397. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia1

569. Ref Jidda’s 877.2

Dept commends your handling Sultan request reftel. In addition points you made in which we concur, you may tell Sultan:
USG understands and sympathizes SAG concern its security and territorial integrity, which also of concern to us, and appreciates [Page 749] Prince’s informing us immediately reports he receiving re UAR military activities in Yemen border area.
Intelligence available USG indicates probable presence Harad-Abs area UAR commando and paratroop battalions mentioned para 2 reftel. We have nothing confirm presence other units reported by Saudis, and very much doubt UAR has ground to ground rockets in area. It possible there may have been some redeployment forces to northwestern coastal region following UAR withdrawal from eastern outposts but we doubtful this intended as prelude to offensive action against Saudi territory. It more likely that strengthening UAR forces Harad-Abs area, if true, prompted by fear possible royalist move from Jizan base to cut Sanaa-Hodeida road.
USG actions suggested by Sultan would merely complicate current delicate Saudi-UAR relations and might jeopardize possibility, however, slight, for Yemen settlement. USG will follow situation closely and remain in consultation with Sultan and SAG authorities. Hope Saudis will continue restrain Yemeni royalists from renewed military action, consequences of which could be serious under present circumstances.
FYI. Dept/DOD considering stepped up series naval visits to Saudi ports. End FYI.
Emb London should inform FonOff on strictly confidential basis Sultan request and US reply, expressing hope British will respond along similar lines should they be approached by Saudis.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, POLSAUD-UAR. Secret; Priority; Limdis. Drafted by Korn; cleared by Atherton, Chief of the Near East Division in the INR Office of Research and Analysis for Near East and South Asia Harold W. Glidden, Quinn, Judd, Commander Cone of the Navy Department, Colonel Codding/Captain Zimmerman (JCS), and Meyers; and approved by Davies. Repeated to Cairo, Taiz, London, CINCSTRIKE, COMIDEASTFOR, and CHUSMTM Dhahran.
  2. In telegram 877 from Jidda, March 28, Ambassador Eilts reported that Sultan had told him that he had “reliable” information concerning UAR stockpiling of arms and ammunition in the Haradh-Abs area and a UAR troop buildup there. Sultan emphasized that his country wanted peace and did not want a resumption of fighting, but argued that, in order to be militarily prepared to defend itself in the event of a UAR attack, the Saudi Arabian Government urgently needed U.S. assistance. (Ibid., DEF 6 UAR)