78. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State0
1518. Department telegram 1174.1 At lunch which I gave Ambassador Drozniak’s honor March 30 he described his call on Representative Mills in approximately same terms as outlined memcon his conversation Under Secretary Ball February 25.2 Said Mills told him he would support return MFN treatment to Poland and that his previous objection had been based primarily on Department’s granting MFN without proper legislative authority. Assume Department has checked Drozniak’s story with Mills. Would be interested hearing if Mills change of heart is as real as Drozniak appears to believe. Drozniak also told me his meeting two weeks ago with Gomulka, with whom he claims close association dating from war years, lasted three hours. Said believed Gomulka now has better understanding of strength of Congress in foreign policy formation.
3 In telegram 1199 to Warsaw, April 4, the Department of State reported that Mills had informed the White House that he would not actively oppose changes in MFN status of Poland and Yugoslavia. (Ibid.)