440. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations1

204697. Subject: USUN Relations with Chinese Delegation. Ref: A. USUN 3991;2 B. USUN 4023.3

In your contacts with PRC delegation you should observe following guidelines:
Working contacts, including arranging administrative details connected with opening PRC Mission: You should not take the lead in trying to establish bilateral contact on administrative problems, but should be responsive if the PRC reps initiate, or indicate a desire, for such contact. You should promptly report any such contacts, and any administrative difficulties which the Chinese may experience in opening their mission. On working contacts required or desired in connection with substantive or procedural matters before the UN, you should refer to the Department for instructions.
Social contacts: Your general attitude toward the PRC reps should be friendly but restrained, and you should leave to them the initiative in setting the tone for more intimate contacts. USUN personnel may attend parties given by friendly states honoring the PRC reps. You should promptly report any contacts with the PRC delegation and the atmosphere in which they were conducted. For the time being, you should request Department advice on case-by-case basis should invitations be received from PRC delegation.
In making above decisions, we have in mind unique nature of US–PRC relationship, including President’s planned visit to Peking and US–PRC bilateral efforts to improve relations.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, UN 22–2 CHICOM. Confidential. Text received from the White House; cleared by Armitage, Jenkins, Eliot, Under Secretary Johnson, and Winthrop G. Brown; and approved by Assistant Secretary De Palma. Repeated to Taipei, Tokyo, Canberra, and Wellington.
  2. Document 438.
  3. Dated November 4. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, UN 22–2 CHICOM)