135. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France1

2563. Following based on uncleared memcon.2

French Ambassador called on Under Secretary Ball this afternoon concerning situation in Congo. After mentioning the representations recently made by the French in Léopoldville and Elisabethville he expressed the concern of his Government about situation in Stanleyville and wondered if USG would consider an approach to UN to take action in Stanleyville. He admitted that French were not in very good position make such approach. In response Mr. Ball said we considered French demarches helpful, that we did not believe any approach to UN would be useful at this time. Mr. Ball said that by staying in Stanleyville Gizenga was weakening his position and preparing the way for his removal as Vice Premier. He also indicated that we consider Lundula reasonably loyal to the Léopoldville Government and did not take very seriously the movement of his forces southward, particularly as the UN was deployed between the two forces in the Kasai. Ambassador was also informed US had no evidence substantial buildup foreign influence in Stanleyville as yet. Mr. Ball indicated that if we could stop the provocative air raids and cut off the flow of money to Tshombe so that he would be more disposed to talk and at the same time persuade Adoula to negotiate with Tshombe, the situation might be cleared up.

Ambassador also expressed concern re Gizenga clique around Adoula. Mr. Ball stated Adoula not now in position eliminate this group and must use them to weaken Gizenga’s position. Mr. Ball concluded that although there is some risk involved in Adoula’s method dealing with situation Stanleyville, we believed this the best approach available to us now.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/11–361. Confidential. Drafted and approved by Blue and cleared by Vance and Cleveland. Repeated to Brussels, Léopoldville, Elisabethville, and USUN.
  2. Drafted by Blue and dated November 2. (Ibid., 770G.00/11–261)