Sources for the Foreign Relations Series
The Foreign Relations statute requires that the published record in the Foreign Relations series include all records needed to provide comprehensive documentation on major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant U.S. diplomatic activity. It further requires that government agencies, departments, and other entities of the U.S. Government engaged in foreign policy formulation, execution, or support cooperate with the Department of State Historian by providing full and complete access to records pertinent to foreign policy decisions and actions and by providing copies of selected records. Many of the sources consulted in the preparation of this volume have been declassified and are available for review at the National Archives and Records Administration.
The editors of the Foreign Relations series have complete access to all the retired records and papers of the Department of State: the central files of the Department; the special decentralized files (“lot files”) of the Department at the bureau, office, and division levels; the files of the Department’s Executive Secretariat, which contain the records of international conferences and high-level official visits, correspondence with foreign leaders by the President and Secretary of State, and memoranda of conversations between the President and Secretary of State and foreign officials; and the files of overseas diplomatic posts. All of the Department’s indexed central files for these years have been permanently transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration (Archives II) at College Park, Maryland. Many of the Department’s decentralized office (or lot) files covering this period, which the National Archives deems worthy of permanent retention, have been transferred or are in the process of being transferred from the Department’s custody to Archives II.
The editors of the Foreign Relations series also have full access to the papers of President Johnson and other White House foreign policy records. Presidential papers maintained and preserved at the Presidential libraries include some of the most significant foreign affairs-related documentation from the Department of State and other Federal agencies including the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Department of State historians also have access to records of the Department of Defense, particularly the records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretaries of Defense and their major assistants.
[Page XIV]Sources for Foreign Relations, 1964–1968, Volume XXXI
In preparing this volume, the editors made extensive use of the most authoritative source on President Johnson’s policies on South and Central America: the Presidential papers and other White House records at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library. Within the National Security File, the Agency Files, including files on the Alliance for Progress, the Country Files, the file of Memos to the President, the National Security Council Meetings Files, and the files of Walt Rostow were particularly useful. The Thomas C. Mann Papers, especially records of his telephone conversations with Johnson, were also valuable in revealing the politics behind the President’s policies.
Due to the efforts of the Johnson Library, Department of State historians have full access to the audiotapes of President Johnson’s telephone conversations. Johnson frequently discussed the details of his foreign policy, including South and Central America, with his key advisors: Secretary of State Rusk, Secretary of Defense McNamara, Special Assistants to the President Bundy and Rostow, Assistant Secretary of State Mann, and senior members of Congress. As such, the tape recordings provide an unparalleled perspective on decision-making often missing in more formal documentation. The editors transcribed numerous tape recordings specifically for this volume; these transcripts are printed both as documents and in the annotation.
The records of the Department of State were also indispensable in documenting President Johnson’s role in South and Central America. Although the President made the important decisions, the Department of State was primarily responsible for the development, coordination, and implementation of the administration’s policy in the region. The editors of this volume relied heavily upon the Department’s “subject-numeric” central files, which contain the essential telegrams, memoranda, correspondence, and other records of U.S. diplomacy. The editors also mined the materials found only in the Department’s “lot” files, including the office files of Assistant Secretaries Thomas Mann, Lincoln Gordon, and Covey Oliver, and other records maintained by the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. Additional high-level documentation was found in the files of the Department’s Executive Secretariat, including the records of the Senior Interdepartmental Group, the Special Group (Counter-Insurgency), the conference files, and Secretary Rusk’s memoranda of telephone conversations.
The Central Intelligence Agency provides Department of State historians access to intelligence documents from records in its custody and at the Presidential libraries. The CIA’s History Staff, part of the Center for the Study of Intelligence, arranged and facilitated the research for this volume, pursuant to a May 1992 memorandum of understanding.
