- Acheson, Dean G., 158
- African countries, 6
- Agency for International Development (AID), 88, 421, 422, 479–480, 714–715
- Aiken, George D., 37n, 75
- Air strikes against DRV. See Bombing headings.
- Akalovsky, Alexander, 117
- Albert, Carl, 142, 259
- Algeria, 5
- Allen, George W., 628n
- Alsop, Joseph W., 10, 37, 708
- Ambassadorship in Saigon, 800–801, 850, 883–885
- Anderson, Clinton P., 193
- Arends, Leslie C., 126, 143, 255
- Anderson, Robert, 126
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), 475
- Chaplainsʼ Corps, 400
- Corruption problem, 410, 582, 584, 589–590
- Day of national recognition for, 446
- Factionalism among commanders, 941
- “Improper organization” issue, 930–931
- Improvement program, 610
- NLF infiltration of, 386
- Pacification program/civil operations, 475, 476, 536, 555, 571–573, 605–606, 610, 732, 785, 925, 951, 978–980
- Reorganization of, 807
- Asian Development Task Force, 262, 265
- Asian Peace Offensive proposal, 461–463
- Australia, 5, 170–171, 190, 256, 788, 845
- Ayub Khan, Muhammad, 160–163, 259
- Baldwin, Hanson, 261
- Ball, George W. (see also
Ball group), 8, 11, 21, 22n, 74, 95n, 141n, 150n, 238, 245, 255, 274, 280, 355, 372, 493n, 495n, 599n,
- Asian Peace Offensive proposal, 461
- Bombing of DRV:
- Bombing pause, 97n, 99n
- Bombing resumption, 100, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 155, 168, 182
- Chinese intervention in Vietnam, possible, 110, 129–138
- Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation:
- Honolulu Conference, 214
- Manila Conference, 653, 655n
- Marigold peace initiative, 467, 470–471, 481, 484–485
- National reconciliation program, 660–661
- NLF representation at negotiations, 73
- Pacification program/civil operations, 63, 202, 660
- Thrush operation, 657
- U.S. policy on Vietnam and Congress, 43–44, 56–57
- Ball group, 355–357, 360–365
- Bates, William H., 126, 144
- Baumgardner, Ev, 888
- Be, Maj., 477
- Beech, Keyes, 535–536
- Bell, David E., 18, 44, 58n, 59, 254, 276, 390n, 846
- Black, Eugene, 257, 726
- Blouin, Rear Adm. F. J., 216n
- Boggs, Hale, 144, 259
- Bohlen, Charles E., 44, 497n, 508–510, 540–542, 950n
- Bolton, Frances P., 8, 145
- Bombing of DRV:
- Achievements of, 50, 177, 633–634
- B–52 strikes, 311
- Casualties, 430–431
- Chinese intervention scenario, 82, 129–138
- Civilian facilities, strikes against, 898, 951–952
- Controlled armed reconnaissance program, 299–301
- Defensive response by DRV, 300–301
- DRV position re, 118–119
- Effects of bombing, intelligence reports on, 428–432, 517–518, 614–616, 736–738, 801–804
- Effects of bombing, JCS report on, 789–792
- Escalation issue (see also Petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) targets below; Rolling Thunder (RT) 52 program below), 129–132, 304–305, 412–413, 599n, 650–651
- Ginsburghʼs position, 794–796
- Ho Chi Minh Trail, focus on, 359
- Interdiction capability, 114–115, 166, 167, 211–212
- International reaction, 82, 441–442, 443, 804, 861–862
- JCS recommendations, 80–83
- Mansfieldʼs position, 417
- Marigold peace initiative and, 900, 912–913, 917–919, 936–938, 953–955, 959–960
- Militaryʼs unanimous support for, 734n
- Mining of Haiphong harbor, 131
- Morale situation in DRV and, 648
- Overall U.S. strategy, relation to, 47–52
- Petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) targets, 378–379, 385, 411–412, 417–418
- Political dimension, 78
- Reconstruction efforts by DRV, 431–432
- Restriction on bombing around Hanoi, 733–734, 968–97, 971–973
- Rolling Thunder (RT) 52 program, 599–600, 617–618, 742, 756n
- Sharpʼs position, 780–782
- Sortie rate, 152
- Stabilization of, 729–731, 740, 744, 758
- Target selection, 125, 127–128, 152, 177, 300–301, 310–312, 359, 779
- Termination option, 649, 733, 758–762
- Thaiʼs assessment of, 583
- U.S. domestic situation and, 378
- U.S. image abroad and, 110
- Westmorelandʼs position, 290–291, 777–779, 784–785
- Bombing pause (see also
Peace offensive), 7
- Campaign issue in U.S., 76
- Extended pause option, 95–97, 99n
- Harrimanʼs position, 34–35
- Lodgeʼs assessment of, 195–197
- McNamaraʼs assessment of, 74–76, 80
- Results in Vietnam, 15–16
- Resumption of, possible, 579, 634
- U.S.-RVN discussions re, 24–26
- U.S. strategy, 22–24
- Vietnamese peopleʼs unawareness of, 226–227
- Bombing resumption, 21
- Administration discussions, 8–11, 39, 98–100, 105–112, 126–128, 153–155, 164–170, 182–186
- Administration discussions with Congressional leaders, 141–145
- Ayubʼs position, 160–163
- Country positions, 106–107
- Diplomatic and political factors affecting, 170–173
- Enclave strategy and, 201
- French position, 106, 213
- Goldbergʼs position, 22–24
- Implementation procedures, 103–104, 124–125
- JCS position, 35–36, 39
- Lodgeʼs position, 16–17
- McNamaraʼs position, 108
- Militaryʼs unanimous support, 108
- Opposition to, 77–78, 164n
- Resumption on January 31, 192
- Sharpʼs position, 52
- Summary paper on resumption complexities, 139–140
- U.K. position, 154n
- Wise Menʼs opinions, 158–159, 174, 181
- Bouteflika, Abdelaziz, 950n
- Bow, Frank T., 126, 144
- Bowles, Chester, 576–577, 846
- Bradley, Gen. Omar n., 261, 264
- Breakfield, Gen., 537
- Brezhnev, Leonid, 94
- Brown, George, 758n, 759, 812, 816, 821–824, 862, 865–866, 898, 974
- Brown, Winthrop G., 785
- Bruce, David K. E., 426n, 758n, 865
- Buddhist self-immolations, 511
- Buddhist Struggle Movement, 941
- Administration discussion re, 323–325
- Anti-American propaganda by Buddhists, 303–304, 312–313
- Buddhist demands, 283–285, 292–293
- Chaos in Vietnam, potential for, 362
- Civilian government issue, 293–294
- Communist influence, 295–296, 336n
- Decline of Buddhist strength, 350–352
- Demonstrations against government, 285–286, 292
- Government assault on Buddhists, 293, 306–308, 318–319, 321, 334n, 386–388, 391–393, 396–397
- Intelligence reports on, 292–295, 377–378, 380
- Kyʼs inflammatory statements, 373
- Negotiations between government and Buddhists, 325–327, 393–394
- Onset following Thiʼs removal from command, 277–280, 282
- Political impact, 296–297, 377–378
- Post-crisis agenda of government, 352–354
- Public attitude toward, 297
- Reestablishment of government authority, 399, 409, 444–446
- Taylorʼs analysis of U.S. options, 340–344
- Thieuʼs assessment of, 453, 454
- U.S. domestic situation and, 394–396, 397
- U.S. forces, instructions for, 323n
- U.S. intervention, proposed, 338–339
- U.S. policy re, 286–287, 314–316, 317, 334–336
- U.S. withdrawal and, 327–328
- Valentiʼs analysis of U.S. options, 320–322
- Buffum, William, 552n
- Bui Diem, 86, 391–394, 532n, 545, 557n, 766, 770
- Bundy, McGeorge, 9, 14n, 15n, 2In, 24n, 26, 34n, 38, 40, 55n, 57n, 58n, 74, 83n, 89n, 100n, 125, 141n, 150n, 171n, 189n, 192n, 193n, 192n, 211n, 216, 238, 239n, 245, 263, 274
- Bundy, William P., 144, 244, 40, 444, 704, 103, 111, 170, 171, 214, 228, 287n, 288n, 334n,
338n, 355, 386n, 387n, 390n,
493n, 495n, 496n, 497n, 502n, 514n, 522n, 548n, 552n, 566, 621n, 650n, 753n,
758, 763n, 776, 843n, 885n, 897
- ARVN corruption problem, 584
- Ball group report, 361n
- Bombing of DRV:
- Buddhist Struggle Movement, 323, 325–327, 392–393
- Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation:
- Honolulu Conference, 246–255
- Manila Conference, 652–657
- Marigold peace initiative, 821
- Military program in Vietnam, allies contributions to, 845–847
- Negotiation issue:
- RVN constitution, 825
- Soviet-U.S. discussions on Vietnam, 821, 822, 823–824
- U.S. policy planning for 1967, 962–966
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 828, 883–884
- Burchett, Wilfred, 679n
- Burma, 846
- Burns, James McGregor, 193
- Byrnes, James F, 950
- Byroade, Henry A., 100–102, 171, 230n, 846
- Califano, Joseph A., Jr., 302n
- Cam Ranh Base, 551
- Cambodia, 490, 663
- Canada, 5, 106, 170, 171
- Cao Van Vien, Gen., 303n, 319, 386n, 501, 586, 701, 788
- Carver, George A., Jr., 203, 340n, 355, 562n, 677n
- Case, Clifford, 122, 124
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also
Helms, Richard
M.; National Intelligence
Estimates; Raborn, William F, Jr.), 123
- Bombing of DRV, 428–432, 517–518, 614–616, 736, 744, 801n
- Buddhist Struggle Movement, 377–378, 380
- Defection encouragement program, 637–638
- DRV intentions and attitudes toward the war, 530–531
- Infiltration interdiction system, 744
- McNamaraʼs report on Vietnam visit, CIA response to, 742–746
- National Liberation Front, penetration
- of, 637–638
- Negotiation issue, 745
- Pacification program/civil operations:
- Peace offensive, 92–94
- Religious project in Vietnam, 380n
- RVN elections, 369–370
- Southeast Asia, Communist threat to, 382n
- Thrush operation, 797
- Troop deployments by U.S., 744
- Vietnamese Communistsʼ will to persist, report on, 601–603
- Chadbourn, Philip, 233
- Chau, Col., 477, 507
- Chauvel, Jean Michel Henri, 158
- Chen Yi, 135
- Chieu. See Pham Xuan Chieu, Gen.
