294. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State 1

1914. Subj: Chirep—Co-sponsorship of IQ Resolution.2

Chirep co-sponsors meeting held USUN Sept 14 under chairmanship Amb Phillips. Australia, Brazil, GRC, Costa Rica, Gabon, Haiti, Japan, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, Spain, Swaziland, Thailand present. (Togo invited but did not attend.)
After discussion of handling of IQ res, Phillips asked for comments on which res should be introduced and which countries had agreed to co-sponsor. All present agreed res should be circulated ASAP and Sept 18 was set as target date for submission to Secretariat in order pre-empt voting priority. Following countries agreed co-sponsor: Australia, Costa Rica, Japan, Haiti, Lesotho, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, Swaziland, Thailand, US. (After meeting, Perez-Alonso (Nicaragua) telephoned to say GON prepared co-sponsor.) Waiting for instructions were: Brazil, Gabon, Spain, Madagascar (waiting for formal approval from new government) and Malawi. After meeting, Amb [Page 514] Liu commented to MISOFF that GRC Embassies in Gabon, Malawi and Togo reported confirmation of co-sponsorship. Liu plans request GRC Missions these capitals follow-up with view insuring that necessary instructions forthcoming UN dels soonest.
Jiminez (Philippines) expressed preference that we should have as many co-sponsors as last year before submission of item to avoid misconception that our strength weakening. All agreed res should be submitted with confirmed co-sponsors by Sept 18th in event other side decides to submit their res. Additional co-sponsors will be added per confirmation by government.
Liu expressed preference that Chirep be taken up prior to commemorative session and advocated, in any event, item be taken up early. There was little support for Liu’s suggestion and it was pointed out that such course would interfere with proposed political comites’ schedules and consideration of certain items prior commemorative session.
In reply to Anand’s (Thailand) query re Canadian position, Hsueh (just arrived Chinese Amb to Ottawa) reported that Canadians had informed him that, regardless of outcome CPR/Canada negotiations, Canada will continue to vote in favor of IQ res unless Cabinet decides contrary.
No objections were raised to Phillips’ suggestion that the text of the IQ res should remain the same except for updating to include reference to last year’s res.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, UN 6 CHICOM. Confidential. Repeated to Asuncion, Bangkok, Blantyre, Brasilia, Canberra, Libreville, Lome, Madrid, Managua, Manila, Mbabane, Port-au-Prince, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, San Jose, Taipei, Tananarive, Tokyo, and Wellington.
  2. Telegram 1754 from USUN, August 26, reported on the process of obtaining cosponsors for the IQ resolution. (Ibid.)