13. Editorial Note

On January 17, 1968, President Lyndon Johnson delivered his annual message to Congress on the State of the Union. In the speech, the President discussed the prospects for peace in Vietnam: [Page 33]

“Right now we are exploring the meaning of Hanoi’s recent statement. There is no mystery about the questions which must be answered before the bombing is stopped. We believe that any talks should follow the San Antonio formula that I stated last September, which said:

“—The bombing would stop immediately if talks would take place promptly and with reasonable hopes that they would be productive.

“—And the other side must not take advantage of our restraint as they have in the past.

“This Nation simply cannot accept anything less without jeopardizing the lives of our men and of our allies. If a basis for peace talks can be established on the San Antonio foundations—and it is my hope and my prayer that they can—we would consult with our allies and with the other side to see if a complete cessation of hostilities—a really true cease-fire—could be made the first order of business. I will report at the earliest possible moment the results of these explorations to the American people.”

For full text of the speech, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1968–69, Book I, pages 25–33.