[Page XV]In compiling this volume, the editors reviewed a wide array of intelligence materials—both operational and analytical in nature—on South and Central America. In addition to the sources cited above, these materials included the files of the Directors of Central Intelligence John McCone and Richard Helms, the CIA Registry of National Intelligence Estimates and Special National Intelligence Estimates, the Directorate of Plans, and the Western Hemisphere Division. The editors found important documentation on the meetings of the Special Group/303 Committee in the files of the National Security Council and the Department of State’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research. The records of the weekly meetings between representatives of the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs and the Central Intelligence Agency also yielded valuable information on the day-to-day decision-making on intelligence matters.
Almost all of this documentation has been made available for use in the Foreign Relations series thanks to the consent of the agencies mentioned, the assistance of their staffs, and especially the cooperation and support of the National Archives and Records Administration.
The following list identifies the particular files and collections used in the preparation of this volume. The declassification and transfer to the National Archives of these records is in process. Many of the records are already available for public review at the National Archives.
Unpublished Sources
Department of State, Washington
- Central Files. See National Archives and Records Administration below.
Lot Files. For other lot files already
transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration at
College Park, Maryland, Record Group 59, see National Archives and
Records Administration below.
INR/IL Historical Files
- Files of the Office of Intelligence Coordination, containing records from the 1940s through the 1980s, maintained by the Office of Intelligence Liaison, Bureau of Intelligence and Research including: ARA/CIA Weekly Meetings File, ARA Country Files, Latin America Files, LAPC Action Minutes, Special Group Files, 303 Committee Files, 303 Committee Special Files
INR/IL Historical Files
National Archives and Records Administration, College
Park, Maryland
Record Group 59, Department of State Records
Subject-Numeric Central Files. The
following are the principal files consulted for this volume.
- AID(AFP): economic assistance under the Alliance for Progress
- AID(AFP) 3 ECOSOC–IA: conferences of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council
- AID(US) 5: U.S. economic assistance, laws and regulations
- AID(US) ARG: U.S. economic assistance to Argentina
- AID(US) 7 ARG: U.S. economic assistance to Argentina, program operation and termination
- AID(US) 8 ARG: U.S. economic assistance to Argentina, grants and technical assistance
- AID(US) 9 ARG: U.S. economic assistance to Argentina, loans
- AID(US) 10 BOL: U.S. economic assistance to Bolivia, supporting assistance
- AID(US) BRAZ: U.S. economic assistance to Brazil
- AID(US) 9 BRAZ: U.S. economic assistance to Brazil, loans
- AID(US) CHILE: U.S. economic assistance to Chile
- AID(US) 8 CHILE: U.S. economic assistance to Chile, grants and technical assistance
- AID(US) 9 CHILE: U.S. economic assistance to Chile, loans
- AID(US) 9 COL: U.S. economic assistance to Colombia, loans
- AID(US) 8–5 ECUADOR: U.S. economic assistance to Ecuador, health and sanitation
- AID(US) 9 ECUADOR: U.S. economic assistance to Ecuador, loans
- AID(US) 15–8 ECUADOR: U.S. economic assistance to Ecuador, PL 480 commodity sales for foreign currency
- AID(US) 8–8 GUAT: U.S. economic assistance to Guatemala, community development and social welfare
- AID(US) 9 PERU: U.S. economic assistance to Peru, loans