- Chieu Hoi program, 15, 31, 55, 62, 197, 224–225, 251, 308, 402, 416, 424, 448, 478, 537, 580, 611, 762, 926
- Chin, 950
- China, Peopleʼs Republic of, 364–365
- China, Republic of. See Taiwan.
- Chon, Col., 41
- Christian, George, 452
- Chuan. See Nguyen Van Chuan, Gen.
- Church, Frank, 75, 221
- Civil program. See Pacification program/civil operations.
- Clark, Joseph S., 122
- Clifford, Clark M., 185, 241, 884
- Co. See Nguyen Huu Co, Gen.
- Cohen,Richard, 756
- Colby, William E., 59n, 369n, 507, 587, 637–638, 677n
- Cold war, 17
- Collins, Brig. Gen. James, 59n
- Commercial Import Program, 398, 479–480
- Communist insurgency, 15, 55
- Congress, U.S. (see also Senate, U.S.):
- Connally, John, 884
- Cooper, Chester L., 59, 83, 275–276, 584, 587n, 637–638, 640n, 726n, 776, 821, 822–823, 824, 825, 843n, 964n
- Cooper, J. S., 154
- Cooper, Richard, 59, 83
- Corcoran, Thomas, 326
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 20, 702, 704, 821
- Dang Van Quang, Gen., 584, 589–590, 765–766, 944
- Dang Van Sung, 512, 533, 626
- Davidson, Daniel, 543, 586, 762n, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826
- De Besche, Hubert, 829, 856
- De Gaulle, Charles, 5, 7–8, 20, 213, 508, 586, 702, 821, 928n, 950
- Phnom Penh speech, 627
- De Pugh, Ben, 41
- De Silva, Peer, 59n, 487
- Dean, Arthur, 158, 175, 176, 180, 265n
- Dean, Sir Patrick, 758–762
- Defection encouragement program (see also Chieu Hoi program; Elmtree operation; Thrush operation):
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 428, 614n, 789n
- Defoliation operations, 699–700
- Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV; North
Vietnam) (see also
Bombing of DRV;
Communist insurgency; Marigold peace
- Asian Peace Offensive proposal, 461–463
- China, relationship with, 54, 133, 432, 556, 875
- Chinese presence in, 290
- Civil defense and evacuation, 632–633
- Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation:
- Economic cooperation issue, 726–727
- Economic situation, 289, 631–633
- Food supply problems, 581–582
- Four Points, 4n, 13, 72
- Future strategy, 904
- Intentions and attitudes toward the war, 530–531, 721–723
- Long-term plans for Vietnam, 508–509
- Military potential for fighting in South Vietnam, 488–490
- Morale situation, 631, 647–648
- Negotiation issue:
- NLF, relationship with, 209–210
- Peace offensive, reaction to, 4–5, 92–93, 192
- Political and psychological campaign in the Free World, 876
- Political situation, 76, 271–272, 631
- Prisoners of war, treatment of, 509
- Salisburyʼs reporting from, 973–974
- Soviet assistance, 133, 432
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 875
- Soviet military presence, 33
- U.S.-RVN infiltration of, 513
- Will to persist, U.S. report on, 601–603
- Denney, George C., Jr., 146–150, 721–723
- Diem. See Bui Diem.
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 884
- Dinh, Gen., 377, 389, 392, 396, 410, 445
- Dinh Trinh Chinh, 766
- Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation (see
Marigold peace
initiative; Peace offensive; Soviet-U.S. discussions on Vietnam):
- Administration testimony to Congress re, 39–40
- Asian initiative, Thanatʼs proposal for, 538–539, 587
- DRV initiative through Laotians, 89–91, 111, 172–173
- Harrimanʼs talks in Algeria and Paris, 950
- ICRC initiative, 552–554, 566–568
- Japanese initiative, 586–587
- NLF representative in Algiers, U.S. contacts with, 584–585
- Phase A-Phase B peace formula, 658
- Ronning peace initiative, 287–290, 438, 448–449, 468
- Rumanian initiative, 767–769
- Saintenyʼs visit to Hanoi, 508–510
- Swedish initiative, 829–835, 856–859
- Thantʼs initiative, 482–483
- U.S.-DRV contacts in Burma, 100–102,
- 171, 228–230
- U.S.-DRV contacts in Moscow, 70–73, 91, 111, 117–121, 172
- U.S.-RVN consensus on, 247
- XYZ initiative, 12–14, 44–47
- Dirksen, Everett M., 8, 37, 127, 142, 258
- Do. See Tran Van Do.
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy F, 111, 158, 180, 662, 716, 761, 906n, 981–982
- DʼOrlandi, Giovanni, 756, 821
- Douglas, Paul, 169, 587
- Du Val, Clive, 538
- Dulles, Allen W., 176, 179, 180, 181
- Duong Van Minh, Gen., 316
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 17, 122, 126, 261, 264, 571
- Elmtree operation:
- Emrick, Lt. Gen. Paul S., 564n Enclave strategy, 123, 140, 143, 144, 198–201
- Engel, D. A., 349n
- Fall, Bernard B., 634n
- Fanfani, Amintore, 468, 471n, 527, 529, 620
- Faroche, Amb., 470
- Fedorenko, Nikolai, 662
- Fenoaltea, Sergio, 470–471, 767–769
- Fisk, Shirley, 756
- FitzGerald, Desmond, 369n
- Ford, Gerald R., 75, 126, 141, 258
- Fortas, Abe, 32–33, 183, 323
- Foster, John, 635n, 636, 686
- Foster, William C., 662
- Fowler, Henry H., 442–443, 452
- France, 702, 704
- Franco, Francisco, 950
- Freeman, Orville H., 14, 128, 193, 214, 215, 216, 219, 225, 245, 252, 421, 424, 480, 884
- Frei, Eduardo, 10
- Friedman, Alvin, 59n
- Front of All Religions, 523
- Fulbright, J. William, 8, 56, 122, 126, 127, 128, 140, 143, 144, 154, 221, 238n, 246, 261, 269, 384, 549, 601n, 716n
- Gallopin (ICRC), 566
- Gandhi, Indira, 492n, 539, 645
- Gardner, John W., 193, 214, 215, 245, 251, 252, 282, 424, 884
- Gates, Thomas, 884
- Gaud, William S., 245, 255, 260, 264, 609n, 660, 672n, 714, 836n, 885n
- Gavin, Lt. Gen. James M., 123, 140, 198–201, 205, 220, 236–237, 261, 265
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 79–80, 691–692
- Giap. See Vo Nguyen Giap.
