152. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Italy1

214612. State 213375.2

FYI. As Embassy no doubt aware, PRSY and other Arab media have alleged USG involved in current unrest in PRSY. Embassy Aden’s 15443(being repeated Rome) suggests PRSY regime may even see advantage in using USG as scapegoat for its troubles and break diplomatic [Page 307] relations. Moreover, PRSY FonMin Dhalai has been in Taiz and may well have been filling YARG officials full of lurid and unsupported allegations. End FYI.
Since Italians looking after our interests in Yemen, we believe you should inform FonOff of substance para 3 below. You should add that we would have no objection Italian authorities passing this info to YARG Ambassador Rome, and to YARG in Taiz, in event they believe this useful.
There has not been, nor is there now, any USG connection with recent turbulence in Southern Yemen. Recent Arab broadcasts, and any other reports YARG may have received to contrary, are inaccurate and should be carefully re-examined. USG, of course, unaware what allegations PRSY representatives may be making in private as to alleged USG involvement but wishes to set the facts straight. Allegations that USG backing or participating PRSY’s tribal troubles are sheerest fancy. Current YARG leaders should particularly appreciate this, since they familiar with events in spring 1967 in Yemen when previous Government of YAR leveled similarly baseless charges against USG.
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 23-9 S YEMEN. Confidential. Drafted by Brewer and Dinsmore, cleared by Rush W. Taylor, Jr., of EUR/AIS, and approved by Rockwell. Repeated to Aden, Jidda, and London.
  2. Telegram 213375 to Aden, August 1, instructed the Embassy to tell Foreign Office Permanent Secretary Rashad that although his private assurances that he recognized that there was no U.S. involvement in the current disturbances in Southern Yemen were welcome, the U.S. Government could not ignore the tendentious radio and press items accusing the United States of complicity in anti-regime activities without expressing its concern. (Ibid., POL S YEMEN-US)
  3. Dated July 30. (Ibid., POL 7 S YEMEN)