- Abrams, Creighton W., General, USA; Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) from July 3, 1968, until June 28, 1972; Army Chief of Staff from October 12, 1972, until September 4, 1974
- Agnew, Spiro T., Vice President of the United States from January 20, 1969, until October 10, 1973
- Aldrich, George H., Deputy Legal Adviser, Department of State
- Alsop, Joseph, journalist and syndicated columnist, a supporter of the U.S. effort in Vietnam
- Andrews, Bonnie D., notetaker, U.S. Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Bacherman, William J., member, U.S. Secret Service detail to protect Secretary of State Kissinger
- Bai, Dang Nghiem, see Dang Nghiem Bai
- Bao Dai, exiled Emperor of Vietnam
- Binh, Nguyen Thi, see Nguyen Thi Binh
- Bo, Mai Van, see Mai Van Bo
- de Borchgrave, Arnaud, correspondent, Newsweek
- Branfman, Fred, U.S. anti-war peace activist
- Brezhnev, Leonid, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- Bruce, David K.E., Head of the U.S. Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks from July 1970 until July 1971
- Bui Diem, RVN Ambassador to the United States until 1972
- Bunker, Ellsworth, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of (South) Vietnam from April 28, 1967, until May 11, 1973
- Butterfield, Alexander P., Deputy Assistant to the President
- Campbell, Richard P., member, National Security Council Staff
- Chiao Kuan-hua, Vice Foreign Minister, People’s Republic of China
- Chou En-lai (Zhou Enlai), Premier of the People’s Republic of China
- Churchill, Sir Winston L.S., British Prime Minister from 1940 until 1945, and again from 1951 until April 1955
- Clifford, Clark M., Secretary of Defense from March 1, 1968, until January 20, 1969
- Co, Tran Quang, see Tran Quang Co
- Colby, William E., Deputy Director, Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS) in South Vietnam, 1968; Director, CORDS, from 1968 until 1972; Executive Director-Comptroller, Central Intelligence Agency, 1973; Director of Central Intelligence from September 1973 until January 1976
- Cung, Phung Manh, see Phung Manh Cung
- Dang Nghiem Bai, member, DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Dellinger, David T., U.S. anti-war activist
- Derus, Irene G., notetaker, U.S. Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Diem, Bui, see Bui Diem
- Diem, Ngo Dinh, see Ngo Dinh Diem
- Dinh Nho Liem, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam
- Do, Tran Van, see Tran Van Do
- Dobrynin, Anatoly F., Soviet Ambassador to the United States
- Dong Nghiem Bai, member, DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Dong, Pham The, see Pham The Dong
- Dong, Pham Van, see Pham Van Dong
- Duc, Nguyen Phu, see Nguyen Phu Duc
- Dulles, John Foster, Secretary of State from January 21, 1953, until April 22, 1959
- Duong Van Minh “Big Minh,” Lieutenant General, ARVN, South Vietnamese political activist
- Eagleburger, Lawrence S., member, National Security Council Staff, 1969, and again from 1973 to 1975; Executive Assistant to the Secretary of State from September 1973
- Eaton, Cyrus S., U.S.-Canadian businessman, philanthropist, and banker; noted for his criticism of U.S. Cold War policy and amateur efforts to improve trade and diplomatic relations between the West and the Eastern Bloc
- Ellsberg, Daniel, civilian analyst of military affairs for the U.S. Government and Rand Corporation who leaked the classified Pentagon Papers
- Engel, David A., member, National Security Council Staff; Vietnamese language interpreter, U.S. Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations; Vietnamese language interpreter, Department of State, 1973
- Fonda, Jane, U.S. film actress, anti-war activist
- Fulbright, J. William, Senator (D-Arkansas); Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee until 1974
- Gandhi, Indira, Indian Prime Minister
- Giap, Vo Nguyen, see Vo Nguyen Giap
- Gibbons, Harold J., U.S. trade unionist; former International Vice President of the Teamsters Union
- Godley, G. McMurtrie, U.S. Ambassador to Laos from July 24, 1969, until April 23, 1973
- Gromyko, Andrei A., Soviet Foreign Minister
- Guay, Georges R., Colonel, USAF; Air Attaché, U.S. Embassy in Paris; conduit for U.S. messages to North Vietnamese in Paris, also handled logistical arrangements for Kissinger and his party during negotiating trips to Paris
