- Acheson, Dean, 308, 627, 652n, 668, 737
- Acheson-Cutler Plan. See Plan for a Political Resolution in South Viet-Nam under Settlement of conflict in Vietnam.
- Agency for International Development, 703
- Aiken, George D., 63n
- Air strike suspension, 249, 668n
- decision to implement, 629–630, 635–637
- information policy re, 631–632, 637, 669n
- resumption of strikes, 665–668, 669
- status report on, 651–652
- Thant informed of, 644–647
- U.S.-DRV contacts, 617, 637–638, 647–651
- U.S. secrecy re, 634–635
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 639–640, 647–651, 664–665
- U.S. strategy, 604–605
- Vietnamese (RVN) concurrence, 630–631, 636n
- Air strikes against DRV (Phase II program; Rolling Thunder bombings) (see also
Air strike suspension), 34, 38, 139, 190–191, 233, 239, 241, 284, 290–291, 410, 434, 446, 484, 517
- Ball’s paper for L.B. Johnson, 252–261, 262n
- Chinese response, 130, 228–229, 287, 421, 482, 483
- Communist overall response, 436–437
- decision to undertake strikes, 202, 262
- effects of strikes, 581, 640–641, 740
- intelligence reports on, 420–422
- JCS assessment of, 535–537, 670–671
- Eisenhower’s attitude toward, 298, 300, 303–304
- escalation of strikes:
- financing and personnel for, 190, 197
- Hanoi bombing, possible, 709, 725–727
- Honolulu conference discussions, 573, 574
- information program re, 580–581
- initiation of, 342–343, 361–362, 380, 386, 390
- international response, 257, 402
- JCS program for, 240–243
- Johnson’s (U.A.) assessment of, 445–446
- McCone’s position, 130, 193, 195–196, 521–524, 608, 613–615
- McNaughton’s recommendations, 428–430
- media coverage of, 546–547
- mining of harbors, 491, 493, 534, 539
- napalm attacks, 425–426
- objectives of, 17, 71–75, 208, 250–251, 254, 303–304, 704–706, 708, 710–713, 724–725
- planning for future actions, 551–552
- Presidential prerogative in initiating strikes, 41, 48–49, 52, 54, 56, 191, 197
- protracted bombing program, 578–581, 592–600, 608, 613–615
- public statements on, 264–265, 282–284, 288–290, 450
- reprisal policy, change from, 217, 222, 223–225restrictions on, 388–389
- resumption of strikes following suspension, 665–668, 669
- Rolling Thunder 7, 449–450
- Rolling Thunder 16, 706n
- Rolling Thunder 17, 706, 708, 712
- Rolling Thunder 18, 740
- Rusk’s position, 357–358
- SNIE cumulative information on, 765–766
- Soviet response, 194, 241, 436, 483
- Soviet-U.K. negotiation initiative and, 344–345
- surprise air attack around the clock (34A operations), 426
- “sustained reprisals” concept, 165–166, 175, 181–185, 206–208
- target selection, 304, 493, 510
- Taylor’s recommendations, 712–713
- Taylor’s support for, 16–17, 206–208
- tempo of strikes, 243–244, 251–252, 254, 287, 412–413, 491, 533–534
- Thai position, 302, 303
- time needed to break DRV will, 605–606
- U.S. aircraft lost, 390, 535, 670
- U.S. estimates of consequences, disparities in, 199–201
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam and, 242–243
- U.S.-RVN discussions, 17, 41, 46, 56, 202, 207, 232–233, 244, 252, 263–268, 271, 450, 541
- U.S.-U.K. discussions, 293, 294–295
- U.S. uncertainty re, 457–458, 459–460
- Vietnamese (DRV) international political position and, 322
- Vietnamese (DRV) response, 240, 254, 421, 459, 482, 483, 507
- hardening of attitudes, 516, 518
- intelligence estimates on, 248, 322–324
- Vietnamese (RVN) political situation and, 16–17, 46–47, 48, 195
- Vietnamese (RVN) popular support, 281
- Albert, Carl, 63n, 226, 709n
- Algeria, 646
- Alphand, Hervé, 335, 728
- Alsop, Gen., 176
- Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 517
- Anderson, H.D., 610
- Andropov, Yuri, 120
- ANZUS Treaty, 205
- Arends, Leslie C., 63n
- Arnett, Peter, 485
- Australia, 33, 86, 205, 257, 292, 317, 538n, 566, 598
- Ayub Khan, Muhammad, 308, 597, 700
- Ball, George, 10, 152, 203, 223, 262, 278n,
285n, 290n, 313, 316, 325, 331, 355n, 380n, 397n, 442n, 471n, 617, 680n, 691n, 701, 748, 763n
- air strike suspension, 634, 664
- air strikes against DRV, 38, 193, 199, 579, 580
- Bundy Mission to Vietnam, 103–104, 105, 114–115, 121–123
- China, People’s Republic of, 222, 335, 336
- Khanh government, 104, 110–111, 128–129
- negotiations between belligerents, 337, 422, 544, 663n, 689
- Plan for a Political Resolution in South Viet-Nam, 627–628, 652–660, 666, 737
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 156
- Security Council initiative re negotiations, 257–261, 265
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 583
- U.S.-RVN discussions, 263–265, 267–268
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 148, 224, 557
- Barnes, Gen., 533
- Barrel Roll program. See U.S. reconnaissance flights under Laos.
- Bartlett, Charley, 38
- Beech, Keyes, 66
- Bien Hoa attack, 17n
- Binh Dinh Province, 282
- Binh Gia operation, 9, 29–30, 48
- Black, Eugene R., 703
- Blanchard, Gen., 161
- Blouin, Rear Adm. Francis J., 492n
- Bo. See Mai Van Bo.
- Boggs, Hale, 63n, 225n, 709n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 105–107, 330, 331, 335, 336, 673–674, 682–683, 686, 687n, 707
- Bombing of DRV. See Air strikes against DRV; Reprisal bombings of DRV.
