31. Memorandum Prepared in the Department of State1
Summary of Major Improvements in State Department Administrative Operations January 20–July 20, 1961
(Source: Memorandum of July 20 from A—Mr. Crockett to O—Mr. Jones)2
- 1.
- Internal Organization Changes
- a.
- Development of integrated regional approach to aid programs through new Agency for International Development (AID).
- b.
- Enlargement of Disarmament Administration.
- c.
- Establishment of Peace Corps.
- d.
- Grouping of bureaus with politico-military-intelligence functions under Deputy Under Secretary for Political Affairs for day-to-day operations.
- e.
- Elevation of head of cultural affairs programs to Assistant Secretary rank.
- f.
- New emphasis in intelligence operations on studies of current and emerging problems.
- g.
- Creation of Operations Center for emergency, inter-departmental action.
- h.
- Strengthening long-range planning by consolidating the positions of Counselor and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council.
- i.
- Expansion of Protocol Office activities.
- j.
- Assignment to Director General of the Foreign Service of responsibility for adequate support for ambassadors.
- k.
- Increase in Department support for the Export Expansion Program.
- l.
- Setting up of an Office of Management to focus responsibility on management problems.
- m.
- Abolishment of 109 inter-and intra departmental committees.
- n.
- Improvement of internal communications through publication of the Department of State News Letter.
- o.
- Beginning study on use of automation to expedite Departmental operations of various kinds.
- 2.
- Overseas Changes
- a.
- Strengthening of concept of unified U.S. foreign affairs activities abroad under guidance of Ambassador.
- b.
- Combining of previously separate post administrative services operations.