294. Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State1

Secto 3. Eyes only for Ambassadors. Re Congo. In useful conversation with Secretary (in part), Stevenson, McGhee and Yost,2 Spaak endorsed fully and enthusiastically McGhee trip to Congo after latter explained its purpose. Principal points of significance which Spaak made include:

Believes Adoula has acted badly on Constitution, that he must be convinced to make it available to Tshombe, and to seek latter’s views.
Agreed carrot and stick approach to Tshombe desirable, but is convinced that only thing which will make impression on Tshombe is if he understands clearly US resolve to take whatever steps necessary in event Tshombe is intransigent. He has made this point to Tshombe frequently and urged McGhee tell Tshombe at appropriate time this is his last chance. Also Spaak says he has told Tshombe US cannot accept situation where UN fails since this would weaken organization. Believes this argument re US resolve is one which convinced Tshombe to accept UN reconciliation plan.
While recognizing he would have to convince Cabinet and Belgian people and there are risks that force might become involved, Spaak would be willing, if negotiations failed, have his govt persuade UMHK to close down its plants in Katanga, provided this was in response to an appeal from Adoula, supported by a similar appeal from SYG. Such procedure, according to Spaak, would put him in good legal position to persuade UMHK as a business enterprise to stop activities contrary to wishes and laws of central govt. Spaak felt UMHK could not take initiative in this regard but would respond favorably to such an appeal. Spaak told McGhee he could inform Tshombe that Belgians would find it hard not to respond affirmatively to such an appeal from the central govt and UN.
Did not believe there was much hope UK changing its position on Congo matters, but agreed to McGhee’s suggestion that Spaak urge Home to put stop to public statements by UK indicating it disagrees with sanctions since such statements strengthen Tshombe’s hands.
Spaak urged that we hold tight reins on any additional money for Adoula as means making him more cooperative, particularly on Constitution.
He confirmed their information indicates many French mercenaries from Algeria ready go to Katanga. This, according to Spaak, based on report from Belgian Consul.

Throughout conversation Spaak appeared quite full of resolve and saw only much more dire consequences if reconciliation failed and Congo matters thrust into Security Council or General Assembly.

McGhee explained his trip to Spaak in context of supplementing UN effort to do what we can to bring about agreement within framework UN reconciliation plan, and to bring to Tshombe thinking of USG at high level, including our strong desire achieve agreement. McGhee said he hoped to tell Tshombe that we want to see him treated fairly and to urge him come to agreement, while keeping in background question of more forceful measures. At same time important Tshombe not believe we had weakened in our resolve. We want also be sure that all possibilities for peaceful settlement are exhausted. Both Stevenson and McGhee stressed that if reconciliation fails, would be most serious for UN and likelihood civil war could ensue.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/9–2462. Confidential. Repeated to Brussels, London, Paris, and Léopoldville.
  2. The conversation, which took place at 3:45 p.m., is recorded in a summary of conversation by Sisco. (Ibid., Conference Files: Lot 65 D 533, CF 2153)