- Gilpatric, Roswell, 883
- Ginsburgh, Col. Robert, 682–684, 736n, 792–796
- Gleysteen, Culver, 12n
- Goldberg, Arthur J., 10, 11, 21n, 52n, 74,
95, 239n, 255, 584, 586, 662, 719, 951
- Ambassadorship in Saigon, 884
- Bombing of POL targets in DRV, 441–442, 444, 451–452
- Bombing pause, 22–24
- Bombing resumption, 22–24
- DRV intransigence, Johnsonʼs frustration re, 986–987
- ICRC diplomatic initiative, 552, 566
- Marigold peace initiative, 471n
- Peace offensive, 6, 20, 187
- Phase A-Phase B peace formula, 658
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Vietnam issue, 186, 189–190, 192n, 194
- Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 891, 893
- Gonard, Samuel, 553, 566–568
- Goodpaster, Lt. Gen. Andrew J., 216n, 264, 280, 282, 305n, 484n, 789n
- Gore, Albert, 222
- Gottlieb, Sanford, 156
- Goure, Leon, 76–77, 502n, 550n, 551
- Greece, 847, 950
- Greene, Gen. Wallace M., Jr., 188, 263, 451
- Greenhill, Denis A., 866
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 21, 95, 645, 759, 760
- Gronouski, John A., 91, 898
- Gullion, Edmund, 12n
- Ha Van Lao, 448n
- Habib, Philip C., 59n, 65, 233, 387n, 545, 547, 862, 888, 976
- Haiphong harbor, mining, 131
- Hammarskjold, Dag, 196
- Harkins, Gen. Paul D., 232
- Harriman, W. Averell, 5, 8, 9, 10, 38,
44, 67, 68–69, 88, 90, 98, 141n, 216, 243, 258, 484n, 522n, 552n, 557n, 558n, 577n, 621n, 678–679, 726–727, 776, 789, 843n
- Ambassadorship in Saigon, 884
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam, NLF infiltration of, 386
- Bombing of DRV, 385, 861–862
- Bombing pause, 34–35
- Bombing resumption, 107, 168
- Chieu Hoi program, 580
- Defection encouragement program, 587–588, 637, 825
- Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation:
- Fulbrightʼs meeting with, 598–599
- Honolulu Conference, 215
- Kissingerʼs meeting with, 543–548
- Manila Conference, 820–821, 860
- Marigold peace initiative, 821, 822
- Negotiation issue, 548–549, 691–692
- Peace offensive, 34–35
- Post-Manila trip, report on, 860–862
- Prisoners of war, 585
- Republic of Vietnam:
- Soviet-U.5. discussions on Vietnam:
- Thaiʼs meeting with, 580–583, 584
- Hart, Wilson, 887
- Hatfield, Mark, 185
- Hayden, Carl, 145
- Hbay Mon, 563
- Heintges, John A., 757
- Helble, John J., 325n, 403n
- Helms, Richard M., 37, 46, 108, 238, 245, 255, 260n, 338n, 377n, 387n, 443, 515, 530n, 548, 562n, 601n, 672n, 836n, 904
- Hertz, Gustav, 156, 309
- Hichens-Bergstrom, R., 830–831, 834, 856
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 8, 57, 122, 127, 144, 264
- Ho Chi Minh, 50, 76, 122, 187, 229, 290, 454, 503n, 508, 509, 581, 619n, 805, 926
- Ho Giac, 286
- Hoang Quynh, 523, 625
- Hoang Xuan Lam, Gen., 512, 545
- Holbrooke, Richard, 885–890
- Holt, Harold, 654, 656, 775, 788
- Holyoake, Keith, 5, 654, 775, 788
- Honey, P. J., 76
- Honolulu Conference:
- Ally governments informed about, 214
- Johnsonʼs assessment of, 218–219
- Johnsonʼs decision to attend, 203–204
- Johnsonʼs meeting with Ky and Thieu, 227–228 Johnsonʼs public statement on, 214n
- Record of conclusions and decisions
- for further actions, 246–255
- Summary of proceedings, 215
- Valentiʼs suggestion for, 193–194
- Vietnamese publicʼs perception of, 223–224
- Hornig, Donald F, 193
- Hughes, Thomas L., 192, 292–295, 548n,
- 599n, 630–633, 644–646, 658, 820
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 5, 6n, 7n, 9, 21n, 111, 128, 144, 189, 696, 752, 916
- Asian Development Task Force, 265
- Asian trip, 215–216, 224, 255n, 256–257
- Bombing of POL targets in DRV, 441, 442, 451
- Bombing resumption, 177, 178, 179, 181
- Buddhist Struggle Movement, 323, 324, 334n
- Peace offensive, 19–20
- Tonkin Gulf Resolution repeal effort, 265
- U.S. policy on Vietnam, administration discussions with Congressional leaders re, 245, 256–259
- Hungary, 5
- Huynh Tan Phat, 202, 207, 501
- Huynh Van Tam, 156–157, 208
- India, 107, 256, 259, 846, 861
- Indonesia, 365, 382, 828
- Infiltration interdiction system, 729, 744, 878
- Information policy on Vietnam, 260, 270, 359–360, 383–384, 491–492
- Institute for Defense Analysisʼ “Summer Study Group,” 736–738
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 156–157, 552–554, 566–568
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 283
- Iran, 846
- Isham, Heywood, 829, 843n
- Italy, 20, 106
- Jacobson, George, 888
- Janczewski, Zbigniew, 912, 917, 933, 936, 971
- Japan, 5, 19, 20, 34, 35, 171, 364, 53, 586–587, 845
- Javits, Jacob K., 395
- Jenkins, Walter E., Jr., 899, 973
- Jha, L. K., 861n
- Johnson, Gen. Harold K., 187–188, 439–440, 441, 443, 451, 585, 850n
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 13, 21n, 22n, 24n, 52n, 100n, 150n, 171n, 239n, 329, 350n, 357, 387n, 453n, 508n,
511n, 530n, 540n, 556n, 601n, 627n, 650n, 657n, 678, 682n, 711n, 726, 738n, 752,
860n, 890n, 931n, 948
- ARVN corruption problem, 589
- Asian Development Task Force, 262, 265
- Asian trip, 753, 763n, 776
- Bombing of DRV:
- Achievements of, 177, 633
- Chinese intervention scenario, 129
- Effects of bombing in 1965, 428n
- Escalation issue, 304, 305n
- Interdiction capability, 166
- Petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) targets, 378, 412, 417–418, 426–428, 437–438, 440, 442, 443, 449–452, 458–460
- Restriction on bombing around Hanoi, 968n
- Rolling Thunder (RT) 52 program, 618, 756n, 812, 816–817, 818n, 916
- Target selection, 127
- Termination option, 649
- Westmorelandʼs position, 290, 777
- Bombing pause:
- Bombing resumption:
- Administration discussions, 8–11, 39, 98–100, 105–112, 126–128, 154–155, 164–170, 182–186
- Administration discussions with Congressional leaders, 141, 143, 144, 145
- Ayubʼs position, 160
- French position, 213
- Implementation procedures, 103, 124
- Opposition to, 77–78
- Resumption on January 31, 192
- Summary paper on complexities, 139
- Wise Menʼs opinions, 158, 174–175, 176–181
- Buddhist Struggle Movement:
- Administration discussion re, 323–325
- Anti-American propaganda by Buddhists, 303–304
- Communist influence, 336n
- Government assault on Buddhists, 396–397
- Onset following Thiʼs removal from command, 279, 282
- Taylorʼs analysis of U.S. options, 340
- U.S. policy re, 287, 314, 317
- Valentiʼs analysis of U.S. options, 320
- Chieu Hoi program, 251
- Chinese intervention in Vietnam, 129
- Congress, administration strategy for dealing with, 238, 241–244
- Defection encouragement program, 587, 660
- Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 647, 904
- Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation:
- Elmtree operation, 497, 499–500
- Honolulu Conference, 203–204, 215, 218–219
- Infiltration interdiction system, 842, 932
- Information policy on Vietnam, 383, 491
- Kosygin, letter to, 906–908
- Ky, attitude toward, 218–219
- KY and Thieu, meetings with, 227–228, 770–775
- Ky-Thieu government, 255, 531, 774:
- Leonhartʼs Vietnam visits, reports on, 405, 609, 974
- Lodgeʼs weekly reports. See under Lodge, Henry Cabot.
- Manila Conference, 783, 787
- Marigold peace initiative, 983
- McNamara mission to Vietnam, 727
- Military program in Vietnam:
- Alliesʼ contributions, 79–80, 828
- Casualties, 178
- Costs of, 786
- Kill counts, 272–273, 281
- Lodgeʼs assessment of, 57
- Naval gunfire against DRV, 686n
- Outlook for military operations in 1966, 112, 150
- Reserve call-up issue, 273–274
- “Split up and keep off balance” strategy, 805 Westmorelandʼs assessment of, 773–774
- Westmorelandʼs concept of military operations, 603, 607
- Womenʼs involvement, 78–79
- Negotiation issue:
- Negotiations Committee, 548n
- Non-group on Vietnam, formation of, 677, 678n
- Pacification program/civil operations, 389
- Acceleration effort, 554n
- Bellʼs report for Johnson, 83
- “Civil czar” position, 260, 263, 274, 302–303
- Economic initiatives, 398
- Katzenbachʼs assessment of, 746
- Komerʼs assessment and recommendations, 419
- Komerʼs Vietnam visit, report on, 474
- Management reorganization, 63, 64n, 613, 614n, 659, 710n, 712, 713, 756–75, 798n, 848–849
- Medical program, 282
- Military takeover in 1967, 849
- Obstacles to, 374
- Organizational structure, 231, 235n
- Prioritization of programs, 344
- Technical visits, 14
- Valentiʼs suggestions, 193, 194
- Peace offensive, 4, 7–8, 21–22, 34, 187
- Republic of Vietnam:
- Senate hearings on Vietnam, 205, 220–222, 261, 264–265
- Soviet-U.S. discussions on Vietnam:
- State of the Union message, 56n
- Thrush operation, 617n, 797
- Tonkin Gulf Resolution:
- Troop deployments by U.S., 273
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Vietnam issue, 186, 189, 192n, 261
- U.S. domestic situation:
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam, problems with, 894, 897n
- U.S. policy on Vietnam:
- Administration discussions with Congressional leaders, 37–38, 121, 255–259
- Administration testimony to Congress, 56–57
- Ambassadorial change in 1967, 800, 883
- Ball groupʼs assessment of options, 355, 360
- Congressional attitude toward, 44, 464
- NSC discussion re, 381, 382–383
- Planning for 1967, 707, 804–805, 873, 922n
- Scale-down of personnel and facilities, 579
- U.S. withdrawal issue, 32, 213, 322n
- Vanceʼs Vietnam visit, report on, 336
- Wilson, communications with, 426–428, 451n
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 24n, 40, 214n, 218, 274, 286n, 304, 312n, 338n, 372, 387n, 470n, 495n, 514n, 540n, 542n, 557n, 558n, 577n, 599n, 621n, 657n, 883
- Johnson, W. Thomas, 579
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS),
- Bombing of DRV:
- Chinese intervention issue, 82
- Controlled armed reconnaissance program, 299–300
- Defensive response by DRV, 300–301
- Effects of bombing, JCS report on, 789–792
- International reaction, 82
- JCS recommendations, 80–83
- Overall U.S. strategy, relation to, 47
- Restriction on bombing around
- Hanoi, 968n
- Rolling Thunder (RT) 52 program, 599n, 618, 742, 809–812
- Sharpʼs position, 780
- Stabilization of, 740
- Target selection, 300–301
- Bombing resumption, 8, 35–36, 39
- Chinese intervention in Vietnam, possible, 82, 132, 200
- Infiltration interdiction system, 639–640, 740
- McNamaraʼs report of Vietnam visit, response to, 738–742
- Military program in Vietnam:
- Negotiation issue, 740–741
- Pacification program/civil operations:
- Peace offers, position re, 741
- Troop deployments by U.S.:
- U.S. withdrawal issue, 328n
- Bombing of DRV:
- Jones, Boisfeullot, 87
- Jorden, William J., 387n, 389, 502–504,
- 532n, 550, 558n, 640n, 653
- Jorgensen, Gordon, 59n
- Just, Ward, 747
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 484n, 548n, 618, 684n, 707n, 711n, 735, 753, 762n, 763n, 798n, 813n, 842n, 853n, 873n, 883, 885n, 898n, 916, 922n, 964n
- Kaul, T. N., 861n
- Kemal Pasha, Mustafa, 163
- Kennan, George F, 205, 220, 236–237, 261–262
- Kennedy, Edward M., 77
- Kennedy, Robert F, 77, 169, 238, 240, 241, 243, 245, 269, 309
- Kent, Sherman, 765–767, 904
- Keppel, Francis, 87
- Kha (RVN), 701
- Khang. See Le Nguyen Khang, Gen.
