- Abramov, Aleksandr N., 543, 563, 603, 671, 673–675, 986, 1002, 1044, 1052
- Achilles, Theodore C., 88, 144
- Addis, William J., 45, 120, 613n, 675, 781n, 1002
- Africa, 772
- Agency for International Development (AID), 838, 872, 878, 928, 931, 996
- Agreement for Mutual Defense Assistance in Indochina, Dec. 1950, 73
- Air America, 913, 921–924, 929, 936n, 995, 1016, 1052
- Air Force, U.S., 800
- Akalovsky, Alexander, 225, 231, 454
- Alexander, Henry C., 840
- Alphand, Hervé, 75, 101–103, 142, 538
- Alsop, Stewart, 705
- Amkha Soukhavong, Gen., 646, 1057
- Anderson, Daniel V., 85n, 86n, 89n, 91n, 176n, 241n, 253n, 256n, 263n, 273n, 337n, 456n, 483n, 507n, 520n, 523n, 524n, 531n, 534n
- Anderson, Adm. George W., 965
- Anderson, Robert B., 5, 19n
- Anderson, William O., 241n
- Arends, Leslie C., 631, 773
- Arms limitation agreements, 697
- Asia, neutralism in, 177–178
- Assassinations, 934, 936n, 951, 953–955, 966–967, 1000n, 1001–1002, 1050, 1055
- Assistance Development Authority, 180
- Australia (see also Australia and Australian subheadings under other subjects), 34
- Austria, 53, 81, 114
- Austrian State Treaty, 234
- Bagley, Lt. Commander Worth H., 430n, 443n, 564, 790n, 842n, 844n, 862
- Bailey, Maj. L.B., 110, 671, 887
- Ball, George, 144, 322, 377n, 465n, 501n, 531n, 595–596, 655–656, 665n, 990n
- Ballenger, Sgt., 671, 887n
- Bangkok Resolution, 104, 108, 152
- Baraduc, Pierre, 345
- Barbis, George M., 1042n
- Barrington, James, 867, 869–870
- Battle, Lucius D., 129n, 136n, 137n, 328n, 335–336, 379–380, 493n, 704–705
- Belk, Sam, 112n
- Bell, David E., 144, 722n, 842, 1048
- Bergesen, Alf E., 1010n
- Berlin crisis, 274, 285, 318–319, 394, 401, 418, 465, 772
- Bhumibol Adulyadej, King, 9, 220
- Bird and Sons, 995
- Bissell, Richard M., Jr., 5, 12, 17–18, 26n, 48, 72, 79, 88, 94n, 95n, 358, 465n
- Blough, Roger M., 840
- Boggs, Marion W., 6n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 88, 93n, 94n, 95n, 116, 124n, 231, 538, 984
- Bouasy, 825
- Bouavong, 532, 651–652
- Boun Oum, 12, 113, 156n, 237, 243–244, 250n, 543, 620–621, 648, 765–766
- character sketch of, 47, 80
- King of Champassak role for, 153
- military situation in Laos, 190, 242
- Souvanna cabinet selection, 546–549, 552, 554–555, 591n, 605–608
- talks:
- Thailand, 700, 708
- Three Princes meetings, 483–484, 492, 532, 534, 569, 601, 605, 824, 837
- U.S. military advisers in combat roles, 130
- U.S. military aid to Laos, 35
- Viet Minh, 165
- Boun Oum-Phoumi government, 157
- British position, 1–2, 50
- broadening of, 49, 88–90, 155–156
- constitutional legality of, 204–205
- French position, 1–2, 63, 75
- Indian position, 7
- recognition of, 1–2, 5, 7
- resignation of, 477, 479, 545
- sanctions against, 553–560, 565–567, 569–570, 575, 580–582
- Soviet position, 3, 17, 64–66, 81, 584n
- U.S. position, 52–53, 65, 85, 271, 455
- Bounleut, Sayocie, 548n, 667
- Bounpone, Gen. Mathepraharak, 552, 653, 763
- Bounthan Songvilay, 643n, 837n, 849
- Bounthieng, Gen., 651–653
- Bouthong Voravong, 837n, 850
- Bowles, Chester E., 94n, 95n, 97n, 129n, 140–142, 143n, 144, 145n, 193n, 195n, 253n, 306n, 501n, 531n
- China, People’s Republic of, inevitablilty of war with, 154, 163, 170
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 185n, 187, 485, 489
- International Control Commission, 109
- Meos, 263
- partition of Laos, 236–239
- SEATO/U.S. military intervention in Laos, 146–148, 183, 842
- Souvanna government, 561
- United Nations, 104n
- U.S. policy on Laos, 140–142, 143n
- Boyle, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 75, 142, 291, 297, 305n, 380, 668
- Bradley, Gen. Omar D., 572
- Breitweiser, Maj. Gen. Robert A., 59–60, 157
- Brezhnev, Leonid, 937
- Bridges, Styles, 147
- Bridle, Gen., 931
- Brook, Norman, 116, 707
- Brown, Harold, 722n
- Brown, L. Dean, 538
- Brown, Mervyn, 887
- Brown, Winthrop G., 96, 156n, 159, 172n, 185n, 208n, 222, 260n, 265n, 286n,
380, 557n, 583n, 608n, 651n
- Boun Oum-Phoumi government, 85
- British-U.S. relations, 275
- cease-fire, 129, 159, 171, 438, 565, 617n
- coalition government, 120, 199–200, 403, 406
- covert activities, 715–716
- France, 275, 365–366
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 197
- government of councils proposal, 634–637
- Harriman mission to Laos, 165
- Laotian-U.S. relations, 698–699
- military situation in Laos, 10, 38, 45, 87, 404, 439, 479, 559n, 592, 611n
- neutralization of Laos, 49, 50n, 91, 284, 286
- partition of Laos, 236–239, 254–256
- Phoumi, U.S. withdrawal of support from, 535–537, 554–555, 569, 597n, 604n, 63
- recall of, possible, 676–677, 679
- Souvanna government, 483, 501, 577, 840n
- Souvanna view of, 288
- talks:
- Thailand, 735, 759
- Three Princes meetings, 431–432, 434, 482, 500, 503, 507n, 512–513
- United Nations, 104
- U.S. economic aid to Laos, 541–542, 858
- U.S. military advisers in combat roles, 130–131
- U.S. military aid to Laos, 71, 575, 663, 680
- U.S. policy on Laos, 83, 142
- Brubeck, William H., 851–854, 908n
- Bruce, David K.E., 116, 119, 129, 142, 706
- Bruns, William H., 524n, 540n, 542n, 1043n
- Bubnov, Igor D., 63, 923
- Bulganin, Nikolai A., 234
- Bundy, McGeorge, 68n, 94n, 95n, 105n, 129n, 189n, 210n, 211n, 328n, 375n, 387n, 388n, 465n, 493n, 525n, 620n, 640n, 644n, 657n, 661n, 670n, 698n, 711n, 767n, 781n, 785n, 789n, 851n, 855n, 908n, 935n, 980n, 1006n
- British-U.S. talks, 116, 704, 706, 708
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 335, 376, 379, 407, 450, 563–564, 852
- Harriman mission to Moscow, 990
- International Control Commission, 1008
- Laos, 144, 774, 853, 985
- Meos, 398, 489
- military situation in Laos, 88, 489, 524, 623–625, 770, 928n, 1057
- Phoumi, sanctions against, 560n, 565, 681, 695–696, 714
- Souphannouvong visit to the United States, 925n, 928n
- Southeast Asia, 26–27, 322, 440
- Souvanna government, 433, 474, 476, 478, 544–545, 571, 576, 642, 655–656, 840n
- U.S. policy on Laos, 142, 150–151, 586
- U.S. troop deployment to Thailand, 758
- Viet Minh, 906, 917n
- Bundy, William P., 390, 571, 669n, 779n, 806n, 865, 902, 911, 922
- Burdett, William C., 119, 706
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 42–44, 94n, 95n, 109, 142, 144, 147, 150–153, 170, 183, 321
- Burma, 76, 97, 160, 179, 228, 232, 238, 282, 428
- Burris, Col. Howard L., 162n, 171, 274
- Butler, Michael, 345
- Cabell, Gen. Charles P., 88, 358
- Caccia, Harold A., 2n, 11n, 116, 119, 132–133, 145, 212
- Cambodia (see also Cambodia and Cambodian
subheadings under other subjects), 76,
114–115, 160, 179, 238, 339, 442, 468, 778
- Assistance Development Authority, 180
- communist threat to, 581, 834, 839, 1053
- French role in, 216
- military situation, 442, 468, 800, 818, 846
- neutral nations commission proposal, 51, 53, 57, 67
- neutrality of, 228, 232, 262, 774, 869
- Preah Vihear temple, 861
- Sihanouk Commission, 34, 37
- Viet Minh forces in, 418, 428
- Vietnam, Republic of, relations with, 180, 405
- Canada (see also Canada and Canadian subheadings under other subjects), 76, 162, 179
- Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S., 734, 745, 809, 842, 971–972
- Castro, Fidel, 987
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 318n, 475–476, 564, 572, 695, 716, 730, 769, 796, 855, 994n, 1054–1057
- Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 30
- Council meeting, Ankara, Apr. 1961, 158
- Chadbourn, Philip H., 668
- Chakira, Gen., 114
- Chalermchai, Gen., 699
- Champassak, Kingdom of, 153
- Chang Han-fu, 303, 410
- Chao Souk, 825
- Chapman, Christian G., 12, 62n, 69n, 85n, 89n, 91n, 96n, 241n, 256n, 263n, 304n, 306n, 309n, 337n
- Chauvel, Jean, 206, 251
- Chayes, Abram, 852n, 853n, 854n
- Chen Yi, 193, 245, 253, 254n
- Chiang Kai-shek, 145, 153, 226–227, 611
- Chiari, Roberto, 842n
- China, People’s Republic of (see also China, People’s
Republic of subheadings under other subjects), 58, 76, 104n, 228, 374, 380, 448
- bombing attacks by, possible, 163
- Canada, relations with, 253
- China, Republic of, attack on Hainan, 153
- food shortages, 288
- France, relations with, 253
- India, relations with, 891
- Korea, attack in, 812
- Laos as buffer zone, 404, 729–730, 732, 876
- Laotian view of, 703
- military situation, 21, 39, 77n, 183
- Soviet Union, relations with, 220,
269, 318, 409n,
679, 941, 943–944, 983, 1006
- Yugoslav position, 994
- U–2 flights over, 993, 999
- U.N. membership for, 630
- United States, relations with, 180, 254n, 289, 303, 306, 437, 543
- U.S. expulsion from Laos, demand for, 141, 143
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, relations with, 219–220
- war with the United States, inevitability of, 154, 163, 170
- China, Republic of (see also China, Republic of subheadings under other subjects), 149, 153, 229, 234
- Chinese, prejudice against, 410
- Chinese civil war, 226–227
- Chinese offshore islands, 149
- Chou En-lai, 876, 941
- Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 888, 893, 911, 1030–1031
- Cleveland, Harlan, 88, 142, 143n, 263n, 304n, 309n, 456n, 483n, 501n, 520n, 523n, 524n, 531n, 557n, 559n, 568n, 573n, 575n, 593n, 596n, 597n, 604n, 609n, 612n, 615n, 616n, 748
- Cleveland, Robert, 571
- Clifford, Clark, 19, 20n, 24n
- Clifton, Maj. Gen. Chester V., 42, 69, 72, 84–85, 95n, 144, 157, 623, 730n
- Cline, Ray, 911
- Colby, William E., 972, 973n, 974–975, 976n, 985–988, 994n, 1030–1031, 1032n, 1034, 1041
- Collins, Gen. James F., 658
- Colonial wars, 16
- Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) Congress, 1961, 461, 470, 478
- Congo, Republic of the (Leopoldville), 58, 556, 567, 582, 678n
- Congress, U.S. (see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.), 144, 147, 176
- Connally, John B., Jr., 144
- Cooper, Chester L., 775, 842, 846, 925n
- Corcoran, Thomas J., 127–129, 176n
- Cottrell, Sterling J., 258–260, 322, 362, 413, 465n, 501n
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 104, 190, 193, 202, 288, 538–539, 978, 984
- Covert operations (see also Unconventional warfare), 448, 571, 640, 715–716, 960, 995, 1032–1034
- Craig, Brig. Gen. William H., 363n, 414, 417–418, 426–429
- Creel, Robert C., 129, 203–205, 482n, 668, 670n
- Croizat, Col. (France), 648
- Cross, Charles T., 456n, 483n, 507n, 520n, 523n, 531n, 534n, 540n, 542n, 548n, 557n, 559n, 568n, 573n, 575n, 593n, 596n, 597n, 604n, 609n, 612n, 615n, 616n, 657n, 661n, 670n, 696n, 698n, 781n, 787n, 833n, 848n, 856n, 908n, 914n, 915n, 944, 954n, 968n, 1010n, 1014n
- Cuba, 5, 10, 227, 772, 917, 923–924, 965n, 973
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 12
- Cushman, Maj. Gen., 659
- Cutler, Walter L, 456n, 688
- Czechoslovakia, 114
- Czyzak, John J., 176n
- Daoud Khan, Mohammad, 111
- de Beaumarchais, Jacques, 538
- de Gaulle, Charles, 1–2, 4, 22, 69, 115, 214–217, 236n
- de Lattre de Tassigny, Gen. Jean, 3
- Decker, Gen. George H., 42, 44, 150–153, 164, 169, 658, 722, 729, 734–735, 744
- Declaration on the Neutrality of Laos, 854, 856, 861, 863, 871, 907, 1007
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 3n, 327, 475, 680, 838, 855
- Defense Intelligence Agency, U.S., 578–579
- Desai, Moraji, 434, 494
- Deuane, Col. Sunnalath, 948, 951, 967–968, 1055
- Diefenbaker, John, 307
- Diem, Ngo Dinh. See Ngo Dinh Diem.
