- Abbas, Mekki, 85, 98n, 110,119–120, 128,140
- Abboud, Ibrahim, 76, 85
- Achilles, Theodore C, 291n
- Acly, R. Austin, 393n
- Adamafio, Tawiah, 95
- Adeel, Omar Abdel Hamid, 85
- Adoula, Cyrille (see also Adoula government), 126–127, 130n, 145n, 160
- Adoula government (see also Adoula government subheadings under other
Congo National Army; Katanga
- African military aid, 434, 437
- Belgian economic aid, 471–472, 476–477,865–866
- Belgium, relations with, 844
- economic situation, 471–472, 476, 486–487, 855–856
- establishment, 62n, 141,181tt,
184–185,189–192, 194n
- Adoula role, 126–127, 130n, 145n, 160
- Belgian position, 52–53,150,153, 155–157,164–165
- British position, 49n, 50
- Defense position, 38
- Gizenga role, see below
- Indian position, 117
- Kasavubu position, 33–34,166–169
- Kasavubu role, 38,40, 43–44, 58, 117,130
- Katangan participation, 131,150, 152–154,156, 158–159,176–178, 186–190
- Leopoldville government position, 56
- tripartite discussions, 158–159, 186–187
- tripartite position, 173–174
- UN position, 27, 36, 57–58, 62, 145–146,150, 162–163
- U.S. position, 40, 43–44, 48–49, 66, 97,130n, 130–132,131,152–154, 156,167–170,172–176,188–189
- Gizenga role, 163,167, 174–175,190, 248–249, 308, 320,
- Adoula-Gizenga meeting, 192
- arrest, 366–370
- Belgian position, 53
- British position, 158–161
- censure motion, 358
- French position, 158, 260
- Gizenga position, 103
- release, 702, 776–777, 779–780, 851–852
- Soviet position, 308
- UN position, 36, 145–146, 333
- U.S. position, 130–131, 136, 142–143, 148,167,169–170, 172–173, 178–179,184–185, 260, 273, 360–361, 679
- Katanga reintegration, 181–183, 210–212, 251–252, 574–577
- political situation (see also Gizenga role above), 230, 320, 519,601–602, 678–682, 701–703, 728
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 428, 437, 708–710, 717–718,846, 881
- tripartite discussions, 187
- UN economic aid, 193–194,209–210, 392, 446,572–573,642
- UN forces and, 191–192
- UN military aid, 544, 741–742
- United States, relations with, 386, 881–884
- U.S. economic aid (see also UN economic aid above), 278, 878–879
- U.S. military aid, 680–681, 717–720, 722
- U.S. military mission, 784–785
- U.S. support for, 270, 274
- African states (see also Afro-Asian countries; Casablanca powers; specific countries), 4, 7–8,10,15, 26–28, 42, 69, 434
- Afro-Asian countries (see also African states; specific countries), 9,44, 63, 235, 321
- Alexander, Maj. Gen. HT., 117
- Algeria, 1–2
- Alphand, Herve, 53–55, 70–72,158–159, 260, 619
- Amachree, Godfrey K.J., 486, 522
- Anany, 710–711
- Anderson, Adm. George W., 734n, 735–736
- Andrews, George R., 427n, 519n, 577n, 770n, 828
- Angola, 295, 376, 851, 856, 871
- Astor, Bill, 356
- Balewa, Sir Abubakar, 76, 497n, 662
- Ball, George W., 242n,
244n, 248–250, 261n, 342n, 356n, 399n, 449n, 488n, 525n, 535n, 556n, 561n, 570n, 577n, 797n, 803n, 806n
- Adoula government, 366–367, 374, 717,881–883
- Congo National Army reorganization, 406–407
- Congo National Army training, 875
- Katanga issue, 234–237, 304–307, 309, 380
- Katanga reintegration, 249–250, 261–262, 265,
340–341,436–437, 501
- Adoula government use of force, 716–717
- Dodd letter, 558–559
- economic measures, 342–344, 350–351, 367–368, 372–373, 414–416, 597–598, 723–727, 724–725
- Kitona Accord implementation, 393–394, 413–414
- McGhee visit, 578–579
- new U.S. policy (Dec. 1962), 734–737, 760, 762–764, 774
- package proposal development, 488–492, 512–514, 519–522, 527–532, 552–553
- package proposal implementation, 594–598,647–651, 653, 720–727
- secession collapse, 802n, 804, 808–809, 814–816
- Tshombe-Adoula meeting (Kitona), 312–313, 315–317, 320–322, 327n, 336–338
- U.S.-Belgian discussions, 476–477
- U.S.-Belgian-British consultations, 435–436, 444–447
- U.S.-British discussions, 430, 760, 762–764, 774
- U.S.-Indian discussions, 438–439
- Stanleyville government, 260
- UN General Assembly meeting, 871
- UN Security Council discussions, 370–371
- U.S. policy, 551–552
- Bamba, Emanual, 876n
- Barnard, Robert J., 438n
- Battle, Lucius D., 95n, 98n, 184n, 279, 374n, 391n
- Beaudry, Robert M., 365n, 393n, 471n, 647, 782n, 799n, 808n, 814n, 816n, 828, 829n, 857n
- Belgian involvement (see also Belgian
position under other subjects), 31–32, 52,80
- Adoula government establishment and, 150,153, 155–157,164–165
- Afro-Asian positions, 64
- Indian position, 49n, 114,117–118
- Katanga government (see also personnel withdrawal below), 5–6, 34,155–157, 263–264, 617–618
- Leopoldville government, 7,19–20, 22–23, 26, 32, 63
- personnel withdrawal (see also UN military presence under Katanga reintegration), 36, 134,136–138, 141–142,144–147, 155
- resentment of, 6–7, 26–27, 42
- UN hiring, 151
- UN position, 64,151
- UN protection requests, 31–32
- UN role expansion and, 45
- U.S.-Belgian discussions, 132–135, 137–138, 141–142
- Belgium. See Belgian involvement; Belgian, U.S.-Belgian, and U.S-Belgian-British subheadings under other subjects
- Bell, David E., 139n
- Bérard, Armand, 109, 486
- Bergesen, Alf E., 348n
- Bemau, Phyllis D., 199n, 217n, 549, 802n, 807n, 820n
- Bisukiro, 702
- Blue, William L., 25,146n, 148n, 155n, 158n, 172n, 201n, 218n, 240n, 260n
- Bocheley-Davidson, E., 214, 217–218, 220, 224
- Boggs, Marion W., 1–2,14
- Bohlen, Charles E., 68n, 619
- Boland, Frederick H., 61
- Bolikango, Jean, 152, 184,189, 407, 678
- Bolton, Lt. Col. Don P., 845
- Bomboko, Justin, 12, 55–57, 60, 88, 255, 280
- Bowles, Chester B., 111–112,116, 129n, 142–143, 148n, 260
- Brook, Sir Norman, 430
- Brown, L. Dean, 53n, 186n
- Brubeck, William H., 111n, 462–464, 515n, 527n, 539–542, 560n, 600n, 656n, 788–790, 880n, 881n
