245. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Philippines1

1189. For Ambassador.


Please convey orally following message to President Marcos. Explain that the President has asked you personally to make this presentation.

Begin message: Before visiting Peking and Moscow the President is consulting with several heads of friendly and allied governments. He would have liked to have had an opportunity to get together with President Marcos in the course of these consultations. Unfortunately it is now clear that that will not be possible.

While the President very much regrets this, he is mindful that he and President Marcos have kept in close touch with one another’s thinking on key issues. The President was pleased that Mrs. Marcos was able to visit the US in October and meet with him. He was grateful that President Marcos received Secretary Connally last month and engaged in a frank exchange of views with him. Finally, the exchange of letters between President Marcos and himself has, he feels, very usefully clarified our two countries’ mutual understanding on important problems of common interest.

The President now wants to let President Marcos know what he is discussing during the Summit consultations.

Moscow Visit

The President during his current consultations is reviewing the general state of relations with the USSR, preparatory to his visit to Moscow in May 1972. He is making it clear that the US had no intention of “dealing over the heads” of its friends and allies in any matter where their security interests might be affected. For example, there have been no, and there will be no, bilateral US-Soviet negotiations on mutual withdrawal of forces from Europe.

The President is indicating during the consultations that some concrete progress might be made either before or during the Moscow visit in such bilateral areas as arms control and economic relations.

Peking Visit The principle purpose of the President’s visit is that the PRC and ourselves achieve a better understanding of each others’ positions, and [Page 521] that we establish a continuing means of remaining informed about these positions. In addition, he hopes that the two sides will be able to agree on at least the beginning of exchanges in nonpolitical fields so that our two peoples will begin to understand each other better.

The President is emphasizing that neither side is under any illusions as to the depth and complexity of the differences that separate us. Having been two decades in developing, these differences will not be easily resolved. Nevertheless, we hope to make a beginning toward clarifying our positions and toward working out the real differences that stand between us. To the extent we are successful, we believe we will have helped reduce tensions in Asia and the world, which should be of benefit to all nations.

The President is stressing that he has the interests of the Philippines and our other friends and allies very much in mind. He has no intention of concluding agreements at the expense of other countries; the talks will, in fact, focus on USPRC bilateral issues. Given our differences, the question of formal diplomatic relations will not arise. Nor will US treaty commitments with other countries be affected.

Economic Issues

The President is extremely pleased that agreement has been reached on the realignment of exchange rates. This agreement—which is the basis for a restoration of international monetary and financial stability—is a manifestation of cooperation among the major trading nations to the mutual advantage of all. It is, further, evidence that economic differences which we may have with our trading partners can and will be solved amicably in a spirit of international cooperation. It would be incorrect for China, the Soviet Union, or any other nation to see such economic differences as representing an opportunity to divide free world nations. End message.

USG does not intend to make delivery of message public. Would appreciate host government also maintaining confidential nature of both fact and content of message. (FYI—similar messages are also being sent to selected other leaders. End FYI)
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 557, Country Files, Far East, Philippines, Vol. IV. Secret; Priority, Exdis. Text received from the White House.