- Khanh. See Nguyen Khanh, Gen.
- Kidd, Dr., 481
- Kintner, Robert, 916
- Kissinger, Henry, 147, 532n, 543–548,
- 557n, 559, 585–586, 686, 762n, 825
- Kistiakowsky, George B., 455–457, 635n, 636
- Kohler, Foy D., 70n, 91, 95, 111, 117–121, 172, 662, 906
- Komer, Robert W., 245, 255, 265, 304n, 377n, 387n,
390, 454, 515, 536n, 568n, 609n,
613n, 684n, 770n, 836n, 848n, 873n
- Asian Development Task Force, 262n
- Bombing of DRY, 650–651
- Buddhist Struggle Movement, 279–280
- Chieu Hoi program, 424, 478
- Holbrookeʼs report on Vietnam visit, 885
- Military program in Vietnam, assessment of, 346, 868
- Negotiation issue, 650–652
- Non-group on Vietnam, formation of, 678
- Pacification program/civil operations, 389, 419–425
- Agricultural program, 424
- “Civil czar” position, 274, 302–303
- Commercial Import Program, 398, 479–480
- Coordination of civil and military efforts, 422, 478–479
- Deputy Ambassadorʼs authority, 422, 423–424
- Economic initiatives, 398, 420–421, 479–480
- Forestry program, 424
- 4-area priority pacification effort, 478
- Funding for, 424–425
- Land reform, 478
- Management reorganization, 421–422, 660, 672–677, 713n, 714, 798
- Medical program, 282
- Military takeover in 1967, 849–850
- Obstacles to, 374–375
- Personnel issues, 346, 481
- Police cadres, 423, 477–478
- Port facilities, 479
- Press relations, 481
- Prioritization of programs, 344–346, 375–376
- “Program for the Pacification and Long-Term Development of South Vietnam” (PROVN), 592n
- Resource control and economic warfare, 424, 480
- Revolutionary development effort, 421, 4, 3, 475–479
- Rice collection, 480
- Stagnation of, 554n
- U.S. district-level advisory role, 423
- RVN elections, 376
- U.S. policy on Vietnam:
- Vietnam visit, report on, 474–481
- Korea, Republic of, 19–20, 256, 257, 535, 845
- Korean war, 3, 110, 136, 138, 162
- Koren, Henry L. T., 475, 894
- Kosygin, Alexei N., 24n, 70, 111, 161, 645, 865–866, 928
- Johnsonʼs letter to, 906
- Kraft, Joseph, 103, 208, 243
- Krimer, William D., 662
- Krulak, Lt. Gen. Victor H., 476, 544, 592n
- Kuchel, Thomas H., 258
- Ky. See Nguyen Cao Ky, Air Vice Marshal.
- Ky-Thieu government (See
Buddhist Struggle Movement), 59
- Cabinet crisis, 701, 763–767, 774
- Civilian members, 409–410, 582–583
- Constituent Assembly, relations with, 945–946Continuity of, 943
- Demonstrations against, 225
- First anniversary, 446
- Internal stability, 26–27, 944
- Kyʼs reelection bid in 1967, 531–532
- Overthrow possibility, 197–198, 946
- Public relations program, 254–255
- La Thanh Nghe, 533, 626
- La Van Liem, 563
- Lake, William, 640n
- Lam. See Hoang Xuan Lam, Gen.
- Lansdale, Edward G., 43, 59n, 271, 272, 534–535, 547, 873n, 886n
- Laos, 43, 256, 258–259, 666
- Lathram, Wade, 887
- Latin American countries, 5–6, 20, 106
- Lausche,Frank, 122
- Le Chang, 117–121
- Le Duan, 76, 581
- Le Nguyen Khang, Gen., 766, 863, 944
- Le Van Hoach, 501
- Le Van Truong (“Mr. Out”), 498–500, 501, 518, 521, 540–542
- Lee, Philip, 87
- Leonard, James, 40n
- Leonhart, William K., 302, 419n, 507, 885n
- Lewandowski, Januscz:
- Liao Cheng-chih, 135
- Lin Piao, Marshal, 594
- Lippmann, Walter, 37, 44, 140, 258, 458
- Loan. See Nguyen Ngoc Loan, Gen.
- Lodge, Henry Cabot,
58n, 67, 258, 345, 387n, 502n, 577n,
- Ambassadorship, handling of, 231–233, 800–801, 894–896
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), 400, 584, 589–590, 807
- Bell, attitude toward, 18
- Bombing of DRV, 412–413, 453, 455
- Bombing pause, 15–16, 22, 24, 195–197
- Bombing resumption, 16–17, 22, 108, 184
- Buddhist Struggle Movement, 335n
- Anti-American propaganda by Buddhists, 312, 313n
- Buddhist demands, 283–285
- Communist influence, 295–296, 336n
- Demonstrations against government, 285–286 Government assault on Buddhists, 318–319, 397
- Government policy re, 306–308
- Onset following Thiʼs removal from command, 277–280
- Political impact, 296–297
- Post-crisis agenda of government, 352–354 Reestablishment of government authority, 399, 409n, 444–446
- Thieuʼs assessment of, 453, 454
- U.S. forces, instructions for, 323n
- U.S. policy re, 317n, 334
- McG. Bundyʼs assessment of, 231–233
- Chieu Hoi program, 55, 197, 224–225, 308, 402, 416, 448, 537
- Communist insurgency, 55
- Congressional candidatesʼ visits to Vietnam, 538
- Defection encouragement program:
- Departure from Vietnam, desire for, 884
- DRV political situation, 271–272
- Honolulu Conference, 215, 223–224
- Infiltration interdiction system, 695
- Information policy on Vietnam, 270
- Ky-Thieu government:
- Marigold peace initiative:
- Chinese interference, 528–529
- Clarification of issues of concern to U.S., 754–756
- DʼOrlandiʼs reliability, 472, 483
- Instructions for Lodge, 484n, 621, 838, 843 Kyʼs involvement, 485n
- Leaks re, 985n
- Proposal for negotiations by DRV, 467–470, 471–472, 481–482
- Tripartite talks in Saigon, 525–528, 619–620, 622n, 642–644, 839–841, 845n, 890–894, 900–901, 903n, 912n
- Warsaw-Hanoi relationship, 529
- Military program in Vietnam, 57–58, 226–227 Battles, 413
- Negotiation issue:
- Pacification program/civil operations, 58, 226, 389
- Acceleration effort, 554, 555n, 609
- ARVNʼs involvement, 571–573, 951
- Education program, 416
- Long An Province effort, 626
- Management reorganization, 41, 85, 714, 798, 799n, 836, 848
- Obstacles to, 374
- Political warfare, 203
- Port facilities, 479
- Revolutionary development effort, 270–271, 401, 515–516
- Stagnation of, 536
- Technical visits, 14, 87
- Youth activities, 538
- Press relations, 481
- Republic of Vietnam:
- Binh Thuan Province situation, 415–416
- Coalition government issue, 269
- Constitution for, 307–308, 326n
- Economic situation, 18–19, 55, 225–226, 271, 297, 308, 402, 415, 513, 537, 576, 626–627 Elections, 346, 352, 370n, 400–401, 413–415, 446–447, 512, 522, 533–535, 574–576, 623–626
- National Political Congress, 350–351
- Paraplegic veterans, 415
- Political situation, 699
- PX/commissary outlets for civil service and military use, 576
- Senate hearings on Vietnam, 239, 240n, 269–270
- Thantʼs diplomatic initiative, 482–483
- Thrush operation:
- Troop deployments by U.S., 53–54
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Vietnam issue, 196
- U.S. policy on Vietnam (see also Weekly reports below):
- U.S. public opinion re Vietnam, 17–18, 401
- Weekly reports, 15–19, 53–55, 195–198, 223–227, 269–272, 285–286, 295–299, 306–309, 399–402, 412–416, 444–448, 533–538, 568–577, 623–628, 701
- Westmorelandʼs relationship with, 232
- Year-end summary of Vietnam situation, 948–950
- Long, Russell B., 145, 259, 267n
- Lovett, Robert A., 158
- Lucet, Charles E., 213
- Lynd, Staughton, 40, 46
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 110, 138
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 883
- MacDonald, Donald, 887
- Mahon, George H., 126, 144–145
- Mai Tho Truyen, 285, 523
- Mai Van Bo, 12, 13, 44–47, 521
- Malaysia, 705, 846
- Manaʼch, Etienne, 950
- Manescu, Corneliu, 768
- Manila Conference, 679, 726
- Mann, Charles A., 41, 59n, 85, 233–234, 479
- Mansfield, Mike, 8, 37, 56, 75, 121, 126, 141–142, 154, 238n, 267–268, 417–418, 464, 601n, 724–725
- Mao Ze-dong, 879
- Marcos, Ferdinand, 19, 257, 654, 656, 769, 775
- Marigold peace
initiative, 821–822
- Bombing of DRV and, 900, 912–913, 917–919, 936–938, 953–955, 959–960
- Bombing restrictions around Hanoi and, 968–969, 971–973
- Chinese interference, 528–529
- Clarification of issues of concern to U.S., 754–756
- DʼOrlandiʼs reliability, 472, 483
- Gronouski-Rapacki talks in Warsaw, 899n, 902–904, 905n, 912–913, 917–921, 933–938, 958–961, 966–967, 971–973, 983–986
- Gronouskiʼs presentation in effort to salvage talks, 952–957
- Instructions for Gronouski, 898–899, 905, 909–911, 914–916, 917, 952n, 968–969
- Instructions for Lodge, 484–485, 621–622, 838–839, 843–845
- Johnsonʼs attitude toward, 973n
- Kyʼs involvement, 485n
- Leaks re, 985n
- NLF and, 901
- Proposal for negotiations by DRV, 467–473, 481–482
- Ruskʼs attitude-toward, 973n
- Soviet assessment of, 982
- Ten Point summary of U.S. policy, 891–892, 900, 905, 909–911
- Termination of 936–938, 958–961, 983–986
- Tripartite talks in Saigon, 525–528, 619–620, 622n, 642–644, 839–841, 845n, 890–894, 900–901, 903n, 912n