- Bruce, David K.E., 116, 258n, 430, 452–457, 507–508, 661–662, 760, 774
- Buffun, William B., 15n, 25, 98n, 106n, 111n, 172n, 176n, 238n, 240n, 255n, 267n, 268n, 304n, 361n, 370n, 406n, 413n, 418n, 444n, 459n, 512n, 552n, 570n, 644n, 720n, 729n, 828
- Bunche, Ralph, 85, 91,114, 227, 300n,
359–360, 872–874
- Adoula government establishment, 162–163, 177
- Katanga issue, 216–217, 221–222, 228–229, 281, 314–315, 318n
- Katanga reintegration, 522, 549, 579,
778n, 795–796
- economic measures, 350n, 416–417, 667–669
- Kitona Accord implementation, 345, 388–390, 423–427
- package proposal development, 493–495, 500, 554–556
- package proposal implementation, 586–587, 653–654, 657, 667–669, 693, 696–698
- secession collapse, 808, 810, 822–825
- Tshombe-Adoula meeting (Kitona), 304–305, 311–314, 318n, 333–334, 336–337
- Bundy, McGeorge, 46, 89,184n, 312n, 324n, 327n, 37An, 413n, 435n, 560n, 600n, 686n, 751
- Burden, William A.M., 22–23, 63n
- Burdett, William C, Jr., 116n, 255n, 257n, 261n, 284n, 304n, 309n, 310n, 312n, 372n, 399n, 421n, 427n, 430n, 435n, 444n, 459n, 488n, 498n, 503n, 512n, 535n, 570n, 578n, 644n, 647–648, 686n, 699n, 711n, 714n, 720n, 724n, 752n
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 24
- Caccia, Sir Harold, 49–51, 65,116, 158–159
- Cameron, Turner, 438n
- Campbell (UK), 202
- Campbell, Alan L., Jr., 438n
- Canada, 877
- Canup, William, 67–68, 299n
- Cardoso, Mario, 121, 374, 391–392, 858, 876n
- Cargo, William I., 15n, 25, 28–29, 53n
- Carlucci, Frank C, III, 102–103,171, 358n, 360n, 435n, 438n, 472n, 534n, 570n, 828, 852n
- Casablanca Conference, 1–2,10,15
- Casablanca powers, 10, 69, 685
- Cashin, Richard M., 881
- Catlett, Don V., 135
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 17–18,46,89, 93–94, 885
- Ceylon, 1, 27n, 63n, 72, 74–75, 280
- Chadboun, Philip H., 63n, 79n
- Charpentier, Amb., 57
- Chatterjee, Amb., 438–439
- Chatti, 410
- Chayes, Abran, 656n
- Chibundu, Victor, 495
- China, People’s Republic of, 146
- Cleveland, Harlan, 25, 28, 86n, 110n, 111, 115n, 129n, 135n,
162, 169n, 178n, 216n, 220n, 221n, 223n, 227n, 232n, 260n, 284n, 306n, 320n, 322n, 327n, 336n, 350n, 359n, 370n, 459n, 471n, 472n, 488n, 512n, 519n, 525n, 533n, 552n, 597n, 599n, 714n, 720n, 723n, 729n, 752n, 753n, 755n, 770n, 782n, 788n, 793n, 797n, 809n, 814n, 815n, 829n, 833n, 837n
- Adoula government establishment, 38,162–163
- Adoula visit to U.S., 374
- Belgian involvement, 147n
- Congo National Army training, 846
- Congo visits, 432–435,801–802,805, 808, 837–839, 845–846
- Katanga issue, 113, 221, 278, 364
- Katanga reintegration, 265, 390–391, 425–427, 519, 522–524, 790–791
- UN expanded role, proposals for, 38
- UN forces financing, 873
- UN General Assembly meeting, 871
- Cleveland, Stanley M., 367n, 391n, 393n
- Clifford, Clark M., 19n
- Clifton, Maj. Gen. Chester V., 525n, 769n
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 113
- Conciliation Commission, 44, 59, 91
- Confederation proposals (see also Adoula government: establishment; Katanga reintegration), 9–10, 71, 210
- Congo Advisory Committee (CAC), 82–83, 526–527
- Congo crisis:
- Congo National Army (CNA) (see also
Adoula government; Leopoldville
government; specific topics), 4–5,12
- air force issue, 411–413
- neutralization proposals and, 35–36, 50–51, 87–88
- political situation and, 3, 5, 710–711
- reorganization (see also training Mow), 379–380, 383–384, 406–407, 544
- Stanleyville government and, 12, 60
- training, 603, 862–864
- Belgian position, 853–854, 875–876
- British position, 364
- Katanga issue and, 273, 639–640, 642
- Leopoldville government position, 99,107, 378, 434, 603, 858–862
- UN mandate strengthening and, 40, 43, 48, 50, 54
- UN position, 150–151,193, 846
- U.S. position, 531–532, 838, 840, 849, 853–854
- UN military intervention in Katanga, 305, 314–315
- Congress, U.S., Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 18
- Connet, William B., 828
- Coote, Wendell B., 42n, 495n
- Coquilhatville conference, 126–127,130, 132,141
- Costa Rica, 288–289
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 186–187, 218n, 302–303, 619–620
- Crowe (UK), 486
- Cuba, 643n
- Cumming, Hugh S., 24
- Cutler, Walter L., 223n, 338n, 556n
- d’Aspremont (Belgium), 22n
- Davignon, Etienne, 479n, 531, 682, 686, 693, 696, 698
- Davis, Richard H., 340n, 344n, 584n, 671n, 67 4n, 734n, 793n, 799n
- Dayal, Rajeshwar, 14–15, 32, 66, 87
- de Bassompierre, Jean, 476, 519, 521
- de Commines (France), 529
- de Gaulle, Charles, 516
- de Staercke, Amb., 857
- Dean, Jonathan, 603–614, 663–664, 691–693, 704–705, 813n, 835–837
- Dean, Sir Patrick, 202, 204, 306–307, 390, 486–487
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 38–39, 300, 361–362,531–532, 600
- Delvaux, Albert, 189
- Dickinson, Dwight, 500
- Dixon, Sir Pierson, 186
- Dodd, Thomas J., 283–284, 558–560,579, 595
- Dove-Edwin, George, 495
- Dulles, Allen, 1,14, 46, 59–60, 89
- Dumont, Donald, 77n, 121n, 135n
- Dumontet, Georges, 107n, 112–113
- Dundee, Lord, 452, 454
- Dungan, Ralph A., 95n, 97n 98n, 312n, 488n, 525n, 527n, 551, 686, 716, 769
- Dunnett (UK), 292
- Dunnigan, Thomas J., 184n
- d’Ursel, Jean, 686
- Dutton, Frederick G., 358n
- Easun, Donald B., 31n, 86n
- Edmondson, William B., 25
- Egge, Col. Bjorn, 193n, 196–197
- Egge plan, 193
- Eisenberg, Robert, 148n, 181,192, 201n, 232n, 238n, 255n, 257n, 265n, 267n, 270n, 299n, 327n, 346n, 366n, 370n, 372n, 391n, 406n, 444n, 459n, 640n, 815n, 828
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1,14
- Eleo, Ambroise, 189, 374, 392
- Elisabethville government. See Katanga issue; Katanga reintegration.