- Dien Bien Phu, 721, 810
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 144, 840n, 1049n
- Dirksen, Everett M., 629, 631, 772–773
- Disarmament, 235, 679, 979, 1006
- Dixon, Pierson, 345, 538
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 110, 231, 741, 748, 768, 774, 1010, 1012, 1045n
- Dollison, Robert B., 699
- Domino theory, 19–21, 168, 760, 994n
- Douglas, James H., Jr., 1–5, 12
- Douglas-Home, Alec. See Home, Lord.
- Drozniak, Edward, 1009–1010
- Drummond, Roscoe, 19
- Duke, Angier Biddle, 940, 1052
- Dulles, Allen W., 1, 48, 68n, 69n, 94n, 95n, 144, 163, 398, 465n
- Dulles, John Foster, 216
- Dungan, Ralph A., 136n, 137n, 909n
- Durbrow, Elbridge, 158
- East-West conflict, 226–227, 232–233, 277
- Easum, Donald B., 336n
- Egypt, 2
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1–8, 11, 19–22, 24n, 25n, 41–42, 143n, 216, 741–742, 760–761
- Eisenhower, Col. John S.D., 9–10
- Eksakdi, Gen., 699
- Erickson, Elden B., 67n
- Evans, Harold, 304n, 707
- Ewell, Col. Julian, 377, 430n, 560n, 885n
- Falaize, Pierre-Louis, 345, 365–366, 380
- Felt, Adm. Harry D., 10, 69–71, 75, 83, 104, 120–121, 384, 396, 977
- Finland, 411, 418, 422
- FitzGerald, Desmond, 94n, 95n, 358, 711n
- Fontana, Brig. Gen. Paul J., 88, 129n, 142, 358, 366, 775, 809, 842
- Formosa Resolution, 750
- Formosa (see also China, Republic of), 149
- Forrestal, Michael V., 668, 677n,
678n, 696n, 698n, 755n, 779n, 789n, 851n, 914n, 915n, 970n, 980n, 1010n
- Agency for International Development, 931
- China, People’s Republic of, 940
- Geneva Accords, 1962, 860, 902–903, 906
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 882
- Harriman mission to Moscow, 990, 1000, 1006
- International Control Commission, 930–931
- Laos, 781n, 908, 936, 985, 1036
- Meos, 929–930
- military situation in Laos, 770, 787–788
- nuclear weapons, 741n
- Phoumi, U.S. disagreements with, 681, 688n, 694–695, 711–714, 783–785
- Souphanouvong visit to Washington, proposed, 925–926, 928n
- Souvanna government, 651, 653–654, 662, 667, 837–838, 885–886, 916–917
- Souvanna visit to Washington, July 1962, 874
- Thailand, 712–714, 758, 767–769, 882–883, 911
- visits:
- Fourteen-nation conference proposal, 76, 81, 90n, 95, 98
- Fowler, James R., 886, 888, 893, 911
- France (see also France and French subheadings under other subjects), 76, 110, 164
- Franco, Generalissimo Francisco, 227
- Froment-Meurice (France), 538
- Fromer, Julian P., 483
- Fulbright, J. William, 632
- Galbraith, John Kenneth, 307, 312, 489n
- Gates, Thomas S., Jr., 5, 12–13, 15, 18, 19n, 20, 22, 25
- Gavin, James M., 69, 97n, 129, 261n, 275, 345, 538, 592n, 594
- Geneva Accords, 1962 (see also International Control Commission), 859–860, 862, 943, 978–979, 995–997, 1014n
- Geneva Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Laos, July 20, 1954, 23, 135, 213, 262, 311, 328–329, 334, 471
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962 (see also
International Control Commission):
- Asian neutral nations, role in, 177–178
- British position, 194–196, 206–212, 249, 464, 486, 854, 907
- Canadian position, 194, 196, 198, 201, 208, 486, 907
- cease-fire supervision, 201–202, 206–212, 240, 249, 251–252, 315, 327–335
- cease-fire violations, 188–190, 224–225, 228–230, 379
- China, People’s Republic of, position, 410, 416, 451, 511, 517–518
- China, People’s Republic of-Soviet split at, 486, 489
- civilian technicians, 854
- co-chairman role, 411, 458, 472, 478
- failure of, responsibility for, 612–613
- five-power meeting proposal, 303, 306
- French position, 194, 198, 206–210, 249, 486, 854, 907
- French role in Laos, 213–214, 221, 408–409
- Indian position, 194, 196, 198, 208, 249, 309
- International Control Commission, 480, 488, 493–498
- Laotian position, 280, 685n
- makeup of Laotian government during, 156
- military buildup to improve U.S. position at, 178, 182
- neutralization of Laos, 179, 312, 315
- partitioning of Laos, 259–260
- Pathet Lao role in, 190–194, 197–198, 201
- private armies, 852, 855
- resumption of, 838–839
- seating of Laotian delegations, 190–198, 199n, 201–202, 267
- SEATO defense of Laos, 180, 312–313, 853, 855
- Soviet negotiation tactics, 376–379
- Soviet position, 116, 124–125, 201, 206–212, 240, 251–252, 402, 410–412, 414, 416, 436
- stalemate in, 272, 486, 510–511, 517–518
- talks:
- Thai position, 194, 212, 249, 713n
- Thai role in, 198
- U.S. briefing papers, FNL 0–1/1, 176–183
- U.S. minimum objectives for, 321–327, 453
- U.S. negotiating strategies for, 176–190, 303, 306, 485–489
- U.S. position, 178–179, 203, 248–249, 270–271, 315, 327–335, 486, 854
- U.S public opinion, 176
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 318
- Germany, 230, 235, 401–402, 998, 1006
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., 144, 268, 363n, 443, 465n, 789n
- Gleeck, Lewis E., Jr., 72
- Glenn, Edmund S., 214, 283, 923, 936n
- Gold, Ruth S., 705–706
- Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew J., 1, 5, 9n, 11, 42
- Gray, Gordon, 5
- Greece, 629
- Green, Howard C., 201–202, 497, 893n
- Greenfield, Taylor H., 775
- Greenhill, Denis, 245
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 67, 145–146, 231, 402, 443, 452, 454–455, 539, 626, 902
- cease-fire proposals, 105–107, 124, 135, 137–138, 234–236
- Gromyko, Andrei A.—Continued
- cease-fire violations, 269, 678n
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 93–94, 190–194, 197, 201–202, 234–236, 241, 862
- International Control Commission, 23, 252, 1009
- neutralization of Laos, 82, 188, 247
- Pathet Lao attacks on neutralists, 957, 962, 976, 978, 984, 986, 990, 997, 1000, 1003–1005
- Guetta, A., 1048
- Gulf of Siam, 730, 733, 735, 745–746
- Gulf of Tonkin, 340, 384, 973n, 975, 986
- Gullion, Edmund A., 556
- Guthrie, John C., 575n, 833n
- Haffner, Col., 659–660
- Hagerty, James C., 1
- Hall, Brig. Gen. Linscott A., 578n
- Halleck, Charles A., 632
- Hammarskjold, Dag, SEATO role in Laos, 3
- Hansen, Kenneth R., 390, 909n, 1049
- Harkins, Lt. Gen. Paul D., 658, 797, 834–836
- Harriman, Marie, 254n
- Harriman, W. Averell, 210n, 221n, 236n, 264n, 273n, 282n, 507n, 531n, 534n, 548n, 557n, 559n, 565n, 573n, 593n, 597n, 604n, 612n, 615n, 616n, 620n, 696n, 698n, 731n, 755n, 779n, 781n, 794n, 848n, 852n, 853n, 854n, 855n, 914n, 915n
- British-U.S. relations, 708
- Central Intelligence Agency, 796
- consultations in Washington, 353, 366, 380, 489
- covert activities, 715
- Geneva Accords, 1962, 860, 862, 884, 902, 933–934
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 191, 203, 206–210, 303, 306, 374, 440, 443, 907
- government of councils proposal, 634
- International Control Commission, 251–252, 275, 285, 295–296, 363–364, 478, 488, 493–498, 1003, 1008–1010
- Laos, 241, 883, 936
- British economic aid to, 888, 895
- French economic aid to, 888, 895
- French role in, 213–214
- neutralization of, 243–244, 283
- political situation, 446, 911
- U.S. economic aid to, 541–542, 851, 858, 1048–1049
- U.S. military aid to, 540, 665–666, 1016–1017
- U.S. military contingency planning for, 864, 866, 1014n, 1021, 1030–1034, 1041
- withdrawal of foreign troops, 896–897, 905, 933–934
- Meos, 398, 893–894
- military situation in Laos:
- Pathet Lao, 355n, 456, 576–577
- Pathet Lao-Kong Le conflict, 935
- Phoumi, U.S. disagreements with, 535–536, 543, 657, 665–666, 675, 679–680, 688, 694–695, 711–712, 714
- prisoners of war, 670–671, 1052
- SEATO/U.S. military intervention in Laos, 172, 681, 776
- settlement of Laos crisis, 595–596
- Souphannouvong visit to the United States, 925n, 926
- Southeast Asia, 777
- Souvanna government, 250–251, 261–263, 541–542, 544, 545n, 576–577, 640–642, 916–917
- Soviet aircraft, downing of, 438–439
- talks:
- Phoumi, 653, 655, 661–664, 682
- Sarit, 653, 655–656, 663–664
- Sarit and Phoumi, Nong Khai, Mar. 1962, 664, 667–668, 677
- Souvanna Phouma, 302, 397, 403, 406
- Thailand, 911
- Three Princes meetings, 258, 432, 609, 665
- tripartite talks on Laos, 345–347, 349
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 867–870
- Vietnam, Republic of, 448, 626, 628, 863n, 869–870, 882
- visits:
- Hasey, John F., 47, 198, 604n, 655n, 677
- Heeney, A.D.P., 11n
- Heintges, Brig. Gen. John A., 13, 73, 75, 79
- Heinz, Adm. Luther C., 556, 696n, 775, 806n
- Helms, Richard, 644n
- Henry, David H., 696n
- Herter, Christian A., 1–8, 11–16, 18–25, 26n, 41
- Heuan Mongkhonvilay, Gen., 391n, 837n, 849
- Hillenbrand, Martin J., 538
- Hilsman, Roger, 88, 94n, 501n, 654, 731n, 832n, 968n, 980n, 990n, 1010n, 1014n
- H’mong. See Meos.
