86. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Afghanistan0
247. Re Kabul’s 436.1 Dept disappointed turn events but does not wish lose this opportunity for first break in impasse. Concur your redraft para one in order take care of first three objections of RGA. With respect fourth objection you should state following to Naim:
By being explicit on our qualifications we are not motivated by desire exert pressure on RGA. On the contrary, US efforts have been directed towards ameliorating situation for RGA. However, since exchange of Notes constitutes formal agreement, Dept must not make commitment which in fact it may not be able fulfill. For example, if Iranian route were to prove impracticable for sustained heavy truck traffic, USG would not wish to be accused of bad faith. Furthermore Dept must consider Congressional reaction to unqualified commitment. Talbot made above points Jan. 4 to Amb. Maiwandwal who presumably will cable FonMin. We are willing compromise and delete “as far as practical and financially feasible” but must include qualifications in next sentence in order cover ourselves legally and with Congress.
However Dept has concluded it could not agree publication our Note along with RGA Note unless second para latter revised to delete “illegal” and to substitute “Karachi, Peshawar, Chaman and Quetta” for “Pakistan and …”
Dept understands reasons for RGA desire make public explanation its decision. Since differences over language of Notes could cause lengthy wrangle, Dept suggests press statement be issued by RGA in lieu of RGA and proposed US Note which would remain as confidential exchange. If press release issued by RGA, and US not associated with it, Dept would be more relaxed on language concerning Iranian route since US not bound by RGA statement.
Suggested draft follows.
“In recent discussions between the Royal Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador Byroade, the American Ambassador reaffirmed the desire of the USG to continue its aid programs in Afghanistan. The Royal Afghan Government is prepared to make arrangements for the movement of all US aid goods under the title of the USG or American or foreign contractors which have been consigned to Afghanistan [Page 178] through the port of Karachi and have been held up since the break in diplomatic relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan on September 6, 1961. The USG agrees to utilize its facilities to complete the movement of these goods. The US stated that it is willing to utilize temporarily the transit route running through Iran.
“The RGA wishes to emphasize that this temporary agreement in no way prejudices the RGA position that it has an inherent right to free access to the sea through Pakistan.”
You may draw on additional following points as appropriate:
- I.
- US is confident Pakistan will cooperate in these arrangements to move goods into Afghanistan.
- II.
- US does not anticipate that GOP will make use this agreement for adverse propaganda purposes, but, if RGA wishes, US prepared inform GOP we would look with disfavor on any attempt use agreement to which we are a party for propaganda purposes.
- III.
- US wishes remind RGA that Merchant’s terms of reference still apply US offer good offices—i.e. offer confined to helping both sides seek ways resolving transit impasse without reference to any political disputes involved. We believe Afghan Note contains unnecessary references to political matters and, if made public, might cause Pakistan adopt uncooperative attitude.2
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 689.90D/1-362. Secret; Niact. Drafted in SOA by Gatch, Naas, and Metcalf; cleared by Gaud; and approved by Talbot. Repeated to Karachi and Tehran.↩
- Document 85.↩
- In telegram 444 from Kabul, Byroade reported that he had met with Naim and had carried out the instructions outlined in telegram 247 to Kabul. Naim agreed to put the Department’s revised proposal before the Afghan Cabinet, but indicated that he felt there was little prospect that it would be accepted. (Department of State, Central Files, 689.90D/1-862)↩