- Ethiopia, 8, 20, 84, 281, 332, 841
- Evans, Harold, 430
- Ewell, Col. Julian J., 435n
- Falaize, Pierre-Louis, 186
- Ferguson, C. Vaughan, 25, 29, 47n, 53n, 66n, 67n, 77n, 98n, 106n, 121n, 201n, 240n, 242n, 366n
- Ford, Alan W., 365n, 372n, 413n, 418n, 444n, 498n, 503n, 647, 839n, 881n
- France (see also France, French, and tripartite subheadings under other subjects), 53–55, 70,187,194
- Fredericks, J. Wayne, 155n, 169n, 172n, 176n, 178n, 214n, 221n, 227n, 248n, 255n, 338n, 344n, 346n, 363n, 365n, 372n, 399n, 421n, 435n, 444n, 471n, 498n, 501n, 503n, 525n, 535n, 539n, 552n, 639n, 699n, 803n
- Gall, Col. William O., 858, 860
- Gardiner, Robert, 129,145, 394–397
- Gardiner-Nwokedi agreement, 126,128
- Gavin, Jamesn, 186,287–288
- Gbenye, Christopher, 102,167–168, 184–185,189–190, 249, 308, 679
- Ghana (see also African states; Casablanca powers), 1,4, 7–8, 63n, 95–98, 841–842
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., 734n, 736, 780n, 792
- Gizenga, Antoine (see also Gizenga role under Adoula government; Stanleyville government), 1, 56, 60, 102–103, 286–287
- Glenn, Edmund S., 275n, 374n, 379n, 476n, 686n, 857
- Godley, G. McMurtrie, II, 139, 152n, 160–161,164, 558n, 577n, 641n, 644n, 720n, 724n, 725n, 779n
- Good, Robert C, 828
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 19n
- Gore, Albert, 253
- Greene, Col M.J.L., 267n, 361n, 532n, 641n, 734n, 752n
- Greenhill, Denis, 158, 519, 522, 799–800, 808
- Gromyko, Andrei, 123
- Grove, Brandon H., 828
- Guinea (see also African states; Casablanca powers), 1, 8, 63n
- Gullion, Edmund A., 192–194, 300n,
525n, 866
- Adoula government:
- Katanga issue, UN military intervention, 205–207, 214–216, 224–226, 229–231, 233n, 307–308, 314–315, 389
- Katanga reintegration, 756
- Adoula government position, 210–212, 251–252,440–442
- Cleveland visit, 432–435
- Dodd ietter, J 560, 566
- economic measures, 469–470
- Kitona Accord implementation, 347n, 388, 397, 407–409, 419–421, 432–434
- McGhee visit, 584–586, 600–601, 614–619, 621–623, 628–634
- package proposal development, 519, 522, 567–570
- package proposal implementation, 568–570, 574–577, 589–593, 602–603, 625–628, 706–708, 764–765
- secession collapse, 798–799, 811–813, 818–820, 822–825, 845–847, 849–851
- Tshombe-Adoula meeting (Kitona), 313–314, 318–321, 322n, 323–327, 329–331, 335–336
- Tshombe-Adoula meeting resumption, 394–396, 400n, 401n, 407–409, 410–413, 419–421, 422n, 432–434, 505–507
- Tshombe-Ball meeting proposal, 538–539, 549, 567
- UN military intervention and, 562–566
- UN military presence, 394–395
- UN position, 522, 822–825
- Hamilton, Fowler, 641
- Hammarskjold, Dag, 27, 31,42,129, 150–151,192–193
- Adoula government establishment, 36, 53, 57–58, 62,145–146,150
- Belgian personnel withdrawal, 6–7, 144–145, 202–204
- Dayal replacement, 110, 115n, 121–122,126–128, 139–140
- death of, 226–227
- Katanga issue, 202–204, 214–216, 228–229
- Lumumba imprisonment/assassination, 60–63
- Matadi “conflict, 108–109,125–126
- neutralization proposals, 51
- new U.S. policy (2961), 35–37, 57–59
- Soviet criticisms of, 9, 64, 96,100
- UN mandate strengthening, 43, 51, 82–85,104–106
- UN withdrawal proposals, 13, 30
- U.S. criticisms of, 14, 16n
- Hanainy, Helen, 538, 549
- Hare, Raymond A., 15n, 25, 28, 63n
- Harriman, W. Avereil, 24–25, 186, 261–265,871, 881n
- Harrop, William C, 471n, 828, 852n
- Hart, Philip, 253n
- Hartman, Arthur A., 724n
- Hefner, Frank K., 244n
- Herter, Christian A., 1, 14–16
- Herz, Martin, 25, 27, 508
- Hilliker, Grant G., 862–864, 880–881
- Hilsman, Roger, 727–728, 734n
- Hoffacker, Lewis, 253–255, 558n
- Hoffman, Paul G., Ill Home, Lord, 49n, 50,116–118
- Hood, Lord, 116,158, 427–429, 774
- Huffman, Robert C, 244n
- Hughes, Thomas L., 647
- Hutchinson, Edmond C, 444n, 471n, 479n, 641, 845, 876n
- Igwe, D.C, 495
- Ileo, Joseph, 33–34, 36, 40, 43, 66,127, 130,166–167,184,189, 855
- India, 20, 47, 59
- Indonesia, 30, 42, 63n
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 385, 392
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 244n
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 385, 392, 471, 476, 683, 857
- Ireland, 36, 61
- Israel, 877
- Ivory Coast, 84
- Iyasu (Ethiopia), 85
- Jha, L.K., 83
- Johnson, G. Griffith, 876n, 881n
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 476
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 155n, 169n, 178n, 218n, 324n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 39, 291n, 324n, 325n, 718–720, 780–782
- Jones, G. Lewis, 47n
- Junkemann, Col, 828
- Kalanda-Mabita, Auguste, 855, 876n ‘Kalonji, Albert, 17, 36, 94, 162, 190, 576
- Kambola, Henri, 176
- Kamitatu, Cleophas, 36, 96,131–132, 171, 410–412, 424, 501, 503, 678, 854–855
- Kanza, Thomas, 145n, 701
- Kasanda, Justin, 391
- Kasavubu, Joseph, 8, 32–33, 51,
55–57, 128
- Adoula government establishment, 38, 40, 43–44, 58, 117, 141, 166–169
- Congo National Army training, 99, 107
- Katanga reintegration, 318–319, 626
- Matadi conflict, 119–120
- political situation, 3, 16, 680, 682n, 711
- Round Table Conferences, 19, 33–34, 121, 126–127, 141
- Stanleyville government, 121
- UN role expansion, 44, 54
- Kashamura, Amicet, 36, 56, 60
- Kasongo, Julien, 140, 168,174, 308, 374
- Katanga issue (see also
Katanga reintegration):
- Belgian involvement (see also UN military intervention (2962) below), 5–6, 27, 79, 84,145, 148–149,150,153, 155–157, 263–264, 617–618
- Belgian position, 208–209, 242–243, 248, 258–259, 282
- British position, 207, 240–241, 282
- Canup recall, 67–68
- Dodd visit, 283–284
- economic importance of, 5–6, 32, 53, 234
- French policy, 67, 73
- Gizenga speech and, 286–287
- Independence Day celebrations, 487–488, 506n
- Kongolo conflict, 396, 408, 575, 655
- Leopoldville government position, 34, 207n
- Lumumba imprisonment/assassination and, 17–18, 20–21, 94
- Munongo insurrection, 203, 205, 207
- post-reintegration, 835–837, 843–844, 846–847, 850–851,855,866
