274. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson1

Secretary Rusk has briefed me on his discussion with King Faisal.2 We jointly recommend that you raise the following points with him at 5:00 this afternoon:

Ask for his appraisal of the forces at work in the Arab world.
Suggest that we both have an interest in the return of Egyptian troops to Egypt; and that it is a common interest that we achieve a Yemen settlement.
Indicate your knowledge and support for Secretary Rusk’s suggestion at lunch that we discreetly keep in closer touch about developments [Page 523] in the Arab world—and, indeed, elsewhere where we have common interests.
Indicate your knowledge that he has been carrying out important economic and social development programs in Saudi Arabia; ask him to discuss these; and encourage him—perhaps with some talk of your own Great Society plans in the U.S.
Ask the King to discuss the future of the South Arabian Federation; the possibilities of constructive work in that region in collaboration with the World Bank and other international institutions.3

  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Saudi Arabia, King Faisal Trip to U.S., 6/21/66-7/1/66. Confidential.
  2. Rusk telephoned Rostow at 4:30 p.m. and said that Read had told him that the President wanted to know what to say to Faisal at 5 p.m. He said he told the King at lunch that the President would want to get Faisal’s own analysis of what was going on in the Arab world. Rusk recommended that Johnson suggest that their two governments discreetly keep in closer touch on this as well as on major questions outside the Arab world. The Secretary agreed with Rostow’s suggestion that the President ask for the King’s ideas about working with the South Arab Federation. Rusk also thought that Johnson should emphasize U.S. interest in having a Yemen settlement which would return Egyptian troops to Egypt. (Record of Telephone Conversation Between Rusk and Rostow, June 21, 4:30 p.m.; National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, S/S Files: Lot 72 D 192, Files of Secretary of State Dean Rusk, 1961-1969, Rusk Telcons)
  3. A handwritten notation in the President’s handwriting reads: “W—I followed this point by point—all 3 papers attached. L” Two of the papers referred to are printed as Document 273 and its attachment.