295. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State1

2007. Subj: Chirep: IQ Res Co-Sponsors.

Chirep IQ draft res has been submitted with fourteen of last year’s eighteen co-sponsors listed on understanding that others to be added as received. Gabon, Madagascar and Togo Reps still without instructions; Spain (which co-sponsored last year but is not a traditional [Page 515] sponsor) has informed us it will support but not co-sponsor this year. Togo expects receive instructions early next week according Ohin. Gabon Perm Rep Davin en route Libreville and planning discuss this among other matters. Rabetafika does not expect instructions until formation new govt in Tananarive.
In effort ensure at least same number co-sponsors, US del is contacting additional dels from among past staunch GRC supporters in UN to urge they join co-sponsors list. Dels of Greece and Ivory Coast approached and seeking instructions. We also approaching Kinshasa and Rwanda.
In view likelihood Chirep draft reses will circulate soon, US del believes urgent efforts line up additional co-sponsors IQ res highly desirable and recommend Dept consider authorizing Embs Athens, Abidjan, Kinshasa and Kigali make supporting approaches.2 Text draft res being repeated septel for info latter four posts.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, UN 6 CHICOM. Confidential. Repeated to Canberra, Brasilia, San Jose, Libreville, Port-au-Prince, Tokyo, Maseru, Tananarive, Blantyre, Wellington, Managua, Asuncion, Manila, Madrid, Mbabane, Bangkok, Lome, Taipei, Athens, Abidjan, Kinshasa, and Kigali.
  2. A follow-up telegram to Athens, Abidjan, Kinshasa, and Kigali reads: “Request action addressees make supporting approaches as suggested reftel [telegram 2007]. You should note USG greatly values past support host government has given to proposition that any attempt to change the representation of China in the UN must be considered Important Question within meaning of Article 18 of Charter, and hopes host government will agree to associate itself as a co-sponsor.” (Telegram 155301 to USUN, September 22; ibid.)