- Rhodesian Federation and, 236, 240–241, 258, 285–286, 295, 303, 349
- Round Table Conference and, 34
- Seven Seas munitions transport, 112–113
- SNIE 65–61, 5–6
- SNIE 65–2–41, 294–299
- Stanleyville neutral zone invasion, 12–13,16, 19
- Tshombe visit to U.S., 380–381
- UN forces (see also UN subheadings below and under Katanga reintegration), 12–13, 16, 36, 84, 127–128, 193n
- UN military
intervention (2962), 196n, 198–201, 321
- Adoula government position, 255, 307–308, 318, 322n
- Belgian mercenary involvement, 212–213, 221–222, 259, 364
- Belgian position, 218–219, 246–247, 275, 354, 355n
- British position, 321, 338–339, 364
- cease-fire negotiations, 214, 223–225, 228, 232–233, 254–255, 303, 304–309, 318, 322n, 329
- command arrangements, 314
- Congo National Army participation, 305, 314–315
- Indian troops, 305, 314
- Katangan position, 182,197, 238n, 243, 253–254, 292–293, 329
- Kitona Conference and, 332–333
- mercenaries, 332–333
- SNIE 65–2–61, 297
- tripartite discussions, 218n, 302–303
- UN position, 202–204, 214–217, 221–222, 224–226, 228–229, 300, 314–315
- UN Security Council discussions, 268, 270, 272
- U.S. assistance, 221–222, 227–228, 231–232, 237, 267–268, 290–293, 361–362, 389
- U.S. information, 324–325
- U.S. position, 201–202, 220–222, 299–302, 311
- UN Security Council discussions, 268–275, 278–282
- U.S.-British discussions, 338–339
- U.S. policy, 76–77, 205–206, 234–237, 268–274, 344–346
- Katanga reintegration (see also
Katangan participation
Adoula government: establishment):
- Adoula government position, 210–212, 234, 249–252, 375–376, 440–442, 501–503, 505, 517–518
- Adoula government use of force, 574–577, 595, 602–603, 716–717
- Belgian personnel withdrawal and, 150,153,155–157
- Belgian position, 164–165,185,188, 236, 276–277
- Bocheley-Davidson appointment, 214, 217–218, 220, 224
- British position, 217, 236, 258n, 265–266, 289–290, 481–483
- Cleveland visit, 432–435
- constitution, 333
- Adoula government position, 502, 527–528, 627–628, 765
- Belgian position, 581
- British position, 467–468, 482, 583, 662
- Katangan position, 606–609, 611
- package proposal development, 490, 492, 546–547
- Tshombe Vice-Presidency offer and, 484
- UN position, 512–513, 515–516, 655–658
- U.S.-Belgian discussions, 477–478
- U.S.-Belgian-British consultations, 445– 446, 448, 456–457, 462–463
- U.S. position, 472–473, 498, 514–515, 594
- Dodd letter, 558–560, 566–567
- economic measures (see also
package proposal implementation
below), 372–373, 376–377, 482–483
- Adoula government position, 376–377, 469–470
- Belgian position, 293–294, 355n, 356–357, 367–368, 397–399, 403–405, 428, 463, 465–467, 487, 510–511
- British position, 482–483, 540
- Katangan position, 692–693
- package proposal development, 479–480, 490–491, 525–526, 529–530, 545
- Tshombe-Adoula meeting and, 414–419, 422–423, 425–427
- UN position, 416–417, 484–485, 487, 494
- U.S.-Belgian discussions, 351–353, 356–357, 478
- U.S.-Belgian-British consultations, 446– 447, 453, 458
- U.S. position, 272–273, 279, 284–286, 296–297, 301, 342–344, 350–352, 354–355, 365–366, 383, 397, 475, 488, 498–499, 513
- formal declaration, 463–464
- French position, 516, 619–620
- Harriman-Tshombe discussions, 261–265
- Hilsman paper, 727–728
- Katangan position, 181–182,194–196, 287–288, 391–392
- Kennedy letter, 647–648
- Kitona Accord, 334–338
- Kitona Accord implementation (see also economic measures above; Tshombe-Adoula meeting resumption below), 340–341, 344–346, 351n, 377–378, 383, 386–388, 411
- McGhee visit, 578–579, 594, 646–647, 661
- mediation proposals (see also Wachuku mediation proposals below), 276–277, 286–287, 290, 427–429, 434–435, 439, 441–442, 445–447, 513–514, 662
- military pact, 151–152
- mixed commission, 397
- new U.S. policy (Dec. 1962) (see also U.S. military aid under UN military intervention, possible (1962) below), 720–722, 729–746, 760–764, 774, 780, 787–788
- Nigerian position, 495–496
- package proposal development (see also package proposal implementation below), 479–481, 483n, 527–532, 541–549
- package proposal implementation (see also
McGhee visit
above), 574
- Adoula government position, 602–603, 625–628, 644–645, 681, 706–708, 764–765
- Adoula government troop movements and, 574–577
- Belgian position, 581–582, 682–685
- British position, 583–584, 598
- economic measures, 583–584, 586, 591–593, 597–598, 599, 654, 661, 664–673, 674–678, 681, 711–716, 723–727, 730, 740, 764–765
- Elisabethville commissions, 585n, 587, 589–590
- Katangan position, 567,691–693, 704–705
- New York meeting, 693–699, 6, 706–709
- UN position, 586–587, 657–659, 682–684, 696–699
- U.S.-Belgian discussions, 664–667, 686–690,696
- U.S. position, 561, 568–573, 577–578, 594–597, 599–600, 623–625, 647–651, 653–656, 699–701
- Proposal for National Reconciliation, 520n, 523–524, 529–530, 540–541, 543, 545—548
- protocols of agreement (June 22–24, 1961), 150–152
- secession collapse, 832
- Belgian position, 814–815
- British position, 799–800, 808–809
- Bunche visit, 808, 810
- Cleveland report, 837–839
- Cleveland visit, 801–802, 805, 808, 837–839
- Tshombe return, 797–801, 803–804, 808–809, 814–815, 818–820, 825n 897
- UN forces and, 811–813, 815–816
- UN position, 822–825
- UN role, 816–818, 820–822, 826–827
- U.S. policy, 804–806, 809–811, 828–831, 845–847
- SNIE 65–62, 450–451
- Struelens interference, 399–402, 502–503, 642–643, 656
- summit conference proposal and, 165–166,180–181
- tripartite discussions, 186–187
- Tshombe Vice-Presidency offer, 484, 487
- Tshombe-Adoula meeting (Kitona), 264, 265–266, 286, 288–290, 295–296, 304–305, 312–313, 313–321, 322–328, 329–330, 338n
- Tshombe-Adoula meeting resumption, 388, 394–396, 402–404, 405, 407–413, 416–417, 419–421, 423–426, 432–434, 436–437, 505–507
- Tshombe-Ball meeting proposal, 534–539, 549–551, 567
- UN-Katangan military conflict (Dec. 1962–Jan. 1963), 788–790, 790–796, 806–807, 811–813
- UN military intervention, possible
(1962) (see also
military conflict (Dec. 1962–Jan.