- AID(VEN) VIET S: Venezuelan economic assistance to South Vietnam
- DEF 9 ARG: Argentine military personnel
- DEF 1–1 BRAZ: military contingency planning for Brazil
- DEF 6 BRAZ: Brazilian armed forces
- DEF 12–5 BRAZ–US: procurement and sale of armaments from the U.S. to Brazil
- DEF 12 CUBA: Cuban armaments
- DEF 6 IA: inter-American armed forces
- DEF 1 LA: military policy, plans and readiness in Latin America
- DEF 1–1 PAN: military contingency planning for Panama
- DEF 1 PERU: military policy, plans and readiness in Peru
- DEF 12–5 PERU: procurement and sale of armaments to Peru
- DEF 11 US: U.S. military research and development
- DEF 19–8 US–ARG: U.S. military assistance to Argentina, equipment and supplies
- DEF 19–8 US–BRAZ: U.S. military assistance to Brazil, equipment and supplies
- DEF 19 US–PERU: U.S. military assistance to Peru
- DEF 19–8 US–PERU: U.S. military assistance to Peru, equipment and supplies
- DEF 19–3 US–VEN: U.S. military assistance to Venezuela, organizations and conferences
- DEF 19–4 US–VEN: U.S. military assistance to Venezuela, agreements
- E 1 BRAZ: general economic policy, plans and programs in Brazil
- ECIN 3 CACM: Central American Common Market, organizations and conferences
- ECIN 3 LA: economic integration in Latin America, organizations and conferences
- ECIN 3 LAFTA: Latin American Free Trade Agreement, organizations and conferences
- FN 14 BRAZ: Brazilian servicing of public debt
- FN 1 COL: general financial policy and plans in Colombia
- FN 16 COL: Colombian revenue and taxation
- FN 10 IMF: International Monetary Fund, foreign exchange
- FN 17 PERU: money and currency in Peru
- FN 10 PERU/IMF: International Monetary Fund, foreign exchange in Peru
- FN 6–1 VEN: bank credit and loans in Venezuela
- FN 10 VEN: foreign exchange in Venezuela
- FN 11 VEN: investment guarantees in Venezuela
- FSE 12 BRAZ: electric power in Brazil
- FT 23 MEX: Mexican customs administration
- INCO COPPER 17: copper trade
- INCO COPPER CHILE: copper in Chile
- LAB 11 CHILE: wages, hours and working conditions in Chile
- LEG 7 KENNEDY: visits of Senator Robert F. Kennedy
- OAS 5–2: Organization of American States, charter and constitution
- OAS 8–3: Organization of American States, secretariat
- ORG 7 ARA: visits of officials from the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs
- ORG 7 S: visits of the Secretary of State
- ORG 7 VAUGHN: visits of Assistant Secretary Jack H. Vaughn
- PER 2–1: personnel, general reports and statistics
- PER Cole, Charles W.: personnel matters relating to Ambassador Charles W. Cole
- PER Mein, John Gordon: personnel matters relating to Ambassador John Gordon Mein
- PET 15 ARG: industrial organization and control of petroleum in Argentina
- PET 15–2 ARG: nationalization and expropriation of petroleum in Argentina
- PET 6 PERU: petroleum companies in Peru
- PET 15 PERU: industrial organization and control of petroleum in Peru
- PET 15–2 PERU: nationalization and expropriation of petroleum in Peru
- PET 15 US: industrial organization and control of petroleum in the U.S.
- PET 17–2 US: imports of petroleum to the U.S.
- PET 1 US–VEN: U.S.-Venezuelan general policy and plans on petroleum
- PET 17 US–VEN: U.S.-Venezuelan trade of petroleum
- PET 17–2 US–VEN: U.S.-Venezuelan imports of petroleum
- PET 2 VEN: general reports and statistics on petroleum in Venezuela
- PET 6 VEN: petroleum companies in Venezuela
- PET 12 VEN: production and consumption of petroleum in Venezuela
- PET 15 VEN: industrial organization and control of petroleum in Venezuela
- PET 17–1 VEN: exports of petroleum from Venezuela
- PET 17–2 VEN: imports of petroleum to Venezuela
- POL ARG: Argentine political affairs
- POL 15 ARG: Argentine Government
- POL 15–1 ARG: Argentine head of state, executive branch
- POL 15–5 ARG: Argentine constitution
- POL 16 ARG: recognition of Argentina