- Ha Van Lau, Deputy Head of the DRV Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks
- Habib, Philip C., member, U.S. Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks, May 1968 to October 1971; U.S. Ambassador to Korea, September 30, 1971, to August 19, 1974
- Haig, Alexander M., Jr., Senior Military Adviser to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, January 1969 to June 1970; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs to January 1973; Army Vice Chief of Staff, January to August 1973; Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff, August 1973 to August 1974; Brigadier General as of November 1969, Major General as of March 1972, and General as of January 1973
- Haldeman, H.R. “Bob,” Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff, from January 1969 until April 1973
- Halperin, David R., member, National Security Council Staff
- Halperin, Morton H., Assistant for Programs, National Security Council Staff, January to September 1969
- Harriman, W. Averell, U.S.Ambassador at Large; Head of the U.S. Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks until January 17, 1969
- Hieu, Nguyen Van, see Nguyen Van Hieu
- Ho Chi Minh, leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party and President of the Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam until his death in 1969
- Hoa, Hoang, see Hoang Hoa
- Hoang Duc Nha, South Vietnamese President Thieu’s press secretary, nephew, and confidant
- Hoang Hoa, Colonel, People’s Army of Vietnam; member, DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations, from May until June 1973
- Hoffa, James F., former President of the Teamsters Union
- Hou Youn, Khmer Rouge official
- Howe, Jonathan, Lieutenant Commander, USN; member, National Security Council Staff from 1970 until 1972
- Hu Nim, Khmer Rouge official
- Humphrey, Hubert H., Vice President of the United States from 1965 until 1969; Senator (D-Minnesota) from 1971 until 1978
- Huong, Tran Van, see Tran Van Huong
- Ieng Sary, co-founder and senior member of the Khmer Rouge
- Isham, Heyward, Deputy Chief of the U.S. Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks
- Kennedy, John F., President of the United States from January 20, 1961, until November 22, 1963
- Kennedy, Richard T., Colonel, USA; member, National Security Council Staff from 1969 to 1975
- Kennedy, Robert F., Attorney General, from January 20, 1961, until September 3, 1964
- Khieu Samphan, Khmer Rouge official and Defense Minister of Prince Norodom Sihanouk’s government-in-exile, Royal Government of National Union of Cambodia (GRUNK)
- Kiem, Tran Buu, see Tran Buu Kiem
- Kissinger, Henry A., Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, from January 20, 1969, to November 3, 1975; Secretary of State from September 22, 1973 until January 20, 1977
- Klein, Herbert G., White House Communications Director
- Kraft, Joseph, columnist and journalist for various newspapers, including The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Los Angeles Times, and for Field Newspapers Syndicate
- Ky, Nguyen Cao, see Nguyen Cao Ky
- Laird, Melvin R., Secretary of Defense from January 22, 1969, until January 29, 1973
- Lake, W. Anthony, member, National Security Council Staff, from June 1969 until April 1970
- Lam, Pham Dang, see Pham Dang Lam
- Lam, Tran Van, see Tran Van Lam
- Lau, Ha Van, see Ha Van Lau
- Le Bao, member, DRV delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Le Duan, member, Politburo of the Democratic Republic of (North Vietnam
- Le Duc Tho, member, Politburo of the Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam and Special Advisor to and de facto Head of the DRV Delegation to the negotiations with Kissinger; Special Advisor to the President of the Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam from January 1973
- Léger, Fernand, French Modernist painter, sculptor, and filmmaker, and member of the French Communist Party; his home, which he donated to the Party at his death in 1955, was used as one of the venues for the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Lewis, Anthony, journalist and columnist, The New York Times
- Lewis, Flora, U.S. anti-war activist and journalist
- Liem, Dinh Nho, see Dinh Nho Liem
