- AALAPSO, Afro-Asian-Latin American Peoples’ Solidarity Organization
- ABC, American Broadcasting Company
- ACDA, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- AD, Acción Democrática (Democratic Action), Venezuelan political party
- ADDP, Assistant Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- AFL–CIO, American Federation of Labor–Congress of Industrial Organizations
- AFP, Alliance for Progress
- AID, Agency for International Development
- AID/OPS, Agency for International Development, Office of Public Safety
- AID/W, Agency for International Development/Washington
- AIFLD, American Institute for Free Labor Development
- AMFORP, American and Foreign Power Company
- ANAPO, Alianza Nacional Popular (Popular National Alliance), Colombian political party
- ANZUS, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States
- AP, Associated Press
- APRA, Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (American Popular Revolutionary Alliance), Peruvian political party
- ARA, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/APU, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Argentine, Paraguayan, and Uruguayan Affairs
- ARA/BC, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Bolivian-Chilean Affairs
- ARA/BR, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Brazilian Affairs
- ARA/CEN, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Central American Affairs
- ARA/CV, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Colombian-Venezuelan Affairs
- ARA/EP, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Ecuadorian-Peruvian Affairs
- ARA/LA, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State; Bureau for Latin America, Agency for International Development
- ARA/MEX, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Mexican Affairs
- ARA/NC, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of North Coast Affairs
- ARA/OAP, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Office of Central American and Panamanian Affairs
- ARENA, Aliança Renovadora Nacional (National Renewal Alliance), Brazilian political party
- ARMA, Army Attaché
- AV, aviation
- BA, Buenos Aires
- BG, British Guiana
- BOB, Bureau of the Budget
- CA, Central America
- CABEI, Central American Bank for Economic Integration
- CACM, Central American Common Market
- CAS, Controlled American Source
- CASP, Country Analysis and Strategy Paper
- CCC, Commodity Credit Corporation (Farm Service Agency of the Department of Agriculture)
- CEA, Council of Economic Advisers
- CGT, Comando Geral dos Trabalhadores (General Command of Workers), Brazil
- Chicom, Chinese Communist
- CI, counter insurgency
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CIAP, Comité Interamericana de la Alianza para el Progreso (Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress)
- CINC, Commander-in-Chief
- CINCLANT, Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic
- CINCSO, Commander-in-Chief, Southern Command
- CINCSTRIKE, Commander in Chief, Strike Force
- COAS, Council of the Organization of American States
- COIN, counter insurgency
- COMIBOL, Corporacion Minera de Bolivia (Bolivian Mining Corporation)
- COMUSARSO, Commander, US Army, Southern Command
- COPEC, Companïá de Petróleos de Chile (Chilean Petroleum Company)
- COPEI, Comité de Organización Politica Electoral Independiente (Committee of Independent Electoral Political Organization), Venezuelan political party
- CORFO, Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (Production Development Corporation), Chile
- COS, Chief of Station
- CPSU, Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- CS, Clandestine Service (Central Intelligence Agency); o-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (a dispersal agent or tear gas)
- CST, Central Standard Time
- CT, Country Team
- CY, calendar year
- DAO, Defense Attaché Office
- DATT, Defense Attaché
- DCI, Director of Central Intelligence
- DCM, Deputy Chief of Mission
- DDCI, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
- DDP, Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- Deptel, Department of State telegram
- DF, Frente Democrática (Democratic Front), Chilean electoral alliance
- DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency
- Dissem, dissemination
- DOD, Department of Defense
- DOD/ISA, Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs
- DR, Dominican Republic
- E, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State; Escudos
- EA, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State
- ECOSOC, Economic and Social Council
- Emb, Embassy
- Embtel, Embassy telegram
- Esso, Standard Oil of New Jersey
- EST, Eastern Standard Time
- EUR, Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs, Department of State
- Exdis, Exclusive Distribution
- Eximbank, Export-Import Bank of the United States
- FAA, Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
- FALN, Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (Armed Forces of National Liberation), Venezuela
- FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations
- FAR, Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes (Rebel Armed Forces), Guatemala
- FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FDP, Fuerza Democrática Popular (Popular Democratic Force), Venezuelan political party
- FND, Frente Nacional Democrático (Democratic National Front), Venezuelan political party
- FonMin, Foreign Minister
- FRAP, Frente de Acción Popular (Popular Action Front), Chilean electoral alliance
- FSB, Falange Socialista Boliviana (Bolivian Socialist Falange), Bolivia
- FTN, Frente Nacional (National Front), Colombian Government coalition
- FY, fiscal year
- FYI, for your information
- G, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
- G/PM, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs
- GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GN, Guard Nacionale
- GNP, Gross National Product
- GOA, Government of Argentina
- GOB, Government of Bolivia; Government of Brazil
- GOC, Government of Chile; Government of Colombia
- GOCR, Government of Costa Rica
- GOE, Government of Ecuador
- GOG, Government of Guatemala
- GOH, Government of Honduras
- GOM, Government of Mexico
- GON, Government of Nicaragua
- GOP, Government of Panama; Government of Peru
- GOU, Government of Uruguay
- GOV, Government of Venezuela