- Bowles, Chester B., 620–621
- Bowman, R. C., 386n
- Brezhnev, Leonid I., 206, 770
- Broomfield, William S., 481
- Brown, Winthrop G., 500
- Bruce, David K. E., 212–213, 231, 262, 294, 295n, 341, 362n, 468, 469, 471–472, 481, 707, 717n
- Buddhists, 146
178, 419, 540, 629n
- Huong government and, 1, 6, 30, 36, 51, 62, 83–86, 88, 90
- Khanh government and, 92–93, 94, 102, 108–109, 110, 126, 135–136, 146–147, 236
- Lodge’s recommendations re, 418–419
- neutralization issue, 2–3
- peace movement, 384, 387, 393, 451, 476–477
- political power, 35–36, 143–145, 235
- Quat government and, 281, 350, 377, 378
- U.S. direct consultations with, 83–84, 99, 100–101, 104
- Bui Diem, 695, 714, 715, 716, 761, 762
- Bui Tuong Huan, 377
- Bunce, W. Kenneth, 367n, 606
- Bunche, Ralph, 366, 369, 372, 507
- Bundy, McGeorge (see also
Bundy Mission to
Vietnam), 6n,
10, 34n, 40n, 42n, 49n, 51, 52, 55n, 63n, 86n, 97n, 98n, 103n, 113n, 114n, 118n, 121n, 202n, 229n, 244n, 262, 263n, 267n, 278n, 281n, 290n, 294n, 306–307, 316, 325, 341, 363n, 384, 392n, 427n, 442n, 454n, 473, 475n, 482n, 499–500, 505, 511, 516, 525n, 529,
544, 561n, 602n, 609n, 635n, 637n, 639n, 652n, 706n, 719, 727n, 744n, 745n, 763n
- air strike suspension, 604–605, 634–635, 644–645, 651–652
- air strikes against DRV, 38, 54, 175, 190–191, 195, 239, 402, 420, 446, 469, 507, 510, 517, 725
- Ball’s paper for L.B. Johnson, 252, 257–258
- media coverage of, 546–547
- objectives of, 724–725
- planning for future actions, 551–552
- protracted bombing program, 579, 598
- public statements on, 282–284
- reprisal policy, change from, 217, 222, 223
- Buddhists, 178, 83–84
- Cambodian conference, proposed, 604
- cease-fire issue, 238, 507, 620
- China, People’s Republic of, 209, 700–701
- Communist insurgency, 404–405
- Congressional leaders, briefings for, 225
- counterinsurgency, 176–177, 405, 469, 470, 481
- Huong government, 10, 83–84
- international forces for Vietnam, 404–405, 509
- Johnson (Gen.) Mission to Vietnam, 438n
- Khanh, assessment of, 177–178
- Khanh government, 89, 137, 151–154
- Laos, U.S. reconnaissance flights over, 447
- negotiations between belligerents:
- new programs, Taylor’s protest re, 563, 571
- NSAM 328, 539
- NSAM 330, 545–546
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 175, 210
- settlement of conflict in Vietnam:
- Sino-Soviet relations, 209
- Southeast Asia Development Association, 515, 518
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 53–54, 116, 138–139, 155
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 556
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 424
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 191, 432
- U.S. psychological programs in Vietnam, 452–454, 545–546
- U.S.-RVN operations against DRV, 153
- Vietnam (RVN), U.S. efforts to achieve stable government in, 131, 140–141, 152, 177–179
- air strike suspension, 604–605, 634–635, 644–645, 651–652
- Bundy, William P., 6n, 40n, 42n, 49n, 52, 55n, 69n, 79n, 97n, 114n, 121n, 128n, 141, 148n, 158, 202n, 214, 222, 223, 243n, 263n, 267n, 275, 290n, 294n, 314, 325, 342n,
355n, 361n, 367n, 376n, 386n, 390n, 449n, 470n, 473n, 492n, 506n, 511n, 528, 629n, 634n, 635n,
637n, 639n, 652n, 680n, 691n, 698n, 701, 737, 739, 744n, 745n, 763n
- air strikes against DRV, 287, 293, 491, 578
- Bundy Mission to Vietnam, 150–152
- Cambodian conference, proposed, 572, 731
- cease-fire issue, 285, 729–730
- Chinese intervention in Vietnam, possible, 729
- Communist insurgency:
- consultations with Country Team, proposed, 367–369, 375, 385–386
- Honolulu conference, 573
- international forces for Vietnam, 33
- Johnson (U.A.) meeting with, 442–446
- Khanh government, 151–152
- media coverage of Vietnam, 443
- negotiations between belligerents, 32,
49, 463,
- Chinese-French discussions, 352, 353–355
- Soviet-U.K. initiative, 316–317
- U.S. conditions for entering negotiations, 397–399, 462, 464–465
- U.S.-DRV direct talks, possible, 689–690, 728–729
- U.S. initiative issue, 295–297
- U.S. “sequence of actions” strategy, 460–465, 525–527
- Vietnamese (DRV)-French discussions, 352–353
- Vietnamese (RVN) policy, 730–731
- Plan for a Political Resolution in South Viet-Nam, 627, 628
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 160, 161, 170
- Security Council initiative re negotiations, 278–280, 317
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 33, 86, 155, 463, 491, 524–525
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 30–33, 292, 374, 444
- U.S.-RVN operations against DRV, 8, 9
- Bundy Mission to Vietnam, 24, 99, 123n, 124
- Burchinal, Gen. David A., 6n, 164
- Busby, Horace, 63n
- Byroade, Henry A., 687n
- Cambodia, 32, 426, 478, 542, 619
- Cambodian conference, proposed, 572, 604, 611, 619, 639, 647, 663, 666, 673–674, 731
- Cam Ranh Bay naval base, 419–420
- Canada, 257, 292, 296, 317, 596–597, 617n
- Cang, Adm. See Chung Tan Cang, Adm.
- Cao Dai, 416
- Cao Van Vien, 50, 56n, 61, 77, 138, 202n, 281
- Caradon, Lord, 370
- Carroll, Gen. Joseph F., 592n, 763n
- Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S., 159, 162, 170, 171, 225, 325, 512, 763n
- Carver, George A., Jr., 9n, 627
- Cater, Douglass, 63n
- Catholics, 102, 235, 419, 476, 636
- Cease-fire issue:
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also McCone, John A.; Raborn, William F., Jr.; Special National Intelligence Estimates), 613n, 694
- Chen Yi, 106, 352, 354, 700, 729
- Chiang Ching Kuo, 498
- Chiang Kai-shek, 300
- China, People’s Republic of, 31, 82, 425, 498, 620, 663, 709
- air strikes against DRV, response to (see Chinese response under Air strikes against DRV)
- Eisenhower’s views on, 300–301, 305
- expansionist policies, 335–336
- general war with U.S., possible, 534–535
- intervention in Vietnam, possible (see also Chinese response under Air strikes against DRV), 204, 209, 222–223, 224, 255, 305, 605
- Humphrey’s assessment of, 312–313
- intelligence estimates on, 768–769
- message to U.S. re, 700–701, 729
- negotiations between belligerents, 105, 106, 560
- Chinese-French discussions, 332, 352, 353–355
- Chinese policy, 359–361, 673
- reprisal bombings of DRV and, 321–322
- Sino-Soviet relations, 203–204, 209, 215, 221, 385, 771
- Soviet-DRV relations and, 245, 483
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, response to, 594–596
- China, Republic of, 257, 292
- Chou En-lai, 106, 700
- Chung Tan Cang, Adm., 2, 107, 138, 153, 346, 549
- Church, Frank, 515, 524–525
- CINCPAC. See Sharp, Adm. Ulysses S.G.
- Clark, Joseph S., 599
- Cleland, Lt. Col. John R.D., 532n
- Cleveland, J. Harlan, 269n, 279, 285–286, 295n, 369
- Clifford, Clark M., 672
- Cline, Ray S., 420–422
- Co. See Nguyen Huu Co, Gen.