- POL 23–9 ARG: rebellion and coups in Argentina
- POL ARG–US: U.S.-Argentine political relations
- POL 1–1 ARG–US: U.S. contingency planning and coordination for Argentina
- POL 1–1 BOL: contingency planning and coordination for Bolivia
- POL 7 BOL: visits and meetings with Bolivian leaders
- POL 8 BOL: neutralism and non-alignment of Bolivia
- POL 14 BOL: Bolivian national elections
- POL 15 BOL: Bolivian Government
- POL 15–1 BOL: Bolivian head of state, executive branch
- POL 16 BOL: recognition of Bolivia
- POL 23 BOL: internal security and counter-insurgency in Bolivia
- POL 23–7 BOL: infiltration, subversion, and sabotage in Bolivia
- POL 23–9 BOL: rebellion and coups in Bolivia
- POL 30 BOL: Bolivian defectors and expellees
- POL BOL–US: U.S.-Bolivian political relations
- POL 1–1 BRAZ: contingency planning and coordination for Brazil
- POL 2 BRAZ: general reports and statistics on Brazil
- POL 7 BRAZ: visits and meetings with Brazilian leaders
- POL 15 BRAZ: Brazilian Government
- POL 15–1 BRAZ: Brazilian head of state, executive branch
- POL 15–3 BRAZ: Brazilian judiciary
- POL 23–5 BRAZ: Brazilian laws and regulations
- POL 23–9 BRAZ: rebellion and coups in Brazil
- POL 29 BRAZ: political prisoners in Brazil
- POL BRAZ–US: U.S.-Brazilian political relations
- POL 1 BRAZ–US: general policy and background on U.S.-Brazilian political relations
- POL 7 BRAZ–US: visits and meetings between U.S. and Brazilian leaders
- POL 32–1 BR GU–VEN: territory and boundary disputes between Venezuela and British Guiana
- POL 19 BR HOND: Colonial Government of British Honduras
- POL BR HOND–GUAT: British Honduran-Guatemalan political relations
- POL CHILE: Chilean political affairs
- POL 1–1 CHILE: contingency planning and coordination for Chile
- POL 7 CHILE: visits and meetings with Chilean leaders
- POL 12 CHILE: Chilean political parties
- POL 12–3 CHILE: Chilean political parties, meetings and conferences
- POL 14 CHILE: Chilean national elections
- POL 15–1 CHILE: Chilean head of state, executive branch
- POL 18–1 CHILE: Chilean provincial, municipal and state government elections
- POL 23–9 CHILE: rebellion and coups in Chile
- POL CHILE–US: U.S.-Chilean political relations
- POL 17 CHILE–US: Chilean diplomatic and consular representation in the U.S.
- POL COL: Colombian political affairs
- POL 14 COL: Colombian national elections
- POL 23 COL: internal security and counter-insurgency in Colombia
- POL 7 COSTA RICA: visits and meetings with Costa Rican leaders
- POL 14 COSTA RICA: Costa Rican national elections
- POL 15 COSTA RICA: Costa Rican Government
- POL 15–1 COSTA RICA: Costa Rican head of state, executive branch
- POL 23–9 COSTA RICA: rebellion and coups in Costa Rica
- POL COSTA RICA–US: U.S.-Costa Rican political relations
- POL CUBA: Cuban political affairs
- POL 6 CUBA: Cuban people, biographic data
- POL 23–7 CUBA: infiltration, subversion and sabotage in Cuba
- POL 33–3 CZ: international canals, Panama Canal Zone
- POL 15 ECUADOR: Ecuadorian Government
- POL 15–1 ECUADOR: Ecuadorian head of state, executive branch
- POL 17 ECUADOR: Ecuadorian diplomatic and consular representation
- POL 23–3 ECUADOR: internal security forces and organizations in Ecuador
- POL 23–9 ECUADOR: rebellion and coups in Ecuador
- POL ECUADOR–US: U.S.-Ecuadorian political relations
- POL 7 EL SAL: visits and meetings with Salvadoran leaders
- POL GUAT: Guatemalan political affairs
- POL 2 GUAT: general reports and statistics on Guatemala
- POL 14 GUAT: Guatemalan national elections
- POL 23 GUAT: internal security and counter-insurgency in Guatemala
- POL 23–8 GUAT: demonstrations, riots and protests in Guatemala
- POL 23–9 GUAT: rebellion and coups in Guatemala
- POL 1 GUAT–US: general policy and background on U.S.-Guatemalan political relations
- POL 32–1 GUAT–UK: territory and boundary disputes between the UK and Guatemala