- Ho Chi Minh, 219, 445, 867, 993
- Ho Chi Minh Trail, 236, 255, 314, 404, 873
- Hoang Nguyen, 867
- Hollingsworth, R.E., 722n
- Home, Lord, 5, 119–121, 137n, 142, 188, 247, 538–539, 738, 997n, 1004
- Hood, Viscount, 119, 142
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 144
- Houane, 548n
- Hounpanh Bounthieng, 763
- House of Representatives, U.S., Foreign Relations Committee, 681
- Hoyer Millar, Frederick, 116, 119
- Hughes, Thomas L., 748, 953–954, 976n
- Hull, Gen., 212
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 226, 633, 773
- Imhof, Johannes V., 1010n
- India (see also India and Indian subheadings under other subjects), 76, 179–180, 216, 238, 470, 1026
- Indochina (see also Cambodia; Laos; Vietnam, Republic of; Vietnam, Democratic Republic of), 216, 937
- Indonesia, 16, 160, 760
- Inigaki (Japanese journalist), 209
- Inpeng, 508, 651–652
- Intelligence capabilities, 123, 1026
- International Conference on the Settlement of the Laotian Question. See Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962.
- International Control Commission (ICC):
- British position, 4–5, 10–11, 68, 70, 135, 245–246, 268, 295n, 369, 496, 989, 991
- British-U.S. talks, 954
- Cambodia, 267, 328–329, 334, 411
- Canadian position, 11, 16, 269, 295n, 307, 324, 369, 496–497, 906, 930–931
- Canadian role in, 857–858, 893, 1057
- cease-fire supervision, 245–246, 248–249, 268–269, 275, 316
- China, People’s Republic of, position, 245, 269, 416, 480, 526–527
- costs of operation, 333–334
- foreign troops, withdrawal of, 864–865, 905
- French position, 257, 267, 287, 295n, 327–335, 369
- Geneva Accords, 1962, 943, 906
- helicopters, use of, 888, 895–896
- Ho Chi Minh Trail, policing of, 873
- Indian position, 245, 267, 307–312, 316, 327–335, 369, 494, 496, 906, 930–931
- Indian role in, 16, 138, 218, 470, 859–860, 1057
- Laotian control of, 262, 287, 352, 936n
- Laotian position, 313
- MacDonald compromise, 295
- military situation in Laos:
- Pathet Lao, 172n, 934
- Plaines des Jarres operations, 997n, 1002–1003, 1009, 1057
- Polish role in, 16, 262, 463, 1044, 1045n, 1057
- powers of, 113, 285, 287, 289, 311, 314, 363–364
- private armies, 852
- reactivation of, 4–5, 17, 51, 64–66, 70, 98, 138
- reports by, 480, 488, 493–498
- Souvanna government, 875, 881
- Soviet position, 16, 64–66, 228–230, 235–236, 295, 462, 488
- Soviet proposals, 135, 267, 295–296, 335, 411, 488
- Soviet role in, 859–860, 989, 991
- Thai role in Laos, 199
- U.N. role in, 343, 803–804
- unanimity rule, 187, 201, 206–212, 217–219, 224–225, 332, 436, 462, 471, 480, 488, 942–943
- U.S. position, 5–6, 16–17, 51, 98, 295n, 369, 462, 942–943
- Viet Minh failure to withdraw, 906, 930–931
- Vietnam, 334, 343
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 172n
- withdrawal from Laos, 1957, 23
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 70, 368, 388, 475–476, 838
- International Court of Justice, 861
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 1047
- International Red Cross, 110, 671
- Iran, 110, 168, 216
- Irwin, John N. II, 12
- Isle of Pines, 979
- Janow, Seymour J., 878, 888–889, 893, 911, 1048
- Japan, 44, 149, 216–217, 751
- Jenkins, Alfred leS., 245, 253n, 337n, 355n
- Johnson, Charles, 704n, 722n
- Johnson, Gerald, 722n
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 68n, 72, 95n, 144, 162n, 171, 630–631, 961n, 963n, 985
- Johnson, Robert H., 258n, 259–260, 354n, 355n, 359, 390n, 417n, 426n, 469n, 565–567
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 144, 146n, 159n, 171n,
185n, 195n, 208n, 210n, 253n, 266n, 273n, 282n, 286n, 306n, 309n, 309, 354n, 402n, 408n,
418n, 430n, 456n, 466n, 483n, 493n, 501n, 507n, 512n, 524n, 559n, 657n, 661n, 665n, 670n, 797n, 806n, 933n, 990n
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 489
- Kong Le forces, 922
- Laos, 985
- Laotian military strength, 525
- Nam Tha attack, 718
- reassignment to Washington, 76
- SEATO fact-finding commission proposal, 52
- SEATO/U.S. military intervention in Laos, 183, 276, 413–414
- Southeast Asia, 322–325, 440
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 1n, 407
- Southeast Asian Task Force, 400
- Souvanna government, 323, 571, 613, 642–644, 655–656
- Soviet aircraft, downing of, 438
- Three Princes meetings, 256–259, 539n
- Viet Minh, 324, 896
- Johnson Plan, 382–383
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 13–14, 35, 109–110, 579–583, 627, 680
- Jorden, William, 444
- Kachins, 282
- Kamoune Boupha. See Khamoune Boupha.
- Kampheuane, 837n
- Karins, 282
- Kashmir, 628
- Katanga, 567, 678n
- Kaysen, Carl, 596n, 722n, 730n, 758, 840n, 885n, 886, 893, 904, 909n, 1034n
- Kaysone, 543, 925, 1053
- Kennan, George F., 400, 402, 403n, 408, 409n, 412n
- Kennedy, John F., 68n, 127n, 145n, 172n, 176n, 195n, 388n, 421n, 512n, 620n, 644n, 665n, 852n, 853n, 854n, 856n
- Air America plane, downing of, 923
- Berlin crisis, 473
- British-U.S. talks, 116–118, 162n, 706–708
- Cambodian neutrality, 774
- China, People’s Republic of, 940–941
- Cuba, 973, 975, 987
- domino theory, 994n
- Geneva Accords, 1962, 860, 884, 902
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 105–107, 185, 187, 189, 307, 315, 353, 368n, 489
- Harriman mission to Moscow, 987, 990, 1000–1002
- International Control Commission, 470, 493–497, 937
- Khrushchev, correspondence with, 473–474, 506, 1000–1001
- Kuomintang irregulars, 63n
- Laos, 595–596, 608, 712–714
- army capabilities, 290, 292, 296, 623
- British economic aid to, 886, 908
- congressional briefing on, 626–628, 630–633
- French role in, 213n, 214n, 886, 908
- neutrality of, 100, 283–286
- partition of, 324, 337
- Phoumi, U.S. disagreements with, 482–483, 500, 501n, 565, 598, 657, 662, 665–666, 694, 698, 711–712, 783, 785n
- political situation, 112, 446, 781n, 911
- SEATO role in, French-U.S. differences over, 101–103
- Soviet influence in, 1031
- United States, relations with, 685–687
- U.S. economic aid to, 851, 855, 862, 885, 1046, 1048–1049, 1051
- dollar drain, 872, 885
- U.S. military aid to, 662, 665–666, 787, 862, 914–915, 939, 1016–1017, 1041–1042
- U.S. military contingency planning for, 358, 413, 789–790, 802, 813, 815–816, 839, 845–848, 1019, 1021–1023, 1036–1037
- U.S. military intervention in, 772
- U.S. policy, 142, 166, 412, 579
- Meos, 398
- military situation in Laos, 45, 62, 71, 426, 1052
- neutral nations commission proposal, 48–50
- policy differences with Eisenhower administration, 215, 228, 233–234, 874
- presidential transition meetings, 19–22, 24–25, 41–42
- SEATO/U.S. military intervention:
- Souphanouvong visit to Washington, proposed, 925, 928n
- Southeast Asia, 26–27, 440, 443
- Souvanna government, 545n, 571–573, 607n, 941–942
- Souvanna visits, 91–92, 1052–1054
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 80, 452, 454–455, 923–924
- Soviet view of, 30
- talks:
- Thailand, 607n, 788, 791, 911
- U.S. military advisers in combat roles, 130
- Viet Minh, 417, 937
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 319n, 354
- Vietnam, Republic of, 417, 869–870, 1053
- visits, Paris, May-June 1961, 214–220
- Kennedy, Robert F., 144, 150–151, 153, 183, 371n, 726, 758, 782n, 985
- Keo Viprakone, 204, 508, 825, 837n, 850
- Ketsana, Col. Vongnarath, 934, 936n, 951, 966, 1002
- Kham Ouane. See Khamouane Boupha, Gen.
