23. Editorial Note

On January 12 in response to a request from William Bundy, Robert H. Johnson of the Policy Planning Council sent to Bundy an 11-page paper entitled “The United Nations and the Vietnam Problem.” In his covering memorandum, Johnson wrote that the paper had “the benefit of substantial oral contributions and review in two drafts by L, UNP, and INR,” but that there had not been time for these offices to clear the final text. Johnson noted that the paper considered “at various places the manner in which the question of negotiations might arise in the UN consideration and also contains a very brief discussion in the first section on the possible positive values of the UN as a place for launching negotiations should these be desired.” This subject was considered in detail by Johnson in a 4-page paper, which he transmitted separately to Bundy also on January 12.

Other papers touching on this question include a 5-page paper entitled “The Pros and Cons of Taking the Vietnam (or Southeast Asia) [Page 50] Problem to the United Nations,” drafted by Robert H. Johnson on January 13, and a paper entitled “Limitations on UN Action with Respect to South Vietnam,” drafted on January 13 by Evelyn S. Colbert of the Office of Research and Analysis for Far East, Southeast Asia Division. All four papers are in Department of State, FE Files: Lot 69 D 277, DRV.