1963) above), 516
- British position, 468, 516
- Soviet position, 437
- U.S.-Belgian-British consultations, 452
- U.S. military aid, 722, 732–736, 742, 744–746, 748–754, 757–760, 765–768, 768–769, 774–776, 777–778, 780–782, 792–793
- UN military intervention, possible (2962)--Continued U.S. military mission, 752, 754–755, 757–758, 760, 765–768, 772, 775, 782–788
- U.S. position, 201–202, 556–557, 562–566, 659–660
- UN military presence and, 337, 383, 387, 388–389, 390–391, 393, 431, 448, 454, 458–459, 484, 491, 499, 654, 655, 663–664, 741
- UN position, 217, 483–485, 522–524
- UN Security Council discussions, 271–272
- U.S. approaches to Adoula government, 503–504
- U.S.-Belgian discussions, 476–478, 508–511
- U.S.-Belgian-British consultations, 427–429, 431, 435–436, 443–447, 449–450, 452–455, 462–465
- U.S.-British discussions, 430–432
- U.S. contingency plans, 648–656
- U.S.-Indian discussions, 438–439
- U.S. policy, 255–258, 271–272, 382–383
- U.S. position, 136, 238–239, 261–262, 756
- Wachuku mediation proposals, 508–510, 516, 599
- Kaysen, Carl, 747, 753n, 797n, 815n, 816n, 845n, 849n
- Kazadi, Fernand, 94
- Keating, Kenneth, 656
- Kellerman, Henry J., 363n, 370n
- Kennedy, John F., 24, 40, 46, 71n, 92–93, 138,144
- Adoula government, 278, 876–879
- Adoula visit to U.S., 374–380
- Congo National Army training, 858–862, 875–876
- Katanga issue, 234, 268,275–278, 284n, 380–381
- Katanga reintegration, 218n, 261n, 338n, 467,472–475, 534, 558n, 619–620, 651–652, 774–776
- Adoula government position, 517, 518n
- McGhee visit, 635, 646–647
- new U.S. policy (Dec. 1962), 729, 734–737, 743, 747–748, 751–752, 760–764
- package proposal development, 525–527
- package proposal implementation, 599–600,641–643, 653–656, 686–690
- secession collapse, 801–802, 807n, 831,837,845–847, 849
- Tshombe-Adoula meeting (Kitona), 310–311, 322n, 328n
- UN military intervention, 747, 774–776
- U.S.-Belgian discussions, 476–478, 686–690
- U.S.-Belgian-British consultations, 449–450
- U.S.-British discussions, 430–432, 760–764
- Nkrumah visit to U.S., 95–98
- UN forces, 89, 497n, 847
- UN General Assembly meeting, 870–871
- Kenney, George R., 367n, 372n, 391n
- Khiary, Mahmoud, 166,182, 200, 244n, 394–395
- Khrushchev, Nikita, 99–100
- Kibwe, Jean-Baptiste, 165–166, 243, 292
- Kimba, Evariste, 152,196–197, 255, 292, 386, 493–494, 691, 788–789
- Kimbimbi, Emmanuel, 374, 391, 410
- Kimvay, Felicien, 391
- Kirk, Alan G., 165, 351n, 356
- Kitona Accord. See under Katanga reintegration.
- Kiwewa, Antoine, 189
- Klutznick, Philip M., 125
- Knepper, William E., 828
- Kohler, Foy D., 63n, 79n, 116, 476
- Korn, David, 142n
- Koumorico, Victor, 189
- Lansdowne, Lord, 224
- Lardner, ‘Lynford, 361n
- Lavallee, Jerome, 77n, 160n
- Lebel, Claude, 70, 78n, 158
- Ledward, R.T.D., 116
- Lefevre, Rene, 236
- Legere, Col. Lawrence J., 716, 768n, 787n
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis E., 718–720
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 24,46, 89, 324n, 325n
- Leopoldville government (see also
Adoula government):
- African states support for, 8, 20
- Belgian involvement, 7,19–20, 22–23, 26, 32, 63
- Ileo role, 166–167
- Kasavubu-Mobutu conflicts within, 3,12
- Katanga reintegration, 151–152
- Lumumba participation, 4,12–13, 27, 32
- new U.S. policy (1961) and, 55–57
- political prisoners executions (see also Lumumba participation above), 66, 71, 76, 78–79
- public relations, 89–90
- Stanleyville government economic aid, 103–104,107
- Stanleyville government, military conflicts with, 1, 12, 56–57, 60, 68n, 69, 86,128
- UN economic aid, 138–139,149,151
- UN forces and, 66
- UN recognition, 72
- U.S. military aid, 33–34, 70
- weakness of, 9, 22, 42, 76
- Liberia, 8, 20, 72, 74–75, 280
- Libya, 1, 63n
- Linner, Sture C, 129,199–200
- Loridan, Walter, 483, 486, 493–495, 682, 693, 696, 698
- Loutfi, Omar, 281
- Lucet, Charles, 186
- Lumumba, Patrice (see also
Stanleyville government):
- African states support for, 4, 7–8,15, 20, 58–59
- imprisonment/assassination, 16–18, 20–21, 66, 93–94
- influence of, 3–4,15
- Leopoldville government participation, 4,12–13, 32, 41n release proposals, 36–37, 41n, 44,48, 49n, 52, 61–62
- Round Table Conference and, 29
- Soviet support for, 58–59
- takeover possibility, 10,13–14
- Lundula, Victor, 102,107,131,150, 249, 260, 273
- Lutula, Joseph, 189
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 164–165, 476n, 479n, 853
- MacEoin. See McKeown.
