362. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia1

426. Taiz tel 326,2 Jidda tel 6283 to Department.

Department concurs with Jidda in questioning utility US formally involving self as channel to Faisal for Zubairi group’s views. (FYI. On February 24 Al-Aini made strong pitch to Talbot for US support Party of God and was told we could not give encouragement to idea that we would support any internal domestic faction in Yemen.)4

Taiz is authorized at its discretion explain to Zubairi’s emissary Faisal’s attitude toward Yemen problem as we understand it (as recommended Jidda 628 to Department).

In keeping with non-involvement position, do not believe we should particularly encourage or discourage any attempt Zubairi send representative to Faisal. However, Jidda is authorized discuss Zubairi’s opinions with Saqqaf on off-the-record basis in context general review Yemen scene if Ambassador considers appropriate.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, POL 27 YEMEN. Secret. Drafted by Moore and approved by Davies. Also sent to Taiz and repeated to Cairo, London, and Aden.
  2. Telegram 326 from Taiz, February 23, reported that the Embassy had been approached by a spokesman for the Zubairi group requesting that the U.S. Government pass to Faisal its declaration that it represented the most popular force in Yemen and deserved Faisal’s support, and that Yemenis wanted neither a monarchy nor a UAR-dominated military dictatorship. (Ibid.)
  3. In telegram 628 from Jidda, February 26, Hart expressed doubt as to the utility of having the United States serve as a channel to Faisal for the Zubairi group views, noting that Faisal might well feel that the group would be useful in showing up the fragility of the Amri puppet regime but that they were no substitute for the royalists who alone constituted a palpable challenge to UAR domination of Yemen. (Ibid.)
  4. See Document 361.