- U.S.-DRV contacts in Warsaw, proposed, 893, 900, 905n, 909–911, 914–916
- Warsaw-Hanoi relationship, 529
- Marks, Leonard H., 20, 196, 255, 260, 262, 263, 280, 281, 443, 452, 660, 672n, 836n
- Marlowe, Stanley, 59n
- Martin, Graham A., 150, 538–539, 846
- Martin, Paue 448n, 449, 971n
- Martin, William McChesney, 473
- Maynard, Len, 888
- McBride, Robert H., 12–14, 46, 521, 542n
- McCafferty, Arthur, 303n, 796
- McCarthy, Eugene J., 123, 188, 264
- McCloy, John J., 158, 175, 179, 180
- McConaughy, Walter P., 160–163
- McConnell, Gen. John P., 188, 189, 451
- McCormack, John W., 8, 141, 257
- McDonald, Adm. David L., 188, 451, 897
- McGhee, Gale, 267n
- McGovern, George 5., 75, 99, 140
- McKillop, David, 829
- McNamara, Robert S. (see also
McNamara mission
to Vietnam), 13, 21n, 37,
40, 58n, 83n, 150, 188, 189, 255, 261, 264, 340n,
377n, 386n, 387n, 426n, 492n, 554n, 579, 601n, 609n, 711n,
719, 752, 758n, 780n, 836n, 848n, 849n, 885n, 914n, 916, 917
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam, NLF infiltration of, 386
- Bombing of DRV:
- Civilian facilities, strikes against, 951–952 Controlled armed reconnaissance program, 299 Interdiction capability, 114–115
- JCS recommendations, 80
- Militaryʼs unanimous support for, 734n
- Petroleum, oil and lubricant (POL) targets, 385, 411, 412, 439, 440, 441, 442, 444, 449, 450, 451, 458–460 Political dimension, 78
- Restriction on bombing around Hanoi, 733–374, 968n
- Rolling Thunder (RT) 52 program, 599n, 618, 809, 817–819
- Stabilization of, 729–731
- Target selection, 127
- Termination option, 649, 733
- Bombing pause:
- Bombing resumption, 21
- Buddhist Struggle Movement:
- Chinese intervention in Vietnam, possible, 116
- Communist insurgency, 76–77, 113–114:
- Congress, Administration strategy for dealing with, 238
- Honolulu Conference, 215
- Infiltration interdiction system, 729
- Information policy on Vietnam, 492n
- Ky-Thieu government cabinet crisis, 763–764
- Laos, U.S. bombing in, 165
- Manila Conference, 782
- Marigold peace initiative, 484
- Military program in Vietnam:
- Alliesʼ contributions, 79–80, 828
- Costs of, 786
- Defoliation operations, 699–700
- Enclave strategy, 198
- Increased effectiveness of military operations, program for, 216–218
- “Indefinitely maintained military posture” proposal, 728–738
- Inflation in RVN and, 826—827
- Kill counts, 272–273, 281
- Naval gunfire against DRV, 686–689
- Outlook for military operations in 1966, 112–117 Reserve call-up issue, 273–274
- Scientistsʼ assessment of, 455
- Shortages problem, 261n, 283n
- Womenʼs involvement, 78–79
- National Liberation Front (NLF), 205
- Negotiation issue, 356, 495, 733–734
- Pacification program/civil operations:
- “Civil czar” position, 260
- 4-area priority pacification effort, 115–116
- Komerʼs assessment and recommendations, 419
- Management reorganization, 63, 613–614, 659–660, 672, 682n, 710n, 731–733, 735, 798
- “Program for the Pacification and Long-Term Development of South Vietnam” (PROVN), 591, 592n
- Security issue, 731–732
- Peace offensive, 6
- RVN coalition government issue, 385
- Resolution of Vietnam situation, views on, 243–244
- Soviet-U.S. discussions on Vietnam, 404–405
- Thrush operation, 797
- Tonkin Gulf Resolution, administration policy re, 246
- Troop deployments by U.S., 273
- U.S. policy on Vietnam:
- McNamara mission to Vietnam:
- McNaughton, John T., 338n, 355, 390n, 493n, 514n, 558n, 577n, 635n, 636, 659n, 684n, 883, 885n
- McPherson, Harry, 383–384
- McPherson, Maj. Gen. John, 897
- Meeker, Leonard C., 95–97, 220
- Mendelevitch, Lev 1., 662
- Menon, Krishna, 3
- Menzies, Robert G., 5, 16
- Meyer, Armin H., 846
- Michalowski, Jerzy, 902, 912, 921, 933, 936, 971, 973, 986
- Military program in Vietnam (see also
Bombing headings; Infiltration interdiction
system; Troop deployments by U.S.), 226–227, 474
- Alliesʼ contributions, 79–80, 785–786, 788–789, 828, 845–847, 949
- Beechʼs assessment of, 535–536
- Casualties, 178, 400, 447, 537, 573–574, 627–628
- Christmas truce, proposed, 928
- Civilian casualties, 298–299
- Costs of, 786
- Defoliation operations, 699–700
- Division of U.S. opinion on priorities in conducting the war, 979–980
- DMZ infiltration routes, focus on, 514
- Enclave strategy, 123, 140, 143, 144, 198–201
- Increased effectiveness of military operations, program for, 216–218
- “Indefinitely maintained military posture” proposal, 728–746
- Infiltration of DRV, 513
- Inflation in RVN and, 826–827
- JCS assessment of, 738–739
- Kill counts, 272–273, 281, 413, 447, 627, 628
- Kissingerʼs assessment of, 543–545
- Komerʼs assessment of, 346, 868
- Lodgeʼs assessment of, 57–58
- Morale situation, 337
- Naval gunfire against DRV, 686–689
- Operation Irving, 753, 773
- Operation Market Time, 949
- Operation Masher, 187
- Operation Starlite, 48
- Outlook for military operations in 1966, 112–117, 150–153
- Reserve call-up issue, 273–274
- Scientistsʼ assessment of, 455–457
- “Sharp knocks” strategy, 741–742
- Shortages problem, 261n, 283n “Sit tight” option, 160–163
- “Split up and keep off balance”
- strategy, 805–808
- U.S.-RVN consensus on, 247–248
- Westmorelandʼs assessment of, 773–774 Westmorelandʼs concept of military operations, 603–608
- Womenʼs involvement, 78–79
- Miller, Robert H., 349n, 373n, 391, 403n, 514n, 522n, 557n, 640n, 767
- Mr. Out. See Le Van Truong.
- Mohr, Charles, 747
- Monros, Juan, 415
- Montagnards, 31–32, 54, 62, 225, 251, 499, 608 Morell, William N., Jr., 428
- Morgan, Thomas E., 124n, 144
- Moro, Aldo, 106
- Morse, Wayne, 17, 37, 121, 184, 239n, 267–268
- Moyers, Bill D., 10, 37, 40, 46n, 54, 100, 150n, 153n, 164, 183, 184, 227–228, 238, 239n, 244, 246, 262, 266, 286n, 302n, 317, 329n, 338n, 383, 389, 397, 443–444, 502n, 530n, 550n, 554n, 609n, 613n, 677–678, 753, 754, 783n, 849n, 897n
- Mundt, Karl E., 57, 123
- Myrdal, Gunnar, 379
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 5, 69, 75
- Nathan, Robert, 260, 263, 276, 611, 612
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Liberation Front (NLF) (see also
Communist insurgency; GVN-VC/NLF talks option
Negotiation issue), 122, 229
- ARVN, infiltration of, 386
- CIA penetration of, 637–638
- Coalition government issue, 269
- Covert political program against, 202–203 Defection efforts targeting. See Defection encouragement program.
- Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation:
- NLF representative in Algiers, U.S. cantacts with, 584–585
- Swedish initiative, 829–835, 856–859 “Disintegration” strategy targeting, 651—652DRV, relationship with, 209–210
- Elections in RVN, disruption
- campaign against, 575–576, 580, 623, 629 Managing hierarchy, 205–210
- Marigold peace initiative and, 901
- Morale situation, 550, 610–611
- Negotiation issue, 1–4, 73, 148
- Peace offensive, reaction to, 93
- Peace terms, 679
- Political-program, 205–210
- Prisoners of war, exchanges of, 156–157
- Will to persist, U.S. report on, 601–603
- National Security Action Memorandum No. 343, 302–303
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Negotiation issue (see also
Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation):
- “Blue chips” for negotiation, 366–369, 371–372, 433–437
- “Cessation of hostilities” issue, 492–494
- Chinese role, 148–150
- CIA position, 745
- DRV attitude toward negotiations, 146–150, 223
- DRV intransigence, Johnsonʼs frustration re, 986–987
- “Forcing negotiations” strategy, 358–359, 650–652
- Fulbrightʼs assessment of, 598
- GVN-VC/NLF talks option (see also National reconciliation program under Defection encouragement program), 331–332, 348–349, 356, 357, 363, 545–547, 548–549, 557–561, 577–578, 585–586
- JCS position, 740–741
- Kissingerʼs assessment of, 545–547
- Kyʼs position, 697–698
- Mansfieldʼs recommendations, 724–725
- McNamaraʼs recommendations, 733–734
- Myrdalʼs recommendations, 379
- 1967 prognosis, 881
- NLF attitude toward negotiations, 148
- NLF representation, 1–4, 73
- “Package deal” strategy, 964–965
- RVN political situation and, 946–947
- “Secret negotiation of a total deal” strategy, 853–856
- Soviet influence with DRV, 330, 691–692
- Three-track approach, 577n, 586.