- Macmillan, Harold, 218n, 310–311, 338n, 430–432,467–468, 472, 760–764, 774–776
- Madagascar, 84
- Maffitt, Edward P., 114n
- Mahamba, Alexandre, 62
- Maiga (Mali), 83
- Malaya, 20
- Mali (see also African states; Casablanca powers), 1, 7, 63n, 83
- Manning, Robert J., 755n
- Manzikala, 102,131
- Martin, Edwin M., 113, 244n
- Mau, Frank A., 63n, 65n
- McBride, Robert H., 31n, 52n, 63n, 70n, 86n
- McCloskey, Robert J., 755n
- McCone, John A., 747
- McGhee, George C. (see also
Katanga reintegration: McGhee visit, 306n, 327n, 344n, 346n, 354n, 358n, 365n, 366n, 372n, 399n, 413n, 418n, 421n, 427n, 444n, 459n, 471n, 472n, 479n, 488n, 498n, 501n, 503n, 525n, 533n, 570n, 577n, 578n, 639n, 640n, 711n, 714n, 720n, 723n, 724n, 725n, 752n, 770n, 793n, 797n, 803n, 806n, 815n, 816n, 820n, 829n
- Katanga reintegration, 427–429, 476–478, 501,
- economic measures, 350–353, 356–357
- new U.S. policy (Dec. 1962), 734n , 747, 757n, 787
- package proposal development, 519–522, 533
- package proposal implementation, 641–643, 647–648, 650–651, 653–655, 657–659, 664–667, 671–675, 686, 690, 693–695
- secession collapse, 828,845
- UN military intervention, 659–660, 787
- Katanga reintegration, 427–429, 476–478, 501,
- McHugh, Brig. Gen. Godfrey T., 801n, 802n
- McIlvaine, Robinson, 55–57
- McKeown, Maj. Gen. Sean, 88,129
- McKesson, John A., III, 862–864
- McKillop, David, 265
- McNamara, Robert S., 19n, 89,92–93, 718, 760, 780
- McSweeney, John M., 51n Meloy, Francis E., Jr., 875n
- Merrill, Philip, 828
- Mexico, 30
- Meyer, Andre, 356
- Millar, Frederick Hoyer, 116
- Miller, Robert H., 79n, 146n, 176n, 242n, 284n, 306n, 340n, 344n, 351n, 354n, 356n
- Millet (France), 486–487
- Mladek, J.V., 471,476
- Mobutu, Col. Joseph (see also Congo National Army; Leopoldville government), 3–4, 26, 57,190, 678, 858–862
- Morocco (see also African states; Casablanca powers), 1, 7,15, 20, 63n
- Mouvement National Congolais (MNC), 62
- Mozambique, 871
- Mpolo, Maurice, 16, 60n, 94
- Muana, Tshiala, 632
- Muhona, Paul, 386
- Muller, Charles, 153n
- Munongo, Godefroid, 17, 20–21, 60n, 136,164,166,182,193,196–197, 386
- Murron, Edward R., 90
- Narasimhan, C.V., 126, 300n, 321, 388–389, 486–488, 522
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 25,146, 308
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Navez, Andre J., 148n
- Ndele, Albert, 12, 391–392, 678
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 49n, 114–117, 438–439
- Nendaka, 308n, 678
- Neuberger, Maurine B., 253n
- Neutralization proposals, 40, 44, 48–51, 87–89
- Ngalula, Joseph, 585, 613
- Niembo, A., 255
- Nigeria, 8, 58, 61, 76, 84,187, 277, 869, 877
- Nitze, Paul H., 38–39, 774, 845
- Nkrumah, Kwame, 8,10, 20, 41,95–98, 187
- Noel, Cleo A., Jr., 438n
- Nokin, Max, 403
- Noronha, Gen., 845
- Norway, 877
- Nwokedi, Francis, 126n
- Nyerere, Julius, 161
- O’Brien, Conor Cruise, 165–166, 180–181,196–198, 224, 248, 254–255
- Ofori-Atta, A. E. A., 95
- Okita, Joseph, 16, 60n, 94
- Operating Plan for the Congo. See new U.S. policy (Dec. 1962) under Katanga reintegration.
- Organization of African Unity (OAU), 871
- Orientale government. See Gizenga, Antoine; Stanleyville government.
- Ormsby Gore, David, 265–266, 288–290, 348–349, 364, 430–432, 481–483, 760, 762
- O’Sullivan, James L., 851–852
- Pachachi, Adnan N., 85
- Package proposal, U.S. See under Katanga reintegration.
- Pakistan, 85
- Pelcovits, Nathan, 267n, 406n, 488n, 570n
- Pelen, Pierre, 158
- Pelt, Adrian S., 129
- Penfield, James K., 25, 28–29, 49n, 66n, 67n, 68n, 77n, 79n, 92, 95n, 98n, 106n, 121n
- Plimpton, Francis T.P., 139–140,192–194, 286–287, 868–870
- Portugal, 851, 856, 871
- Prem Chand, Maj. Gen. Dewan, 845
- Proposal for National Reconciliation (see also Katanga reintegration), 520n, 523–524, 529–530, 540–541, 543, 545–548
- PSA, 58
- Pweto, Jean-Marie, 176
- Qassin, Gen. Abdul Karin, 85
- Rahman (India), 305
- Raja, Gen., 305
- Ramsbotham, Peter, 116
- Raymond (journalist), 70, 73
- Read, Benjamin H., 880–881
- Rewinkel, Milton C., 142n
- Rhodesian Federation, 236,240–241, 258, 285–286, 295, 303, 349
- Riches, Sir Derek, 224
- Rikhye, Brig. Gen. Indar Jit, 13,109, 193n, 332, 486, 792, 826–827
- Rives, Lloyd M., 828
- Robb, M.A.M., 430
- Robiliart, Herman, 164, 282, 351n, 397–399, 403
- Rolz-Bennett, Jose 386n, 388, 390, 486
- Romaneski, Maj., 858
- Roosa, Robert V., 876n
- Roston, Walt W., 46, 185n, 238n
- Rothschild, Robert, 275, 452, 454, 464–465, 476, 479n, 508, 682, 686, 693, 696, 857, 875
- Round Table Conferences:
- Rowan, Carl T., 351
- Rowell, Edward J., 263–265
- Ruanda-Urundi, 19
- Ruchti, James R., 25n
- Rusk, Dean, 23n, 46, 88n, 115n, 552
- Adoula government, 184–185, 358, 374, 471–472, 644–646
- Adoula government establishment, 38, 40, 48–49,148,160,162–163, 169–170
- Belgian involvement, 31–32, 63, 79–81, 146–147,146–149,155–157
- Congo National Army training, 639–640
- Hammarskjold death, 226–227
- Katanga issue, 268–274
- Katanga reintegration:
- Adoula government position, 501–503
- British position, 265–266, 348–349, 363–364, 481, 483n, 808–809
- constitution, 498, 514–515, 577–578
- economic measures, 284–286, 351–353, 354–356, 365–366, 418–419, 422–423, 498–499, 584n, 669–671,671–673, 674–675, 711–715
- French position, 619
- Katangan position, 391–392
- Kitona Accord implementation, 344–349, 363–364, 393–394, 399–401,418–419, 421–423
- McGhee visit, 640–641, 646
- new U.S. policy (Dec. 1962), 747, 751–754
- Nigerian position, 495–496
- package proposal development, 479–481, 561
- package proposal implementation, 570–573, 577–578, 581–582, 623–625, 647, 649–650, 653–656, 669–675,699–701,711–715
- secession collapse, 797–800, 803–804, 808–811, 816–818, 820–822, 828–831, 837–839
- Tshombe-Adoula meeting (Kitona), 288–290, 310, 327–328
- Tshombe-Ball meeting proposal, 535–537, 549
- UN-Katangan military conflict (Dec. 1962–Jan. 1963), 790–795, 806–807
- UN military intervention, possible (1962), 556–557, 770–773, 777–778, 782–784
- UN military presence and, 390, 391n
- U.S. approaches to Adoula government, 503–504
- U.S.-Belgian discussions, 351–353, 476
- U.S.-Belgian-British consultations, 427–429, 443–444, 449–450, 459–462
- U.S. policy, 255–258
- Lumumba imprisonment/assassination, 66
- Nehru discussion, 114–115
- new U.S. policy (1961), 40–41, 47–55
- Nkrumah visit to U.S., 95, 97
- Stanleyville government, 65, 359–360
- Tananarive Conference, 106–108
- UN forces:
- UN General Assembly meeting, 871
- UN mandate strengthening, 40, 48, 70–72, 77–79, 86–87
- U.S.-British discussions, 116–118
- U.S. Naval Task Force (Solant Amity), 92–93
- Rutter, Peter, 647n, 659n, 828
- Sahbani, Taieb, 112,144–145,147n, 150
- Salinger, Pierre, 430
- Salumu, Bernard, 5
- Samuel, A.C.L, 116
- Sandys, Duncan, 774
- Sanger, Richard H., 25, 29
- Satterthwaite, Joseph C, 15n, 25, 29
- Sauvagnargues, Jean, 186
- Scheyven, Louis, 31–32, 52–53,86–87, 218–219, 275, 351–353, 357, 427–429, 476, 857, 875
- Schlesinger, Arthur, 686, 768–769, 870
- Scott, Joseph W., 360n
- Scott, Sir Robert, 774
- Seip, Peter A., 47n, 52n, 53n
- Sendwe, Jason, 12, 58,184,189
- Senegal, 30, 32
- Senghor, Leopold, 662
- Seven Seas Transport, 112–113
- Shuckburgh, Sir Evelyn, 430
- Sisco, Joseph J., 15n, 25, 42n, 77n, 146n, 155n, 221n, 223n, 304n, 370n, 406n, 426, 488n, 500, 711n, 714n, 720n, 729n, 753n, 770n, 782n, 797n, 814n, 828, 829n, 832, 870n
- Sloan, Frank K., 641, 792–793
- Smith, Bromley K., 358n, 449n, 747, 750, 768–769
- Smith, George Ivan, 283
- Solant Amity. See U.S. Naval Task Force.
