61. Memorandum of a Conversation1
Washington, October 20, 1964, 6:10 p.m.
- Chinese Communist Nuclear Detonation
- Ambassador Anatoliy F. Dobrynin-USSR
- The Secretary
- Ambassador Adlai Stevenson—USUN
After discussing other matters, Ambassador Dobrynin asked what else could the US and USSR do to improve relations. Mention was made of the explosion of a nuclear device by the Chinese Communists. Ambassador Dobrynin stated that it would take some time before the Chinese Communists would become a nuclear power. He suggested the extension of the test ban treaty to all environments as a possible next step. The Secretary stated the US position with respect to the need for adequate and effective verification. Ambassador Dobrynin reiterated the standard Soviet position.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 12–1 CHICOM. Secret. Drafted by Polansky. The conversation took place in the Secretary’s office. A handwritten notation on the source text reads “Uncleared. Never distributed.” The source text indicates it is Part 3 of 4.↩