238. Memorandum for the Record1

In the course of their discussion this morning about the deployment to Da Nang and Hue of two additional Marine battalions, Secretary Rusk and Ambassador Taylor addressed themselves to the mission those Marines would play. They both departed from the premise that the intention was for the Marines to play a bigger and more active role than the Marines now deployed at Da Nang.

Secretary Rusk envisaged that in the first instance the Marines would carry on aggressive patrolling around the base areas moving more deeply into the surrounding areas than they do at the present time. They would always carry out this patrolling with some Vietnamese accompanying them. A second mission would be a mobile reserve to support ARVN operations as this appeared useful. The Secretary emphasized that in the initial period this kind of action should only be taken in the general area of Da Nang or Phu Bai and not too far afield. He stressed that this should relate to the rationale of this deployment of the Marines and their action should be what they would be in anticipation of a strike against Da Nang or Phu Bai.

As for the Marines already deployed in South Viet-Nam, the Secretary felt that their mission should remain as at present until the new Marines arrive, at which point they would also acquire the new missions as well.

Secretary Rusk also emphasized that in discussing with Prime Minister Quat the logistic development of certain coastal enclaves, this should be treated in very low key and stated in very general terms with nothing that would lead the Vietnamese to begin to think in terms of the deployment of U.S. divisions. He agreed with Ambassador Taylor’s suggestion that we could discuss with the Vietnamese the actions we considered necessary in terms of normal repairs and improvements for current operations and to meet possible contingency needs.

  1. Source: National Defense University, Taylor Papers, Cables 1965. Top Secret. Drafted by Unger.