- Colby, William E., 10, 160, 163, 172
- Communist insurgency, 17n, 86, 146, 277, 373, 383, 540, 498, 723, 731
- Bundy Mission meeting on, 139–140
- casualties, 66, 581
- “cessation of infiltration” issue, 398–399
- Communist supply ship for, 326n, 342, 343, 345, 350
- escalation, U.S. contingency planning for, 404–405
- force strength, 66, 394, 459, 484, 747n
- infiltration from DRV, 68, 409–410
- large-scale invasion of RVN, possible, 766–767
- military weight of infiltration, 275–276
- northward movement of troops, 607–608
- periodic reports on, 51, 86, 282, 350, 452, 475, 540–541, 549, 612, 633, 685, 703
- Pleiku attack, 156, 160, 167, 204, 209, 210
- prospects for 1965, 81–82, 400–401
- Qui Nhon attack, 212, 214, 215
- successes of, 13–14, 400–401
- summer campaign, 722, 733–735, 754–755, 757–758
- U.S. Country Team assessment of, 721–724
- U.S. Embassy building, attack on, 494, 540
- Vietnamese (DRV) support for, 223, 381–382
- Conein, Col. Lucien, 37
- Congress, U.S., 481, 599, 703
- administration briefings for leaders, 63–69, 224, 225–226, 485–486, 709
- Taylor’s testimony to, 515, 518
- U.S. Embassy building in Saigon, 612–613
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, Congressional authorization re, 515, 524–525, 743–744, 751–754, 757, 759
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, funding for, 617–618
- Cooper, Chester L., 9, 42n, 49n, 52, 69n, 79n, 214, 228, 325, 357n, 367n, 382, 384–388, 392n, 397n, 449n, 516, 518, 544, 572
- air strikes against DRV, 52,
- Buddhists, 35–36
- Bundy Mission to Vietnam, 124, 133, 134, 137, 139, 174
- counterinsurgency operations, 34–35
- Huong government, 84–86
- negotiations between belligerents, 685–688
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 35, 52, 53, 86
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 424–426, 434–435
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 374, 432–435
- Cooper Report, 382
- Corcoran, Thomas J., 338n, 339n
- Counterinsurgency operations (see also
International forces for Vietnam; U.S. ground forces in Vietnam), 210, 301, 619, 699, 703
- Binh Gia operation, 9, 29–30, 48
- Bundy Mission meeting on, 139–140
- Bundy’s (W.) consultations with Country Team, proposed, 367–369, 375, 385–386
- casualties, 66, 581
- cleared areas, 176–177
- collapse of RVN war effort, possible, 396–397, 405, 465–466, 734–735
- counter-subversion-terrorism program, proposed, 415–416
- gas warfare, 469, 470, 471–472, 479, 481–482, 484, 485, 515, 548
- guerrilla warfare issue, 680–682
- Hop Tac program, 14, 417–418
- intensification of, 262, 263, 270, 356
- Johnson (Gen.) Mission study of, 395–396, 408–411, 439
- Lodge’s recommendations, 415–418
- McNaughton’s recommendations, 390–392
- periodic reports on, 86, 282, 350, 452, 475, 549, 612
- security for population, failure to achieve, 14, 408–411
- successes of, 47–48, 176
- U.S. Country Team assessment of, 721–724
- U.S. involvement in planning, 34–35, 41, 47
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 330–336, 343, 344, 352, 354, 370
- Cutler, Lloyd, 627
- Dang Duc Khoi, 700
- Danilov, Anatoliy, 458
- Davis, Richard, 148n
- De Gaulle, Charles, 274, 300, 332, 333, 334–335
- Denholm, Gen. D. J., 763n
- Denney, George C., Jr., 91–93, 558–560
- De Puy, Gen. William E., 490n, 533
- De Silva, Peer, 133, 136, 137, 139, 140, 444, 445, 494, 498
- Devilliers, Philippe, 686
- Diefenbaker, John G., 468
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 158, 162, 168, 170, 193, 214, 216, 220, 222, 224, 325
- Dinh Trinh Chinh, 684n
- Dirkson, Everett M., 66, 68, 191, 192, 196, 197, 213
- Do. SeeTran Van Do.
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 172–173, 189, 219, 272–275, 436, 483, 636, 639–640
- Dodd, Thomas, 392n
- Dong. SeePham Van Dong.
- Dong, Col., 236
- Dong, Gen. SeePham Van Dong, Gen.
- Ehrlich, Thomas, 628
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 63, 298–308, 668n, 726
- Erhard, Ludwig, 718
- Evans, Allan, 763n
- Federenko, Nikolai, 647
- Firyubin, Nikolai, 647–651
- Flott, Frederick W., 153, 154
- Ford, Gerald R., 68, 168, 170, 189, 190, 191, 196, 197
- Forrestal, Michael V., 6n, 9, 10, 30
- Forster, Oliver G., 313, 343
- France, 231, 257, 292, 300, 597, 617n
- Friedman, Allen, 285n, 532n
- Fulbright, J. William, 38, 225, 515, 599, 666, 667, 749
- Gas warfare, 469, 470, 471–472, 479, 481–482, 484, 485, 515, 548
- Gaud, William S., 442n, 515, 545
- Geneva Accords of 1954, 73
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 292, 596–597, 718
- Giap. SeeVo Nguyen Giap, Gen.
- Givan, Walker, 760n
- Goldwater, Barry, 309, 310, 334
- Goodpaster, Lt. Gen. Andrew J., 190, 197, 204, 298, 374, 668n
- Gordon, Kermit, 453
- Grant, Lindsey, 729
- Green, Marshall, 148n, 287, 397n, 422–424, 524, 525n
- Greene, Gen. Wallace M., Jr., 553
- Greenfield, James L., 288–290, 450n, 546n, 547n, 606
- Gromyko, Andrei, 120, 390, 663n, 664–665, 667
- Gruening, Ernest, 599
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 306, 753–754n
- Hand, Lloyd, 471
- Hannah, Norman, 533
- Harlech, Lord, 229, 313–315, 343–345, 362n
- Harriman, W. Averell, 505–506, 680n
- Harris, Gen., 733n
- Heintz, Adm., 533
- Helms, Richard N., 196, 482n, 495–497 741
- Henry, David H., 197n
- Herfurt, Jack A., 133, 138, 139
- Hoa Hao, 134, 416
- Hoang Ho, 719
- Ho Chi Minh, 81, 82, 287, 558–559, 560, 605, 646, 654
- Ho Giac, 102, 108, 393
- Honolulu conference, 571, 572–577
- Hopson, Donald Charles, 700, 701, 729
- Horton, Frank, 481
- Hughes, Thomas L., 199–200, 309n, 322n, 323n, 383n, 572, 592n
- Humphrey, Brig. Gen., 568
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 63n, 226, 325, 436, 709n
- Huong. SeeTran Van Huong.
- Huong government, 15, 236
- Huynh Van Cao, Gen., 107, 124–126, 476
- Huynh Van Ton, Col., 340
- India, 32, 231, 257, 278n, 292, 296, 317, 597, 617n
- Indonesia, 257
- International Control Commission (ICC), 327
- International forces for Vietnam, 9, 33, 404–405
- Australian troops, 598, 603, 610, 619
- Honolulu conference discussions, 573, 575
- International Mobile Security Task Force, 576
- Korean troops, 386, 467, 500, 509, 603, 610
- New Zealand troops, 603, 610
- U.S. discussions with Allies re, 538
- U.S. policy, Taylor’s confusion re, 564–567
- U.S.-RVN discussions, 603, 610
- Vietnamese (RVN) approval of, 610, 611–612
- Italy, 292, 596–597
- Japan, 32, 257, 292
- Johnson, Adm., 733n
- Johnson, Gen. Harold, 390, 553, 746
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 12, 19, 21, 23, 25, 29, 39, 50, 67, 103n, 130, 189, 262, 278n, 210, 262, 281, 317n, 325–326, 355n,
380n, 392n, 446n, 454n, 473, 475, 484–485, 506n, 511, 512, 538, 549, 554, 571, 609n, 652n, 718, 719n, 729
- air strike suspension, 604, 644, 651
- air strikes against DRV, 38, 130, 190, 191,
239, 290–291, 402, 436,
517, 535n, 724
- Ball’s paper for re, 252, 262n
- decision to undertake strikes, 202, 262
- escalation of strikes, 521, 613, 614, 621
- financing and personnel for, 190, 197
- Hanoi bombing, possible, 709, 725
- information program re, 580–581
- media coverage of, 546–547
- Presidential prerogative in initiating strikes, 41, 191, 197
- protracted bombing program, 580–581, 598, 613, 614
- public statements on, 282, 284n
- resumption of strikes following suspension, 665–668
- Rolling Thunder 17, 708
- target selection, 187, 667, 694, 706
- U.S.-RVN discussions, 41, 202
- U.S.-U.K. discussions, 293, 294n
- Vietnamese (RVN) political situation and, 195
- Bundy Mission to Vietnam, 122, 149, 174
- Cambodian conference, proposed, 604, 611
- Chinese intervention in Vietnam, possible, 223, 700–701
- Communist insurgency, 373, 494
- Congressional leaders, briefings for, 63–69, 224, 225, 226, 485–486, 709
- counterinsurgency operations, 41, 470, 471, 481–482, 485, 548
- Eisenhower’s meeting with, 298–308
- Huong government, 83, 89
- Johns Hopkins University speech, 543–544
- leaks to media, concerns about, 63, 67, 217, 262
- negotiations between belligerents, 318, 327, 337, 544, 663n, 685, 758
- Plan for a Political Resolution in South Viet-Nam, 627–628
- Quat government, 451, 580, 618, 632, 701
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 38, 41, 189
- Southeast Asia Development Association, 543, 703
- Special National Intelligence Estimates, 244n, 763
- Stewart’s meeting with, 471–472
- U.S. covert political activities in Vietnam, 494, 538
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 38, 40, 53, 64, 68, 104, 155, 157, 197
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 213, 538, 556, 562–563, 599, 672, 741
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 4, 42, 223, 617–618
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 7, 95, 131, 192, 262, 292, 309, 599
- U.S. psychological programs in Vietnam, 304, 363
- Vietnam, Republic of, 382, 393,
- Johnson, Robert H., 49–50
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 19,
23, 43, 101n, 202n, 350n, 492, 541, 572, 600, 609, 612, 630, 695, 714, 715n, 732n
- air strike suspension, 636
- air strikes against DRV, 139, 445–446, 704, 745n
- Bundy Mission to Vietnam, 133–140, 154
- Bundy (W.) meeting with, 442–446
- Communist insurgency, 81–82, 212, 494
- Huong government, 1–4, 6n, 50, 62
- Johnson (Gen.) Mission to Vietnam, 443, 444
- Khanh government, 89, 90, 91, 107, 124–125, 135, 137
- negotiations between belligerents, 462, 501, 674–676
- Plan for a Political Resolution in South Viet-Nam, 628, 676–679
- Quat government, 719, 761, 762
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 75, 161
- U.S. Country Team personnel changes, 403, 743
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 57, 88n, 138, 139
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 444, 569–570, 774
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 80–83
- Vietnam, Republic of, 444, 570–571
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 634
- air strikes against DRV, 426, 598, 640
- Communist insurgency, 754–755
- counterinsurgency operations, 465–466
- negotiations between belligerents, 440–442
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 111–113, 217
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 5–6
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 347, 465–467, 492–493, 603, 733, 754–756, 759
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 98n, 405–407, 425, 426, 679–680
- Jorden, William, 382
- Judd, Tom, 471
- Karch, Brig. Gen. Frederick J., 351, 413
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 751–754, 759
- Kennan, George, 585
- Kennedy, Robert F., 666
- Kent, Robert, 718n
- Khanh. SeeNguyen Khanh, Gen.
