313. Memorandum for the Record1

At about noon Walt Rostow told me that Abe Feinberg had told him that the morning meeting with Paul Warnke on F-4s had gone well.2 He believed the discussions would be concluded on or by next Tuesday. Although there are now no preconditions to the sale, the Israelis are prepared to reaffirm their pledge not to be the first in introducing nuclear weapons into the Middle East and to pledge not to use the F-4s to carry nuclear weapons.

Rostow told Feinberg that the Israelis should realize that Secretary Rusk, Secretary Clifford and he have a deep sense of foreboding that Israeli policies could lead to a nuclear tragedy. Feinberg, in response, said he agreed that Israel should not go further down the nuclear road. He urged Walt to recommend to the President that he heavily emphasize the gravity of this issue when Prime Minister Eshkol visits Washington.

John P. Walsh 3
  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, DEF 12-5 ISR. Secret; Nodis; Sensitive.
  2. No other record of this meeting between Warnke and Rabin has been found.
  3. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.