- POL 1–2 HOND: basic policies, guidelines and directives on Honduras
- POL 12 HOND: Honduran political parties
- POL 14 HOND: Honduran national elections
- POL 15–1 HOND: Honduran head of state, executive branch
- POL 18–1 HOND: Honduran provincial, municipal and state government elections
- POL 23–9 HOND: rebellion and coups in Honduras
- POL HOND–US: U.S.-Honduran political relations
- POL 1 HOND–US: general policy and background on U.S.-Honduran political relations
- POL 3 IA: Inter-American organizations and alignments
- POL 3 IA SUMMIT: organizations and alignments relating to the inter-American summit meeting
- POL 7 IA: visits and meetings with inter-American leaders
- POL 7 IA SUMMIT: inter-American summit meeting
- POL 1 LA–US: general policy and background on U.S.-Latin American political relations
- POL 7 MEX: visits and meetings with Mexican leaders
- POL 15–1 MEX: Mexican heads of state, executive branch
- POL 23–8 MEX: demonstrations, riots and protests in Mexico
- POL MEX–US: U.S.-Mexican political relations
- POL 33–1 MEX–US: river boundaries between the U.S. and Mexico
- POL 7 NIC: visits and meetings with Nicaraguan leaders
- POL 14 NIC: Nicaraguan national elections
- POL 15–1 NIC: Nicaraguan head of state, executive branch
- POL 23–8 NIC: demonstrations, riots and protests in Nicaragua
- POL 23–9 NIC: rebellion and coups in Nicaragua
- POL PAN: Panamanian political affairs
- POL 2 PAN: general reports and statistics on Panama
- POL 14 PAN: Panamanian national elections
- POL 15 PAN: Panamanian Government
- POL 15–1 PAN: Panamanian heads of state, executive branch
- POL 23–8 PAN: demonstrations, riots and protests in Panama
- POL 33–3 PAN: international canals, Panama
- POL PAN–US: U.S.-Panamanian political relations
- POL 33–3 PAN–US: U.S.-Panamanian political relations, Panama Canal
- POL 7 PAR: visits and meetings with Paraguayan leaders
- POL PAR–US: U.S.-Paraguayan political relations
- POL PERU: Peruvian political affairs
- POL 2 PERU: general reports and statistics on Peru
- POL 15–1 PERU: Peruvian head of state, executive branch
- POL 15–2 PERU: Peruvian legislature
- POL 16 PERU: recognition of Peru
- POL 23 PERU: internal security and counter-insurgency in Peru
- POL 23–7 PERU: infiltration, subversion and sabotage in Peru
- POL 23–9 PERU: rebellion and coups in Peru
- POL 23–10 PERU: travel control in Peru
- POL 29 PERU: political prisoners in Peru
- POL 33–4 PERU: Peruvian territorial waters
- POL PERU–US: U.S.-Peruvian political relations
- POL 12 UR: Uruguayan political parties
- POL 15 UR: Uruguayan Government
- POL 23–9 UR: rebellion and coups in Uruguay
- POL 1 UR–US: general policy and background on U.S.-Uruguayan political relations
- POL 1 US: U.S. general policy and background
- POL 7 US: visits and meetings by U.S. leaders
- POL 7 US/HARRIMAN: visits and meetings by W. Averell Harriman
- POL 15–1 US/JOHNSON: visits and meetings by Lyndon B. Johnson
- POL 17 US–BRAZ: U.S.-Brazilian diplomatic and consular representation
- POL 17 US–ECUADOR: U.S.-Ecuadorian diplomatic and consular representation
- POL 17–1 US–ECUADOR: acceptability and accreditation of U.S.-Ecuadorian diplomatic and consular representation
- POL 17 US–PERU: U.S.-Peruvian diplomatic and consular representation
- POL US–VEN: U.S.-Venezuelan political relations
- POL VEN: Venezuelan political affairs
- POL 1 VEN: general policy and background on Venezuela
- POL 7 VEN: visits and meetings with Venezuelan leaders
- POL 14 VEN: Venezuelan national elections
- POL 15 VEN: Venezuelan Government
- POL 15–1 VEN: Venezuelan head of state, executive branch
- POL 23 VEN: internal security and counter-insurgency in Venezuela
- POL 23–8 VEN: demonstrations, riots and protests in Venezuela
- POL 23–9 VEN: rebellion and coups in Venezuela
- POL 33–4 VEN: Venezuelan territorial waters
