114. Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State0

2054. From Stoessel. General Norstad has asked me to report that in a number of contacts he has had with Europeans since his return from Washington October 4, they have taken initiative in raising with him their concern about seriousness of U.S. in its intention defend Europe if necessary with nuclear weapons. One of recurring points which is noted by Europeans as reason for their concern in this connection is continued emphasis which U.S. continues to place on build up of conventional forces.

[1 paragraph (10 lines of source text) not declassified]

General Norstad comments that he feels most of the representatives who have raised the question with him would be pleased to see conventional build up and are convinced of necessity to maintain balance in conventional and nuclear capabilities. However, they seem to feel that U.S. is overemphasizing one aspect of NATO forces and this is cause of concern to them.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 375/10–1661. Secret; Limit Distribution.