- Khanh government:
- Buddhists and, 92–93, 94, 102, 108–109, 110, 126, 135–136, 146–147, 236
- Bundy Mission meeting on,
- formation of new government, 101–102, 107–108, 109–110, 124–125, 153–154, 236
- military, relations with, 90, 92, 125, 127, 133–134, 137, 146
- neutralist orientation, possible, 93, 94, 124–126, 127, 128n, 137
- takeover of power in coup, 89–95, 144
- U.S. policy re, 42–43, 104, 109, 110–111, 126–129, 134–138, 142–143, 151–152
- Khiem. SeeTran Thien Khiem.
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 81
- Killen, James S., 20, 38, 136, 139, 179, 444, 543, 550
- Klaus, Josef, 664
- Kleiman, Robert, 443n
- Kohler, Foy D., 206, 256, 390, 484, 636, 637, 647–651, 660–661, 662–663
- Komer, Robert, 118n
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 215, 216, 221
- Korea, Republic of, 257, 292, 566
- Korean War, 300, 307–308, 310, 752
- Kornienko, 649, 650
- Kosygin, Alexei N., 170, 198, 303, 314, 385, 572, 770
- Kraft, Joe, 608
- Krulak, Gen. Victor H., 733n
- Kuchel, Thomas H., 63n, 225
- Kusterer, Herman, 718
- Ky. SeeNguyen Cao Ky, Air Vice Marshal.
- Laird, Melvin R., 63n
- Lam Van Phat, Gen., 328, 329, 340, 349–350
- Lam Van Tri, 684n
- Lansdale, Maj. Gen. Edward G., 37, 392n
- Laos, 8, 31, 32, 33, 56, 65, 81, 273, 292
- Lapin, Sergei G., 313, 344
- Le Duan, 81, 572
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman, 707
- Lennartson, 164
- Le Nguyen Khang, Cmdr., 125, 138
- Le Van Hoach, 124, 129
- Le Van Thu, 719
- Lincoln, Abraham, 302
- Lindley, Ernest K., 383n
- Lindsay, John V., 481
- Linh Quang Vien, Gen., 138
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 283, 334, 374, 598, 631, 743
- Long, Russell B., 66, 67, 709
- Lucet, Charles, 331, 682, 683
- Luong Trong Tuong, 134, 154
- Macapagal, Disodado, 598
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 213
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 524
- MacLeish, Rod, 458
- Mahon, George, 224, 226
- Mai Van Bo, 105, 106, 352–353, 673, 682, 686, 687
- Malaysia, 205, 230, 231, 257, 292
- Manfull, Melvin L., 101n, 137, 270, 695, 716n, 761
- Mann, Thomas, 380n
- Mansfield, Mike, 63n, 162,
171, 196, 213, 224, 226, 227, 479
- air strike suspension, 666, 667
- air strikes against DRV, 709, 725–727
- China, People’s Republic of, 203–204, 709
- negotiations between belligerents, 227, 479–480
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 157, 159, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 226–227, 237
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 479, 605, 741–744
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 203–206, 208, 477–481, 547, 743
- Martin, Graham A., 75, 302–303, 412
- Mathias, Charles McC., Jr., 481
- Matthews, H. Freeman, Jr., 490n, 528, 533
- McClendon, Gordon, 663
- McCloskey, Robert J., 738
- McCloy, John, 748
- McCone, John
A., 63n, 65, 86n, 149n, 220n, 221, 299,
485, 511, 518, 592n, 613n
- air strikes against DRV, 130, 193, 195–196, 581
- China, People’s Republic of, 221, 223, 224, 498
- Communist insurgency, 373, 459, 498, 607–608
- negotiations between belligerents, 359, 517
- NSAM 328, 537
- NSAM 330, 545
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 217, 220, 221–222
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 9–10, 373
- Soviet-DRV relations, 130, 483
- Soviet Union, 221, 458
- U.S. covert political activities in Vietnam, 494–495, 498, 499, 513, 519
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 513–514, 517, 522, 599
- U.S. personnel and facilities in Vietnam, security for, 196, 223
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 191, 374
- U.S. psychological programs in Vietnam, 10, 513, 545
- Vietnam (RVN), U.S. efforts to achieve stable government in, 130–132, 140
- McConnell, Gen. John P., 553
- McCormack, John W., 63n, 159, 162, 170, 196, 224, 226, 709n
- McDonald, Adm. David L., 214, 217, 222, 225–226, 553
- McGovern, George, 747
- McNamara, Robert S., 6n, 10, 40n, 49n, 53,
55n, 65, 66, 69n, 86n, 91n, 97n, 103n, 262, 278n, 307,
326, 355n, 373,
380n, 427n, 442n, 446n, 473, 485,
512, 546n, 561n, 615n, 621,
629, 634n, 635,
636n, 652n, 701, 719,
- air strikes against DRV, 197, 222, 240, 283, 303, 402, 459, 484, 534, 580, 605
- Ball’s paper for L.B. Johnson, 252, 257–258
- effects of strikes, 535, 670
- protracted bombing program, 578–579, 580, 598
- resumption of strikes following suspension, 665–668
- Rolling Thunder 17, 708
- Rolling Thunder 18, 740
- target selection, 187, 193–194, 667–668, 693, 694, 706–707
- U.S. uncertainty re, 459–460
- Communist insurgency, 68, 223
- Congressional leaders, briefings for, 65–66, 67, 68, 224, 225
- Honolulu conference, 573, 574–577
- international forces for Vietnam, 404–405, 509
- Johnson (Gen.) Mission to Vietnam, 395, 438n
- negotiations between belligerents, 318–319, 403–404, 440
- NSAM 328, 537
- NSAM 330, 545
- Plan for a Political Resolution in South Viet-Nam, 628
- Quat government, 580
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 111, 156
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 66, 494, 740
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 5, 67, 168, 171, 191
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 465, 500, 599
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 5, 42, 223, 405, 618, 679
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 7–8, 37, 38, 95–97, 194, 403
- U.S. psychological programs in Vietnam, 545
- U.S.-RVN operations against DRV, 67, 533
- McNaughton, John T., 5n, 6n, 7n, 8, 42n, 49n, 52, 79n, 91n, 114n, 164, 214, 325, 367n, 442n, 449n, 511n, 525n, 561n, 573, 578n, 597n, 605n, 615n, 634
- Meade, Frazier, 313
- Media coverage of Vietnam, 4n, 66, 134, 443, 474, 484, 485, 632
- Meeker, Leonard C., 280n, 746
- Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon, 634
- Metaxis, Col.Theodore C., 134
- Miller, Robert H., 139
- Milton, Gen., 533
- Minh. SeeTran Van Minh, Gen.