- Songolo, Alphonse, 78
- Sorensen, Theodore, 749–750, 870
- South Kasai government, 5, 7, 36n
- Soviet bloc (see also Soviet and Soviet bloc subheadings under other subjects), 27, 68–70
- Soviet Union. See Soviet bloc.
- Spaak, Paul-Henri:
- Adoula government 155n, 164–165, 476–477, 857–858
- Belgian involvement, 132–138, 141–142, 144, 146–147, 153n, 155n, 236
- Congo National Army training, 853, 875–876
- Katanga issue, 208–209, 218n, 219, 258–259, 275, 282, 289n
- Katanga reintegration, 185, 188, 276–277, 549
- economic measures, 293–294, 356, 403–405, 417n, 428, 465–466, 487, 661,664–667, 676–678
- Kitona Accord implementation, 393–394, 401–405 903
- package proposal implementation, 581–582, 664–667, 676–678, 682–690, 693–695
- UN position, 483–487
- U.S.-Belgian discussions, 508–511, 686–690
- U.S.-Belgian-British consultations, 443–444, 461n, 464–465
- U.S. military aid offer, 757–760, 770
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Springsteen, George S., Jr., 808n
- Stanley, H.S.H., 49
- Stanleyville government (see also
Gizenga, Antoine):
- Adoula-Gizenga meeting, 192–193
- African states support for (see also Casablanca powers support for below), 26
- Belgian position, 32, 86
- Casablanca powers recognition, 65
- Casablanca powers support for, 5, 7–8,10,13,143
- Congo National Army and, 12
- French position, 260
- Gizenga-Lundula conflict, 359–360
- Katanga issue, 234, 297
- Katanga neutral zone invasion, 12–13, 16,19
- Leopoldville government economic aid, 103–104,107
- Leopoldville government, military conflicts with, 1, 3,12, 56–57, 60, 6Sn, 69, 86
- political situation, 102–104
- Round Table Conferences, 107,121
- Soviet bloc support, 1, 4–5, 8–9, 11, 58–59, 103, 143
- strength of, 19, 22
- UN surveillance, 149
- U.S. policy, 103–104,107
- Stavropoulos, Constantin, 394n, 395
- Steeves, John M., 116
- Stevens (UK), 454
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 35–36, 78,123, 359, 773–774, 793n, 871
- Adoula government establishment, 36,126–127
- Congo National Army training, 853–854
- Katanga issue, 127–128, 280–282
- Katanga reintegration, 265–266, 426–427, 458–459, 483–485, 765–768
- economic measures, 426–427, 667–669
- McGhee visit, 579–580, 582–584
- new U.S. policy (Dec. 1962), 737–739, 743
- package proposal development, 493–495, 554–556
- package proposal implementation, 586–587, 599–600, 657–659, 667–669, 682–686, 689, 693–699
- UN-Katangan military conflict (Dec. 1962–Jan. 1963), 795–796
- Lumumba imprisonment/assassination, 60–63
- new U.S. policy (2962), 57–59
- UN forces, 25–26,129, 685–686, . 872–874
- UN mandate strengthening, 64, 74–76, 82–85,104–106
- UN Security Council meeting proposal, 27, 36–37,458
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 19n, 24, 97n, 121n
- Stone, Galen L., 152n, 639n
- Streator, Edward, 828
- Struelens, Michel, 165, 176,181,183, 399–402, 502–503, 642–644, 656
- Sudan, 1, 8, 25, 65, 70, 76, 869
- Sule (Nigeria), 85
- Swann, Emory C., 47n, 65n, 114n, 647n
- Sweden, 36, 841
- Sweeney, Joseph, 257n, 265n, 266n, 430
- Swihart, James W., 116,118
- Tananarive Conference, 96, 103, 106–108, 210, 333
- Tasca, Henry J., 25, 169n, 393n, 399n, 413n, 427n, 438n, 488n, 495, 512n
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 324–325, 780–782
- Thant, U, 486–487
- appointment of, 268n
- Katanga issue
- Katanga reintegration, 483–488, 493,
- economic measures, 350n, 416–417, 485–487, 667–669, 673
- new U.S. policy (Dec. 2962), 737–743
- package proposal development, 500–501, 512–513, 552n, 555–556
- package proposal implementation, 652–654,657–659, 667–669, 673, 693–695
- secession collapse, 800, 802–803, 820–822, 826–827
- UN military presence and, 390–391, 431,448, 458–459
- U.S. military aid offer, 766–768, 770
- resignation threat, 595
- UN forces withdrawal, 516, 867–870
- UN Security Council discussions, 281, 449, 487
- Thompson, John, 430
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., 99–101, 763, 871
- Thorneycroft, Peter, 774
- Tienken, Arthur T., 852n
- Timberlake, Clare H., 12–13,33–34, 87–90, 92
- Tombelaine, Michel, 182, 224
- Toumayan, Alec G., 876n
- Toure, Sekou, 20, 97
- Tribalisn, 4–5, 72
- Tron, Rene, 47n, 135n, 155n, 160n, 268n, 304n, 336n, 344n, 359n, 363n
- Truman, Lt. Gen. Louis W. (see also Katanga reintegration: UN military intervention: U.S. military mission), 765–768, 772, 784–786
- Tshombe, Moise (see also
Katanga issue; Katanga
reintegration), 5
- Adoula government, participation in, 36,165–166,180–181
- Adoula government relations, 181–183
- Belgian personnel withdrawal, 198
- detention of, 132,136,151
- Katanga reintegration, 193–196, 287–288
- Lumumba assassination, 94
- Round Table Conference, participation in, 19, 34
- Stanleyville neutral zone invasion, 16
- UN military intervention (2962), 238n, 243, 253–254
- Tshombe, Thomas, 176
- Tubby, Roger W., 186, 550–551
- Tunisia, 8, 20, 84
- Tweedy, Bronson, 734n, 845