- POL 33–4 VEN–CUBA: territorial waters between Cuba and Venezuela
- PPB 3: press and publications, organizations and conferences
- PPB 9 BRAZ: press relations and activities in Brazil
- SOC 12–1 BRAZ: religion in Brazil
- TEL PERU: telecommunications in Peru
Lot Files
ARA Files: Lot 68 D
- Subject and country files of the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, 1964–1966, including minutes and policy documents on the Latin American Policy Committee, 1964.
ARA Files: Lot 70 D
- Subject and country files of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 1965–1967
ARA Files: Lot 68 D
- Files of Lincoln Gordon: subject files as Ambassador to Brazil, 1961–1966; subject, country, and chronological files as Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 1966, including staff assistants’ files
ARA Files: Lot 70 D
- Subject and country files of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 1967
ARA Files: Lot 72 D
- Country files and chronological files of the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, 1967–1969
ARA Files: Lot 74 D
- Country files, chronological files, subject files, and staff assistants’ files for Assistant Secretaries of State for Inter-American Affairs, Covey Oliver and Charles Meyer, 1967–1971
ARA/APU/A Files:
Lot 66 D 243
- Subject and chronological files of the Office of Argentine, Paraguayan, and Uruguayan Affairs on Argentina, 1964, including correspondence with the Embassy in Buenos Aires
ARA/APU/A Files:
Lot 69 D 87
- Subject files of the Office of Argentine, Paraguayan, and Uruguayan Affairs on Argentina, 1964–1967
ARA/APU/U Files:
Lot 67 D 468
- Subject files of the Office of Argentine, Paraguayan, and Uruguayan Affairs on Uruguay, 1964
ARA/BC/B Files:
Lot 70 D 443
- Political subject files of the Office of Bolivian-Chilean Affairs on Bolivia, 1961–1967
ARA/BR Files: Lot
66 D 418
- Subject files of the Office of Brazilian Affairs, 1962–1964
ARA/CEN Files:
Lot 69 D 515
- General subject files of the Office of Central American Affairs, 1967
ARA/CEN/G Files:
Lot 68 D 464
- Subject files of the Office of Central American Affairs on Guatemala, 1966
ARA/CEN/G Files:
Lot 70 D 75
- Subject files of the Office of Central American Affairs on Guatemala, 1967
ARA/CEN/H Files:
Lot 67 D 46
- Subject and chronological files of the Office of Central American Affairs on Honduras, 1964
ARA/CEN/H Files:
Lot 70 D 59
- Subject files of the Office of Central American Affairs on Honduras, 1967–1968
Files: Lot 69 D 528
- Subject files of the Office of Central American Affairs on British Honduras, 1966–1967
ARA/CV Files: Lot
67 D 622
- Subject and chronological files of the Office of Colombian-Venezuelan Affairs on Colombia, 1965
ARA/CV/C Files:
Lot 69 D 407
- Subject and chronological files of the Office of Colombian-Venezuelan Affairs on Colombia, 1966
ARA/EP/E Files:
Lot 70 D 247
- Political subject files of the Office of Ecuadorian-Peruvian Affairs on Ecuador, 1967
ARA/EP/E Files:
Lot 70 D 478
- Political subject files of the Office of Ecuadorian-Peruvian Affairs on Ecuador, 1968
ARA/EP/P Files:
Lot 67 D 566
- Subject files of the Office of Ecuadorian-Peruvian Affairs on Peru, 1955–1964
ARA/EP/P Files:
Lot 72 D 101
- Subject files of the Office of Ecuadorian-Peruvian Affairs on Peru, 1959–1968
ARA/EP/P Files:
Lot 70 D 139
- Subject files of the Office of Ecuadorian-Peruvian Affairs on Peru, 1966–1967
ARA/IRG Files: Lot 70 D 122
- Meeting and subject files of the Interdepartmental Regional Group for Inter-American Affairs, 1966–1968
ARA/IPA Files: Lot
69 D 537
- Files of the Office of Inter-American Political Affairs on the meeting of American Presidents at Punta del Este in 1967
ARA/LA Files: Lot
66 D 65
- Country files of Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Thomas Mann, 1964
ARA/MEX Files:
Lot 69 D 377
- Subject files of the Office of Mexican Affairs, 1966