- Montagnards, 401, 455, 456, 496, 499
- Montague, Lt. Col. Robert M., 490n
- Moore, Gen. Joseph H., 101
- Morse, F. Bradford, 481
- Morse, Wayne, 37, 599
- Moyers, Bill D., 63n, 158n, 163, 220, 283, 309n, 627, 685, 745n, 763n
- Mustin, Adm. Lloyd M., 161, 598
- Nakayama, Riri, 419
- Napalm attacks, 425–426
- Narasimhan, C. V., 647
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 620
- National Security Action Memoranda:
- National Security Council (NSC) meetings:
- Negotiations between belligerents (see also
Air strike suspension; cease-fire issue; Security
Council initiative re negotiations), 303, 358, 385
- Chinese-French discussions, 332, 352, 353–355
- Chinese policy, 359–361, 673
- Eisenhower’s position, 301–302, 306
- Green’s position, 422–424
- JCS position, 440–442
- Mansfield’s position, 479–480
- 17-nation proposal, 507, 508, 514, 517, 519–520, 529, 544, 560
- Soviet policy, 336, 436, 593
- Soviet proposal, 660–663, 665
- Soviet-U.K. initiative, 227, 313–320, 342, 344–345
- “tacit negotiation” approach, 423, 431
- Taylor’s position, 74–75, 412
- Thant’s efforts re, 337, 369–372
- trade-off of concessions, 504, 508
- U.N. as place for launching negotiations, 49
- U.S. cautionary approach, 326–327
- U.S. conditions for entering negotiations, 397–399, 447–448, 462, 464–465
- U.S. dishonesty re, alleged, 365–367, 371–372, 385
- U.S.-DRV common objectives, proposed exploration of, 579, 582–592, 599
- U.S.-DRV contacts re, 691–693
- U.S.-DRV direct talks, possible, 673–674, 685–690, 728–729
- U.S. flexibility issue, 403–404
- U.S.-French discussions, 330–336
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam and, 449, 463
- U.S. information policy re, 758
- U.S. initiative issue, 295–297
- U.S.-RVN discussions, 465, 530, 550, 685, 695–698
- U.S. “sequence of actions” strategy, 460–465, 501–504, 525–527
- U.S. statement to Security Council re negotiation policy, proposed, 337–338
- Viet Cong representation, 646–647
- Vietnamese direct talks, possible, 32, 424
- Vietnamese nationalism and, 424–425
- Vietmanese (DRV)-French discussions, 105–107, 352–355, 673, 682–683
- Vietnamese (DRV) policy, 359–361, 365–367, 369–372, 423, 544–545, 558–560, 586, 674–675, 682–683, 732
- Vietnamese (RVN) policy, 675–676, 730–731
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 300
- New Zealand, 33, 205, 257, 292, 317, 538, 566
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 144, 300
- Nguyen Cao Ky, Air Vice Marshal, 61, 90, 93, 101, 128n, 133, 138, 346, 373, 476
- Nguyen Chanh Thi, Gen., 51, 90, 93, 340, 346, 373, 393, 413, 451, 476, 570, 715
- Nguyen Chi Thanh, 81
- Nguyen Huu Co, Gen., 134, 135, 138, 346, 452, 685
- Nguyen Khanh, Gen. (see
alsoKhanh government), 15, 48, 56n, 109, 128n, 153, 270, 281, 306, 307, 374, 377n, 499
- anti-American demonstrations in RVN, 102–103
- air strikes against DRV, 46, 207, 271
- Bundy Mission to Vietnam, 141, 149, 153–154, 177–178, 194
- departure from RVN, 350, 393
- Huong government:
- ouster from military, 340–341, 345–346, 350
- Quat government, 266, 272, 328, 329, 338–339, 340
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 77, 272
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 88n, 109
- Nguyen Trung Trinh, 684n, 732
- Nguyen Van Binh, Archbishop, 102, 154
- Nguyen Van Thieu, Gen., 61, 77, 88n, 90, 135–136, 138, 236, 270, 341, 476, 542, 609, 633n
- Nguyen Xuan Oanh, 1, 2, 110, 207, 266, 270
- Nixon, Richard M., 334
- Nkrumah, Kwame, 620
- Nuclear testing, 306
- Nuclear weapons, 255, 305, 307, 311
- Oanh. SeeNguyen Xuan Oanh.
- O’Brien, Lawrence, 63n, 225n, 709n
- Obst, Harry, 718
- Pakistan, 292, 597
- Palmas, Archbishop, 760
- Paul VI, Pope, 760
- Pearson, Lester, 634
- Peers, Gen., 562
- Pell, Claiborne, 728
- Pham Dang Lam, 61
- Pham Ngoc Thao, Lt. Col., 339, 684
- Pham Quan Dan, 236
- Pham Van Dong, 81, 119, 544, 558–559
- Pham Van Dong, Gen., 51, 91, 125, 126n, 133, 135, 137, 138, 340, 346, 378
- Phan Huy Quat (see alsoQuat government), 350n, 384, 610, 611
- Phan Khac Suu, 3, 50, 78–79, 85, 92, 110, 153, 281, 684, 702, 714, 715, 716n, 719–720, 740
- Phan Quang Tuoc, 3, 125, 137
- Phase II program of military pressure on DRV. See Air strikes against DRV.
- Phat, Gen. SeeLam Van Phat, Gen.
- Philippines, 33, 257, 292
- Plan for a Political Resolution in South Viet-Nam. See under Settlement of conflict in Vietnam.
- Pleiku attack, 156, 160, 167, 204, 209, 210
- Procter, Carolyn J., 366n, 524n
- Quang, Gen., 346
- Quang Lien, 393, 451, 476
- Quat. SeePhan Huy Quat.
- Quat government, 272,
281, 384, 580, 611
- Buddhists and, 281, 350, 377, 378
- Cabinet reorganization, 618, 684, 701–702, 714n
- Catholics and, 329, 378–379, 716, 719, 721, 760–761
- constitutional crisis, 701–702, 714–716, 719–720, 740
- coup attempts against, 328, 329, 338–341, 349–350, 362, 684
- formation of new government, 266–267
- governing of country, 451, 475–476, 540
- military, relations with, 379, 384, 549–550, 618, 632–633, 684–685, 720
- military takeover of, 761, 762
- “national union” government, 377–379
- peace movement and, 393–394, 451
- press criticism of, 618–619
- U.S. Country Team assessment of, 719–721
- Qui Nhon attack, 212, 214, 215
- Raborn, William F., Jr., 578, 592n, 599, 607, 613n, 634n, 701, 719, 747n, 748, 763
- Radhakrishnan, Sir Sarvepalli, 620
- Radhakrishnan initiative, 620–621, 647, 673, 682, 729–730
- Rafferty, James F., 386
- Read, Benjamin, 285n, 544, 547n
- Reedy, George, 63n, 123n, 158, 163, 167, 174n, 357n, 709n, 745n
- Reprisal bombings of DRV, 11,
34, 38, 48, 302
- Chinese response, intelligence estimate on, 321–322
- decision to undertake, 40, 155–160
- graduated reprisals. See Sustained reprisals below.