- Tyler, William R., 158, 242n, 275n, 338n, 393n, 418n, 471–472n, 533n, 584n, 619n, 760n, 774n
- Udochi, J.M., 495
- UN forces (see also
Hammarskjold, Dag; UN subheadings under other subjects):
- additional troops, 30, 32, 43, 84–85
- Adoula government establishment and, 191–192
- Adoula government position, 428
- African states support for, 7, 28, 42
- Casablanca powers contingents, 9, 15–16, 24, 26, 30
- confederation proposals and, 10
- Congo Advisory Committee, 82–83
- contingent withdrawals, 30, 42
- Dayal replacement:
- Dayal successor, 82n, 85
- financing, 124–125
- future prospects, 10–11
- Ghanaian position, 95–96
- Indian participation, 105–109,116–118, 458–459
- Indian position, 114
- ineffectiveness of, 3, 9,13, 22, 24
- joint control proposals, 98
- Katanga (see also Katanga issue; Katanga reintegration), 12–13,16, 36,182,193n
- Leopoldville government and, 66, 87–88
- Matadi conflict, 91,106,108–109, 111–112,119–120,125–126, 128
- neutralization proposals and, 36, 40, 43
- Nigerian participation, 496–497
- reorganization, 128–129
- Soviet participation, 739–740
- Soviet position, 9, 99–100, 123
- Soviet Stanleyville airlift and, 1
- Stanleyville invasion of Katanga neutral zone and, 12–13,16
- UN mandate strengthening:
- Belgian position, 52, 86–87
- British position, 50
- French position, 70–73, 78n
- Gardiner-Nwokedi agreement, 126, 128
- Leopoldville government position, 55–57,104–106,108
- Security Council resolution (Feb. 21, 2962), 72, 74–79, 78n, 82–87, 96,104–106,108
- UN position, 43, 82–85
- U.S. position, 24,40, 43, 48, 51, 269, 272
- U.S. criticism of, 13–14
- withdrawal:
- United Arab Republic (UAR) (see also Casablanca powers), 1, 8, 63n, 72, 74–75,146, 280–281, 308
- United Kingdom (see also British, tripartite, U.S.-British, and U.S -Belgian-British subheadings under other subjects), Win, 116–118
- United Nations (see also
Adoula government: economic
aid; UN
forces; UN
subheadings under other subjects):
- General Assembly discussions, 123–125, 870–871, 873
- role expansion proposals, 24, 37–41, 44–45, 53–54, 60–61
- Security Council discussions, 268–275, 278–279, 370–372, 375–376
- Security Council meeting proposal, 27, 36–37, 53, 57n, 61–62,449, 458, 484–485, 487, 512, 508, 509
- Security Council resolution (Feb. 20–21,1961), 72, 74–79, 77–79, 82–87, 96,104–105,104–106,108, 126,128
- Soviet attacks on, 42, 96, 99–101,123
- U.S. bond issue, 412, 417, 418n
- Uppers (Belgium), 508
- Urquhart, Brian, 283
- U.S. Naval Task Force (Solant Amity), 92–93
- Van den Bosch, Jean, 23n, 293, 508
- Van der Straeten, E., 351n
- Van Roey (Belgium), 613
- Van Weyenbergh (Union Miniere), 814
- Vance, Sheldon B., 152n, 155n, 160n, 169n, 172n 176n, 178n, 184n, 216n, 220n, 221n, 223n, 227n, 232n, 238n, 242n, 248n, 255n, 260n, 261n, 288n, 304n, 306n, 320n, 336n, 338n, 340n, 346n, 348n, 354n, 380n, 399n, 418n, 421n, 423, 425, 435n, 438n, 472n, 479n, 500, 501n, 534n, 535n
- Wachtmeister (UN), 202
- Wachuku, Agnes, 495
- Wachuku, Jaja, 58, 495–497, 508–510, 516, 599, 662
- Wadsworth, James J., 16n
- Waern, Col., 196
- Wallner, Woodruff, 25, 42n, 47n, 52n, 63n, 65n, 66n, 67n, 78n, 79n, 98n, 106n, 111n, 121n, 142n, 146n, 148n, 152n, 201n, 240n, 242n, 255n, 257n, 261n, 267n, 284n, 312n, 340n, 344n, 346n, 351n, 354n, 358n, 360n, 361n, 363n, 365n, 366n, 370n, 372n, 399n, 406n, 413n, 418n, 421n, 427n, 435n, 444n, 472n, 479n, 498n, 501n, 503n, 570n, 577n, 578n, 671n, 674n, 699n, 724n, 816
- Weiner, Benjamin, 790
- Welensky, Sir Roy, 236, 258n, 349,584n, 598, 847
- Wellings, Rear Adm. J.H., 291n
- Weregemere, 189, 678–679
- West, Robert L., 342n, 845–846
- White, Ivan B., 116
- White, Lincoln, 218n
- Whitehouse, Charles S., 338n, 351n, 358n, 360n, 639n, 814n, 828, 865n
- Wieschhoff, Heinrich A., 36,110,145n, 193n, 202, 215
- Wiggin, C.D., 116
- Wigny, Pierre, 63n
- Williams, G. Mennen, 25, 28,42n, 47n, 63n, 111n, 121n, 142n, 148n, 238n, 261n, 312n, 320n, 322n, 327n, 340n, 342n, 358n, 359n, 360n, 365n, 366n, 399n, 418n, 459n, 472n, 479n, 525n, 556n, 558n, 561n, 570n, 577n, 578n, 597n, 640n, 644n, 671n, 674n, 711n, 714n, 720n, 723n, 724n, 725n, 752n, 755n, 770n, 782n, 793n, 797n, 809n, 814n, 815n, 816n, 829n, 858n, 881n
- Adoula government, 374, 779–780, 845–846, 865–866
- Adoula government establishment, 160–161
- Africa consultations, 507–511
- Congo National Army training, 858–859
- Katanga reintegration, 265, 440–442, 476–478
- Leopoldville-Stanleyville military conflict, 60
- Tshombe U.S. visit, 380–381
- UN forces withdrawal, 866–868
- Williams, Haydn, 361n
- Wilson, Thomas W., 535n
- Winckler, Jean-Claude, 519
- Woodruff, Arthur, 25, 77n, 121n, 142n, 146n, 152n, 155n, 201n, 240n, 242n, 248n, 257n, 261n, 284n, 344n
- World Health Organization (WHO), 151
- Yost, Charles W., 29,68–69,192, 300n, 449, 773–774
- Youlou, Abbe Fulbert, 187,194
- Yugoslavia, Tin, 63n
- Zorin, Valerian A., 279–282
- Zulueta, Philip de, 430, 760