270. Message From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to Richard T. Kennedy of the National Security Council Staff1

Hakto 25. Immediate—Deliver opening of business.

I cannot repeat too often that the scenario is not entirely in our control, and therefore Ziegler should understand that we have to work out a mutually acceptable public line with the North Vietnamese. All he should announce at 6:00 a.m. Saturday Washington time2 is that I am [Page 953] coming home in the evening for consultations with the President. The rest of what he suggests is totally unnecessary. If the North Vietnamese plan to say anything additional we will let Ziegler know and if so we can say the same thing.
Please discuss with the President Bunker’s views in Saigon 03223 with respect to Thieu’s reaction to a January 18 announcement from Washington. Our experience suggests that Bunker is probably right. If so I wonder whether we should not follow Bunker’s proposal which would still enable us to initial on January 23 or at the latest January 24. If we plan on the 18th and fall off it we shall have begun the process with a retreat.
As for Key Biscayne, I will be glad to go there but I must get back to Washington quickly. I have been away from Washington almost continously and I can do no good in Key Biscayne except for eyewash.4 There are numerous requirements to be in Washington at this time, including the necessity for WSAG meetings to get this show on the road and of supervising the protocol negotiations. Therefore I must go back to Washington Monday night or Tuesday morning at the very latest.5 There has to be some understanding of my requirements and those dictated by the negotiating scenario. Please discuss this with Haldeman and say that I am absolutely firm about it and that I just can’t stay any longer.
As for the understanding with respect to the carriers it is phrased in terms of intentions rather than obligations and it is unsigned.
For Key Biscayne I will need the proper clothes. Please arrange to have sent down there some sport clothes which are in the right hand closet, the one closest to the window, and my bathing suit in the lower left hand drawer of my bureau. Also there is a wide belt in the upper right hand drawer.
I need answers on all of the above as soon as possible:

Warm regards.

End message.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Kissinger Office Files, Box 28, HAK Trip Files, HAK Paris Trip Hakto 1–48, January 7–14, 1973. Top Secret; Sensitive; Exclusively Eyes Only. Sent via Guay.
  2. January 13.
  3. Document 269.
  4. According to Haldeman’s diary, “The P started first thing this morning on the K problems, mainly the Florida schedule. He feels that we have to keep Henry in Florida all of next week, and that he’s got to hold his meetings—WSAG and all that sort of stuff—down there [Key Biscayne] and have his social stuff down there too.” Haldeman continued: “We have to keep the news focus on Florida and with the P through the week, so he’s got to stay there this time.” ( Haldeman Diaries: Multimedia Edition, January 12)
  5. The evening of January 15 or the morning of January 16.