297. Telegram From the Presidentʼs Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (Haig) to the Presidentʼs Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) in the Azores1

WH 11162. Deliver urgently as soon as addressee is awake on December 14, 1971.

By separate message2 I have forwarded Soviet response. It is apparent we will have to take following steps:

Agree on suitable proposal and language for a negotiated settlement of conflict either in or outside of framework of UN. I am still awaiting reply from UK on language changes to their resolutions suggested last night.
Urgently notify Farland and Government of Pakistan, as well as PRC, of course of action to be pursued.
Bring State and bureaucracy on board with respect to whatever course of action is decided upon.
Consider issue of recalling fleet. (I would hold up pending acceptance by Soviets of final course of action decided upon.)
Regardless of channels used for completing negotiations, decide on strategy for concluding UN involvement in situation.

With respect to PRC I believe Soviet proposal is sufficiently disadvantageous to dictate that we allow Government of Pakistan to coordinate with PRC and leave primary initiative to them. I think Paks will buy this proposal at this time even though complete East Pakistani independence is likely outcome.

Please advise.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 432, Backchannel Files, Backchannels To/From HAK. Top Secret; Sensitive; Exclusively Eyes Only.
  2. Document 296.