- Khamking, Prince, 607
- Khamouane Boupha, Gen., 243, 457, 623n, 858, 920, 1054–1055
- Khampan, Prince, 685–687, 783, 936, 944, 1051
- Khampham Boupa, 391n, 837n, 849
- Khamphan Panya, 3n, 174, 508, 548, 558n, 606, 651–652, 668
- Khamsing, 391n, 548
- Khamsouk Keola, cabinet role for, 287, 391n, 643n, 675, 837n, 849
- Khas, 282, 582, 744, 802, 873, 996, 1057
- Khoun One Vorang, 837n, 849
- Khoun One Voravong, 643n
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 48, 110–111, 116, 145n, 926, 1000–1005
- Berlin, 294, 318
- China, People’s Republic of-Soviet relations, 943
- communism, 243
- Geneva Accords, 1962, 860, 884, 906, 933, 939
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 235–236, 241, 308, 342, 459–460, 627
- Harriman mission to Moscow, 997–998
- health of, 862, 1006
- International Control Commission, 1003, 1009
- Kennedy, correspondence with, 473–474, 506, 1000–1001
- Laos, 136, 772, 905
- military situation in Laos:
- Pathet Lao, 17
- Southeast Asia, 318–319, 374, 452
- Souvanna cabinet selection, 506, 522
- Soviet political situation, 984, 987
- talks with Kennedy:
- untrustworthiness of, 287
- Viet Minh, 896, 906, 933, 939
- Vietnam conflict, 445
- Klein, David S., 925n
- Kohler, Foy D., 93, 101, 116, 119, 124n, 231, 245, 454, 538
- Komer, Robert W., 1036–1037, 1041
- Kong Le, 74, 181, 265, 392, 463, 525n,
554n, 650, 674, 879
- coup, Aug. 1960, 8, 74, 76
- French support of, 38, 912, 964, 1011, 1033
- instability of, 980–981
- Meos, 508, 951, 981–982
- military situation in Laos, 1n, 157, 583, 722, 727
- Pathet Lao, 355
- political leanings of, 243
- Quinim assassination, 953n, 954
- Souvanna government, 643n, 847, 850, 916n, 918n, 927–929
- U.S. military aid to forces of, see under Laos
- U.S. view of, 469, 475n, 919–920
- visit to Paris, 1962, 708, 725
- Korea, 2, 149, 168, 319, 686
- Korea, Republic of, 216, 773, 812
- Status of Forces Agreement with the United States, 848
- Korean war, 14, 44, 761, 810n, 944
- Koren, Henry L.T., 545n, 548n, 657n, 661n, 665n, 670n, 696n, 698n, 740n, 781n, 852n, 853n, 854n, 856n, 886n, 888, 908n, 914n, 915n, 933n, 954n, 968n, 1010n, 1014n, 1042n
- Kot, 552
- Kouprasith Abhay, Gen., 502, 651–652, 763
- Kriebel, P. Wesley, 775
- Kuchel, Thomas, 773
- Kuomintang irregulars, 60–61, 63, 145
- Kushnir, N., 923
- Kuznetzov, Vasiliy V., 15, 110, 209, 603n
- Lall, Arthur, 494, 518, 907
- Laloy, Jean, 538
- Lansdale, Gen. Edward G., 445, 711, 980n
- Laos:
- see also
- Boun Oum-Phoumi government
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962
- International Control Commission
- Meos
- Military situation in Laos
- Neo Lao Hak Xat
- Pathet Lao
- Souvanna government
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization/U.S. military intervention
- Three Princes meetings
- Laos and Laotian subheadings under other subjects
- absolute monarchy in, 701
- anti-government forces, numbers of, 623
- areas of government control, 254–255
- arms reduction agreements, 16
- army demobilization, 479, 912, 1026
- assassinations in, 934, 936n, 951, 953–955, 966–967, 1050, 1055
- Australian economic aid to, 852, 1050
- Australian military intervention in, 43
- Auto-Defense Corps, 263
- Ban Na Mon meeting, 159, 174, 190, 195, 203–205, 281–282, 301–302, 335–336, 416, 424
- British economic aid to, 852, 873, 886, 908–910, 913, 1048, 1050, 1052–1053
- buffer state role for, 404, 729–730, 732, 876
- cease-fire in, 188–190, 438,
- British proposals, 100, 104–107, 109, 124–125, 160
- Canadian position, 201
- French position, 675
- Indian position, 675
- Kong Le proposal, 159, 174, 190
- Pathet Lao call for, 171–172
- Polish position, 679
- Soviet delay of, 115–116, 124–127, 129
- Soviet position, 145–146, 678n, 679
- Soviet proposal, 135, 137–139
- U.S. response to violations of, 778–781, 797–799
- China, People’s Republic of, military intervention in, 36, 344–345, 430–431, 720, 727
- China, People’s Republic of, road building in, 701, 941, 950
- CIA covert support of, 715–716
- coalition government (see also Souvanna government), 281, 406
- Committee for the Defense of National Interests (CDNI), 668
- communist subversion techniques, 470
- communist takeover of, 104n, 164, 515, 627
- conference in Cambodia on, 11n, 24, 33
- congressional briefing on, 625–633
- Danish role in, 222
- defense of, 259–260
- diplomacy vs. military action, 258–259, 270
- disarmament of military forces in, 179, 184–185, 199n
- economic situation, cost reduction, 910
- failure to act in, results of, 28, 30–31, 166–168, 217, 822, 983
- federalism, 945–948
- food shortages, 288
- foreign troops, withdrawal of, 333,
380, 408–409, 905
- Soviet position, 402
- fourteen-power conference proposal, 76, 81, 90n, 95, 98
- French economic aid to, 813, 852, 857, 873, 879, 886, 908–910, 913–914, 1036, 1048, 1050, 1052–1053
- French military aid to, 858–859, 865, 912
- French role in, 115, 247, 365, 480–481
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 19
- government of councils proposal, 622n, 634n, 635–636, 644, 647, 649–650
- government of national unity, see Souvanna government
- government of technicians proposal, 81–82, 324
- Indian role in, 222
- integration of military forces, 348–349, 377–379, 638
- Soviet position, 436
- Japanese economic aid to, 852, 873
- Kuomintang irregulars in, 60–61, 63, 145
- Meos:
- military action as foundation for negotiations, 71, 95–96
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, 186, 773
- military situation, see Military situation in Laos
- multilateral aid to, 199n
- Neutralist Party (LPK), 872–873, 875
- Congress, Phongsavan, Oct. 1961, 463
- neutralization of, 71, 113–114, 283–286, 312, 315
- Pakistani military intervention in, 43
- palatine of, 112, 114
- partition of, 254–256, 342–343
- Australian position, 339
- Cambodian position, 153
- east and west zones, 428, 947, 949
- Laotian position, 703–704
- military contingency planning for, 323, 1020
- New Zealand position, 339
- north and south sectors, 186, 761
- Philippine position, 339
- Thai position, 339, 776
- Thailand, effect on, 621
- three-way split proposal, 223, 236–239, 255–256, 761
- unity, comparison with, 354–358, 425–426
- U.S. position, 567, 1028
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, position, 949
- Vietnam, Republic of, effect on, 258–259, 621
- Philippine military aid to, 297, 854–857, 868
- police reorganization, 469
- police training:
- political situation, 440–442, 466–467, 556, 560–561, 911–913
- pre-coalition interim government, 747, 762, 765–766
- private armies in, 852, 855
- Santiphab, 966
- SEATO role in, 19–20, 22, 41, 107–108, 477, 480
- Seno base, 12, 50, 74, 163, 223, 288, 348–349, 354n, 527
- Soviet economic aid to, 873
- Soviet influence in, 1031, 1035, 1045–1046
- Soviet military aid to, 124, 1032
- Soviet policy, U.S. position, 15
- Statement on the Neutrality of Laos, 907
- Swedish role in, 222
- Swiss role in, 222
- talks on:
- Thai economic aid to, 710
- Thai military aid to, 1043
- Thai military intervention in, 258–260, 272, 367, 384, 390, 399, 413–415, 428, 750–752, 1019
- Thai tribals in, 582
- Thailand, traditional enmity with
- tribal people (see also Meos; Khas; Yaos), 876–877, 887
- tripartite working group report, 345–347, 350–353, 365
- U.N. economic aid to, 470
- U.N. role in, 115
- United States, relations with, 198–199
- U.S. economic aid to, 54, 469–470, 914, 1046–1049, 1051
- cash grants, 888, 895, 910
- corruption and waste in, 878
- U.S. economic aid to—Continued
- dollar drain, 872, 885–886, 1049
- Meo relief, 604, 913, 995–996, 1007
- monthly payments, 705–706
- Neutralist Party newspaper subsidies, 879–880
- non-project program, 909–910, 913
- Pathet Lao position, 263
- political objectives in, 182
- project program, 910, 913
- refugee relief, 995–996
- restoration of, 772
- road construction, 877, 910, 913, 932n
- rural development, 996
- U.S. intelligence needs, 86
- U.S. military aid to (see also
Military Assistance Advisory Group above),
297, 996–997, 1048
- aircraft, 1042–1043
- airlift of supplies and troops, 35–36
- artillery, 1016–1017, 1038
- Australian position, 1038
- British position, 1038
- force level increase, funding for, 123, 129
- French position, 1038
- JCS-State Department disagreement over, 7–8
- Kong Le forces, supply of, 914–915, 922, 928–929, 932–933, 939, 958, 963–965, 981, 1007–1008, 1014–1018
- military intelligence training course, 296
- neutralization, 54
- Plaines des Jarres forces, support of, 958, 963–965
- police training and salaries, 70–71
- Soviet position, 234–235
- troop bonuses, 9
- troop training, 35, 49, 275
- White Star teams, 678n, 718
- U.S. military contingency planning for, 337–340, 358–359, 413–415, 795–796, 821, 1019–1030
- airfields, 354n
- Annamite cordillera, 817n, 834–835
- Australian position, 316, 1036
- British position, 316, 1031, 1036
- China, People’s Republic of, reaction to, 805–806, 808, 836
- forces needed for intervention, 804, 810, 813–816, 819, 827
- French position, 1034, 1037
- guerrilla pacification, 811
- immediate actions, recommendations for, 823
- Laotian army role, 805, 829
- Laotian panhandle, securing of, 339, 342, 359–362
- Mekong Valley, occupation of, 801–802, 811–815, 817–821, 823, 827–829, 833–837, 842–843, 845, 847
- partition, 323, 1020
- Pathet Lao reaction to, 805
- Plaines des Jarres recapture strategy, 72–74, 77–79, 84–85
- post-Geneva Accords era, 793–794, 864
- Soviet reaction to, 805
- State-Defense discussions on, 799–802, 809–817, 826–836, 838–848, 1028–1030
- Thai occupation of Sayabouri, 802, 807–808, 810, 818–819
- U.S. deployment in Thailand, effect on, 792
- Vientiane, fall of, 174
- U.S. military intervention in, see Laos under Southeast Asia Treaty Organization/U.S. military intervention
- U.S. policy, 28–40, 83, 140–144, 161, 579–583, 586–588
- Soviet position, 412
- U.S. political debate on, 741–742, 760–761
- U.S. political objectives in, 166
- Veterans Association, 638
- Viet Minh military intervention in, 14, 334, 362, 430–431, 820–821
- Viet Minh withdrawal from, 864, 875–876, 880, 896–901, 937
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, relations with, 288
- Vietnam, Republic of, military aid to, 14
- Vietnam, Republic of, military intervention in, 258–260, 272, 371–375
- Vietnam conflict, effect of, 937–938, 943
- see also
- Laotian Declaration of Neutrality, 854, 856, 861, 863, 871
- Lapin, S.G., 1000
- Lath, Tiao, 262
- League of Red Cross Societies, 264
- Lebanon, 761
- Lebanon-Jordan crisis, 63
- Lebel, Claude, 11n, 75, 214
- Ledward, R.T.D., 70n, 245, 504
- Ledwidge, W.B.J., 538
- Legere, Col. Laurence, 909n, 925n, 1006n, 1014n
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis E., 150–151, 153–154, 800, 995
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 68n, 110, 254n,
418n, 465n, 571, 789n
- cease-fire violations, 292–294
- Geneva Accords, 1962, 902
- Laos:
- military situation in Laos, 5–6, 12–14, 290–292, 296–297, 626–628, 658, 660–661
- SEATO/U.S. military intervention in Laos, 1–3, 169–170, 172, 681
- Southeast Asia, 27
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 42–44, 758
- Thailand, 4, 735, 758, 767, 773
- Viet Minh, 417, 771
- Vietnam, Republic of, 158, 417, 760
- Leuam Insisiengmay, 222n, 548, 558n, 643n, 645, 651–652, 668, 837n, 850, 919
- Leuam Rajasombath, 508, 606, 825
- Leurs, William H., 456n
- Levchenko, Nikifor, 56
- Lincoln, Evelyn, 19n, 20n
- Lippmann, Walter, 226
- Little, E.S., 852n, 853n, 854n
- Luce, Adm. (UK), 268, 384
- Lucet, Charles, 345, 538, 991n
- Lyon, Cecil B., 538, 717n
- MacDonald, Malcolm, 251, 345–346, 348, 464, 539, 575n, 585n, 588n, 693, 707
- Macmillan, Harold, 1n, 105, 210–212
- Magathan, Col. Wallace G., 775, 779n
- Malaya, 34, 37, 57, 67, 180, 216, 426, 631
- Malenkov, Georgi M., 234
- Manac’h (France), 538
- Manfull, Melvin S., 380n, 408n, 451n, 464n, 481n, 493n
- Manila Pact. See Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty.