- U.S. 14 points, 6
- U.S. planning for negotiations, 495–496
- Negotiations Committee, 548–549, 583–587, 660–661, 678–679, 691–692, 726–727, 820–826
- Nehru, B. K., 218–219
- Nelson, Robert, 276
- Neustadt, Richard, 193
- New Zealand, 5, 190, 257, 788, 845
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 231
- Nguyen Bao Kim, 197–198
- Nguyen Bao Tri, Gen., 410, 762, 862–863, 895, 929
- Nguyen Cao Ky, Air
Vice Marshal (see also
Ky-Thieu government), 8, 65n, 109, 256, 702
- ARVN corruption problem, 584, 589–590
- Bombing pause, 15
- Bombing resumption, 182
- Buddhist Struggle Movement, 296, 325, 335n
- Government assault on Buddhists, 318–319, 334n, 386, 387n, 393, 397
- Government policy re, 306–307
- Inflammatory statements ref 373
- Negotiations between government and Buddhists, 326–327
- Onset following-Thiʼs removal from command, 277–280
- Reestablishment of government authority, 409, 445–446
- Taylorʼs analysis of U.S. options, 340–341
- Chieu Hoi program, 251, 926
- Communist insurgency, 511
- Defection encouragement program:
- De Gaulle, criticism of, 627
- Doʼs criticism ot 532n
- Honolulu Conference, 215, 218–219, 227–228
- Infiltration interdiction system, 695
- Johnsonʼs attitude toward, 218–219
- Johnsonʼs meetings with, 227–228, 770–775
- Manila Conference, 654, 770–775, 788
- Marigold peace initiative, 485n
- McNamaraʼs meeting “with, 735
- Military program in Vietnam, 513, 928 Montagnards, 225
- Negotiation issue, 558n, 697–698
- Pacification program/civil operations, 555
- Popularity with Vietnamese people, 835
- Prisoners of war, exchanges of, 156
- Republic of Vietnam:
- Ruskʼs meeting with, 925–928
- Satisfactory outcome in Vietnam, views on, 692–698
- Senate hearings on Vietnam, 240
- Thrush operation, 657
- Nguyen Chanh Thi, Gen., 271, 272, 277–280, 315, 324, 343, 388, 392, 396, 399, 944
- Nguyen Chi Thanh, Gen., 148
- Nguyen Duc Thang, Gen., 215, 251, 271, 415, 475, 507, 513, 534, 536, 735, 788, 889
- Nguyen Duy Trinh, 448n, 829, 830–834, 857
- Nguyen Go Thach, 448n
- Nguyen Huu An, 562–563, 616, 617n, 657n, 796–797
- Nguyen Huu Co, Gen., 215, 386n, 584, 589–590, 765–766, 770
- Nguyen Huu Tho, 202, 206–207, 208, 498, 503, 562–563, 580, 616–617, 679, 796–797
- Nguyen Khanh, Gen., 4t 497–502, 518–522, 540–542
- Nguyen Ngoc Loan, Gen., 352n, 393, 395, 445, 765, 766, 767, 944
- Nguyen Tan Loc, 701
- Nguyen Van Can, 208
- Nguyen Van Chuan, Gen., 293, 325–326, 334 Nguyen Van Hai, 309
- Nguyen Van Hieu, 202, 207
- Nguyen Van Man, 325
- Nguyen Van Thieu,
Gen. (see also
Ky-Thieu government), 43, 256, 583, 586
- Bombing of DRV, 453, 455
- Buddhist Struggle Movement:
- Chieu Hoi program, 251, 926
- Communist insurgency, 453–454
- Honolulu Conference, 215, 218, 227–228
- Infiltration interdiction system, 695
- Johnsonʼs meetings with, 227–228, 770–775 Manila Conference, 770–775
- McNamaraʼs meeting with, 735
- National reconciliation program, 698, 762–763, 863
- Pacification program/civil operations, 735, 925 Peace offensive, 65–66
- Republic of Vietnam:
- Ruskʼs meeting with, 65–69, 925–928
- Satisfactory outcome in Vietnam, views on, 692–698
- Senate hearings on Vietnam, 240
- Nguyen Van Tri, 563
- Nhuan. See Pharo Xuan Nhuan, Gen.
- Nilsson, Torsten, 829–835, 856
- Nitze, Paul, 276, 883
- Nkrumah, Kwame, 171
- Non-group on Vietnam, 677–678, 883
- Non-military programs in Vietnam. See Pacification program/civil operations.
- North Vietnam. See Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
- Oakley, Robert, 888
- Oberg, J. C. S., 829, 856
- OʼBrien, Larry E, 205, 255n
- Office of Civil Operations (OCO), 976–977 Operations. See under Military program in Vietnam.
- Owen, William M., 701
- Pacification program/civil operations, 43, 226, 388–389, 975
- Acceleration effort, 348, 554–555, 609–610
- Agricultural program, 225, 252, 424
- Alliesʼ contributions, 88
- ARVNʼs involvement, 475, 476, 536, 555, 571–573, 605–606, 610, 732, 785, 925, 951, 978–980
- Bellʼs report for Johnson, 83–88
- CIA involvement, 638n
- “Civil czar” position, 234–235, 239, 260, 263, 274–276, 302–303
- Commercial Import Program, 398, 479–480
- Coordination of civil and military efforts, 422, 478–479
- Deputy Ambassadorʼs authority, 422, 423–424
- Economic initiatives, 85–87, 390, 398, 406, 420–421, 479–480, 611–612
- Education program, 252, 416
- Evaluations of, 85
- Forestry program, 424
- 4-area priority pacification effort 115–116, 333, 478
- Funding for, 424–425
- Joint operations with GVN, 408
- Katzenbachʼs assessment of, 746–752
- Komerʼs assessment and recommendations, 419–425
- Komerʼs Vietnam visit, report on, 474–481, 486–488, 505–507
- Land reform, 478
- Leonhartʼs year-end assessment of, 976–981 Long An Province effort, 626
- Management reorganization, 40–41, 63–64, 84–85, 421–422, 613–614
- AID position, 714–715
- CIA position, 668–672, 744–745
- Decision on changes to be made, 798–799
- Holbrookeʼs assessment of, 886–888
- Implementation of changes, 836–837, 848–849
- JCS position, 740
- Johnsonʼs letter of encouragement to Lodge, 848–849
- Johnsonʼs position, 710n, 756–757
- Katzenbachʼs position, 749–752
- Komerʼs position, 672–677
- McNamaraʼs recommendations, 659–660, 731–733, 735
- Military takeover, opposition to, 712–716
- State Department position, 680–682
- Year-end assessment of, 976–977
- Medical program, 251–252, 282
- Military takeover in 1967, 757, 849–850
- 1965 results, 28–29
- Obstacles to, 374–375
- Organizational structure (see also Management reorganization above), 231–235, 239
- Personnel issues, 346, 408, 481
- Police cadres, 391, 407, 423, 477–478
- Political warfare, 202-:203, 487,
- 505–507
- Port facilities, 42, 85, 406–407, 479, 611–612
- Press relations, 408, 481
- Prioritization of programs, 344–346, 375–376
- “Program for the Pacification and Long-Term Development of South Vietnam” (PROVN), 591–597
- Province team chiefs, 506
- Resource control and economic warfare, 41, 86–87, 88, 424, 480
- Revolutionary development effort, 270–271, 401, 421, 423, 475–479, 506, 515–516
- Rice collection, 480
- Security issue, 731–732, 747–748
- Stagnation of, 536, 554n
- Technical visits, 14–15, 87
- Urban programs, 407–408
- U.S. district-level advisory role, 423
- U.S.-RVN consensus on, 248–250
- U.S. troopsʼ involvement, 605, 607–608
- Valentiʼs suggestions, 193–194
- Warrenton meeting recommendations, 58–63
- Washington-Saigon relations, 613
- Youth activities, 538
- Pakistan, 171, 259, 846
- Palmer, Bruce, 757
- Pappas, Tom, 950
- Park, Chung Hee, 654, 775, 785–786, 788, 845 Paul VI, Pope, 10, 11, 20, 108, 184, 186, 187, 190, 776, 985n
- Peace offensive:
- Pearson, Drew, 754
- Pearson, Lester, 289
- Peers, Maj. Gen. William, 59n
- Pell, Claiborne, 123, 140, 264
- Percy, Charles, 587
- Peter, Janos, 760
- Petri, Lennart, 829, 830–831, 835, 858
- Petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) targets. See under Bombing of DRV.
- Pharo Anh, Lt. Col., 929
- Pharo Dang Lan, Gen., 537
- Pharo Huy Quat, 208
- Pharo Van Dong, 40n, 288, 289, 508, 509, 620, 679, 755, 893
- Pham Van Lieu, Col., 16
- Pham Xuan Chieu, Lt. Gen., 65, 225, 293, 410
- Pharo Xuan Nhuan, Gen., 410, 445
- Phan Khac Suu, 208, 512, 533, 626
- Phan Quang Dan, 208, 626
- Phan Thong, 512
- Phase A-Phase B peace formula (see also Marigold peace initiative), 658
- Philippines, 5, 19, 79, 256, 257, 788, 846
- Phillips, Rufus, 886n
- Phung Van Cung, 202, 207
- Pike, Douglas, 269
- Pitt, William, 197
- Planning for 1967. See under U.S. policy on Vietnam.
- Poats, Rutherford, 59, 83, 712, 714
- Podgorny, Nikolay, 94
- POL targets. See Petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) targets under Bombing of DRV.
- Poland, 67, 171
- Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation. See Marigold peace initiative.
- Political Development Working Group, 369n
- Porter, William J., 41, 63–64, 84–85, 126, 173, 233, 270, 344, 345, 346, 374, 375, 387n, 390, 401, 402, 419, 422, 423–424, 475, 480, 515–516, 536n, 547, 562, 609, 681, 686, 712, 713–714, 715, 757, 836, 837, 884, 887, 888, 894, 924n, 930n, 976–977, 985n
- Press coverage of Vietnam, 408, 481, 535
- Prisoners of war:
- Quang. See Dang Van Quang, Gen. Quynh. See Hoang Quynh.