- JCS position, 111–113
- Mansfield’s position, 159, 172, 226–227, 237–238
- Phase II program of air strikes, change to, 217, 222, 223–225
- public statements on, 44–45, 59–60, 162, 163, 164, 169, 219–220, 237
- reprisal missions, 156, 158–164, 166–172, 188, 214–226, 236–237
- Soviet response, 159, 172–173, 188, 189, 197–199, 215, 216–217, 219, 221, 272–273
- sustained reprisals, 165–166, 175, 181–185, 206–208
- target selection, 56, 218, 219, 222
- Taylor’s position, 17–19
- time between provocation and retaliation, 46, 56, 59
- U.S. dependent evacuation and, 18, 20, 45, 52, 156–157, 159, 160, 162, 163
- U.S.-RVN coordination, 41, 75–77, 210
- VNAF involvement, 115–116, 215, 218, 221
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (RVNAF), 22,
109, 146, 373, 476
- combined U.S.-RVN command authority, proposed, 679–680
- command changes, 476, 549–550, 633
- desertions, 739–740
- food distribution program, 562, 568–569, 577
- force strength, 51, 66, 117, 549, 609
- intelligence operations, 9–10
- internal improvements, 600–601
- Khanh’s ouster, 340–341, 345–346, 350
- political power of military leadership, 143–144, 145–146, 235
- Popular Forces, 445, 493–494
- recruiting program, 561–562, 568, 576
- U.S. forces integrated into ARVN battalions, 561, 562, 568, 573, 576, 619
- Reston, James “Scotty,” 291n
- Rivers, Mendel, 224, 225–226
- Rockefeller, Nelson, 334
- Rogers, Col. Jack A., 124, 133, 139
- Rolling Thunder bombings. See Air strikes against DRV.
- Roosevelt, Archie, 458
- Rosenthal, James D., 154
- Rostow, Walt, 275–278, 680–682
- Rowan, Carl, 158, 163, 171, 214, 220, 222, 304, 325, 470n, 515, 518
- Rusk, Dean, 10, 37, 40n, 49n, 53, 65, 86n, 95n, 99, 285n, 290n, 336n, 349n, 356, 359n, 373, 380n, 383n, 386n, 442n, 446n, 470n, 471n, 473, 507n, 511, 512, 543, 561n, 563, 581n, 621, 706n, 740
- air strike suspension, 634
- air strikes against DRV, 38, 56, 402, 483, 546, 551
- escalation of strikes, 473–474, 608
- initiation of, 342–343, 361–362
- objectives of, 704–706
- protracted bombing program, 579, 580, 581, 598, 608
- public statements on, 283, 284, 288, 450
- Rolling Thunder 7, 449–450
- Rusk’s position, 357–358
- Soviet-U.K. negotiation initiative and, 344–345
- target selection, 668n, 694, 744–745
- U.S.-RVN discussions, 56, 450
- U.S.-U.K. discussions, 294–295
- U.S. uncertainty re, 457–458
- Cambodian conference, proposed, 666
- cease-fire issue, 519–520
- Chinese intervention in Vietnam, possible, 701
- Communist insurgency, 404–405, 607–608
- Counterinsurgency operations, 680, 699
- Huong government, 6–7, 88
- international forces for Vietnam, 404–405, 509, 538n
- Khanh government, 42–43, 91
- Laos, 65
- media coverage of Vietnam, 474
- negotiations between belligerents, 295, 358, 397, 460, 758
- 17-nation proposal, 514, 517, 519–520, 529
- Soviet proposal, 660, 662, 663n, 665
- Soviet-U.K. initiative, 313–315, 316n, 319–320, 342, 344–345
- U.S. cautionary approach, 326–327
- U.S. dishonesty re, alleged, 365–367
- U.S.-DRV contacts re, 691–693
- U.S.-DRV direct talks, possible, 687n, 728
- U.S. flexibility issue, 403–404
- Vietnamese (DRV) policy, 365–367, 558
- new programs, Taylor’s protest re, 571
- NSAM 328, 537
- NSAM 330, 545
- Plan for a Political Resolution in South Viet-Nam, 666
- Quat government, 338–339, 362, 580
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 56, 75
- Security Council initiative re negotiations, 278, 362
- Southeast Asia Development Association, 515
- Soviet Union, intelligence exchange with U.S. re Vietnam, 458
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 70, 79–80, 88, 97, 98:
- U.S.-RVN discussions, 55, 69–70, 71
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 376, 509, 531, 532, 546, 599, 699
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 98, 357
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 30, 355–359
- U.S. psychological programs in Vietnam, 545
- Vietnam, Republic of, 355–356, 699–700
- Russell, Richard, 748
- Sagatellyan, Mike, 660–661, 662
- Salinger, Pierre, 660–661, 662–663
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 66, 67
- Sanders, Sol W., 4n
- Scranton, William W., 334
- Seaborn, J. Blair, 412, 444, 689, 691, 693n, 728, 732
- Security Council initiative re negotiations, 262, 279, 280, 294, 317, 362
- Sergeyevich, Vassily, 662–663
- Settlement of conflict in Vietnam (see also Negotiations between belligerents), 73, 82
- 17-nation proposal re negotiations, 507, 508, 514, 517, 519–520, 529, 544, 560
- Sharp, Adm. Ulysses S.G., 12, 39, 388n, 396n, 400n, 518n, 535, 573, 636n, 719, 733n
- Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 274, 278n, 729
- Shullaw, Harry, 471
- Sieverts, Frank A., 449n
- Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, 572, 611, 619, 647, 673–674, 731
- Smathers, George A., 68, 226
- Smith, Col., 164
- Smith, Bromley, 69, 140n, 149, 155, 157, 158, 163, 168, 216n, 349n, 355n, 374–375, 486, 634, 759
- Smith, Jack, 740
- Southeast Asia Development Association, 419, 505–506, 510n, 515, 518, 543, 703
- Souvanna Phouma, 31, 45, 81, 425, 620
- Soviet-DRV relations, 119
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet-DRV
relations), 31, 82,
296, 458, 484, 306, 620, 769, 770
- air strike suspension, U.S.-Soviet
- air strikes against DRV, response to. See under Air strikes against DRV.
- Cambodian conference, proposed, 572, 663, 666
- Eisenhower’s views on, 300–301, 305
- negotiations between belligerents, 385
- reprisal bombings of DRV and, 159, 172–173, 188, 189, 197–199, 215, 216–217, 219, 221, 272–273
- Sino-Soviet relations, 203–204, 209, 215, 221, 385, 771
- U.S. Embassy in Moscow, demonstrations at, 213n
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, response to, 594–596
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, attitude toward, 273–274
- U.S.-Soviet relations, 198–199, 274–275
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- State of the Union message, 7–8
- Stennis, John, 749
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 169, 205, 257, 262, 283, 284, 319, 366, 370, 382, 557, 758
- Stewart, Michael N. F., 313, 314n, 343, 412n, 460, 468, 471–472, 481, 717n, 730, 731
- Stilwell, Gen. Richard G., 134
- Stoneman, Walter G., 367n
- Suez crisis (1956), 301, 306
- Sukarno, 212
- Sullivan, William H., 31, 425, 730
- Sulovey, M. N., 119
- Sung, 105, 106
- Suu. See Phan Khac Suu.
