107. Telegram From the Embassy in Cyprus to the Department of State1

192. At request Minister Interior, Thimayya and I went to see President urgently while he went to see Grivas. President in middle of Council of Ministers meeting which he broke off for hour-long discussion with us.

Thimayya made suggestion that President issue statement calling for cease-fire by Greeks on condition urgent negotiations be commenced at once for removal all posts both Greek Cypriot and Turk Cypriot in Mansoura area. President pointed out that this was similar to suggestion he had made some time ago and had even offered withdraw unilaterally if UN would take over Greek posts. UN had been unable do so but perhaps if both sides gave up posts outside villages UN could then maintain peace in area. Thimayya agreed this would be good idea and worth trying as last-ditch effort save situation from complete chaos. As we speaking of these matters word received of overflight reported previously and [Page 226] of fact villages of Alevgha and Selain Tou Appi had fallen to Greeks (according to Turk sources as told to UN). At same time President’s secretary requested helicopter assistance in evacuating number seriously wounded Greek Cypriots from village Kato Pyrgos. All UN helicopters grounded due some mechanical fault and General offered ambulance.

President said he would contact Grivas (who still with Georkadjis at Athalassa command post) immediately and would go there to confer in view need for urgent communication facility only available at post.2

I offered send any message he wanted to Ankara for urgent transmission for GOT but pointed out that suggestion of bilateral withdrawal if not coupled with Greek cease-fire would have little effect. President said he would contact me as soon as he had conferred with Grivas, who is in command of operation.

General Thimayya pointed out communication difficulty in that his commander in area had been unable for past 36 hours contact any responsible Greek Cypriot. He expressed hope that communications from Athalassa command post might be more effective.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 23–8 CYP. Confidential; Flash. Received at 3:13 p.m. and repeated to Athens, London, Paris for USRO, Geneva for Acheson, the White House, OSD, CIA, and JCS.
  2. Telegram 194 from Nicosia, August 7, 11 p.m., transmitted the text of Georkadjis’ report on the military situation in Cyprus. (Ibid.)