111. Telegram From the Embassy in Colombia to the Department of State1
518. Embtel 506.2 Foreign Minister visited me last evening to deliver promised memorandum on Cuban situation. Free translation follows:
“In present circumstances Colombia considers it indispensable consolidate inter-American system and make it operative rather than permit it weakened or refuse its responsibilities. If system’s unity preserved and efficacy stimulated, American States can avert risks Cold War and prevent Communism’s advance, penetration and infiltration in rest of hemisphere.
Within criteria making system operative it is indispensable modify impression produced among LA people and governments by abortive [Page 252] Cuban invasion and by publicity giving details its preparation, organization and development. Independently of whatever act Cuba may commit in future, such as attacking American nation or intervening in internal affairs to foment revolts, which would permit rapid collective action within terms Rio Pact, Colombia conceives a procedure which would be as follows:
Convoke soonest IA-ECOSOC with object defining extent new programs and placing them in operation. Perhaps would be convenient for Foreign Ministers as well as Ministers Economy attend this meeting order enhance its political importance, reinforce contacts among themselves and commit their governments even more to execution plans for reform and social welfare. Meeting would be called to create Mistica of revitalization and progress which would permit governments obtain generous response their people for better fulfillment their national and international obligations.
Beginning now careful preparations could be initiated for FM meeting acting as organ consultation so that, soon as very bad impression caused by frustrated invasion dissipated, meeting could be convoked examine evident threats to peace deriving from present situation and to indicate measures which should be taken in face specified foreseeable acts aggression by Cuba or through her intervention against integrity and autonomy American States.
As inter-American system runs risk collapse if it proven inefficient this case or if limits itself to making non-obligatory recommendations it should not choose easy road of FM meeting under act 39 of Charter nor for meeting OAS Council which due limited competence might result in debate on procedure.
Meeting organ consultation should not take measures authorized by Rio Pact as sanctions against Cuba for events that have occurred up to now. Emphasis would be on threat American security rising from possible action of country placed within Soviet orbit. In consequence recognition these threats, organ consultation could specify various types of typical cases aggression against continental security; for example, establishment of Sino-Soviet military bases on American territory; acquisition nuclear arms; sending arms to any American country; intervention to promote subversion in another American state; aid to subversive movements against legitimate governments. In this way acts of legitimate self defense by one or various countries would be authorized in such cases and a vigilance committee could be created to denounce any activity preparatory to any of those acts defined as aggression.
Earlier or simultaneously aforementioned determinations, organ consultation should reaffirm solidarity inter-American system and its essential principles. Should declare that any country which does not submit itself to existing treaty and agreement obligations could not claim [Page 253] rights or prerogatives which system extends to those who live within it in good faith. Cuba should be invited abandon any military or political alliance with Sino-Soviet nations and to submit itself to system’s discipline. In improbable case Cuba should accept invitation ad hoc committee created San Jose could function. If rejects invitation its attitude would serve persuade all sectors opinion of undisguised political ties between Cuba and Communist Powers.
Would not be difficult for American states reach agreement re what acts would characterize aggression in future given present conditions in hemisphere. Would be little less than impossible agree on what acts were aggression in past.
Colombia is optimistic on prospects for policy to correct common faults and error. There is no American state that has not committed them. But it is not too late to correct them nor to adopt line of conduct wedded to principles that have made OAS admirable experiment.
Ministry has given precise instructions its Ambassadors to OAS and White House order that they may have complete information re manner which Colombia conceives of how these ideas should be developed. They have authorization to deliver copy of these instructions to State Department if it so desires.” End Verbatim Text.
After reading document Turbay urged me to transmit it in toto rather than to attempt summary. He said Salaxar Santos returning Washington Sunday night with copy memo and detailed instructions for Ambassadors Santamaria and Xuleta Angel to carry forward further consultations with Department. He appeared very anxious obtain our reactions but I begged off commenting until I had had time study document and of obtaining Department’s reactions except to say I believed no added evidences of Cuban alliance with Soviet Bloc needed for OAS to tackle problem. Turbay emphasized that Santamaria authorized show Department his detailed instructions.
This GOC memo obviously prepared with full concurrence President Lleras. As matter of fact Turbay was on phone with him reading text memo when I entered his office.
Spanish text will reach Department by pouch Tuesday night.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 737.00/5-661. Confidential; Priority.↩
- Telegram 506, April 27, reported that Foreign Minister Julio Cesar Turbay had informed the Ambassador that he would soon receive a memorandum with the Colombian Government’s analysis of the Cuban situation and possible OAS action as mentioned in circular telegram 1661; see Document 109. (Department of State, Central Files, 737.00/4-2761)↩