254. Memorandum for the Record1
Washington, April 28, 1967.
- Minutes of the Meeting of the 303 Committee, 28 April 1967
- Mr. Rostow, Mr. Thomas Hughes, Mr. Vance, and Mr. Helms
- Mr. William Colby was present for Items 3 and 4
- [Here follows discussion of unrelated subjects.]
3. Communist China—Covert Action Program
- a.
- Mr. Colby presented the group with a briefing2 of the expectations and accomplishments of the covert action program against China. He made no claims of major successes but was able to indicate specific results and improvement in [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] broadcasts at a time when Chinese on the mainland were more open to alternatives than at any time in their recent history.
- b.
- One instance was the statement by the Chinese musician defector which showed that one of a series of [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] broadcasts of which he was aware was actually believed by him and some of his circle to emanate from within China.
- c.
- In this connection, Mr. Colby pointed to the requested approval of an enlargement of this thrust by the addition of [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] broadcasts [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] from a 50 kilowatt transmitter which would have the advantage of being independent of GRC and would reach a larger audience. This was expected to constitute less than $300,000 of the total $1,084,700 requested.
- d.
- There was further discussion of coordinating themes and endeavouring to strike a suitable chord in such a fluid situation. The members approved the proposal in total although reserving some skepticism as to the measurability of its effect.
- e.
- In answer to a question from Mr. Vance, Mr. Colby briefly summarized collection problems [2 lines of source text not declassified] since the last presentation on 12 November 1964.
[Here follows discussion of unrelated subjects.]
Peter Jessup
- Source: Department of State, INR Historical Files, 303 Committee Files, 303 c.49, April 28, 1967. Secret; Eyes Only. Copies were sent to Kohler, Vance, and Helms. Prepared by Jessup on May 1.↩
- A copy of a CIA memorandum to the 303 Committee, April 14, on the subject “Covert Action Program Against Communist China,” is attached but not printed.↩