61. Letter From Secretary of Defense McNamara to Secretary of State Rusk1

Dear Dean:

I agree with the proposal for an air defense package for India as set forth in your letter of June 17, 1964,2 with the exception that I think [Page 131] we should limit the number of F–5 or F–104G aircraft which we offer to India to a total of 24 aircraft. These aircraft would presumably be supplied to India primarily on a credit sales basis. I think we should maintain a balance between the high performance aircraft offered to India and those offered to Pakistan, and accordingly the present 12 F–104A/B’s in Pakistan should be augmented by not more than an additional 12 F–104’s through grant aid, bringing Pakistan’s total of F–104 aircraft to 24.

I believe we should make every effort to limit the Indians to the acquisition of about a dozen MIG-21’s rather than permitting them to go to two dozen aircraft. I think our package, with the offer of up to 72 F–6 aircraft and support for the HF–24 included, is sufficiently attractive to warrant a firm U.S. position in limiting the Indians to the smallest number of MIG’s possible. I would like to emphasize that any agreement with respect to our assistance in connection with the HF–24 should be limited at this stage solely to technical assistance.


  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, DEF 19–8 US–INDIA. Secret.
  2. Document 58.