100. Telegram From the Embassy in Greece to the Department of State1
200. Embtel 197 rpted Ankara 73; London 57; Geneva 58.2 Costopoulos and Nikolareizis lunched with Anschuetz and me today. Conversation confirmed in general information Costopoulos gave Anschuetz yesterday as reported reftel; i.e., GOG determined continue negotiations, GOG will not retract any acceptances already made. Nikolareizis authorized propose only NATO base or Turkish participation British base. However, Costopoulos, in our presence, repeated instructions to Nikolareizis, explore without commitment implications of leased base arrangement.
[Page 213]Nikolareizis explained that Acheson proposals re Turk minority which Nikolareizis conveyed to Papandreou and Papandreou approved in principle, had been made purposely unspecific by Acheson in my effort stimulate examination of problem. Acheson memorandum this subject which was transmitted subsequently outlined much more comprehensive arrangement involving provisions which GOG could not accept for reasons which Embassy has previously reported. Greeks “accept principles outlined in general conversation but not proposed treatment in depth mentioned in memo.”
Referring to Lausanne Treaty provisions for Tendos and Imbros, Costopoulos pointed out that (aside from fact Turks had not carried out provisions) situations were not parallel. Argument was that purpose Article 14 was to ensure that people on island, who mostly Greeks, should have local self-determination. Applying this to Cyprus, he contended that, even with current abnormal concentrations of Turkish population in certain sections of island, there is no single unit under present Cypriot administrative system in which Turks actually constitute majority. (We suggested this depended on how one drew the lines.) In those areas where Turks are temporarily most heavily concentrated, Costopoulos maintained economic factors alone would prevent continued existence these concentrations: i.e. Turkish farm lands and properties are in many cases remote from proprietors temporary abodes, while permanent installation in these areas of temporary concentrations could only be accomplished by dislocation long-term Greek residents.
Nevertheless, said Costopoulos, GOG perfectly prepared accept principles of Treaty Lausanne as applied to minority and would accept UN commissioners to supervise application these principles. GOG could not, however, accept arrangements which would in effect create and perpetuate barriers between communities. Nikolareizis will be prepared discuss this matter in depth with Acheson.
Discussion provisions for administration of Turkish Cypriots led directly into discussion of role of Turkish military contingent. Costopoulos reiterated his thesis that if indeed it were possible remove Turkish minority from island, it would then be possible to grant sovereign military base to Turkey. However, under special provisions for Turk ethnics outlined in Acheson memo, taken in conjunction with large sovereign military base, would only perpetuate and aggravate errors London/Zurich Accords. He made it clear Greeks regard Turkish military justifications for base as spurious. Nikolareizis commented that Turkish demands for base area are larger than either one of the British bases which have at various periods accommodated between 5,000 and 30,000 men. Neither Costopoulos nor Nikolareizis denied, however, genuine necessity devise some means avoid humiliation of Turks.
Nikolareizis said he expects return Geneva August 5.
[Page 214]Comment: Today’s conversation tends confirm but adds little new to our previous reports. Costopoulos has made it clear that in his mind a leased base not categorically excluded. His authority to Nikolareizis to explore possibility is made on his personal responsibility and not that of Prime Minister. I cannot determine, however, whether Costopoulos merely endeavoring preserve GOG negotiating position, or whether Papandreou is actually more unyielding on this issue. My surmise is that if agreement on other issues could be satisfactorily reached, Greeks might be induced to agree to leased base provided it were moderate in area and personnel. Greeks well aware that separate element of possible agreement can be evaluated only as part of total package.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 23–8 CYP. Secret; Exdis-TAG. Repeated to Ankara, London, and Geneva for Acheson.↩
- See footnote 4, Document 99.↩