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, II, Head of the U.S. Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks from January 20 until November 20, 1969
- Loi, Luu Van, see Luu Van Loi
- Lon Nol, Cambodian Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense, June 1969; led coup that deposed Prince Norodom Sihanouk in March 1970; Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense after March 18, 1970; President of Khmer Republic from 1972 until 1975
- Long, Bonnie, notetaker, U.S. Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Lord, Winston, member, National Security Council Staff from 1969 until 1973; Director, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State from October 1973 until 1977
- Lowenstein, James G., staff member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Luce, Don, U.S. anti-war activist
- Luu Van Loi, member and legal adviser, DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations in late 1972 and early 1973; later co-author of Le Duc Tho-Kissinger Negotiations in Paris
- Mai Van Bo, DRV Delegate General in Paris until November 1970
- Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong), Chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party
- Martin, Graham A., U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of (South) Vietnam from July 20, 1973, until April 29, 1975
- Matak, see Sirik Matak
- McCain, John S., Jr., Admiral, USN; Commander in Chief, Pacific, until September 1, 1972
- McCauley, Brian, Rear Admiral, USN; Commander of the Mine Countermeasures Task Force (Task Force 78) charged with clearing the mines placed in DRV territorial waters during the Vietnam war
- McGovern, George S., Senator (D-South Dakota) and Democratic nominee for President in 1972
- McLeod, Gary, member, U.S. Secret Service detail to protect Secretary of State Kissinger, 1973
- McNamara, Robert S., Secretary of Defense from January 21, 1961, until February 29, 1968; President of the World Bank from April 1, 1968, until June 30, 1981
- Minh, Duong Van, see Duong Van Minh
- Moorer, Thomas H., Admiral, USN; Chief of Naval Operations from August 1, 1967 until July 1, 1970; Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff from July 2, 1970, until July 1, 1974
- Moose, Richard M., member, National Security Council Staff from 1969 until 1971; thereafter, staff member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Negroponte, John D., Foreign Service Officer in Saigon from 1964 until 1968; attached to U.S. Delegation to (plenary) Paris Peace Talks from 1968 until 1969; member, National Security Council Staff from 1970 until 1973
- Ngac, Pham, see Pham Ngac
- Ngo Dinh Diem, President of the Republic of (South) Vietnam from 1955 until 1963
- Nguyen Anh Vu, Vietnamese writer, co-author of Le Duc Tho-Kissinger Negotiations in Paris
- Nguyen Cao Ky, Major General, VNAF; Vice President of the Republic of (South) Vietnam
- Nguyen Co Thach, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam
- Nguyen Dinh Phuong, interpreter, DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Nguyen Duy Trinh, Deputy Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam from 1965 until 1976; member, Politburo from 1960 until 1976
- Nguyen Luu Vien, Deputy Premier of the Republic of (South) Vietnam; Head of the RVN Delegation to the post-Accords RVN-DRV conference at La Celle St. Cloud
- Nguyen Minh Vy, member, DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Nguyen Phu Duc, Political Adviser and Special Assistant for Foreign Relations to South Vietnamese President Thieu until 1974 and Acting Foreign Minister (1973)
- Nguyen Thi Binh, often referred to as Madame Binh, Foreign Minister, Provisional Revolutionary Government, and Head of the NLF/PRG Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks from 1969 until 1972
- Nguyen Van Hieu, General Secretary of the National Liberation Front and Minister of State, Provisional Revolutionary Government
- Nguyen Van Thieu, President of the Republic of (South) Vietnam
- Nguyen Xuan, member, DRV delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Nha, Hoang Duc, see Hoang Duc Nha
- Nixon, Richard M., President of the United States from January 20, 1969, until August 9, 1974
- Norodom Sihanouk, Prince, Head of State of Cambodia until March 18, 1970; thereafter, leader of the Cambodian government-in-exile in Beijing (GRUNK)
