428. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic1

140276. Ref Cairo 4649.2

Department agrees that continued deterioration Saudi-UAR relations makes it increasingly desirable for US direct offer of good offices or mediation, perhaps sooner rather than later. Whether this ultimately should take form of high level US statesman (probably Bunker) visiting both capitals, promotion of Saudi-UAR meetings in Europe (Jidda 3314),3 or some other technique depends on further developments and recommendations addressees. Would appreciate receiving Amb Battle’s proposed scenario for approach to Nasser offered para 8 reftel.
Final tour d’horizon with Nasser would, we believe, be useful in any event.
Although chances Kuwait mediation are fading, believe we should do all possible promote GOK efforts at least in interim until we decide act ourselves. Further GOK activity in any event not incompatible with US moves. Since Saqqaf visit Kuwait still scheduled for [Page 805] Feb 21, best hope lies in facilitating meeting at that time with Al-Khouli or other appropriate UAR official. For that purpose request following action:
For Jidda—Recognize need for King’s approval Saqqaf-Egyptian discussion and assume there no use pressing Cairo send Al-Khouli until certain King would not oppose talks. Request you ascertain King’s views soonest.4
For Cairo—Request you strongly urge UAR respond to Kuwait “direct question” (Kuwait tel 835)5 that it in fact wants continuation GOK mediation. If it is clear by the time you make this approach that Faisal has no opposition Saqqaf-Al-Khouli discussion, you should urge UAR take advantage Saqqaf presence Kuwait to initiate dialogue.
For Kuwait—If Faisal sanctions meeting, you should urge Kuwaitis invite Al-Khouli meet with Saqqaf under GOK auspices.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 27 YEMEN. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Moore on February 17; cleared by Davies, Bergus, and Wriggins; and approved by Katzenbach. Also sent to Jidda and Kuwait and repeated to London, Beirut, Sanaa, and Amman.
  2. Dated February 16. (Ibid., DEF 17-1 US)
  3. Dated February 16. (Ibid., POL 27 YEMEN)
  4. In telegram 580 from Dhahran, February 20, Eilts reported that the King had responded that Saqqaf had not been instructed to discuss details of the Yemen problem and that any senior UAR officials would be welcome in Riyadh if the United Arab Republic wanted to send one for this purpose. In answer to the Ambassador’s argument that such a meeting would be better in Kuwait or elsewhere, Faisal said he had not studied the matter and could give no answer at that time. (Ibid., POL 27 YEMEN)
  5. In telegram 835 from Kuwait, February 16, Cottam reported that Foreign Minister Sabah intended to call in the UAR Ambassador to pose a direct question through him to Nasser: i.e., does the United Arab Republic want Kuwait to continue mediation? (Ibid., POL 7 SAUD)