180. Telegram From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Wheeler) to the Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (Westmoreland)1

JCS 791–65. A. JCS 718–65.2

I do not wish to harass you, and I recognize that the request made in cited message imposed a sizable task of analysis and study. Moreover, [Page 397] I understand the time-consuming activities falling to the lot of field commanders. Nevertheless, as set forth in reference and in other messages over the past several months, there is growing concern here that VC inroads—territory-wise, population-wise, and psychological—are in fact destroying the fabric of SouthVietnam. Those at highest level here wonder whether this erosion is reaching the point where, regardless of our actions against the DRV, the country will fall apart behind us.
COMUSMACV’s request3 to use U.S. jets in Binh Tuy province cites the deterioration over the past several weeks in that area. Intelligence reports3 cite similar inroads in other areas, particularly in the North.
To put the question bluntly:

Has the situation in Vietnam deteriorated to the point where there is reason to fear collapse of the GVN war effort in the foreseeable future? I suggest that you use as a baseline from which to project your replies that we will continue our support to the war effort, both within and outside Vietnam, at approximately the present scale and tempo.

  1. Source: Center of Military History, Westmoreland Papers,COMUSMACV, Message Files. Top Secret. Also sent to Sharp.
  2. Not found.
  3. Not further identified.