- Passman, Otto E., Democratic Representative from Louisiana; Chairman of the House Foreign Aid Appropriations Subcommittee until 1976
- Penn Nouth, see Samdech Penn Nouth
- Pham Dang Lam, Head of the RVN Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks
- Pham Ngac, member, DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Pham The Dong, notetaker, DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Pham Van Dong, Prime Minister, Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam
- Phan Hien, member, DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Phouma, see Souvanna Phouma
- Phoumi Vongvichit, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Laos, until December 1975
- Phung Manh Cung, Vice Chief of Protocol, Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam
- Phuong, Tran Kim, see Tran Kim Phuong
- Pineau, Julienne L., notetaker, U.S. Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Pompidou, Georges, President of France from 1969 until 1974
- Porter, William J., Head of the U.S. Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks from 1971 until 1974
- Randal, Jonathan, correspondent, The New York Times
- Ready, John D., member, U.S. Secret Service detail to protect Secretary of State Kissinger, 1973
- Richardson, Elliot L., Secretary of Defense from January 30 until May 24, 1973
- Rodman, Peter W., member, National Security Council Staff from 1969 until 1977
- Rogers, William P., Secretary of State from January 22, 1969, until September 3, 1973
- Rostow, Walt W., Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from April 1, 1966, until January 20, 1969
- Rusk, Dean, Secretary of State from January 21, 1961, until January 20, 1969
- Ryan, Kathleen Anne, notetaker, U.S. Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Sainteny, Jean, friend of Henry Kissinger and former French official in Indochina with contacts to the leadership of the Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam
- Salisbury, Harrison E., correspondent, The New York Times; assistant managing editor from 1964 until 1972; associate editor from 1972 until 1973
- Samdech Penn Nouth, senior member of the King of Cambodia’s High Council and Director-General of Services at the Royal Palace
- Schlesinger, James R., Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission from July 1971 until February 1973; Director of Central Intelligence from February 2 until July 2, 1973; Secretary of Defense from July 2, 1973, until November 19, 1975
- Schumann, Maurice, French Foreign Minister from June 1969 until April 1973
- Scowcroft, Brent, Lieutenant General, USAF; Military Assistant to the President from February 1972 until August 1973; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from August 1973 until November 1975; Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from November 1975 until January 1977; promoted Brigadier General, March 1972, Major General, October 1973, Lieutenant General, August 1974; retired from military, December 1975
- Sihanouk, see Norodom Sihanouk
- Sirik Matak (Sisowath Sirik Matak), Prince, cousin of Norodom Sihanouk, influential Cambodian politician and statesman; actively supported Lon Nol’s coup against Sihanouk
- Smyser, W. Richard, adviser to the U.S. Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks, 1969; member, Operations Staff, East Asia Division, National Security Council Staff, after 1970
- Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, member, National Security Council Staff from 1969 until 1974
- Soth Phetrasy, Pathet Lao official and representative at the negotiations with the United States on the 1973 Vientiane Agreement and on POWs
- Souphanouvong, Prince, half-brother of Souvanna Phouma, leader in the Pathet Lao closely allied with Vietnamese Communists
- Souvanna Phouma, Prince, half-brother of Souphanouvong, Head of Government of Laos on several occasions until 1975; represented neutralist forces
- Stearman, William L., member, National Security Council Staff from 1971 until 1976
- Stearns, Monteagle, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from December 1973
- Stifflemire, Mary, notetaker, U.S. Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Suharto, General, Acting President of Indonesia, 1967; President from 1968
