267. Telegram From the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State1

1056. Ref: Embtels 8572 and 922.3

Met with Saqqaf today to complete USG analysis Commie threat in Middle East. In country by country review, covered Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. On completion, told Saqqaf that if SAG has specific questions over and above info already provided, we would be pleased try be of help. After thanking me Saqqaf told me he will now prepare overall report of USG analysis based on our several meetings and send it to me for factual accuracy. Thereafter, he will transmit it to King [Page 509] since he believes growing Commie threat in Middle East is one item King will wish discuss while in US.4
Saqqaf noted our overall estimate of Commie threat much lower than what he has heard in King’s Majlis. He called it more in line with his own estimate than with exaggerated ones which King is receiving. In answer my query where King gets his info, Saqqaf replied somewhat laconically “from the Syrians around him”. He mentioned no names. I stressed USG’s estimate based on extensive world-wide info and we have great confidence in it.
Saqqaf pointed out major point of disagreement between us is whether UAR and Syria are Commie or not. King and others around him have persuaded themselves they are. Claimed he shares USG view that while UAR and Syria walk hand in hand with Commies, neither UAR or Syria are Commie governments.
We agreed that after King has seen report Saqqaf and I will meet to discuss what USG and SAG might singly and jointly do to counter growing Commie threat.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, POL 23-7 NEARE. Secret; Limdis.
  2. Dated March 24. (Ibid.)
  3. In telegram 922 from Jidda, April 9, Eilts reported that he met with Saqqaf to continue discussing the U.S. Government analysis of the Communist threat in the Middle East. He had stressed that the most important stage lay ahead: development of programs which the U.S. and Saudi Governments might undertake separately and jointly to counter the threat. (Ibid.)
  4. Telegram 678 to Jidda, April 29, stated that the President had approved a state visit for King Faisal June 21-23. (Ibid., POL 7 SAUD)