- Raborn, William E, Jr., 58n, 141n, 150n, 153, 187, 188, 211n, 245, 255, 280, 387n
- Rand Corporation, 76–77
- Rapacki, Adam, 2, 91, 620, 891, 893, 898, 900
- Razak (Malaysia), 705
- Read, Benjamin H., 22n, 44n, 156–157, 239n, 426n, 495n, 548n, 554n, 587, 599n, 823, 909n, 968n
- Reedy, George E., 235–237
- Refugee situation, 30, 42, 87, 250
- Reischauer, Edwin 0., 34, 35, 262, 443, 539n
- Republic of Vietnam (RVN;
South Vietnam) (see also
Army of the Republic of Vietnam; Buddhist Struggle Movement; Ky-Thieu government; Pacification program/civil operations):
- Anti-Communist attitudes, 943
- Binh Thuan Province situation, 415–416
- Bureaucracy and administrative apparatus, 942
- Civilian-military rivalry, 941
- Coalition government issue, 240, 241, 245, 269, 309, 385
- Constituent Assembly (see also Elections below), 945–946
- Constitution for, 69, 225, 250–251, 294, 307–308, 326, 348, 630, 824–825, 896–897, 927
- Democracy-building program, 198, 225, 332–333, 347
- Economic development, need for, 582, 612
- Economic situation, 18–19, 27–28, 41–42, 55, 85–86, 225–226, 253–254, 271, 283, 297, 308, 402, 415, 513, 537, 576, 626–627, 826–827, 928, 942
- Elections, 346, 349, 352,
392, 400–401, 533–534, 574–576, 598, 612,
- “American presence” issue, 376
- Catholicsʼ attitude toward, 413–415
- CIAʼs role, 369–370
- Disqualifications of candidates, 512
- Fair elections, U.S. concerns re, 522–525
- Laws re, 446–447
- NLF disruption campaign, 575–576, 580, 623, 629
- Public relations value, 534–535
- Results of, 623–626, 628–630
- U.S. policy re, 403–404
- Interim government issue, 350
- International support for, 248, 703
- Land reform program, 29–30, 478
- Military and para-military structure, 476
- National awareness, lack of, 941–942
- National Political Congress, 349–351
- National reconciliation program. See under Defection encouragement program.
- Paraplegic veterans, 415
- Peace movement, 27
- Planning for post-war period, 926–927
- Political situation, 699, 875–876, 885–886
- Popular Forces and Combat Youth, 925–926
- Public opinion on U.S. presence, 888–890, 928
- PX/commissary outlets for civil service and military use, 576
- Refugee situation, 30, 42, 87, 250
- Regionalism problem, 940
- Religious factiona1ism, 940–941
- Revolutionary committee, 388–389
- “Showcase” for U.s. capabilities, 245–246
- Strategic importance of, 593–594
- Unity of Vietnamese people, 68
- Reserve call-up issue, 273–274
- Reston, James, 10, 77–78
- Ribicoff, Abraham, 223
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 166, 261, 264 Ritchie,. A. Edgar, 658
- Rivers, L. Mendel, 9, 37, 126, 144
- Roberts, Juanita, 124n
- Roche, John P., 800–801, 825, 894–897, 931n
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 884
- Rodhain, Monsignor, 5
- Rolling Thunder. See Bombing headings.
- Romanian diplomatic initiative, 767–769
- Romney, George W., 963
- Ronning peace initiative, 287–290, 438, 448–449, 468
- Ropa, Donald W., 26–32, 369n
- Roschin, Alexei A., 662
- Rosenthal, Jacob, 842n
- Rostow, Eugene V., 692n, 821, 824, 825
- Rostow, Walt W., 193, 245, 255, 317, 334n,
340n, 350n, 352n, 369n, 372, 377n, 386n, 391n,
399n, 405n, 412n, 426n, 453n, 460, 492n, 493n, 508n,
511n, 552n, 554n, 556n, 558n, 577n, 601n, 607n, 609n, 623n, 627n, 657n, 686n, 716, 736n, 770n, 796, 798n, 849n, 867n, 883, 890n, 905n, 909n, 914n, 916, 950
- Asian Development Task Force, 262, 265
- Bombing of DRV:
- Bombing pause, proposed resumption of, 634
- Buddhist Struggle Movement:
- Defection encouragement program, 502
- Democratic Republic of Vietnam:
- Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation:
- Information policy on Vietnam, 359–360, 491–492
- Kyʼs reelection bid in 1967, 531–532
- Manila Conference, 653–654, 690
- Marigold peace initiative, 484, 528n, 983
- Military program in Vietnam, 603, 828
- Alliesʼ contributions
- Westmorelandʼs concept of military operations
- National Liberation Front (NLF), 550
- Negotiation issue:
- “Blue chips” for negotiation, 366n, 433
- “Forcing negotiations” strategy, 358–359, 650–652
- GVN-VC/NLF talks option, 331–332, 348–349, 356
- Myrdalʼs recommendations, 379
- 1967 prognosis, 881
- “Secret negotiation of a total deal” strategy, 853–856
- Soviet influence with DRV, 330, 691n
- U.S. planning for negotiations, 495–496
- Non-group on Vietnam, formation of, 678
- Pacification program/civil operations: Acceleration effort, 348 [Page 1013]
- Republic of Vietnam:
- Thrush operation, 617n, 797
- Troop deployments by U.S., 355
- U.S. domestic situation, 880–881
- U.S. policy on Vietnam:
- Rural construction program. See Pacification program/civil operations.
- Rusk, Dean, 21n, 22n, 58n, 129n, 150n,
171n, 228n, 238, 255, 259, 340n, 377n, 387n,
426n, 470n, 492n, 601n, 609n, 627n, 630, 672n, 678, 716, 726, 770n, 842n, 848n, 849n, 853n, 860n, 885n, 890n, 971n
- ARVN corruption problem, 589
- Asian Development Task Force, 262n
- Bombing of DRV:
- Bombing pause, 24–26, 34, 95, 97n
- Bombing resumption:
- Buddhist Struggle Movement:
- Administration discussion re, 324
- Anti-American propaganda by
- Buddhists, 304, 312–313
- Communist influence, 336n
- Government assault on Buddhists, 386–387, 397
- Intelligence reports on, 292
- Kyʼs inflammatory statements, 373
- Negotiations between government
- and Buddhists, 325
- U.S.intervention, proposed, 338
- U.S.policy re, 286–287, 314–316,
- 317n, 334–336
- Bui Diemʼs meeting with, 701–707
- Chieu Hoi program, 926
- Chinese intervention in Vietnam, possible, 110, 122–123
- Congress, Administration strategy for dealing with, 241–244
- Defection encouragement program:
- Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation:
- DRV intentions and attitudes towardthe war, 721
- Gromykoʼs meeting with, 662–668
- Honolulu Conference, 215
- Manila Conference:
- Marigold peace initiative, 528n, 912n, 933n, 973n
- Military program in Vietnam:
- Negotiation issue:
- Pacification program/civil operations:
- Peace offensive, 6, 7–8, 20–21, 34, 187
- Republic of Vietnam:
- Senate hearings on Vietnam, 205, 222, 239–240
- Soviet de marches on Vietnam, 644
- Soviet-U.5. discussions on Vietnam, 702
- Thieuʼs meetings with, 65–69, 925–928
- Thrush operation, 565, 588–589, 657n, 797
- Tonkin Gulf Resolution, administration policy re, 246
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Vietnam issue, 184, 185–186, 189–192, 260, 263
- U.S. policy on Vietnam:
- U.S. withdrawal issue, 213
- Rusk, Howard, 415
- Russell, Bertrand, 987
- Russell, Richard B., 37, 142, 144, 168, 262, 265, 267, 410–411, 601n
- Sainteny, Jean, 508–510, 554, 567, 586, 950
- Salisbury, Harrison E., 973–974
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 142, 145
- Saragat, Giuseppe, 471n
- Sato, Eisaku, 539
- Scranton, William W., 884
- Senate, U.S. (see also Congress, U.S.):
- Sharp, Adm. Ulysses S. Grant, 128, 394n, 396n, 409n, 412, 756n, 930n
- Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 24n, 70, 143
- Shelepin, Alexandr N., 8, 9, 21, 24, 38, 90, 94
- Shiina, Etsusaburo, 95, 539
- Sieverts, Frank, 585, 762n, 820
- Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, 468, 662, 705
- Singapore, 846
- Sisco, Joseph J., 22n, 97n, 168, 192n, 548n, 552n, 566, 820
- Slater, Mary, 818n
- Smathers, George A., 259
- Smith, Bromley K., 22, 189, 221n, 228n, 245, 255, 260n, 263n, 280n, 281n, 282n, 287, 290–291, 383, 444, 448n, 557n, 589–590, 754, 777n
- Smith, R.J., 601n
- Sorensen, Theodore, 197
- Southeast Asia, Communist threat to, 365, 382n
- Southeast Asia Coordination Meeting, 150–153
- South Vietnam. See Republic of Vietnam.