- Sullivan, William H., U.S. Ambassador to Laos from 1964 until March 1969; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and Chairman, Interdepartmental Group on Vietnam until July 1973; thereafter, U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines
- Tanaka Kakuei, Japanese Prime Minister from July 7, 1972, until December 9, 1974
- Taub, William L., attorney for former Teamsters Union President James F. Hoffa
- Thach, Nguyen Co, see Nguyen Co Thach
- Thai, Trinh Ngoc, see Trinh Ngoc Thai
- Thieu, Nguyen Van, see Nguyen Van Thieu
- Tho, Le Duc, see Le Duc Tho
- Thompson, Richard S., interpreter, U.S. Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Thuy, Xuan, see Xuan Thuy
- Tran Buu Kiem, Head of the NLF Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks from 1968 until 1969
- Tran Kim Phuong, RVN Ambassador to the United States
- Tran Quang Co, member, DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Tran Thien Khiem, Prime Minister, Republic of (South) Vietnam until late 1969
- Tran Van Do, Foreign Minister, Republic of (South) Vietnam from 1954 until 1955 and again from 1967 until 1968
- Tran Van Huong, Prime Minister, Republic of (South) Vietnam from October 1964 until January 1965 and May until August 1969; Vice President from 1971 until 1975; President from April 21 until 28, 1975
- Tran Van Lam, Foreign Minister, Republic of (South) Vietnam from 1969 until 1973
- Trinh Ngoc Thai, member, DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations
- Trinh, Nguyen Duy, see Nguyen Duy Trinh
- Vance, Cyrus R., Deputy Head of the U.S. Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks until January 20, 1969; thereafter, adviser to the delegation until February 19, 1969
- Vang Pao, General, Lao Armed Forces, Commander of Military Region Two (MR II) and head of the Meo (H’mong) guerrilla forces
- Vann, John Paul, USA officer who served in Vietnam from 1962 until 1963 as divisional adviser to the 7th ARVN Infantry Division; critical of U.S. reluctance to press South Vietnamese military to be more aggressive; resigned from Army as Lieutenant Colonel in mid-1963; returned to South Vietnam as a civilian with the Agency for International Development in 1965 and was promoted over the years until in 1971 he was civilian commander of U.S. civilian and military programs in central South Vietnam; died in helicopter accident during the 1972 Easter Offensive
- Vest, George, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Press Relations from December 1973 until April 1974
- Vien, Nguyen Luu, see Nguyen Luu Vien
- Vo Nguyen Giap, General, People’s Army of Vietnam, Defense Minister, Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam
- Vo Van Sung, DRV Delegate General in Paris after November 1970
- Vongvichit, Lao politician
- Vu, Nguyen Anh, see Nguyen Anh Vu
- Vu Van Mau, Foreign Minister, Republic of (South) Vietnam, until August 22, 1963; RVN Ambassador to the United Kingdom after December 24, 1963
- Vy, Nguyen Minh, see Nguyen Minh Vy
- Wallace, George C., Governor of Alabama from 1963 until 1967, and again from 1971 until 1979
- Walsh, John P., Deputy Executive Secretary of the Department of State
- Walters, Vernon A., Lieutenant General, USA; Defense Attaché in the Embassy in Paris until March 1972; Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from May 2, 1972
- Watson, Arthur K., U.S. Ambassador to France from April 8, 1970, until October 30, 1972
- Weiss, Cora, U.S. anti-war activist
- Westmoreland, William C., General, USA; Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) from August 1, 1964, until June 11, 1968; Army Chief of Staff from July 3, 1968, until June 30, 1972
- Whitehouse, Charles S., served in Vietnam and in the Department of State in Washington on Vietnam war-related issues from 1969 until 1971; Deputy U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam from March 1972 until August 1973; U.S. Ambassador to Laos from September 20, 1973, until April 12, 1975
- Williams, Maurice J., Chief U.S. Delegate, U.S.–DRV Joint Economic Commission, 1973
- Xuan Thuy, Head of the DRV Delegation to the (plenary) Paris Peace Talks; also, titular Head of the DRV Delegation to the Kissinger-Le Duc Tho negotiations, occasionally meeting with Kissinger in Le Duc Tho’s stead; usually referred to as Minister
- Ziegler, Ronald L., Assistant to the President and White House Press Secretary from 1969 until 1974