- Mann, Charles, 886
- Mansfield, Mike, 147, 629–632
- Mao Tse-tung, 226–227, 374, 417, 876
- Marshall, Gen. George C., 21
- Martin, Edwin W., 253n, 648
- Maung Maung Gyi, 867
- Mayrand (UK), 512, 738
- McCloy, John J., 245
- McConaughy, Walter P., 155n, 208n, 211n, 241n, 253n, 266n, 273n, 304n, 309n, 337n, 456n, 483n, 499n, 501n, 507n, 520n, 523n, 531n
- McCone, John A., 571–572, 711, 734n, 773, 789n, 796, 838n, 872–873, 904, 985
- McCormack, John, 632–633, 773
- McCormick, William T., 486–488
- McCrea, Col. W.S., 110n, 613n, 775, 980n, 1042n
- McGarr, Lt. Gen. Lionel C., 428
- McGhee, George C., 68–69, 72, 76, 116, 119, 245, 531n, 613, 801, 878
- McKee, Gen. William F., 1021, 1030–1032
- McKenzie, Col., 715
- McNamara, Robert S., 19n, 20n, 68n, 94n, 95n, 129n, 144, 162n, 167n, 363n,
429n, 447n, 449n, 465n, 578n, 755n, 789n, 1031n, 1049n
- Geneva Accords, 1962, 902
- Gulf of Tonkin, 993
- jet transport aircraft, 44
- Laos, 985
- military situation in Laos, 110, 292, 658–661, 734–735, 878
- neutral nations commission proposal, 48
- presidential transition meetings, 19, 20n, 41
- SEATO/U.S. military intervention:
- Southeast Asia:
- Thailand, 725, 743n, 791, 883, 911
- Vietnam, Republic of, 144, 626, 628, 631–633, 760
- Meeker, Leonard S., 306n
- Menon, Krishna, 202, 238, 244, 269, 307, 309–310, 871
- Menshikov, Mikhail A., 15, 56, 63–67, 145, 147, 231, 436n, 454
- Menzies, Robert G., 1
- Meos, 237, 282, 420, 561n, 744,
844, 858, 873, 929–930, 1015, 1057
- increased troop strength, 388–390, 397–398, 582
- Kong Le forces, cooperation with, 951, 981–982
- logistics for support of, 873, 880, 894
- U.S. economic aid to, 604, 913, 995–996, 1007
- U.S. military aid to, 18, 62–63, 272, 705–706, 958, 961, 964–965, 981–982, 1008
- U.S. military contingency planning for, 263–264, 802
- Merchant, Livingston T., 1–5, 11n, 12, 17
- Metcalf, Lee E., 309n
- Miaos. See Meos.
- Micunovic, Veljko, 994
- Mikoyan, Anastas I., 923–924, 933
- Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG), 18, 157, 719
- Military situation in Laos, 441,
467, 658–661
- aerial reconnaissance, 398–399
- Air America plane, downing of, 921–924, 936n, 1052
- Australian position, 140, 958, 1011–1012
- B–26 planes, bombing by, 109, 139–140, 143n, 153
- battles:
- Ban Houei Sai, 730, 736
- Khang Khay, 961, 967, 994
- Mahaxay, 600–601, 603
- Muong Kassy, 127, 133
- Muong Sai, 139–140
- Muong Sing, 716, 718, 720–722, 724, 727, 740n, 743
- Nam Bac, capture by Pathet Lao, 9
- Nam Beng Valley, 600
- Nam Tha, 600–601, 603, 614–616, 621–622, 717–721, 723–724, 729, 732, 741, 745, 1011
- Padong, 200–201, 209, 224, 228, 239–241, 241n, 242n, 245, 252n, 268–269, 293–294, 335
- Phou Khoun road junction, 48
- Plaines des Jarres, Feb.–Mar. 1961, 48, 62, 68
- Tha Thom, 562
- Thakhek, 127, 133, 136, 562
- Vang Vieng, 12
- Xieng Khouang, 994
- British position, 130–131, 137, 140, 957–958, 960, 1011–1012, 1016
- cease-fire, military operations during, 427–428
- China, People’s Republic of, military intervention, U.S. retaliation for, 167
- French position, 130–131, 140, 958, 972, 1011, 1015
- Laotian army capabilities, 290–292, 296–297, 404, 524–525, 587, 599–601, 610, 763–764
- Laotian army leadership, deficiencies in, 84–85, 426–427, 429
- Laotian army morale, 38, 45, 173, 743, 1015
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, 705–706
- military balance of power in Laos, 951
- military representatives meeting, Ban Hin Heup, 621
- monsoon, effect of, 114–115, 318
- Pathet Lao attacks on government enclaves, 251–252, 257, 268
- Pathet Lao attacks on neutralists, 954–960, 966–967, 972–974, 1
- casualty figures for, 994n
- Kong Le forces, regrouping of, 990–994, 1007n, 1008, 1010–1012, 1015–1016
- New Zealand position, 958
- Pakistani position, 958
- Philippine position, 958
- Soviet position, 976–979, 1000–1006
- Thai position, 958
- U.S. military response to, 971–980, 1035
- U.S. position, 961–965, 968–970, 1017n
- Pathet Lao dry season offensives, 337–338
- Philippine military advisers, 122, 128
- rightist coup, possible, 619
- Soviet aircraft, downing of, 438–439
- Soviet airlift, 53, 74, 124, 133, 441
- strengthening of military forces, 777–778
- Thai forces in Laos:
- troop levels of combatants, 157
- U.S. military advisers:
- U.S. military airlift, 62
- Viet Minh military intervention, 167, 305
- Molotov, V.M., 234
- Montagnards, 835
- Moore, Charles R., 89, 90n
- Morris (UK), 299, 634n
- Murrow, Edward R., 88, 144, 390, 399, 985
- National Security Council (NSC), 475, 959–960
- action memoranda:
- actions:
- meetings:
- Ne Win, 881
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 17, 82, 96–97, 121, 143, 158, 217, 220, 434
- Neo Lao Hak Xat (NLHX) (see also Pathet Lao), 92, 190, 243–244, 422, 592, 878, 1052
- Neutral nations commission proposal, 48–50
- New Zealand, 34
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 158, 293, 407, 415, 417
- Ngo Dinh Nhu, 863n
- Ngon Sananikone, 91, 174, 532, 548, 606, 668, 906, 919, 944, 1052
- Nguyen Dinh Thuan, 863
- Nhouy Abhay, 508, 532, 651–652, 668
- Niblock, Thomas C., 1048
- Nitze, Paul H., 12, 48, 50n, 88, 94n, 95n, 273n, 273, 888, 893, 985
- Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., 144, 403, 405–406, 759, 863
- Norodom Sihanouk, Prince. See Sihanouk, Prince Norodom.
