82. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Greece 1

152379. Subject: Cyprus Coup. For Ambassador From the Secretary.

You should seek an immediate appointment with Ioannides to convey the following:

We wish to have immediately from the GOG an appreciation of the situation in Cyprus.
As to our policy, we wish GOG to know that the United States continues to regard Cyprus as a single, sovereign and independent state and our actions in this matter will be governed by this continuing fundamental tenet. We have made the same point to the GOT.2
Consistent with the above principle, the United States cannot condone any action by the GOG to change the political and constitutional structure of the island.
We continue to support a peaceful resolution of the Cyprus problem through the intercommunal talks with a view to assuring appropriate guarantees for the security of the Turkish community.
We strongly urge all parties to exercise the utmost restraint and avoid actions which might further destabilize the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, exacerbate relations between two NATO allies, and give an opportunity to forces extraneous to the area to exploit the situation to the detriment of Western security interests.

  1. Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser, KissingerScowcroft West Wing Office Files, 1969–77, Box 7, Cyprus 3. Secret; Flash. Repeated to Nicosia, Ankara, USNATO and USUN.
  2. Instructions were transmitted in telegram 152380 to Ankara, July 15. (National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 1312, NSC Secretariat, Richard M. Nixon Cables/Contingency Plans 1974, Cyprus and Greek-Turkish Contingency Plans)