ARA/MEX Files:
Lot 71 D 188
- Files of the Office of Mexican Affairs on Presidential visits and inaugurations, 1958–1967
ARA/NC Files: Lot
72 D 235
- Official correspondence of the Director of the Office of North Coast Affairs, 1964–1970
ARA/NC/V Files:
Lot 66 D 469
- Subject files of the Office of North Coast Affairs on Venezuela, 1965
ARA/NC/V Files:
Lot 69 D 19
- Subject files of the Office of North Coast Affairs on Venezuela, 1968
ARA/OAS Files: Lot 70 D 272
- Files of the Office of the US Representative to the Council of the Organization of American States on the meeting of American Presidents at Punta del Este in 1967
ARA/PAN Files: Lot
66 D 329
- Subject files of the Office of Panamanian Affairs, 1963–1964
ARA/PAN Files: Lot
75 D 457
- Files of the Office of Panamanian Affairs on the Panama Canal treaty negotiations, 1964–1973, including position papers, memoranda, and correspondence to and from the President
Lot 73 D 216
- Files of the Special Representative for Interoceanic Canal Negotiations; historical documents on the Panama Canal treaty negotiations, 1961–1968
Lot 73 D 286
- Files of the Special Representative for Interoceanic Canal Negotiations; historical documents on the Panama Canal treaty negotiations, 1964–1967
- Conference Files: Lot 67 D 586
- Collection of documentation on international conferences abroad attended by the President, Secretary of State, or other U.S. officials, September 1966–April 1967
- Conference Files: Lot 68 D 453
- Collection of documentation on international conferences abroad attended by the President, Secretary of State, or other U.S. officials, May 1967–January 1968
- Conference Files: Lot 69 D 182
- Collection of documentation on international conferences abroad attended by the President, Secretary of State, or other U.S. officials, 1968
E/OR/FSE Files: Lot 69
D 76
- Subject, country, and chronological files of the Office of Fuels and Energy, Bureau of Economic Affairs, 1963–1965
E/OR/FSE Files: Lot 70
D 54
- Subject, country, and chronological files of the Office of Fuels and Energy, Bureau of Economic Affairs, 1965–1966
- Katzenbach Files: Lot 74 D 271
- Files of Under Secretary of State Nicholas deB. Katzenbach, 1966–1969
- Lima Embassy Files: Lot 69 F 191
- Classified central subject files of the US Embassy in Lima, 1966
- Lima Embassy Files: Lot 71 F 154
- Subject case files of the US Embassy in Lima on the International Petroleum Company, 1962–1968
- Lima Embassy Files: Lot 73 F 100
- Classified personal files of Ambassador J. Wesley Jones, 1965–1971
- Official Visit Chronologies: Lot 68 D 475
- Collection of documentation on international conferences abroad attended by the President, Secretary of State, or other U.S. officials, 1967
- OPR/FAIM/IS Files: Lot 81 D 121
- Files maintained by the Foreign Affairs Management Center, Information Services Division, for congressional investigations on Chile, the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, and the Central Intelligence Agency
Rusk Files:
Lot 72 D 192
- Files of Secretary of State Dean Rusk, 1961–1969, including texts of speeches, miscellaneous correspondence files, White House correspondence, chronological files, and memoranda of telephone conversations
- Senior Interdepartmental Group Files: Lot 70 D 263
- Master file maintained by the Executive Secretariat on the meetings and decisions of the Senior Interdepartmental Group, 1968–1969
- Special Group (CI)
Files: Lot 70 D 258
- Master file maintained by the Executive Secretariat on the meetings and decisions of Special Group (Counter-Insurgency), 1963–1966
U. Alexis
Johnson Files: Lot 90 D 408
- Chronological files of Deputy Under Secretary of State U. Alexis Johnson, including his date books, 1961–1976
ARA Files: Lot 68 D
Subject-Numeric Central Files. The
following are the principal files consulted for this volume.