- North Atlantic Council, 979
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 30, 465
- Nou Ing Ratanavong, 648
- Nouhak Phoumsavan, 119, 543, 674, 925, 1052
- Nouphat Daoheuang, 652, 825
- Nu, U, 881
- Nuclear war, 40, 152–153, 163, 294, 345, 753
- Nuclear weapons, 94n, 741n
- O’Donnell, Gen. Emmett, Jr., 658–661
- Okinawa, 20, 39, 149, 993
- Operation Farmgate, 1041
- Operation Millpond, 96, 104n
- Ormsby Gore, David, 504–505, 707–708
- Ouane Ratrikoun, Brig. Gen., 273n, 283, 762–763
- Oudom Souvannavong, 507, 532, 643n, 651–652, 825
- Oudon Sananikone, 763
- Oun Heuan, 508, 532
- Pakistan, 39, 120–121, 168, 216, 776
- India, relations with, 628
- Parker, Gen., 366
- Parsons, J. Graham, 12, 26n, 27n, 28n, 67n, 85n, 89n, 93n, 94n, 95n, 96n, 98n
- Pasouk, Gen., 927
- Pathet Lao (see also
Military situation in Laos; Neo Lao Hak Xat (NLHX)), 15, 38, 237, 355, 683, 743, 787, 892–893, 938–939, 949–950
- Air America plane, downing of, 921–924, 936n
- arrest of members of, 938
- assassinations by, 934, 951
- attacks on government enclaves, 251–252, 257, 268
- bisection of Laos, 127, 133, 136, 140
- Boun Oum-Phoumi government, 1n, 554n
- British position, 46, 132n
- cease-fire, 171–172, 675
- China, People’s Republic of, military aid to, 624
- coalition government, 117
- consolidation of power by, 297–298, 355
- demobilization of, 181, 377–378, 422
- diversion of U.S. weapons to, 583
- dry season offensives, 337–338, 381–382, 427–428
- elections, 516, 771
- force levels of, 133, 157, 348
- French role in Laos, 420
- Geneva Conference, role in, 190–194, 197–198, 201
- information ministry, control of, 837–838, 849
- International Control Commission, 172n, 224
- Kong Le, split with, 268, 346, 348, 398, 895, 912, 928, 935–937, 950–952
- life in area controlled by, 674
- military capabilities of, 103, 524–525, 578–589, 763–764, 771, 976
- neutralist-rightist cooperation against, 948–949, 951
- Padong battle, 239–241, 242n
- Phoumi, sanctions against, 683
- Plaines des Jarres, control of, 38
- prisoners of war, 110, 872, 874n, 887
- Southern Laos, takeover of, 586–587
- Souvanna government, 268, 508, 520–521, 585, 889–891
- Soviet influence on, 411, 570, 576–577, 605, 1006, 1012, 1031
- Soviet military aid to, 15, 624, 743
- territory, retention of, 32, 100, 890–891
- tribal fighters in, 887
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, military aid to, 4, 172n, 624, 972
- Patterson, Col., 658
- Peace Preservation Commission, 179, 185
- Peck, Edward, 345
- Persons, Gen. Wilton B., 20n
- Peterson, Avery F., 256–257, 540n, 541, 542n, 573n
- Pezzulo, Lawrence, 478n
- Phagna Bouasy, 508
- Pham Van Dong, 876, 880
- Phangna Pholithat, 643n
- Pheng Norindr, 204–205, 651–652
- Pheng Phongsavan, 205, 463, 671–672, 674–675, 919
- Philippines (see also Philippines and Philippine subentries under other subjects), 18, 39, 216–217, 776, 874n, 887n
- Phouangphet Phanareth, 651–652, 715, 837n, 850
- Phoui Sananikone, 109, 113, 205, 238, 261, 503, 558n, 651–652, 759
- Phoumi Nosavan, Gen. (see also
Boun Oum-Phoumi
government; Three Princes meetings),
16, 87, 121n, 250n, 273, 620–621, 906, 983
- Air America, 929
- army reorganization, 298, 479, 912
- arrest of Kong Le officers, 912–913
- arrest of Souvanna aides, 938
- British view of, 613
- cabinet role for, 837n, 849–850
- carrot-and-stick approach to, 604, 633–634, 637–641, 643–650, 683
- cease-fire, 159, 171, 174, 190, 299–302
- coalition government, 120, 261, 273, 298–302, 351, 368–369, 406
- elections, 875
- federalism, 945–946
- firing of aggressive commanders, 84–85
- fourteen-nation conference proposal, 91–92
- French view of, 2
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 280, 380, 847
- government of councils proposal, 622n, 634n, 635–636, 644, 647, 649–650
- Harriman-Souvanna talks, 415
- International Control Commission, reactivation of, 17
- Kong Le, support for, 939, 991–994, 1011
- Laotian army support for, 651–652
- Laotian-U.S. relations, 198–199, 282
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, 756–758, 900–901
- military intelligence training, 296
- military situation in Laos, 133, 136, 1013
- neutral nations commission proposal, 55, 91–92
- neutrality of Laos, 243–244, 283–286
- partition of Laos, 238, 256, 342–343, 428, 945n
- Pathet Lao, 949, 981
- political party formation, 879–880
- prime minister role for, 920
- removal from political role, 747, 749–750, 752, 756–759, 762–764, 784–785
- replacement of, 750
- role in interim government, 113, 765–766
- sanctions against, 612–616, 618–619, 657, 681, 688–691, 694–695, 705, 711–714
- SEATO/U.S. military intervention in Laos, 96, 99, 367, 413–414, 416
- settlement of Laos crisis, 595–597, 605–609
- Souvanna government, 463, 477, 840–841, 914–915, 919
- cabinet role in, 261, 548, 617, 1054
- Defense and Interior posts, dispute over, 514–516, 518–524, 549–552, 566–567, 572, 590–595, 597, 605–608, 637–640, 650, 677–678, 707n
- Thai-Laotian agreement on, 707–713, 716–717
- three administrative centers proposal, 577, 587
- Vice Premier role in, 533, 549n, 567, 643
- Soviet view of, 611
- talks:
- Thailand, U.S. troop deployment to, 741, 744–746, 756, 819
- Three Princes meetings, 264–266, 313,
- Geneva, Jan. 1962, 554n, 555, 557n, 566, 569–570, 573–574
- hardening of attitude for, 323–324, 338, 438
- Khang Khay, 783n, 791, 824–825, 837–838
- Luang Prabang, 604, 608n
- Luang Prabang, Feb. 1962, 597n, 598
- Phnom Penh, July 1961, 336, 364–365
- Plaines des Jarres, proposed, 501, 507, 512–513
- stalling tactics, 424, 431–434, 482–484, 494, 500–501, 531–533, 568–569, 601–603
- Soviet position, 584n
- Vientiane, Dec. 1961, 538
- U.S. break with, 532–533, 535–537, 543, 545, 597–598, 604–605, 609–610, 640
- U.S. military aid to Laos:
- U.S. support of, 275, 528
- U.S. view of, 47, 304–305, 371–3
- Viet Minh, 165, 906
- Vietnam, Republic of, 394
- visits:
- Phoumi Vongvichit, 119, 243, 411, 480, 643n, 674, 944, 950, 1051, 1054
- Phoumi-Boun Oum revolt, 8
- Phoun Sipraseuth, Gen., 643n
- Poats, Rutherford M., 1049
- Poland, 76, 229,
- Soviet view of, 1004
- Preah Vihear temple, 861
- Prisoners of war:
- Psychological warfare, 122–123, 178, 389
- Public opinion, 176, 194, 285, 354, 361, 363n, 611–612, 753, 990
- Peurifoy, John E. 426, 429
- Pushkin, Georgi M., 56n, 124n, 140,
239–241, 539, 611–613, 860, 861–862, 882
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 191–192, 410–412, 414, 416, 435–437, 489, 510–511, 517–518, 568, 607
- International Control Commission, 206–207, 241, 295, 436, 478, 480, 488, 494, 496, 526–527
- Pathet Lao, 570, 575
- Southeast Asia, Soviet-U.S. talks, 452–455, 458–462, 470–472
- Three Princes meetings, 522, 554n, 576, 583–584, 602
- Viet Minh, 868, 896n
- Queneau, Francoise G., 507n, 520n, 523n, 524n, 548n, 593n, 596n, 597n, 604, 685, 848n
- Quinim Pholsena, 15, 244, 480, 584n, 674–675, 824, 871, 902, 912, 950
- assassination of, 953–955, 966–967, 1000n, 1001–1002, 1050, 1055
- cabinet role for, 287, 391n, 548, 592, 643n, 837n, 838, 849
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 861
- International Control Commission, 936n
- Pathet Lao, 948, 1055
- political leanings of, 237, 424, 635
- prime minister role for, 919
- visits, Washington, July 1962, 874, 878
- Rama IX, King, 9, 220
- Ramsbotham, Peter E., 116, 119
- Rand Corporation, 834–835
- Rapacki, Adam, 1010
- Ratnam, Amb., 416
- Reynolds, G. Edward, 150
- Rhee, Syngman, 436
- Rice, Edward E., 575n, 593n, 596n, 597n, 604n, 609n, 612n, 615n, 616n, 655, 657n, 661n, 665n, 781n, 908n, 968n
- Richardson, Maj. Gen., 659
- Richer, M., 345
- Riley, Vice Adm. Herbert D., 923
- Rinden, Robert W., 306n
- Robb, M.A.M., 707
- Roberts, Col. Francis J., 268
- Roberts, Frank, 56n, 67, 111n, 116, 124n, 135, 137n, 209, 957, 976
- Rogers, J.T., 851n
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 867
- Rostow, Walt W., 26, 68n, 94n, 95n, 112n, 144, 273n, 430n, 436n, 440n, 531n
- Roux, Jacques, 345, 412, 472, 991n
- Rumbold, Sir Anthony, 538
- Rusk, Dean, 19n, 50n, 69n, 85n, 97n, 98n, 124n, 129n, 145n, 155n, 176n, 211n, 231, 236n, 252n, 266n, 306n, 309, 377n, 400n, 408n,
421n, 465n, 501n, 507n, 531n, 545n, 548n, 553n
- Berlin, 626
- British cease-fire proposal, 105–107
- British-U.S. talks, 116–118, 706–708
- diplomacy vs. military action, 258
- France, 844
- French role in Laos, 213–214, 221
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 184, 907
- government of technicians proposal, 324
- intelligence needs, 86, 88
- International Control Commission, 893, 936n, 1009
- Kuomintang irregulars, 63n
- Laos, 89–90,
269, 584n
- British economic aid to, 895
- French economic aid to, 895
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, 137, 695–697, 904
- neutralization of, 82, 188, 245–247, 280–282, 774
- partition of, 241–242
- political situation, 119–121, 770–771
- tripartite talks on, 96, 345–351, 365, 368, 378, 456–457
- U.N. role in, 147n
- U.S. economic and military aid to, 146, 1050
- U.S. military contingency planning for, 212, 1021, 1030–1031, 1041–1042
- U.S. policy, 150–154, 580
- Meos, 397
- military action as a foundation for negotiations, 95–96
- military situation in Laos, 12, 17, 626, 629–630
- neutral nations commission proposal, 48–50, 63–66, 90n
- Pathet Lao, 171–172, 887
- Philippines, 18
- Phoumi, sanctions against, 694–697, 759
- SEATO/U.S. military intervention:
- financial costs of, 325–326
- Laos, 27, 126, 148–149, 276–280
- Southeast Asia, 26–27
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 163, 758–759
- Souvanna cabinet selection, 322–323, 402–403, 504–505, 571–573
- Souvanna visits, 91–92
- Soviet cease-fire proposals, 137n
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 93–94, 923
- Thailand, 633
- Three Princes meetings, 500, 512–513, 538–539, 539n
- United Nations, 104–105
- U.S. military advisers, 146
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, air strikes on, 814
- Vietnam, Republic of, 631, 708, 773
- Russell, John W., 116, 345
- Russell, Richard, 629–630, 632, 771, 773
- Ryan, Jack, 540–541
- Ryan Plan, 540–541
- Salans, Carl F., 309n
- Salinger, Pierre, 706
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 626–627, 630–631, 773–774
- Samuel, A.C.I., 119, 538
- Santiphab, 966
- Sarit Thanarat, Field Marshal, 407, 415, 985–988
- Savang Vatthana, 1, 76, 158, 165, 278n, 302n, 421–424, 450, 608n
- abdication of, 421n, 433
- coalition government, 117–118, 180, 200, 203
- Laos:
- Laotian-U.S. relations, 199, 664, 685–687, 698–699
- Luang Prabang as Royal seat, 96, 175, 198, 339
- neutral nations commission proposal, 49, 55n, 56–58, 67, 97–98
- Pathet Lao, 667n, 957, 964
- Phoumi, U.S. disagreements with, 557n, 563, 597–598
- political role for, 265, 280, 282, 336, 352, 558n, 938–940
- SEATO/U.S. military intervention in Laos, 99, 276, 730n
- Sihanouk Commission, 34, 37
- Souvanna government, 607, 614, 639, 669, 679, 941–942
- Souvanna view of, 707
- Soviet view of, 66
- Three Princes meetings, Geneva, proposed, 584n
- U.S. military advisers in combat roles, 130
- U.S. support for, 142, 155, 177
- Viet Minh, 165, 937
- visits:
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 94n, 170, 678n
- Scorucov (USSR), 634n, 636
- Scott, Joseph W., 263, 654
- Seaborg, Glenn, 722n
- SEATO Plan 5. See U.S. military contingency planning under Southeast Asia.