- Sylvester, Arthur, 606
- Tam Chau, 36, 85, 92, 93, 108, 350, 377, 378, 393
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 41n, 101n, 258, 315n, 397n, 511, 561n, 581n, 733n
- air strike suspension, 669
- air strikes against DRV, 139, 202, 239, 410,
534, 574
- cessation of strikes, terms for, 233–234
- escalation of, 469, 473
- initiation of, 342n, 361–362
- objectives of, 17, 71–75, 208, 250–251, 704, 710–713
- Presidential prerogative in initiating strikes, 48–49
- Rolling Thunder 17, 712
- Taylor’s support for, 16–17, 206–208
- tempo of strikes, 243, 251–252, 412–413, 533–534
- time needed to break DRV will, 605–606
- U.S.-RVN discussions, 17, 41, 46, 202, 207, 232–233, 252, 265–267, 271, 541
- Vietnamese (RVN) political situation and, 16–17, 46–47, 48
- Vietnamese (RVN) popular support, 281
- Buddhists, 62, 281
- Bundy Mission to Vietnam, 24
- Cambodian conference, proposed, 611
- Cambodian village, U.S. bombing of, 619
- China, possible general war with U.S., 534–535
- Communist insurgency, 212, 350, 394, 498, 540, 757
- Congressional testimony, 515, 518
- counterinsurgency operations, 14, 619, 703
- Honolulu conference, 572–574, 575
- Huong government, 15
- international forces for Vietnam, 404–405, 564–567, 610, 619
- Johnson (Gen.) Mission to Vietnam, 395, 396, 408–411
- Khanh, assessment of, 128n
- Khanh government:
- Laos, 56n
- media coverage of Vietnam, 474, 606–607
- negotiations between belligerents:, 544
- new programs, protest re, 563–564, 567–569, 571
- Quat
government, 281, 580, 611, 716, 719
- Cabinet reorganization, 618, 684
- constitutional crisis, 701–702, 714–716, 740
- coup attempts against, 328, 329, 339n, 349–350, 684
- formation of new government, 266–267
- governing of country, 451, 475–476, 540
- military, relations with, 549–550, 618, 632–633, 684–685
- “national union” government, 377–379
- press criticism of, 618–619
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 40, 48
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces:
- Security Council initiative re negotiations:
- settlement of conflict in Vietnam, 73
- social events with Vietnamese officials, 445
- U.S. covert political activities in Vietnam, 498, 513, 519, 550
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 98, 139, 155
- U.S. Embassy building in Saigon, 540, 612–613
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 16, 490, 562
- active combat role, 348, 528
- Bien Hoa-Vung Tau deployment, 553–554, 565, 568, 609, 615
- Da Nang deployment, 347–349,444
- divisions of troops, introduction of, 454–457, 493
- force increase to 50,000, 486
- force increase to 70,000, 737
- force increase to 82,000, 602
- force increase to 95,000, 746–748
- force increase to 151,000, 737, 739–740, 746
- integration in ARVN battalions, 568, 619
- media coverage of, 606–607
- Mission options, 25–28, 455–457, 487–488, 500, 531
- negative consequences, 28, 554–555
- public statements on, 607, 609–610
- Qui Nhon deployment, 568, 609
- time needed to break DRV will, 605–606
- U.S.-RVN discussions, 528–529, 531, 541–542, 600, 602, 609–610, 611–612
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 394, 680
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 39, 533
- U.S. visit (Mar.-Apr.), 490–494, 497–500, 515, 516, 518, 525n, 528–530, 531, 534
- U.S. visit (June), 736–737, 739–740, 745–748, 757–758
- Vietnam, Republic of:
- Taylor, Adm. Rufus L., 763n
- Thailand, 31, 32, 211, 242, 257, 292, 302–303, 440–441
- Thanat Khoman, 302–303
- Thant, U, 257, 274, 279, 296, 317, 319, 543, 557
- Thi, Gen. SeeNguyen Chanh Thi, Gen.
- Thien Minh, 154
- Thieu. SeeNguyen Van Thieu, Gen.
- Third country participation in Vietnam. See International forces for Vietnam.
- Tho, Gen., 125
- Thomas, Gen. Jack E., 763n
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., 156, 162, 262, 278n, 280n, 285n, 290n, 316, 325, 355n, 397n, 534, 665, 680n, 691n
- Thomsen, Samuel B., 88n
- Thomson, James C., Jr., 228–229, 620–621, 759n
- Throckmorton, Gen. John L., 351
- Tian Quang Thuan, 377
- Timmes, Gen. Charles J., 562
- Tinh Khiet, 629n
- Tito, Marshal, 276, 620
- Tran Quang Thuan, 154
- Tran Quang Vinh, 154
- Tran Thanh Ben, Col., 236, 378
- Tran Thanh Hiep, 684n
- Tran Thien Khiem, 88, 338–339, 543
- Tran Van An, 378
- Tran Van Dinh, 1
- Tran Van Do, 236, 503n, 527, 610, 611, 695, 762
- Tran Van Don, Gen., 328, 329, 684n
- Tran Van Huong (see also Huong government), 56n, 88n
- Tran Van Minh, Gen. (“Little Minh”), 61, 77, 88n, 134, 346, 476, 542, 609, 633n, 684–685
- Tran Van Thoan, 684n
- Tran Van Van, 719
- Trevelyan, Sir Humphrey, 344
- Tri Quang, 36, 85, 90, 92, 93, 102, 108, 111, 145, 146–147, 281, 377, 393, 629n, 704n
- Truman, Harry S., 308, 752
- Tull, Jim, 365
- Tupper, Stanley R., 481
- Tuyen, 540, 543, 714
- Tyler, William R., 197–199, 331, 471
- Unger, Leonard, 8, 30, 52, 55n, 69n, 79n, 103n, 114n, 214, 222, 285n, 325, 338n, 343, 367n, 386, 397n, 424, 427n, 442n, 444, 449n, 524, 525n, 528, 530, 532n, 544, 551n, 602n, 617, 627, 634, 680n, 686, 691n, 698n, 715n, 760n
- Bundy Mission to Vietnam, 124, 133, 134, 135, 137, 139, 153, 154
- United Kingdom, 257, 292, 404, 572, 596–597
- United Nations (see also Security Council initiative re negotiations; Thant, U), 49, 188, 205, 211, 257
- U.S. covert political activities in Vietnam, 494–497, 498, 499, 513, 519, 538, 550
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 11, 20, 33, 38, 40, 64, 67–68, 86
- air strikes against DRV (Phase II) and, 139
- announcement re, 116–118, 168
- Bundy Mission meeting on, 138–139
- Bundy Mission recommendations, 155
- Cooper’s position, 35, 53
- coup of Jan. 26 and, 94–95
- danger to dependents, 57–58, 78
- decision to evacuate, 97, 98, 104, 163
- duration of evacuation effort, 52, 58–59, 70, 97, 159
- Hue evacuation, 88, 109
- implementation of, 164, 168, 171, 186, 202, 281–282
- JCS position, 5–6
- military personnel for, 79–80
- Presidential statement on, proposed, 53–54
- psychological effects, 19–20, 45, 138, 191, 197
- related issues, 58, 70
- reprisal bombings of DRV and, 18, 20, 45, 52, 156–157, 159, 160, 162, 163
- U.S.-RVN discussions, 54, 55, 57–58, 69–70, 71, 77–79, 86
- U.S. Embassy building in Saigon:
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 16, 33, 213, 255, 430, 439, 532, 556, 672, 699
- active combat role, 348, 528, 532, 738
- air strikes against DRV and, 242–243
- Bien Hoa-Vung Tau deployment, 553–554, 561, 565, 568, 609, 615–616
- Chu Lai deployment, 609, 616, 633
- Communist response, 594–596
- Congressional authorization issue, 515, 524–525, 743–744, 751–754, 757, 759
- Da Nang deployment, 347–349, 351, 376, 380, 386, 413, 444
- divisions of troops, introduction of, 439, 454–457, 492–493, 509, 513–514
- Eisenhower’s attitude toward, 305, 308
- force increase to 50,000, 486
- force increase to 70,000, 772
- force increase to 82,000, 491, 573, 575, 583, 602–603
- force increase to 95,000, 745–749