Record Group 59, Department of State Records
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Austin, Texas
- National Security File
- Agency File
- Country File
- Walt W. Rostow Files
- Intelligence File
- International Meetings and Travel File
- Memos to the President
- Name File
- National Security Council Histories
- National Security Council Meetings File
- National Security Action Memorandums
- Situation Room File
- Special Heads of State Correspondence
- Subject File
- Special Files
- President’s Daily Diary
- Recordings and Transcripts of Telephone Conversations and Meetings
- Personal Papers
- George Ball Papers
- Tom Johnson’s Notes of Meetings
- John McCone Memoranda of Meetings with the President
- Thomas C. Mann Papers
- John Wesley Jones Papers
- Dean Rusk Appointment Books
- White House Central Files
- Cabinet Papers
- Confidential File
- Subject File
- National Security File
Minnesota Historical Society
Hubert H. Humphrey Papers
- Vice Presidential Files, Foreign Affairs General Files
Hubert H. Humphrey Papers
Central Intelligence Agency
DCI Files: Job 80–B–01285A
- Files of the Directors of Central Intelligence John McCone and Richard Helms including: McCone Memos for the Record, McCone Meetings with President Johnson, McCone Telephone Calls, Helms Chronological File as DDP and DDCI
- DO Files: Job 80–01690R, Job 90–1156R
- Files of the Western Hemisphere Division (Latin America Division), Directorate of Plans (Directorate of Operations)
- DO Files: Job 90–347R
- Files of the Directorate of Plans
- DDO/IMS Files: Job 78–03041R, Job 78–5505, Job 78–06423A, Job
- Files of the Directorate of Plans
- O/DDI Registry: Job 79–R01012A
- Files of the Office of the Deputy Director of Intelligence
DCI Files: Job 80–B–01285A
National Security Council
- Johnson Administration Intelligence Files
- 303 Committee Files
- Minutes
- Subject Files
Washington National Records Center, Suitland,
Record Group 59, Records of the Department of
E/CBA/REP Files: FRC 72 A 6248
- Current Economic Developments
E/CBA/REP Files: FRC 72 A 6248
Record Group 84, Records of the Foreign Service
Posts of the United States
- Guatemala City Embassy Files, 1966: FRC 71 A 2420
- Subject files of the U.S. Embassy in Guatemala, 1966
- Santiago Embassy Files, 1964: FRC 69 A 6507
- Subject files of the U.S. Embassy in Chile, 1964
- Guatemala City Embassy Files, 1966: FRC 71 A 2420
Record Group 330, Records of the Office of the
Secretary of Defense
OSD Files: FRC 69 A 7425
- Decimal files of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1964
OSD Files: FRC 70 A 1266
- Decimal files of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1965
OSD Files: FRC 72 A 2468
- Decimal files of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1967
OSD Files: FRC 73 A 1250
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