206. Telegram From the Embassy in Germany to the Department of State1

11431. Vipto 27. Pass White House for President. Subj: Vice President’s visit: March 29 meeting with Brandt—offset and troop deployment.2 (Following is approved record of conversation.)

Brandt said that he felt urgent need to bring trilateral talks to a good result. Redeployment of troops should come not on the basis of balance [Page 506] of payments, but on a basis of technological change. Then, obviously quite concerned re this point, Brandt said “democracy in the Federal Republic of Germany does not depend on the presence of foreign troops.” He was quite certain that rightist groups in Germany had no future, and that Germany’s partners should recognize this.
Vice President assured the Vice Chancellor that the U.S. did not regard the NPD vote as significant. It did not indicate any more influence in Germany than did Birch Society strength in the Rocky Mountain states indicate power in U.S. American troops in Germany are not forces of occupation, Vice President said, they are there to add reality to our commitment to European security. Any reduction of our troop levels would not mean any lessening of that commitment.
Brandt said that this was a very delicate issue, particularly because of leaks on German side following discussions with U.S. He regretted these leaks. He had discussed matter with his colleagues in hope that something could be done about problem. If he had chosen not to speak with his colleagues, it would have [been] difficult to make anything happen.
Vice President acknowledged the American concern with the news leaks. This was always a problem. There was a need for frank discussion in private about this matter. He believed that after trilateral discussions were concluded and modifications in troop levels might be made, there might be possible press misunderstanding. But what counted was the commitment to each other of nations and leaders.
  1. Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 67 D 586, CF 142. Secret; Priority; Exdis. Passed to the White House.
  2. Vice President Humphrey visited Europe March 28–April 8. A complete set of the reporting telegrams and memoranda of his conversation is ibid. A report on his discussions with Brandt regarding European relations is in Foreign Relations, 1964–1968, vol. XIII, Document 244.