188. Telegram From the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State1

1104. Department please repeat to field as appropriate. Secretary in breakfast talk with Turkish Foreign Minister Isik this morning repeatedly emphasized that US would hope for and expect full consultations with NATO in advance of any military action Turkey might decide necessary to ensure physical safety and supply daily necessities Turkish community in Cyprus.

Isik said he was unable to give such assurance. Secretary then warned that in event GOT takes action without consultation Turkey would find itself isolated and this would spell disaster. Isik indicated he understood this point and insisted that GOT would take military action only if forced by circumstances to do so. He implied that such circumstances [Page 399] might include (1) protracted threat to well being Turkish Cypriot community or (2) attempt by Makarios to bring about “juridical” fait accompli further diminishing rights of Turkish community. GOT, he said, would not take action impulsively.

Secretary pointed out that juridical innovations could always be changed by negotiations but Isik replied that GOI now has no other means than military action to oppose Greek Cypriot domination Turkish community.

Looking beyond Cyprus dispute to long-term objective of improvement relations between Turkey and Greece, Secretary asked Isik what role GOT would like to see us play. Isik’s answer was that USG should seek to ascertain basic conditions sought by both sides, try to find a solution and then push both to agree. When US begins pushing Turks, provided solution be presented privately rather than in a public report, GOT will study US proposal “as carefully as possible.” Secretary emphasized that USG has no independent view of Cyprus problem. Our objective has always been to help bring about a solution acceptable to parties to dispute.

Isik assured Secretary that GOT is “really interested” in talks with Greek Government if there is some prospect of concrete results. Isik feared that it would not be possible to preserve relations with GOG if urgent question of physical situation of Turkish Cypriot community is not settled within a “normal” period of time. If basic preconditions of (1) no territorial annexation and (2) no Greek Cypriot domination of Turkish community are acceptable to GOG, Isik felt there might be some hope that secret talks could lead to an agreed solution.

Foregoing is drawn from uncleared memcon, drafted after Secretary’s departure for Geneva.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 CYP. Secret; Priority; Limdis. Repeated to Geneva. Secretary Rusk traveled to Geneva on April 9 to attend a meeting of U.S. Ambassadors to the Middle East.
  2. A memorandum of conversation is ibid.