- Secretary of Defense’s Conference, Fourth, Mar. 1962, 658n
- Semenov, Nikolai N., 454
- Sen, A.K., 224, 433, 502
- Senate, U.S., 630, 768
- Seno base, 12, 50, 74, 163, 223, 288, 348–349, 354n, 527
- Serbia, 944
- Shepard, Capt. Tazewell T., Jr., 932
- Sheppard, William J., 26n
- Shoup, Gen. David M., 42, 150, 153, 170
- Shuckburgh, Evelyn, 245, 538, 707
- Sides, Adm., 658
- Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, 34, 67, 81, 153, 222, 257, 572n, 695, 779, 881
- Sihanouk Commission, 34, 37
- Siho, Col. Lamphouthacoul, 139, 652, 781, 920
- Sing Rathanamay, Gen., 204
- Singh, Avtar, 780, 931
- Sinkapo, Gen., 671–672, 674, 981
- Sirikit, Queen, 9
- Sisouk Na Champassak, 205, 246, 273, 283, 508, 606, 651–652, 668, 710, 784
- Sisoumang, Tiao, 391n, 635, 671, 837n, 849
- Sissamang Sisalemqak, 287, 391n
- Sithone Kommandom, 887
- Slater, Warren, 704n
- Smart, Col., 668
- Smathers, George, 629
- Smirnovsky, Mikhail N., 435, 436n, 584, 601–603
- Smith, Bromley, 493n, 670n, 704n, 965, 980, 995, 1019n
- Smith, Horace H., 73
- Somsanith, 265, 287–288, 507–508, 651–652
- Sopsaisana, 421–422, 480
- Sorensen, Theodore C., 94n, 95n, 170
- Souk Vongsak, 532, 837n
- Soukhan Vilaysarn, 463, 548, 638, 879
- Soulivanh Singhavara, Col, 980
- Souphanouvong, Prince (see also
Three Princes meetings), 146, 250n,
278n, 508, 534, 582, 670, 678–679, 900–901, 1050
- Air America, 922–923, 929
- coup threat, 847
- Geneva Accords, 1962, 906
- Indian view of, 434
- Laos:
- Meos, 873, 929–930
- military situation in Laos, 318, 896n
- political leanings of, 47, 109, 243, 878, 941–942, 1052
- prime minister role for, 263
- Souvanna government, 549n, 577, 587, 639, 643, 918
- Three Princes meetings, 264–266, 483–484, 492–493, 509
- visit to the United States, proposed, 925–926, 928n
- South China Sea, 384
- Southeast Asia:
- British position, 26–28, 373–374, 381
- China, People’s Republic of, role in, 219–220
- communist infiltration into, 426
- Craig mission, 417–418, 426–429
- defense of, 26–28
- domino theory, 19–21, 151–152, 168, 760, 994n
- French position, 26–28, 75, 219–220
- Koreans, use in aid programs in, 773
- military contingency planning for, 162, 308–309, 341–345, 366–368, 370, 381–390, 388–390, 393–400, 429–431, 465–470
- military situation, 440–442
- military vs. political alternatives for, 446–449
- political situation, 440–442
- SEATO role in, 216–217
- Soviet-U.S. talks, 452–462, 470–472
- U.S. military capabilities in, 7
- U.S. policy, 71, 314, 316, 318–322
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, objectives toward, 1023
- war in, possible size of, 431
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty and Protocol, Sept. 1954, 23, 106n, 767–768
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) (see also
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization and SEATO subheadings under other subjects), 3–4, 10, 52, 54,
120–121, 203, 543, 1026
- Australian position, 28, 52, 79, 107
- Commonwealth role in, 818–819
- Council meetings, 389
- Eighth Ministerial Meeting, Paris, Apr. 1963, 954n
- French role in, 221
- inaction, consequences of, 28, 30–31
- intelligence gathering by, 36
- Laos, role in, 19–22, 41, 79, 107–108
- Mekong River Patrol, 389, 397
- military contingency planning, 182, 407, 468, 803
- military exercises as cover for troop buildup, 884–886, 976
- Nam Tha battle, 733, 744
- New Zealand position, 28, 79
- Pakistani position, 25, 107
- Philippine position, 25, 107–108, 818
- Plan 5, see Southeast Asia Treaty Organization/U.S. military intervention
- Thai position, 25, 107–108, 221, 268
- Thailand, 37, 853
- Vietnam, Republic of, position, 268
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization/U.S. military
intervention, 167, 172
- China, People’s Republic of, position, 163
- financial costs of, 325–326, 386
- Gulf of Tonkin, 977–978, 986, 993–995
- Laos, 2, 31–32, 59–61, 785–787, 807, 809–810
- Australian role in, 388, 393, 804
- bombing missions, 4, 87, 126
- British position, 132–133, 323
- British role in, 126, 804
- China, People’s Republic of, response to, 500, 502, 812
- French position, 5
- ground forces, 751–752
- helicopters, use of, 122
- Laotian request for, 99, 160
- logistics for, 430–431, 562, 826
- Malayan role in, 154
- napalm, use of, 47
- New Zealand role in, 154, 388
- Pakistani role in, 154, 388, 804
- Philippine role in, 126, 388
- postponement of, 413–414, 416
- Thai role in, 126, 388
- unilateral U.S. action in, 25n, 27
- U.S. position, 276–280
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, response to, 388, 805–806, 808, 836, 869-870
- Pakistani role in, 164, 628
- Southeast Asia:
- State Department role in, 148–149
- Thailand, see U.S. troop deployment to under Thailand
- U.S. domestic political concerns, 741–742, 750
- U.S. opposition to, 685–687
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 340, 342, 869–870
- Vietnam, Republic of, 163, 481–482, 869–870, 976–977, 984, 986
- Southeast Asian Task Force, 309, 321, 337, 371, 400, 475
- Soutou (France), 538
- Souvanna government, 311–312, 848, 875, 1046
- arrest of Kong Le officers, 912, 913
- Australian position, 269, 637
- British position, 268–269, 450, 504–505, 637, 917n
- cabinet selection, 313, 391n, 400–403, 416, 450,
455, 474, 476–479, 504–506, 591–592, 679
- agreement on, 837–838, 848–849
- Defense and Interior posts, dispute over, 514–516, 518–524, 546–553, 566–568, 582, 585, 589–595, 597–598, 603, 637–640
- Laotian position, 707n
- NLHX posts, 592, 593n
- troika proposal, 667, 671, 677–680, 693, 697, 709–710, 712n, 717
- U.S. position, 323, 338, 420, 422, 454–455, 520–522, 571–573, 577, 637, 668–669
- China, People’s Republic of, position, 690–691
- French position, 268–269, 274, 637, 844
- French support of, 679, 978, 984, 986, 989
- instability of, 916–917, 990–991
- neutralist composition of, U.S. proposal for, 223, 237
- New Zealand position, 269
- overthrow of, 941–942
- Pathet Lao position, 268, 889–891, 927
- Pathet Lao role in, 585, 686–687
- Phoumi role in, 308, 514, 633–634, 637n, 653–656, 914–915
- power balance within, 318
- Royal mandate for, revoking of, 692–693, 696–697, 699–703
- Soviet position, 411, 455, 474, 506, 690–691, 916–917
- Soviet-U.S. talks, 997–998
- strengthening of, 474–476, 498–499, 528–530
- Thai-Laotian agreement on, 707–714, 716–717
- three administrative centers proposal, 577
- Thai position, 587
- U.S. economic aid to, 840–841, 851, 858, 888, 895
- U.S. military aid to, 851–852, 865–866
- U.S. support of, 271, 584–585, 639, 640–642, 1024–1027
- Vice Prime Minister appointments in, 642–644
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, position, 690–691
- Souvanna government (Khang Khay):
- Souvanna Phouma (see also
Three Princes meetings), 47, 68, 278n, 348–349, 450, 508, 537, 670, 701
- Air America, 922, 924, 929
- arrest of aides of, 938
- British view of, 46, 285
- cabinet role for, 187, 837n
- cabinet selection, agreement on, 837–838
- Cambodian support for, 257
- cease-fire, 146, 159, 190, 575n, 677, 683, 693, 697
- Central Intelligence Agency, 879
- coalition government, role in, 88–90, 113, 117–118, 120, 155n, 156
- communism, 81
- direct U.S. negotiations with, 614–617, 620–621
- elections, 246, 352
- federalism, 945–946
- fourteen-nation conference proposal, 90n, 91–93
- French role in Laos, 247, 262, 420
- French support for, 46, 216, 219–220, 285, 477, 521, 978
- Geneva Accords, 1962:
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 190–193, 197, 199n, 210, 871
- government of councils proposal, 635–636, 644
- illnesses of, 313, 717
- Indian view of, 434
- International Control Commission, 352, 900, 1003
- Kong Le troops, 991–994, 1012
- Laos:
- Laotian Declaration of Neutrality, 854, 856, 861, 863
- Meo troops, 420, 929–930
- military situation in Laos:
- neutral nations commission proposal, 90n
- neutralist party, 463, 528
- overthrow by Phoumi, 8
- Pathet Lao, 222, 238, 419, 634, 646, 675–676, 764, 887, 892–893, 935–936
- Phoumi, sanctions against, 582, 683
- police training, 540–541
- political base of, 927–929
- political leanings of, 627, 649n, 849
- prime minister role for, 261, 268, 287–288, 298–299
- resignation of, 752, 918–921, 1056
- British position, 918
- Royal audience, 463, 477–479, 605
- Soviet Union, 244, 250–251
- talks:
- Thai view of, 112
- Thailand, U.S. troop deployment to, 872
- Three Princes meetings, 141, 264–266, 483–484, 492, 501, 507, 513, 534, 604, 819
- tribal Laotians, 876–877
- U.S. intelligence briefings for, 881, 895–896
- U.S. support for, 983–986, 989, 1032, 1043n
- U.S. view of, 175–176, 215–217, 250
- Viet Cong, 349–350
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 867–868
- Vietnam, Republic of, 112, 497
- visits:
- Czechoslovakia, 111
- Moscow, 111, 1004
- New Delhi, 1961, 92–93, 96–97
- Paris, Apr.–June 1962, 678–679, 717, 847
- Paris and London, 1961, 77, 92–93, 111
- Poland, Mar. 1963, 936n
- United Kingdom, 707
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, Mar. 1963, 936n