- HEW, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
- IA, Inter-American; Institutional Act (Ato Institucional)
- IADB, Inter-American Development Bank
- IA-ECOSOC, Inter-American Economic and Social Council
- IAF, Inter-American Force
- IAPF, Inter-American Peace Force
- IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
- IBWC, International Boundary and Water Commission
- IDA, International Development Association
- IDB, Inter-American Development Bank
- IMF, International Monetary Fund
- INDAP, Instituto de desarrollo agropecvario (Institute of Agricultural Development)
- INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/DDC, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Deputy Director for Coordination
- INR/RAR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Office of Research and Analysis for American Republics
- IPC, International Petroleum Company
- IRG, Interdepartmental Regional Group
- IRG/ARA, Interdepartmental Regional Group for Inter-American Affairs
- ITT, International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation
- JBUSMC, Joint Brazil–United States Military Commission
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- L, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- LA, Latin America; Bureau for Latin America, Agency for International Development
- LAFTA, Latin American Free Trade Association
- LAPC, Latin American Policy Committee
- LASO, Latin American Solidarity Organization
- LBJ, Lyndon Baines Johnson
- LDC, less developed country
- Limdis, Limited Distribution
- LME, London Metals Exchange
- LSD, landing ship, destroyer
- M, Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
- MAP, Military Assistance Program
- MAS, Military Assistance Sales
- MDAP, Mutual Defense Assistance Program
- MFM, Meeting of Foreign Ministers
- MILGP, Military Group
- MIR, Movimiento de la Izquierda Revolucionaria (Movement of the Revolutionary Left), Venezuela
- MLN, Movimiento de Liberación Nacional (National Liberation Movement), Guatemala
- MMT, Military Mobile Training Team
- MNR, Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (National Revolutionary Movement), Bolivia
- MNRI, Movimiento Naciondista Revolucionario de Izqierda (Revolutionary Party of the National Left), Bolivia
- MOD, Minister of Defense
- MOIP, Mandatory Oil Import Program
- MPC, Moviemento Popular Christiano (Popular Christian Movement), Bolivia
- MRL, Movimiento Revolucionario Liberal (Liberal Revolutionary Movement), Colombia
- NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- NCG, National Council of Government, Uruguay
- NCO, non-commissioned officer
- NIE, National Intelligence Estimate
- NIH, National Institutes of Health
- Nodis, No Distribution
- Noforn, No Foreign Distribution
- NSA, National Security Agency
- NSAM, National Security Action Memorandum
- NSC, National Security Council
- NU, National Union Party, Panama
- OAS, Organization of American States
- OARS, other American Republics
- ODECA, Organization of Central American States
- OECD, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- OEO, Office of Economic Opportunity
- OEP, Office of Emergency Planning
- OPR/LS, Office of Operations, Language Services Division, Department of State
- OSD, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- PCB, Partido Comunista Boliviano (Bolivian Communist Party)
- PCB, Partido Comunista Brasileiro (Brazilian Communist Party)
- PCV, Partido Comunista Venezolano (Venezuelan Communist Party)
- PDC, Partido Democrático Cristiana (Christian Democratic Party), Chile
- Petrobrás, Petróleo Brasileiro, S.A., national petroleum company of Brazil
- PGT, Partido Guatemalteco del Trabajo (Guatemalan Labor Party)
- PID, Partido Institucional Democrático (Democratic Institutional Party), Guatemala
- PL, Public Law
- PLN, Partido Liberacion Nacional (National Liberation Party), Costa Rica
- PLN, Partido Liberal Nacionalista (Nationalist Liberal Party), Nicaragua
- POL, petroleum, oil, lubricants
- POLAD, Political Adviser
- PR, Partido Radical (Radical Party), Chile
- PR, Partido Revolucionario (Revolutionary Party), Guatemala
- PRA, Partido Revolucionario Auténtico, (Authentic Revolutionary Party), Bolivia
- PRI, Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Institutional Revolutionary Party), Mexico
- PRIN, Partido Revolucionario de la Izquierda Nacional (Revolutionary Party of the Nationalist Left), Bolivia
- PSD, Partido Social Democrático (Social Democratic Party), Brazil
- PTB, Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (Brazilian Labor Party)
- ref, reference
- reftel, reference telegram
- rpt, repeat
- S, Office of the Secretary of State
- SEATO, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
- Secto, series indicator for telegrams from the Secretary of State while away from Washington
- septel, separate telegram
- SIG, Senior Interdepartmental Group
- SNIE, Special National Intelligence Estimate
- SPEU, Special Police Emergency Unit, Peru
- S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
- S/S–S, Executive Secretariat Staff, Department of State
- SUDENE, Superintency for the Development of the Northeast, Brazil
- TDY, temporary duty
- TOAID, series indicator for communications to the Agency for International Development
- Tosec, series indicator for telegrams to the Secretary of State while away from Washington
- U, Under Secretary of State
- UCRP, Unión Cívica Radical del Pueblo (Peoples’ Radical Civic Union), Argentine political party
- UDN, Uniäo Democrática Nacional (National Democratic Union), Brazilian political party
- UK, United Kingdom
- UN, United Nations
- UNCTAD, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
- URD, Unión Republicana Democrática (Democratic Republican Union), Venezuelan political party
- USCINCSO, Commander-in-Chief, Southern Command
- USA, United States Army
- USAID, Agency for International Development
- USG, United States Government
- USIA, United States Information Agency
- USIS, United States Information Service
- USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- USUN, United States Mission to the United Nations
- UTC, Unión de Trabajadores de Colombia (Union of Colombian Workers)
- WH, White House
- WHD, Western Hemisphere Division, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- YPFB, Yacimientos petrolíferos fiscales bolivianos, (Bolivian National Oilfields)