- force increase to 151,000, 733–736, 737, 739–740, 746, 754–756, 758–759
- Honolulu conference discussions, 573, 575
- integration in ARVN battalions, 561, 562, 568, 573, 576, 619
- Johnson’s (L.B.) position, 562–563
- Johnson’s (U.A.) position, 569–570
- Mansfield’s position, 479, 741–743
- media coverage of, 606–607, 738
- Mission options, 25–28, 455–457, 487–488, 500, 531
- negative consequences, 28, 554–555
- negotiations between belligerents and, 449, 463
- non-Communist response, 596–597
- public statements on, 546–547, 607, 609–610, 616
- Qui Nhon deployment, 561, 568, 609
- Rostow’s position, 277–278
- time needed to break DRV will, 605–606
- U.S.-RVN discussions, 376, 528–529, 530, 531, 541–542, 600, 602–603, 609–610, 611–612
- Vietnamese (RVN) popular response, 490, 596, 599
- U.S. Information Agency (see also U.S. psychological programs in Vietnam), 364, 382–383, 453, 545–546
- U.S. Information Service, 364
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam (see also
Air strikes against DRV; Reprisal
bombings of DRV; U.S. ground forces in Vietnam;
U.S.-RVN operations against DRV), 66, 98, 117, 194, 394, 425, 426, 444, 599
- administrative burden, 4–5, 42
- advisory personnel, 15, 25, 28, 117
- air commando operations, 405–407, 425
- air control system, 407–408
- Cam Ranh Bay naval base, 419–420
- coastal patrols, 357, 408
- combined U.S.-RVN command authority, proposed, 679–680
- Cooper’s recommendations, 434–435
- funding for, 617–618
- Johnson (Gen.) Mission assessment of, 438–439
- security for personnel and facilities, 21–22, 190, 196, 204, 210, 223, 227, 238
- Special Forces, 179–180
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 192,
292, 392
- Bundy (McG.) response, 208–211
- change of direction, Administration debate re, 95–97
- CIA assessment of options and objectives, 749–751
- Congressional leaders, administration briefings for, 63–69, 224, 225–226, 485–486, 709
- Cooper’s assessment of, 432–435
- Country Team personnel changes, 37–38, 403, 447, 743
- domestic political consequences, 309–312
- downgrading of stakes, 430–431
- Eisenhower’s assessment of, 298–308
- Johnson’s (L.B.) position, 543–544, 547–548
- leaks to media re, 38, 39, 63, 67
- Lodge’s review of, 374, 387, 414–420
- Mansfield’s assessment of, 203–206, 477–481
- Rusk’s assessment of, 355–359
- Soviet attitude toward, 273–274
- State of the Union message and, 7–8
- three-part program (see also Air strikes against DRV; Security Council initiative re negotiations), 262, 263–268, 270–272, 294
- U.K. support for, 229–232, 468–469, 471–472, 557, 716–717
- U.S. commitment to RVN, 30–33, 180–181, 196
- withdrawal option, 131, 191, 197
- U.S. psychological programs in Vietnam, 10, 453
- U.S.-RVN operations against DRV (see also Air strikes against DRV; Reprisal bombings of DRV), 67, 153
- Valenti, Jack, 63n, 84, 226, 665, 709n, 761n
- Vance, Cyrus R., 5n, 10, 113n, 156, 157, 214, 325, 373, 395n, 427n, 465n, 481, 511n, 515, 516, 517, 553, 578, 634, 739, 745n, 763n
- Vien. See Cao Van Vien.
- Viet Cong. See Communist insurgency.
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of (see also
Communist insurgency; Soviet-DRV relations; U.S.-RVN operations against
DRV), 80–83, 294, 572
- cease-fire issue, 673, 682, 729
- domestic situation, 81, 82–83
- four cardinal points, 544–545
- large-scale invasion of RVN, possible, 766–767
- negotiations between belligerents, 560
- French-DRV discussions, 105–107, 352–355, 673, 682–683
- U.S.-DRV common objectives, proposed exploration of, 586–592
- U.S.-DRV contacts re, 691–693
- U.S.-DRV direct talks, possible, 673–674, 685–690, 728–729
- Vietnamese direct talks, possible, 32, 424
- Vietnamese nationalism and, 423–424
- Vietnamese (DRV) policy re, 359–361, 365–367, 369–372, 423, 544–545, 558–560, 586, 674–675, 682–683, 732
- U.S. bombing of. See Air strike suspension; Air strikes against DRV; Reprisal bombings of DRV.
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, response to, 594–596
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, assessment of, 444
- Vietnam, Republic of (see also
Buddhists; Bundy Mission to Vietnam; Catholics; Counterinsurgency operations;
Huong government; International
forces for Vietnam; Khanh
government; Quat government; Republic of
Vietnam Armed Forces; U.S. military
involvement in Vietnam; U.S. policy in
Vietnam; U.S. psychological programs in
Vietnam), 13, 24, 30, 146, 276, 281, 444, 542, 611, 621,
- anti-American demonstrations, 102–103, 109
- diplomatic initiatives, 699–700
- elections in, 633–634, 702–703, 757
- medical services in countryside, 562, 568, 577
- negotiations between belligerents:
- peace movement, 384, 387, 393–394, 451, 476–477
- political power centers, 143–146, 235–236
- refugee problem, 452, 475
- rural population, attitudes of, 382–383
- stable government, prospects for, 276–277, 410–411
- stable government, U.S. efforts re, 35–36, 130–132, 140–141, 152, 177–179, 355–356, 562, 564, 568, 570–571, 577
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, popular response to, 490, 596, 599
- war-weariness of population, 14–15
- Vinson, Carl, 516
- Voice of America, 23
- Vo Nguyen Giap, Gen., 81, 204
- Vu Van Thai, 543
- Walker, Patrick Gordon, 557, 611, 717
- Waller, John Keith, 538n
- Walsh, John P., 758n
- Waters, Gen. John K., 733n
- Watson, Marvin, 225n, 471
- Wehrle, Leroy S., 490n
- Westmoreland, Gen. William C., 11n, 19,
174, 176, 178, 179, 270, 307, 380n, 492, 573, 576, 610, 619
- air strike suspension, 634, 636
- air strikes against DRV, 46, 342n, 388
- Bundy Mission to Vietnam, 133–138, 139–140, 153
- collapse of RVN war effort, possible, 47, 396, 703, 734–735
- Communist insurgency, 140, 212, 400–401, 733–735
- Khanh government, 92, 137
- Quat government, 329, 340, 719
- reprisal bombings of DRV, 46, 77, 217
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 561–562, 576, 577
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 88n
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 454, 561
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 21, 22, 425n
- Vietnam, Republic of, 102–103, 444
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 9,
10, 301, 305, 307, 325, 367n, 373, 484, 511, 512, 516, 518, 553, 573, 615n, 733n
- air strikes against DRV, 380, 598
- collapse of RVN war effort, possible, 396–397, 465–466
- Communist insurgency, 400, 754–755, 758
- negotiations between belligerents, 440–442
- reprisal bombings of DRV:
- U.S. dependent evacuation, 5–6, 11
- U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 599
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 9
- Whiting, Allen S., 627, 683n
- Wiggins, Russ, 283
- Wilson, Donald, 543
- Wilson, Harold, 229–232, 262, 294, 295n, 302, 370, 404, 468, 474, 481, 557, 634, 717n
- Yost, Charles, 365, 366–367, 369–372
- Yugoslavia, 662
- Zinchuk, Alexander I., 663
- Zorthian, Barry S., 10, 123, 134, 139, 364, 395n, 453, 637