139. Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State1

Secto 23. Daily Summary Telegram. At first meeting General Committee Venezuelan Foreign Minister Falcon Briceno and Costa Rican Foreign Minister Vargas Fernandez elected chairman and rapporteur respectively.

Colombia, Mexico and Guatemala spoke during morning session and Chile, Bolivia and Brazil in afternoon.

Colombian Foreign Minister gave carefully reasoned speech explaining juridical basis Colombian initiative for MFM under Article 6 Rio Treaty. He traced development inter-American collective system indicating application this system is not intervention and failure could lead to unilateral action. He called for break diplomatic, economic and consular relations with Cuba, COAS maintaining vigilance over situation [Page 300] and prompt handling of problem incompatibility Cuba’s continued participation OAS.

Mexican Foreign Minister Tello repeated familiar juridical arguments Rio Treaty not applicable this type situation but closed with strong statement asserting incompatibility between a government’s adopting Marxism-Leninism and continued participation in OAS. He said membership in OAS irreconcilable with adoption governmental system characteristics of which not those representative democracy.

Guatemalan Foreign Minister Unda Murillo made sharp and at times telling attack on Castro regime for its association with Sino-Soviet bloc, promotion subversive activities and violation human rights. Effectiveness of speech blunted by length and repetitiveness.

Chilean Foreign Minister Martinez Sotomayor concentrated on general review inter-American principles and need for strengthening inter-American system by overcoming threat of misery and under-development in Latin American countries; said we should focus on preserving unity and strengthening of inter-American system; recognized that Cuba by adopting Marxism-Leninism has separated itself from inter-American system but thought sanctions were not answer to making Castro regime change policies; said political sanctions should not be applied this problem and economic sanctions not effective in view Cuban trade pattern with Sino-Soviet bloc aid certain western nations.

Bolivian Foreign Minister Fellman traced history Bolivian Revolution and described internal matters of interest to Bolivia, such as commodity prices, economic development assistance and access to sea. He stressed principles self-determination and non-intervention arguing meeting should not take punitive action, but urge governments organize themselves on basis free elections and representative democracy.

Burden long speech by Brazilian Foreign Minister Dantas was that door should be left open for Cuba return to American family of nations instead of adopting measures which would only serve to push it irrevo-cably into Sino-Soviet bloc. He described Brazil’s formula for “neutralization” of Cuba through set of negative conditions that would govern future relations between Cuba and inter-American system.

Secretary met at midday with Argentine and Chilean Foreign Ministers who brought memorandum said to represent views themselves and five others (Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Haiti and Mexico). Memorandum contemplates resolution which after restatement certain principles focuses on incompatibility between present Cuban regime and inter-American system and prescribes means for regulating resulting relationship, with implication this might require amendment OAS Charter. Additional items on inter-American defense board and traffic in arms not spelled out. Memorandum asserts above would offer “adequate” [Page 301] basis MFM action, and insisted no sanctions should be approved either now or after fixed period.

In response Foreign Minister Carcano’s question whether US would support resolution on above basis, Secretary stated while he felt it offers certain possibilities, it did not meet minimum requirements in at least two important respects: (a) absence obligatory diplomatic and economic break or an alternative such as expulsion Cuba from system, and (b) a formula on suspension economic relations in manner this done Dominican Republic. Secretary said that he believed time had come endeavor bring together governments favoring firmest action and those supporting above formula in order start building bridge of agreement instead of walls between two groups OAS members. Carcano and Martinez agreed this would be good idea and said that after checking with other members their group steps would be taken create informal working group with representatives Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Venezuela, US and one from Central American and Panama group. By arrangement with Uruguayan chairman of meeting, such group being formed and US delegation planning provide it with draft forwarded Department (Secto 18).2

Above may be used in Congressional briefings as required and appropriate.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 371.04/1-2562. Confidential. Repeated to Bogotá, Mexico City, Guatemala City, Santiago, La Paz, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Caracas, and USUN.
  2. Secto 18, January 24, called for excluding Cuba from participation in the bodies of the Inter-American system, excluding it from the Inter-American Defense Board, and partial interruption of economic relations of all member states with Cuba, beginning with the immediate suspension of trade in arms and implements of war. (Ibid., 371.04/1-2462)