreed upon. He asked if Zybylski was confident Roshchin’s remarks were truly significant.
ZYbylski affirmed his confidence, basing it on marked shift in Roshchin’s attitude in recent meeting of Socialist dels as compared with similar group discussion of Moroccan proposal in April. Roshchin then had urged Poles and other East Europeans to attack Moroccan proposal (Zybylski said he had refused), but in recent meeting Roshchin had commented favorably on Moroccan idea. Zybylski had been stuck by apparent discrepancy in attitudes of Roshchin and other members of Sov delegation and had concluded [Page 3] that Roshchin had received “Eyes Only” message from Moscow directing him to moderate Sov position but not to explain reason even to his own staff. Zybylski had discussed these events with Amb Natorf (Poland) who, as former student in Soviet Union, had better feel for Sov conduct. Natorf had concurred that development had far-reaching implications.
Asked why such a shift in Soviet policy might be materializing, Zybylski professed to have only views but said he had little doubt that serious Sov desire to reach agreement in SALT negotiations was behind development. He thought Sovs believed that chances of agreement in Vienna would be enhanced if they demonstrated serious and flexible attitude toward disarmament matters under discussion in Geneva, even though subject matter quite distinct.
Comment: Roshchin’s remarks have been centerpiece of corridor discussions in last 48 hours and other East European reps have, we expect, been commenting on possible importance of development.
Department may wish to repeat this message to SALT del for Amb Smith and to Emb Moscow.


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INFO: AmEmbassy Moscow

COMMCENTER: Please repeat Geneva 2718, dated 10 August 1970 to above addressee.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–1973, DEF 18–3 Switz (GE). Secret; Exdis. Drafted by Malin (ACDA/IR); cleared by Perry (SOV); and approved by Day (ACDA/IR).
  2. The telegram reported on indications the Soviets might be interested in negotiating a treaty dealing solely with biological weapons.