132. Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State1

964. For Berger from Bundy.2

Central theme of talks with Gimo and CCK has been alleged threat of ChiCom action against Taiwan in near future. [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] will report intelligence aspects, which so far as we can see do not add up to any clear likelihood or imminence as of now.3
I have of course assured both that in event of such action our treaty commitment would come into play and there could be no doubt of our action. I also said that I was sure ChiComs knew as much. Nonetheless, after long discussion during my talk with Gimo yesterday, CCK came in briefly this morning to say new evidence just received [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] and to urge that we include in next Warsaw conversation clear reminder to this effect.
I told him I thought this would present no problem to us, but that I would refer to Department and Embassy could let him know. We must have covered topic many times, and I urge we do so again, probably in low key and without indicating we have any special indication such action likely. Please advise Embassy of action taken.4
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL CHICOM-CHINAT. Secret; Priority; Exdis.
  2. Assistant Secretary Bundy visited Taiwan March 10–12 and transmitted a brief summary of his talks in telegram 965 from Taipei, March 12. (Ibid., POL CHINAT-US) Detailed reports of his conversations with Chiang Kai-shek on March 11 and with Chiang Ching-kuo on March 11 and 12 are in telegrams 972, 973, and 974, all dated March 14. (Ibid., POL 7 US/BUNDY) Briefing material for his visit is filed ibid., ROC Files: Lot 75 D 76, Bundy Visit to ROC, March 10–12, 1966.
  3. [text not declassified] telegram [text not declassified] to the Department of State, March 12, stated that the GRC had a report that the Communists were considering a surprise airborne attack against Taiwan as a preemptive measure to prevent the use of Nationalist troops in Vietnam. (Ibid., Central Files, POL CHICOM-CHINAT)
  4. Telegram 899 to Taipei, March 12, reported that a U.S. statement at the next session of the Warsaw talks would include a specific reference to the continuation of U.S. defense commitments to allies in the Far East, including the GRC on Taiwan. (Ibid., POL CHICOM-US)