222. Letter From the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Johnson) to the Deputy Secretary of Defense (Vance)1

Dear Cy:

Despite strict rules of engagement and improvement in navigational aids (I understand that TACAN has now been installed in both northern and southern Laos and, in any case, no towns, villages or inhabited areas should be attacked), the number of serious incidents of our air strikes on friendly and unauthorized targets in Laos seems to be continuing to rise. There were two incidents this last month, both involving attacks of friendly military positions, killing and wounding Lao troops and damaging ground installations. I am enclosing a partial listing of such incidents known to us that have occurred during the past year.2

These incidents are continuing to take place in spite of increasingly stringent rules of engagement and I am sure that you share my concern for the effect that this can have on our continued ability to operate in Laos. After each incident Bill Sullivan must attempt to explain to the Prime Minister what has happened and, in addition to the loss of life and property damage to innocent persons, we have to consider the problem of the loyalty of Lao military units and the continuation of the loyalty of villagers to Souvanna Phouma. While appreciating the problems of the pilots engaged in these operations and the risks to which they are subjected, I deeply feel that we should most urgently search for some way of at least sharply reducing these unfortunate and costly mistakes so that their continuation does not jeopardize our larger interests. I would appreciate any action that can be taken to this end or suggestions that you may have on how we can be of help.


U. Alexis Johnson 3
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 LAOS. Top Secret.
  2. The attached list covered the period January 15, 1965 to February 24, 1966. It contained 13 incidents of U.S. air strikes against friendly targets and 3 incidents of unauthorized attacks on enemy targets.
  3. Printed from a copy that indicates Johnson signed the original.