143. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Colombia1

604. President Kennedy talked briefly with President Lleras Camargo this morning with regard to possibility of Colombia cooperating with US in reaching agreement on Cuban exclusion from OAS. The President felt somewhat constrained in view open telephone circuit and requests you present following message to President Lleras soonest:

[Page 306]

“In confirmation and amplification of our telephone conversation this morning I wish to emphasize what we firmly believe to be importance of reaching conference decision which will have broadest possible support.

Current situation at Punta del Este Conference is that we have only thirteen sure votes for exclusion Cuba from OAS and feel that if we do not reach as near unanimity as possible result will be victory for Castro and weakening of inter-American system.

We believe possible develop formula which moves toward exclusion of Cuba by subsequent action of Council and possibly Inter-American Conference and which will meet views Argentina Chile Brazil Mexico.

We recognize and greatly value energy and firmness Colombian stand throughout Conference but realize danger of grave split in OAS system if we insist on full exclusion Cuba now. Your FonMin is key man and we are disturbed by prospect of disagreement with him. That is why I have asked for your help in obtaining his cooperation work closely with Rusk in favor of compromise which can attract widest support. Unless we reach some such agreement I fear inter-American system will suffer serious blow and Alliance for Progress will be set back.

I feel an agreement on incompatibility of Cuba with principles of OAS, exclusion of Cuba from Inter-American Defense Board and establishment special watch dog committee plus agreement in principle appropriate steps to be taken to exclude Cuba from OAS would add up to successful conference.

As I said on the telephone I am most grateful for your willingness to help me in this matter and feel confident that your representative and mine working together can assure a highly successful result. John F. Kennedy2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 371.8/1-3062. Confidential; Niact. Drafted by Cates, cleared by McGeorge Bundy and Brubeck, and approved by Ball. Repeated to Punta del Este.
  2. Telegram 546 from Bogota, January 31, reported that Lleras had telephoned Caicedo, who told him that Uruguay had now accepted the Colombian/Central American resolution with a minor modification, making 14 votes, and that Argentina and Chile had decided to abstain. (Ibid., 721.00/1-3162)