186. Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Embassy in Spain1

3. Following is based upon uncleared memcon Secretary and Spanish FonMin Castiella Oct. 6 in NY, FYI, Noforn, and subject to revision:2

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Castiella said GOS close to final action on assistance program for South Viet-Nam. Meeting of Council of Ministers scheduled in Madrid Oct. 8 (Castiella plans return to Spain to attend) to deal with this matter. Currently GOS plans provide loan of coastal vessel as well as medical assistance.3 Secretary expressed appreciation this action as symbol international solidarity in support of South Viet-Nam.
Castiella announced that GOS had agreed to establishment of US space tracking station at Robledo de Chavela.4
Castiella asked for US agreement to use DC-8 aircraft purchased through Guaranty Trust Co. to supplant worn-out Super Constellations on Iberia flights Madrid-Havana. According Ambassador Del Val these DC-8 purchased with “gentlemen’s understanding” that they not be used for such flights without agreement of USG. Secretary told Castiella he would look into matter.5

Discussion also included Spanish bilateral relations, NATO, and other subjects.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, AID (SP) VIET S. Secret. Repeated to Saigon and to the Department of State as Secto 32, which is the copy printed here.
  2. Memoranda of conversation between Rusk and Castiella are ibid., Conference Files: Lot 66 D 347, CF 2458.
  3. Telegram 358 from Madrid, October 9, reported: “With respect to Vietnam, ForMin said gift of ambulances was initial step but he did not indicate what type of further aid might be given.” (Ibid., Central Files 1964-66, POL SP-US)
  4. For text of the October 11 amendment to the 1964 agreement, see 16 UST 1710.
  5. In a November 13 letter to Castiella, Rusk confirmed that the U.S. position was that “If DC-8 aircraft are used on the service to and from Havana, their flight frequencies should be reduced so as to maintain the present annual passenger capacity level.” He added: “I note that your Government is unable to agree to this.” (National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, POL SP-US)