149. Record of Actions1
Washington, undated.
Meeting No. 1/64, February 18, 1964—6:00 PM
- 1.
- Following discussion of a State Department paper on Portuguese
African Territories,2 Under Secretary
Harriman agreed that the
State Department’s short-term program for Portuguese Africa would
include the following:
- a.
- Initiating a new round of U.S.-Portuguese bilateral talks at high level, to evidence U.S. efforts to influence the Portuguese.
- b.
- Expanding discussions with Portuguese officials to include conversations between U.S. and Portuguese representatives in various capitals, in international organization, etc.
- c.
- Generating bilateral talks between Portuguese and moderate African leaders and exploring the renewal of UN-sponsored talks.
- d.
- Continuing conversations with key reasonable Africans to demonstrate our own concern with the Angolan problem and to engage them in the effort to achieve peaceful evolution.
- 2.
- State, AID and CIA representatives agreed to coordinate a review of the adequacy of existing programs for Portuguese African Nationalists—particularly refugee relief, secondary education, educational programs specially tailored to potential political leaders, administrative and professional governmental cadres and other such specialized requirements; and other forms of assistance by appropriate means.
- 3.
- State and CIA representatives agreed to produce a concise information memo regarding progress, status and prospects—political and economic—of the people of the Portuguese African territories; e.g. what steps are the Portuguese taking on land reform, expanded education, broader participation in local elections and local government?
- 4.
- The Group agreed to schedule, during the next few weeks, consideration of the Congo, of Ghana and of South and Southwest Africa.