- Souvanna Phouma, 89, 111, 153, 154, 172–173, 256
- Soviet Union (see also
Soviet-U.S. discussions on Vietnam), 3, 364
- Asian Peace Offensive proposal, 461–463
- Bombing resumption, 170
- China, relations with, 33
- De marches on Vietnam, 644–646
- Democratic Republic of Vietnam:
- Marigold peace initiative, assessment of, 982 Negotiations, influence with DRV re, 330, 691–692
- Peace offensive, reaction to, 94
- Settlement in Vietnam, interest in, 878–879
- U.N. Security Council discussions of Vietnam issue, 190
- Soviet-U.S. discussions on Vietnam, 678
- Sparkman, John, 221
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Springsteen, George S., Jr., 44n
- Starbird, Lt. Gen. Alfred D., 635, 686, 842n, 932
- Steadman, Richard, 820, 842n
- Stearns,Monteagle, 543, 583n, 820
- Stennis, John, 238
- Stevenson, Adlai, 473
- Stewart, Sir Michael 761
- Stilwell Gen. Richard G., 150
- Stoessel, Walter J., 463n
- Stull, Lee, 163
- Sturm, Paul (“George“), 498n, 500, 518,521
- Sukhodrev, V. M., 662, 716
- Sullivan, William H., 89, 90, 150, 461–463
- Sutherland, Jack, 75
- Swedish diplomatic initiative, 829–835, 856–859
- Sylvester, Art, 686
- Symington, Stuart, 7, 8, 122–123, 264
- Taft, Robert, 538
- Taiwan, 5, 19, 43, 846
- Tam Chau, 54, 269, 285, 292, 335, 446, 941n
- Tam Giac, 393
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 141n, 188–189, 238, 245, 255, 329n, 377n, 387n, 405n, 495n, 577n, 609n
- Bombing of DRV:
- Bombing resumption:
- Buddhist Struggle Movement:
- Military program in Vietnam:
- Negotiation issue:
- Pacification program/civil operations:
- Senate hearings on Vietnam, 205
- Taylor, Gen. Robert, 789n
- Thai. See Vu Van Thai.
- Thailand, 5, 20, 43, 106, 153, 256, 365, 846
- Thanat Khoman, Col., 538–539, 587
- Thang.See Nguyen Due Thang, Gen.
- Thanh (RVN), 479
- Thanom Kittikachorn, Field Marshal, 654, 775
- Thant U, 6, 20, 95, 101, 106, 107, 112, 168, 171, 173, 190, 702–703, 704
- Thi. See Nguyen Chanh Thi, Gen.
- Thien Minh, 318, 326, 393
- Thieu. See Nguyen Van Thieu, Gen.
- Tho. See Nguyen Huu Tho.
- Thomas, Maj. Gen. Jack E., 212n
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., 8, 70n, 463n, 557n, 558n, 657n, 662, 716–717, 761, 890n, 898n, 906n, 914n, 981–982
- Thomsen, Samuel B., 339
- Thomson, James C., Jr., 26–32
- Thrush operation:
- Tieng Vang (newspaper), 309
- Tien Minh, 313
- Tito, Marshal, 5, 68–69
- Tonkin Gulf Resolution:
- Tran Buu Khiem, 202, 207
- Tran Quoc Buu, 373n
- Tran Van Do, 65, 173, 215, 306, 311, 531n, 532n, 545, 586, 656, 692–698, 775
- Tran Van Don, Gen., 279
- Tran Van Giau, 206
- Tran Van Tuyen, 557n
- Tran Van Van, 766
- Tri. See Nguyen Bao Tri, Gen.
- Tri Quang, 280, 285, 287, 293, 295, 313n, 317, 318, 326, 335, 338–339, 362, 388n, 409, 410, 445, 523, 835, 941
- Trieu (RVN), 296, 701
- Trinh. See Nguyen Duy Trinh.
- Trinh Dinh Thao, 208
- Troop deployments by U.S. (see also
Military program in Vietnam), 105, 273
- Battalion strength increases in 1966, 115
- Force ceilings, 355, 649
- Force requirements for 1966–1967, 564–565
- 470, 000 force deployment strategy, 850–852
- Impact on military situation, 53–54
- Gen. Johnsonʼs recommendations, 188
- McNamaraʼs approved program, 826–827
- Stabilized force level, 729, 739–740, 744
- Westmorelandʼs position, 784
- Truman, Harry S, 138, 950
- Truong (RVN), 701
- Truong Thai Ton, 215
- Tubby, Roger W., 566–568
- Turkey, 846–847
- Unger, Leonard S., 14n, 63, 216n, 286n, 340n, 349n, 355, 369n, 373n, 387n,
390n, 394, 403n, 433, 484n, 493n, 532n, 557n, 558n, 580, 599n, 621n, 637n,
640n, 657n, 680n, 836n, 838n, 843n, 856n, 914n
- ARVN corruption problem, 584
- Bombing of DRV, 31G–312, 617, 618
- Diplomatic efforts toward negotiation:
- GVN-VC/NLF talks option, 548–549, 577
- Marigold peace initiative, 821–822
- National reconciliation program, 825
- Pacification program/civil operations, 712, 713, 714, 715
- Prisoners of war, 585
- RVN constitution, 825
- Soviet-U.S. discussions on Vietnam, 824
- Warrenton meeting on Vietnam, 58–63
- Unified Buddhist Church, 446
- United Kingdom, 364, 949
- United Nations:
- U.S. domestic situation:
- U.S. Intelligence Board, 137–138
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam, problems with, 886, 894–897
- U.S. policy on Vietnam (see also
Military program in Vietnam; Pacification program/civil operations):
- Administration discussions with Congressional leaders, 37–38, 121–124, 245, 255–259
- Administration testimony to Congress, 56–57
- Ambassadorial change in 1967, 800–801, 850, 883–885
- Ball groupʼs assessment of options, 355–357, 360–365
- Colonialism issue, 889–890
- Congressional attitude toward, 43–44, 464–467
- Congressional resolution on, 549
- “Disintegration of NLF” strategy, 651–652
- Fulbrightʼs assessment of, 598–599
- Funding of, 25
- Information policy, 260, 270, 359–360, 383–384, 491–492
- 1968 U.S. elections and, 963
- NSC discussion re, 381–383
- Peace offers, JC5 position re, 741
- Personnel issues, 888
- Planning for 1967, 804–805
- Postwar Vietnamese development plan, 551
- Ruskʼs explanation for Thieu, 66–67
- “Satisfactory outcome” issue, 18, 692–698
- Scale-down of personnel and facilities, 579
- Winning the war, scenarios for, 568–571, 682–684, 792–796
- U.S. withdrawal issue:
- Valenti, Jack, 7, 11, 21n, 37, 40, 74, 98, 105, 126, 141, 150n, 153, 164, 174, 182, 187n, 188n, 189n, 244, 259n, 260n, 263, 280, 317, 323, 329n, 338n
- Vance, Cyrus R., 74, 76, 216n, 245, 255, 261, 273, 338n, 345, 451, 460, 678, 752n, 873n, 883, 885n, 916
- Vatican, 5
- Vien. See Cao Van Vien, Gen.
- Viet Congo See National Liberation Front.
- Vietnam. See Democratic Republic of Vietnam; Republic of Vietnam.
- VietNam Coordinating Committee, 59
- Vietnam Planning Group, 331n, 493n
- Vinh Lac, Gen., 318
- Vo Long Trieu, 701
- Vo Nguyen Giap, 620, 631, 755
- Vo Van Sung, 12–14, 45
- Vu (DRV), 100–102, 230n
- Vu Van Thai, 226, 311, 391, 580–583, 584
- Walt, Lt. Gen. Lewis W., 263, 319n
- Warrenton meeting on Vietnam, 58–63
- Warsaw Pact, 662
- Wehrle, Leroy S., 43, 233–234, 888
- Werts, Leo, 481
- Westmoreland, Gen. William C.,
75, 79, 126, 164, 176, 214, 256, 319n, 399, 544, 554n, 576, 949, 969n
- Ambassadorship in Saigon, 883
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN):
- Bombing of DRV:
- Bombing pause, possible resumption of, 579
- Buddhist Struggle Movement:
- Communist insurgency, 113
- Honolulu Conference, 215, 218
- Importance to U.S. effort, 233
- Infiltration interdiction system, 785, 932
- Ky-Thieu government, 409–410, 763
- Laos, U.S. bombing in, 291
- Lodgeʼs relationship with, 232
- Manila Conference, 656, 787–789
- Military program in Vietnam, 474
- Pacification program/civil operations:
- Prisoners of war, 585
- Senate hearings on Vietnam, 239
- Troop deployments by U.S., 105
- Weyand, Maj. Gen. Frederick C., 757, 849, 951
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle G. (see also
Joint Chiefs of Staff), 38, 141n, 189, 238, 245, 255, 261, 264, 265, 564n, 601n, 684n,
752, 842n
- ARVN “improper organization” issue, 930
- Bombing of DRV:
- Achievements of, 177
- Escalation issue, 305n
- Interdiction capability, 166, 167
- Petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) targets, 411, 449–450, 451
- Restriction on bombing around Hanoi, 968n, 969
- Rolling Thunder (RT) 52 program, 599n, 756n, 818n, 916
- Stabilization of, 758
- Target selection, 177
- Westmorelandʼs position, 290, 777n
- Bombing pause, possible resumption of, 579
- Bombing resumption:
- Buddhist Struggle Movement, 282, 394–396, 409
- Honolulu Conference, 215
- Infiltration interdiction system, 932
- Laos, U.S. bombing in, 165–166
- Manila Conference, 787
- Military program in Vietnam:
- Pacification program/civil operations, 660n, 756–757
- Troop deployments by U.S., 826
- U.S. policy on Vietnam, NSC discussion re, 381
- Whiting, Allen, 136n
- Whitlam, Gough, 577
- Wicker, Tom, 98
- Williams, G. Mennen, 6
- Williamson, Gen., 282
- Wilson, Harold, 8, 20, 122, 154n, 186, 411–412, 426, 451n, 539
- Wilson, Col. Jasper, 497
- Wilson, Samuel V., 41, 233, 308, 324, 415–416, 951
- Wise Men, 158–159, 174–181
- Women in military, 78–79
- XYZ initiative, 12–14, 44–47
- Y-Bham Enoul, 31
- Y Binh Aleo, 499
- Yugoslavia,S, 8, 21, 67, 107
- Zablocki, Clement, 124n
- Zinchuk, Alexander, 823–824
- Zorthian, Barry, 42, 59n, 196, 226, 408, 419n, 862, 863, 887, 894, 951, 976