- Washington, 1961, proposed, 91–93, 118, 131
- Washington, July 1962, 670, 674–675, 678, 872n, 874–881, 884
- Washington, Feb. 1963, 936–939, 944
- Washington, Sept. 1963, 1051–1054
- Yugoslavia, 111
- Xieng Khouang as residence of, 398
- Soviet Union, 76, 93–94, 697, 971, 987–988
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 220, 269, 318, 409n, 679,
941, 943–944, 983, 1006
- Yugoslav position, 994
- iron ore reserves in, 231
- Korea, Republic of, 812
- military capabilities of, 39
- Nam Tha battle, 717–718, 720–730, 726, 732–734, 736–739
- United Kingdom, relations with, 1002
- United States, relations with, 93n, 1003
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 220, 269, 318, 409n, 679,
941, 943–944, 983, 1006
- Spain, 227
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Stahr, Elvis J., Jr., 144, 170
- Staley Report, 308, 316, 326
- Stalin, Joseph, 1004
- Steeves, John M., 50n, 67n, 85n, 88, 91n, 124n, 129n, 132n, 176n, 304n, 306n, 309n, 337n, 456n, 512n, 520n, 531n, 534n, 540n
- Steeves Plan, 376–377, 382
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 143, 164
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 9n
- Subic Bay, 977–979, 987–989
- Sukhodrev, Viktor, 225, 231, 454, 1000
- Sullivan, William H., 345, 543–544, 651, 668, 696n, 709, 755n, 779n, 781n, 787n, 794n, 832n, 1010n
- Swank, Emory, 779n
- Sweden, 470
- Sweeney, Joseph, 706
- Swezey, Anthony C., 584n, 717n
- Swihart, James W., 119
- Sylvester, Arthur, 658
- Szulc, Tad, 993
- Taiwan Strait, 319, 891
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 144, 329n, 370n, 418n,
443n, 481n, 563–564, 711n, 911n
- Cambodia, 778
- Geneva Accords, 1962, 862, 902
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 353
- Laos, 560, 571, 677, 716, 1041
- Meos, 1008n
- military situation in Laos, 426, 525, 770, 921, 971
- SEATO/U.S. military intervention:
- Southeast Asia, 308, 316–317, 322
- Thailand:
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 354
- Vietnam, Republic of, military missions to, 317, 326, 445, 485
- Thailand (see also Thailand and Thai
subheadings under other subjects), 9,
39, 71, 76, 95, 110, 179, 437, 467, 475n
- China, People’s Republic of, policy, 950
- communist threat to, 405, 581, 631, 633, 732, 753–754, 834, 839
- defense of, 107, 152–153, 259, 651n, 788, 791, 800, 811–812, 818
- France, relations with, 75, 219
- Laos:
- political situation, 442, 467, 911
- Preah Vihear temple, 861
- security treaty with the United States, 448
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 5, 161, 386, 388–390
- troop strength of, 31
- United States, relations with, 308, 597n
- U.S. economic aid to, 141–142, 326, 733
- U.S. military aid to, 115, 141–142, 388–389, 448, 773, 883, 894
- U.S. military contingency planning for, 316, 425–426, 798
- U.S. policy, 339
- U.S. troop deployment to, 31, 46–47, 730, 733, 744,
747, 750, 754–755, 901, 903–904, 993
- air units, 973n, 975, 977–979, 999
- Australian position, 766
- British position, 95, 766, 768, 772
- French position, 766, 768, 772
- logistics, 845–847
- missions for U.S. forces, 777
- naval units, 49, 730, 733, 735, 745–746
- Pakistani position, 772
- SEATO role in, 758–759, 767n, 771–772, 775
- Thai approval for, 34, 759
- Viet Minh, 713n
- Thanat Khoman, 152–153, 657n, 694, 699–701, 767, 882, 961, 978
- Thant, U, 768
- Thee, Marek, 1053
- Thiep, 967, 969
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 15, 42, 231, 241n, 242n, 412n,
603n, 833n, 990n, 997n, 1001n
- Berlin, 626
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 110–111, 124, 252
- Germany, 402
- Malaya, 426
- Nam Tha battle, 611–612, 720, 724, 734, 748
- neutralization of Laos, 55, 75, 80–82, 86
- Pathet Lao attacks on neutralists, 973, 975, 977–979, 1012–1013
- Soviet Union, political situation, 985, 987
- Soviet-U.S. relations, 455, 923
- U.S. policy on Laos, 145–146
- Vietnam, Republic of, 708
- Thomson, John, 119
- Thongsing Phabmixay, 651–652
- Three Princes Communiqu[, 256–257, 267
- Three Princes meetings, 195,
205, 313, 483–484, 489–493, 496, 787
- Ban Hin Heup, Oct. 1961, 424, 441, 450, 452, 454, 463, 466, 547, 550
- British position, 502–505, 670n, 782
- Delhi, proposed, 539n
- French position, 782
- Geneva, Jan. 1962, 539, 554n, 555–557, 560–561, 566,
576n, 584, 588–592, 611–612
- Soviet position, 583
- Khang Khay, June 1962, 783n, 791, 824–825, 837–839
- Luang Prabang, Feb. 1962, 593, 597n, 598, 601–602, 604, 608n, 621, 670n
- Phnom Penh, July 1961, 336, 338, 364–365
- Phoumi attitude toward, 238, 323–324, 338, 424, 431–434, 482–484, 502–505
- Plaines des Jarres, proposed, 501–505, 507, 509, 512–513
- Rangoon, proposed, 539n
- U.S. position, 315–316, 389, 482–484, 514–516, 665
- Vientiane, Dec. 1961, 513n, 520, 522–524, 534, 546–549, 563
- Zurich, June 1961, 250, 256–258, 264–268, 274, 282, 300, 550
- Tianethone Chantharasy, 283, 685
- Tiao Somsanith. See Somsanith, Tiao.
- Tobler, John H., 299
- Tonkin, Gulf of, 977–978, 986
- Touby Lyfoung, 651–652, 880
- Toumayan, Alex G., 940, 1052
- Trapnell, Lt. Gen. T.J.H., 102, 104, 121–123
- Treasury, U.S. Department of, 368
- Trevelyan, Sir Humphrey, 962
- Trimble, William C., 76, 288
- Truman, Harry S, 489n
- Tucker, Gen. Reuben H., 679, 763, 770, 783–784, 792, 797, 813n, 832, 873
- Turkey, 216
- Tyler, William R., 706, 745, 1009
- U–2 flights:
- Ulbricht, Walter, 411, 443, 445
- Unconventional warfare (see also Covert operations), 122–123, 428
- Ung Van Kiem, 867–870
- Unger, Leonard S., 129, 131n, 185n, 883, 902, 923, 926, 943, 1002
- United Kingdom (see also United Kingdom and British subheadings under other subjects), 76, 110, 160, 164, 325
- United Nations (see also United Nations and U.N. subheadings under other subjects), 3, 141
- U.S. Army Intelligence School, 291
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 368
- Usher, Richard E., 70n, 85n, 91n, 98n, 176n, 208n, 211n, 241n, 304n, 306n, 309n, 337n, 540n, 542n, 568n, 575n
- Van Fleet, Gen. James A., 426, 429
- Vang Pao, Col., 239, 508, 558n, 980, 981
- Viet Cong, 323, 349–350, 405, 441–442, 448, 515, 628, 835
- Viet Minh (see also Viet Minh subheadings under other subjects; Vietnam, Democratic Republic of), 599, 625, 1050
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of (see
Viet Minh; Vietnam, Democratic
Republic of subheadings under other subjects), 76, 172n, 288, 976–977
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 219–220, 752
- covert activities against, 448, 1020
- France, relations with, 220
- Lao Dong party, 310
- Laos, relations with, 288, 863
- military capabilities of, 31, 39, 183
- Soviet influence on, 411, 1006
- U–2 flights over, 993, 999
- U.S. military intervention in, 796,
811, 822, 844
- China, People’s Republic of, response to, 822
- U.S. talks with, 867–870
- Vietnam, Republic of, conflict with, 180, 437
- Vietnam, Republic of, 71, 76, 999
- Australian military intervention in, 631
- border control, 404–405, 444, 447–448
- British-U.S. talks, 708
- Cambodia, relations with, 180, 405
- communist threat to, 834–835, 839
- congressional briefing on, 625–626, 628–633
- counterinsurgency effort in, 116, 632–633
- defense of, 259, 443, 800, 811–812, 846
- France, relations with, 216, 219–220
- Geneva Conference, 1954, 225n
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 179
- international conference on, 695
- Laos:
- Malayan guerrilla war experts in, 631
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, 317, 773
- military capabilities of, 39, 525
- military contingency planning for, 316, 425–426
- military situation, 441–444
- National Front movement, 882
- political situation, 217, 441
- security treaty with the United States, 448
- Soviet policy, 216
- U.S. counterinsurgency forces in, 632–633
- U.S. economic aid to, 141–142, 733, 931
- U.S. military aid to, 115, 141–142, 216, 448, 686, 818, 869
- U.S. military intervention in, 481–482, 631–632, 796
- Viet Minh infiltration via Laos, 417–418, 436, 439, 444, 457, 473–474, 950
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, conflict with, 180, 320, 325, 437
- Vinogradov, Yuriy N., 923
- Vongvichit. See Phoumi Vongvichit.
- Vu Van Mau, 293
- Wallop, Gen., 605n, 657n, 664, 667, 701, 710
- Wang Ping-Nan, 254, 289, 303
- Warner (UK), 120, 585n
- Wattay airfield, 354n
- Wehrle, Roy, 886
- Wheeler, Lt. Gen. Earle G., 273n
- White, John P., 119, 176n
- White, Lincoln, 956
- White, Gen. Thomas D., 42–44, 167n, 169–170
- Wiesner, Jerome, 722n
- Wiggin, Charles, 119
- Wiley, Alexander, 771–772
- Williams, Haydn, 109–110, 429n, 446–449
- Geneva Conference on Laos, 1961–1962, 486
- Wilson, Donald M., 465n, 905, 994
- Wood, Col., 72, 74, 84–85, 430n, 715
- World Court. See International Court of Justice.
- Wright, John, 245
- Wright, William M., 848n
- Yao tribe, 1058
- Young, Kenneth T., 155n, 176n, 239n, 301, 403–406, 725
- Yugoslavia, 227
- Zinchuk, Alexander, 1012
- Zuckert, Eugene M., 144, 170
- Zulueta, Philip F. de, 116, 707