130. Telegram From the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State1

5010. Department please pass to Secretary. Department please pass to AmEmbassy Cairo and AmEmbassy Jidda for information. For the Secretary from the Ambassador. Subj: Message for the Secretary from the Shah. Ref: Secto 2021.2

In response to reftel, the Imperial Court transmitted afternoon of May 29 the following message to you from the Shah: Begin text. May 29, 1975. Dear Mr. Secretary: I have received through Ambassador Helms your message of May 28, 1975 concerning the resumption of the dialogue between oil producers, other developing countries and the industrial nations. I appreciate very much the efforts that are being made by your government, and especially by yourself, in breaking the impasse.

As stated earlier, we remain ready to undertake the dialogue, any time that the countries involved are prepared to embark upon a serious and meaningful discussion of issues of major interest to each other, in order to reach concrete results within a reasonable period, rather than to continue endless debate. I would, therefore agree with the reconvening of the preparatory meeting, as early as feasible, in Paris, with its previous composition, to complete its work for the launching of the future work on the dialogue.

[Page 395]

As it had been discussed before, we would concur with the establishment of a number of working groups or commissions at the expert or higher levels in order to prepare the ground for reaching decisions and conclusions. In addition to the three areas identified by you, namely: energy, raw materials and the problems of most seriously affected countries, it may be necessary, as you have also mentioned, to set up additional working groups or commissions, perhaps, on development and finance problems of interest to the oil exporting countries and other developing nations.

As regards the format of these working groups or commissions, we would have no objection to limiting their membership, on the basis of certain objective criteria, for the purpose of efficiency provided that genuine representation of interested nations is assured. In this context, it appears that the selection of membership by the preparatory meeting itself may raise the objection of most of the developing countries that will be excluded from the dialogue. In order to avoid such criticism, it would be advisable to consider, as previously suggested, the establishment of an intergovernmental conference of an enlarged body of nations, to be selected by their respective groups, which in turn would constitute the proposed commissions or working groups with a more limited membership. These bodies may then bring the result of their deliberations to the intergovernmental conference for necessary decisions or conclusions.

It has been our view from the outset that under the enlarged context of discussion it would be rather difficult to treat all of the subjects in the same detail or depth, especially taking account of the work already done at various international fora. However, if we are expected to lend our support and to make a contribution to the solution of major world economic problems that have not been given the necessary priority, or in certain cases neglected, in different international organizations, then our conference will have to address itself to such important and global issues to the extent required, with a view to reaching decisions or understandings that can be implemented either directly, or by other organizations, or can provide impetus to the ongoing work as the case may be.

In conclusion, I would stress that for the dialogue to be fruitful and conclusive, it would be necessary for all concerned to approach the problems of vital or major interest to the participants with a spirit of cooperation and conciliation, with a view to arriving at just and equitable solutions. I am glad to note that your message and your views expressed in our Washington meeting reflect that spirit. Our representative to the preparatory meeting, Mohammad Yegeneh, will be available to discuss the points raised in your message in more detail with Under Secretary Robinson as suggested by you.

[Page 396]

With best wishes,

Sincerely, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. End of text.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy Files, P840176–0223. Confidential; Immediate; Nodis.
  2. Document 129.