401. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Yemen1

247. Your 4142 and 419.3

While major decisions re future Yemen rest with Saudis and UAR, Yemenis themselves continue have possibility wrecking attempts reach settlement. Inflammatory statements of type reported reftel are particularly destructive and seem represent to some degree Yemeni abdication responsibility.
Request at your discretion you discuss subject along following lines with appropriate high level Yemeni officials:
Continued USG policy is to work for cessation foreign interference Yemen and freedom Yemenis decide own future. Our recognition and support of Republic are manifestations this approach.
Since termination Bunker Agreement we have tried avoid taking direct role in mediation efforts, but nonetheless have continued exert all feasible efforts encourage Saudis and UAR reach settlement and avoid hostilities.
Statements attributed YARG leaders in Yemeni news media May 2-3 inflame situation and make more difficult attempts by US and other friendly countries to ease Yemen problem. After three years fighting, Yemenis must share our hopes for return of peace and stability to country. We fail see that heightened UAR-Saudi tension furthers these goals.
We strongly urge YARG leaders contribute to our and others’ efforts by avoiding such pronouncements.4
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, POL 27 YEMEN. Secret. Drafted by Moore, cleared by Symmes, and approved by Davies. Repeated to Cairo, Jidda, London, and CINCSTRIKE.
  2. Telegram 414 from Taiz, May 3, reported that the Yemeni news media had published statements by six top YARG leaders, including Prime Minister Al-Amri, supporting Nasser’s May Day speech. Al-Amri was quoted as saying that Nasser had expressed what was in the heart of every Yemeni, particularly regarding the aims of the revolution and the desire to regain the stolen parts of Yemen. (Ibid., POL 15-1 UAR) In his speech, Nasser had threatened to seize Najran and Jizan and return those provinces to Yemen.
  3. Dated May 5. (Ibid.)
  4. In telegram 429 from Taiz, May 9, Clark reported that he had met on May 8 with Foreign Minister Makki, to whom he had expressed his own great personal disappointment over developments and presented the Department’s views regarding recent UAR and YAR statements. (Ibid., POL 27 YEMEN)